Chapter 1479
"Didn't say anything." You Juanjuan said sullenly, "She just came to ask about my situation, and then left without even mentioning you. But I guess she has something to do with you. I know , She doesn't mention you, she simply looks down on me, thinks I'm not good enough for you, and it's impossible for you to look down on me."

Su Yi was thoughtful, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's really her style..."

"Just because of this, you think I can't do it?" You Juanjuan asked unwillingly, "I didn't tell you, but it doesn't mean I will keep it from you."

"It's not because of this," Su Yi smiled: "Why did you take me around the nearby alley, don't I need to say?"

You Juanjuan fell silent.

Su Yi said: "That's fine, if you walk around like this, at least I can protect you for a while in my name. This is a good thing."

"I'm sorry, I..." You Juanjuan was about to apologize with panic on her face.

But Su Yi waved his hand: "If I don't want to, I won't go with you. There's no need to apologize. If it's a thank you, I can accept it."

"Thank you, thank you very much!" You Juanjuan hurriedly said, "I know it's not good, but someone tried to test me and wanted to see if you really have something to do with me. I, I'm afraid, Don't worry, I will never use your reputation to do bad things, I don't have the guts, and I'm not that kind of person."

"I'm just afraid of my younger brother. He's too impulsive and won't move because I fight with others. I'm afraid that one day I will really hurt him..."

Su Yi said: "Meeting is fate, if you can really use my name to do something, I admire you."

After a pause, he smiled and said, "Let's do it like this. It's getting late, you can go back, and we will see you later."

You Juanjuan looked at Su Yi and said, "Comrade Yuanchao, I really think you are very good, but unfortunately you don't like me. Even if I can't be a lover, I still hope to be your friend. I wonder if I have this honor?"

Su Yi smiled: "Okay."

He rode his bicycle away and waved his hands without looking back.

You Juanjuan stood where she was and watched Su Yi disappear, still unwilling to leave for a long time.

After a while, a young man who looked somewhat similar to her walked over looking around.

"What about the others?" the young man asked.

"Let's go." You Juanjuan said.

"Is it done?" the young man asked nervously and expectantly.

You Juanjuan shook her head, sighed and said, "Actually, when I saw that female reporter at noon, I already knew that this matter would not work. They are people from the same world, so what am I?"

"Bah, he blinded his dog eyes!" The young man said angrily, "That's because he doesn't know how good you are! Sis, it's because he is blind, and he doesn't know gold and jade. good!"

This young man is You Juanjuan's younger brother, You Xiaoyong.

You Juanjuan said: "It would be great if he really became your brother-in-law? No one will dare to bully us anymore."

You Xiaoyong gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, sister, with me around, no one can bully you!"

After You Juanjuan remained silent for a while, she suddenly said: "Tomorrow, you go to see the big scar, he extorted ten yuan from you for medical expenses, you ask him to come back."

You Xiaoyong was stunned for a moment, and asked in doubt: "Are you okay, sister? How is this possible? Don't forget that we still owe him ten yuan."

"The ten yuan will not be given, and you will return the IOU you issued at the beginning." You Juanjuan said, "You just say, pay back the money if you are sensible, if you don't will be at your own risk."

You Xiaoyong reached out to touch You Juanjuan's forehead.

You Juanjuan knocked off his hand, stared at him and said, "Today I went around with Su Yuanchao, and many people saw me with him, including Da Scar!"

"At the beginning, because you slapped my brother-in-law with a big scar, he bullied us and robbed us of money. They all knew about it. Tell me, if I really have a deal with Su Yuanchao, can we not avenge this revenge? ?"

"If it really happens, I will definitely slap him ten more times!" You Xiaoyong said.

"Everyone knows that you have revenge." You Juanjuan said, "If you don't take revenge, there is only one reason, and that is that I failed with Su Yuanchao. If Blade knew that I failed with Su Yuanchao... ..."

"I understand, sister!" You Xiaoyong suddenly realized, "You want to pretend to be with Su Yuanchao, so that those grandchildren will not dare to think of you again. But will it work? If it is fake, it won't be true, you and Su Yuanchao Yuan Chao is not married, won't this be revealed sooner or later?"

"You don't need to worry about it, my sister has figured out how to make it happen." You Juanjuan said.

"Then what if Su Yuanchao finds out, let's take his name..." You Xiaoyong worried.

"Sister knows it well." You Juanjuan looked at You Xiaoyong, "Xiaoyong, tomorrow you will go to find Da Scar, remember, you will be Su Yuanchao and me, he is already your brother-in-law , go find him with this confidence!"

You Xiaoyong nodded thoughtfully.

On the other side, Su Yi rode his bicycle all the way home, and as soon as he reached the entrance of the alley, he saw two familiar figures coming out of the alley, one of whom was still pushing a bicycle.

He stops his bike.One of them happily greeted him and said: "Yanchao, what a coincidence, I was looking for you and you were not here. I was just about to go back. It happened that I met Yushui. We just talked here for a while. I didn't expect you to come back just now." gone."

"Sister Lan." Su Yi greeted Li Lan with a smile, then looked at He Yushui, smiled and nodded.

He Yushui was pushing the bicycle, seeing Su Yi was a little embarrassed to greet him, he forced a smile and nodded.

"Sister Nalan, you talk, I'll go first." He Yushui said.

"It's raining, so slow down." Li Lan waved to her.

Just as He Yushui was about to leave, he hesitated and said to Su Yi in a low voice: "Brother Yuanchao, my brother said that if you hadn't helped him, he would be in trouble. I thank you for him."

Su Yi nodded and said lightly: "Okay."

"Then you guys talk." He Yushui contributed a little malice to Su Yi, got on his bicycle and left.

Li Lan approached Su Yi and said, "This girl doesn't have a good impression of you. We were chatting just now, and she said her fiancé said that you eat people and don't spit out bones."

Su Yi smiled: "Many people don't have a good impression of me, she is just one of them."

Li Lan said: "It's really easy to think about."

"Is there anything Sister Lan wants from me?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"I can't come to you if I have nothing to do?" Li Lan joked, "Don't forget that you are still my cousin."

"Don't I also call you sister?" Su Yi said with a smile, "You can't pick on me."

"How dare I pick on you?" Li Lan said, "It's not bad to give you a gift."

"Yo, then I have to keep it, I can't live up to your good intentions." Su Yi said.

"Okay, let's tell you the business." Li Lan smiled, "Why didn't you tell me about such a big deal as building a house? If Kong Ermin hadn't told me about it, I wouldn't even know about it."

"What? Do you want to move bricks for me, or plaster?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"If you can't do the work, can't you help with other things?" Li Lanbai glanced at him, "Let me tell you, there are a lot of things piled up in the warehouse in the backyard of our unit, all of which are good things used by foreigners, and there must be some of them that you can help." It’s useful. Come to me when you’re free, and I’ll take you to have a look.”

"I don't dare to say that I take it for nothing, but it's okay to buy half and give half away." Li Lan looked at Su Yi with a smile, "How is it? Is my cousin interesting enough?"

Su Yi gave a thumbs up: "Sister Lan, it's so interesting!"

"Then the meal you promised me earlier still counts?" Li Lan asked with a smile,

"Forget it, why don't you count it?" Su Yi said, "So, at noon the day after tomorrow, I'll treat you to dinner, and after dinner, I'll go to the warehouse with you to pick things up, how about it?"

"That's it." Li Lan said with a smile, giving Su Yi a wave of joy.

In fact, she came today to ease the relationship with Su Yi and resolve the grudge that had arisen from the incident with Wang Cheng.

After what happened last time, Li Lan realized that Su Yi's "cousin" was by no means simple, but a "powerful person" with great energy.

She regretted not being on Su Yi's side when Su Yi was in conflict with Wang Cheng before. She also mentioned this matter to her father, and her father's opinion is that it is best to have a good relationship with people like Su Yi. .

As for Wang Cheng...

The Wang family has no future to speak of, and her father no longer contacts them.

Li Lan was quite satisfied with today's result, and planned to strike while the iron was hot, and then chat with Su Yi to deepen the relationship, but at this moment, a group of people ran out from the depths of the alley, shouting anxiously while running .

"Great man! Where are you, great man?"

"Jia Jiong! Where is Jia Jiong?"

"This child, alas, is really ignorant..."

When he got closer, Su Yi realized that the three uncles in the group were there, as well as Qin Huairu, Jia Zhang, and several neighbors in the courtyard.

This group of people soon also found Su Yi.

"Isn't this helping the DPRK? Aiding the DPRK!" The third master waved to Su Yi from a distance.

"Yanchao!" Qin Huairu ran over crying, grabbed Su Yi's hand and cried, "Yanchao, Bang Geng Er, Bang Geng'er is gone, he ran away from home, woo woo woo can this be done..."

Su Yi was stunned for a moment.

Jia Geng ran away from home?

Where is this sung again?
"Don't worry about Sister Qin, tell me what's going on slowly?" Su Yi asked, patting her arm.

In fact, Su Yi didn't want to care about this nonsense, but in front of so many people, Qin Huairu asked himself, how could he not be indifferent or cold-blooded.

No matter how chic a person is, he can't do whatever he wants.It is absolutely impossible for a person who really disregards any views of the world and only lets his own temperament be unrestrained can gain a foothold in this society.

Qin Huairu cried into tears, out of breath holding Su Yi's arm.

On the one hand, the elder Yi Zhonghai said in a deep voice: "Didn't Banggen be expelled from their school? Qin Huairu wanted Banggen to study in the countryside, but Banggen didn't want to. No, he left a note and left early in the morning. .”

"Your Aunt Jia is also illiterate, so she didn't care when she thought that the stick was finished, and even threw the note away. When Qin Huairu came back at night, she also thought that the stick was playful. But that's all. Before they came back, the two adults found out that something was wrong, and then took out the note that Aunt Jia threw away, and then realized that the child ran away from home because he didn't want to go to school in the countryside."

After Yi Zhonghai finished speaking, Liu Haizhong clapped his hands and sighed: "This child is too ignorant. If I put it on our children, I can't beat them to death! Alas, you guys are too spoiled with children!"

"It's useless to talk about it now. The most urgent thing is to quickly find out where the child is." The third master looked at Su Yi, "Yanchao, we plan to go out and look for it separately, can you come with me? It's more convenient if you have a bicycle."

But Su Yi looked at Jia Zhang: "Aunt Jia, did you leave in the morning? You didn't see him at noon?"

"That's right, I didn't come back to eat at noon, and I went out to look for it, but I didn't find anyone there." Jia Zhang sighed, "What should I do, I'm so anxious."

Even without the whispered words that the third mother said to Su Yi at noon, Jia Zhang's reaction at this time was too strange.

She has always regarded the stick as her lifeblood, and she is very precious.If the stick is really lost, she will definitely be more emotionally broken than Qin Huairu at the moment.

But now, Su Yi saw at a glance that the anxiety on the old lady's face was all fake.

Plus what the third mother told Su Yi at noon...

When the two are combined, the trickiness of this matter is immediately revealed.

"Aren't you right, Aunt Jia?" Su Yi looked at Mrs. Jia and Zhang, "Aren't you still eating noodles with fried sauce at noon?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

"Maliciousness from Jia Zhang's +109..."

"Nothing!" The next moment, Jia Zhang cried out as if his tail had been stepped on, "Su Yuanchao, stop talking nonsense to you, you must be mistaken!"

"That should be my mistake." Su Yi said with a smile, he turned to look at Li Lan, "Sister Lan, get in the car, I'll take you home."

If Banggen really ran away from home, Su Yi would have to follow him to find him if he didn't want to.

but now……

Rather than being fooled by the old lady Jia Zhang to find the stick that she probably hid somewhere, Su Yi might as well send Li Lan home.

Li Lan is also a good person. Although he was a little confused, he knew that it was best to listen to Su Yi at this time, so he sat on the back seat of the bicycle without saying a word.Su Yi didn't talk nonsense, stepped on the bicycle and kicked off, and the two of them rode away immediately.

"Hey - why did you run away?" The second uncle, Liu Haizhong, still hadn't reacted.

But the others basically understood the trickiness of this matter at this time.

Yi Zhonghai frowned and looked at Jia Zhang without saying a word.

Qin Huairu looked at Jia Zhang in disbelief: "Mom, is what Yuanchao said true?"

"He got it wrong!" Jia Zhang still didn't admit it, "He himself admitted that he got it wrong, didn't you all hear that?"

Qin Huairu stared into her eyes, and said word by word: "The only fried noodles that Banggan has eaten outside is the one in Mao'er Hutong... I know where the old boss of the noodle stall lives. Mom, you read that right, let's go and ask."

"Now I'm going to find Banggener, why are you looking for him!" Jia Zhang suddenly raised her voice, "Qin Huairu, are you crazy? What do you mean? Can I still lie to you?"

 Here it comes... I have something to do during the day tomorrow, and the update may not be when, everyone, don't wait, I will code as soon as I have time.

(End of this chapter)

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