Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1480 Receipt

"Mom, you lied to me or not, I know best in my heart!"

Seeing that Mrs. Jia Zhang was still trying to argue, Qin Huairu waved his hands with a tired face: "Stop talking, it's because I care about it and make chaos. No matter how messed up the stick is, it is impossible for him to do such a thing as running away from home. He dare not , unless someone backs him up..."

"Old sister-in-law, is what Huairu said true?" Liu Haizhong asked.

"Nonsense!" Jia Zhang said with a dark face, "Qin Huairu, don't fart with your eyes closed—bullshit! What do you mean by that? What evidence do you have for saying that?"

"I don't have any evidence, even if I have, I don't want to tell you." Qin Huairu smiled tiredly, "Mom, you go and bring stick back, I won't let you take him to the countryside."

"Where should I take it?" Jia Zhang's expression changed, but his mouth was still stiff. "I really don't know where the stick is."

Qin Huairu said: "It's getting dark. Mom, if you can go home for an hour, I won't mention going to the country again. But if you don't come back for an hour..."

She originally had a calm tone and expressionless face, but she suddenly paused when she said this, and then cried out in a crying voice: "Then I will not do anything tomorrow, and I will personally send you and Banggan to the countryside. Don’t think about it, just try it if you don’t believe me!”

Qin Huairu's sudden eruption startled everyone, before everyone could react, Qin Huairu was crying, wiping her tears and hurried back.

After a long time, Jia Zhang said, "What are you shouting for? There is no reason to speak loudly, right... This child is getting better and better."

"Aunt Jia, what do you say now?" Yi Zhonghai said coldly with a sullen face.

His face was scratched by Jia Zhang. Although he didn't pursue this matter anymore, he didn't look good towards Jia Zhang at all.

"I'll look for it again, so... I won't bother you, you go back, go back, ah!" Jia Zhang smiled awkwardly and waved her hands, then turned and walked away.

"What's this called?" Liu Haizhong said displeased, "Isn't this just a joke? Tell me!"

"In our yard, Qinhuairu's family has the most messes!" Yan Fugui laughed mockingly, "There are many gossips in front of the widow's house, and this old saying makes sense."

"Who says it's not?" Liu Haizhong said, "Old Yi, from now on, you shouldn't take care of Qin Huairu's family. If you want me to say that you shouldn't even talk to them, look at that shrew Jia Zhang's face Scratch it, if you let me go, I won't be used to her."

"They're all neighbors in the same courtyard. You don't see them when you look up." Yi Zhonghai said, "It's inevitable that the mouth and teeth bump into each other. If there is any conflict, let it pass if you can. I'm an old man. , you can't care about her like a woman, can you? We still have to look forward to everything."

Liu Haizhong gave a thumbs up, half a smile: "Either you say you are a grandpa, and this level of thinking is high."

"Go back." Yi Zhonghai shook his head, turned and walked back, and Liu Haizhong followed.

Yan Fugui looked back at the direction where Jia Zhang disappeared, hehe smiled and muttered: "Yanchao, Yuanchao, or you are still too young. If you talk about this, you will offend others, and you will pretend to be around." Huang help you to find it, don't you just pass by? Why do you have to tear it apart? Oh, young man..."

He was a little proud, feeling that both he and Su Yuanchao were the ones who were aware of this tricky matter, but compared with him, his attitude towards this matter was superior to his own.

Su Yi will definitely not agree with Yan Fugui's idea. He has just established his prestige now. Offending Jia Zhang to this extent is at most dissatisfied. Also offended.

But pretending to be confused and helping to find the stick, he would be very upset if he was asked to do this.

Su Yi didn't want to make himself unhappy.

It was also appropriate to send Li Lan home at night, after all, the road was not safe.

After Su Yi returned home, the lights were on, and there was almost no one in the courtyard.

The reason why I say basic is because Su Yi saw someone wandering around his door.

"Da Mao?" Su Yi parked the car beside the door wall, "You don't sleep in the middle of the night, why are you wandering around here?"

"Waiting for you." Xu Damao said with a smile, "I've been waiting for you for a long time! The second uncle said that you went out to give someone away, and I thought you would definitely come back after sending someone off."

"What do you want me to do?" Su Yi asked.

"Hey, it's a bit." Xu Damao said with a smile, "Yichao, why don't you go in and talk about it?"

Su Yi looked him up and down, not surprised, he said with a smile: "Go, go in."

After entering the house, Su Yi threw him a cigarette, pushed the match over, and said while taking off his coat: "There is no hot water at home, so I won't pour you tea. Sit down and talk."

Xu Damao glanced at the thermos bottle next to the chest of drawers, contributed a wave of malice to Su Yi, and said with a smile: "If you don't drink water, how troublesome is it? Just say something, and leave after finishing speaking."

Su Yi couldn't deny it, and raised his chin at him, signaling him to fart quickly.

Xu Damao said: "Yanchao, we had a little misunderstanding before, but now, I have resolved this little misunderstanding with the utmost sincerity, you have to admit it?"

"Admit." Su Yi nodded.

"If you count me as high-ranking, I, Xu Damao, can be considered your number one friend?" Xu Damao said with a smile, "What is important among friends is reciprocity. Isn't it? You said you were short of money, 500 yuan, bang, lend it without a second thought You, and I didn’t even let you type the IOU, so I, Xu Damao, are you enough?”

Su Yi laughed and said: "I think sister-in-law Xiao'e is interesting enough. Whether you are interesting enough remains to be seen."

"Maliciousness from Xu Damao +99..."

"Ezi and I are a couple, we are one, without my nodding, can I lend you this money?" Xu Damao frowned.

"Da Mao, you've been making detours with me for a long time." Su Yi said with a smile, "If you talk nonsense again, I will kick you out."

"Anger from Xu Damao +99, malice from Xu Damao +103..."

"Hehe, come on, can't I tell the truth?" Xu Damao said with a grin, "It's actually very simple. Aren't you familiar with Director Yang and Section Chief Li? How much face does it take to go to work? Guangtian is not related to you, so you help him like this, with our relationship, don’t you have to... Hehe, show some love to me too?"

"Want to improve?" Su Yi asked.

"Who doesn't want to make progress?" Xu Damao smiled apologetically, "You said that I have been working for so many years. In terms of seniority, I should have been promoted to a sub-specialty. It's a pity that I don't have a talent, and I can't meet Bole! Yuanchao, if you can help my brother, after……"

Su Yi waved his hand: "I haven't passed the internship myself, you want me to help you with the sub-subject? Da Mao, you are calling the monk to be your father - you have found the wrong person."

"Maliciousness from Xu Damao +101..."

Xu Damao laughed and said: "Yanchao, I didn't ask you to help now, after you become a full-time employee, you take me to have a meal with the two factory directors, and mention this incident by the way, won't it be all right? Right? If you support your brother, he will never forget your kindness! Besides, don’t you feel relieved that I, Xu Damao, am a man? You just say that these days, whoever borrows 500 yuan without saying a word? Isn’t that right? "

Su Yi smiled and said: "I can see that, you don't want to lend me money for nothing, and you are asking me to charge interest."

Xu Damao hurriedly waved his hand: "Yanchao, you're blaming the good guy a bit..."

Su Yi interrupted him and said, "It's impossible for you to ask me to directly mention the sub-subject for you. I'm not in charge of personnel affairs in the factory. Even if I were, I can't mention you because you lent me money... Do you think this is possible? I will have to pay you back the money sooner or later, cooperating with you is to help me in an emergency when I don't get along, and I have to take care of your future? Is this appropriate?"

Xu Damao hurriedly said: "Yanchao, then you really missed me! I, Xu Damao, am not an ignorant person! If this matter really happens, can I not express it? If you can really help me get a sub-subject, 500 yuan , you can pay me back the two hundred when the time comes!"

"If I can really do this, believe it or not, if I ask for a price of 300 yuan, someone will come to me with their heads sharpened?" Su Yi smiled, "I need you [-] yuan? You look ugly, but you think beautifully." .”

"Maliciousness from Xu Damao +99..."

"I'm ugly? I'm a hundred times more handsome than a fool!" Xu Damao said depressedly, "You don't even have good eyesight... Seriously, Yuan Chao, can I be the same as others? Do others have the relationship between you and me? My money is to help you in a timely manner, others are at best icing on the cake, which one is more valuable, so what's the point?"

Su Yi said: "Da Mao, even if you find the person in charge, he won't be able to chew up the rice and feed it to your mouth. If you want to mention the sub-subject, then you have to let them see your ability, otherwise they will rely on you. What are you doing for a worthless person? Or if people don’t understand you, why should they give you a chance?”

Xu Damao slapped his hands: "Isn't that the problem? I have never had a way to get in touch with the leaders. The most I can do is to accompany the director Li when he invites the film distributor to dinner. Every time I drink a lot of wine, but always I was not appreciated by Factory Director Li. Aid Korea, what do you think is wrong with me, Xu Damao? I am much better at being a person and doing things than most people in the factory. Why can’t the leaders see my ability and hard work all the time? "

"This road doesn't work, so just change to another one. You can find Director Yang." Su Yi said with a smile, "Why did Yang Shutan become the director this time? It's because he joined the team to follow Director Yang again."

Xu Damao suddenly became excited: "Everyone in the factory is talking about it, but I have nowhere to go with Director Yang! Originally, I was counting on Yang Weimin to recommend me, but this grandson is really nothing, so I asked him He didn't do anything after eating several meals, and now he went to the workshop and simply ignored me, it's crazy, all the money spent on him before was wasted!"

Su Yi looked at Xu Damao, pondered for a moment, then pointed at him and said, "I'll show you the way. If you want to go, write me a receipt later and write off the 500 yuan you borrowed. If I don’t want to, when I didn’t say anything, I will pay you an extra 500 yuan for the 100 yuan, so you won’t lose money, right?”

Xu Damao's eyelids were slitted, and he leaned forward slightly: "Tell me about this way."

Su Yi said leisurely: "Tomorrow afternoon, Director Yang and I are going to have dinner at the home of the big leader who visited the factory last time. The family members of the big leader and other high-ranking leaders will have dinner together... ..."

With just one sentence, Xu Damao immediately straightened his back, his eyes shone brightly, and his face looked excited.

"I can find a way to take you to the leader's house." Su Yi said, "You can take this opportunity to get to know the leader's family and friends. During the meal, I can also introduce you to the big leader and ask you to toast him , but only so much.”

Su Yi laughed and said: "Da Mao, wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, and dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit. I will slap you in the face if you have a chance, but how you catch it and how much you can catch depends on you. To put it bluntly, If this is of no use to you, I advise you to stop daydreaming, you are not made to be a leader! Expecting others to help push you up directly... How shameless are you? If it is true, why don't I go up? got you?"

Xu Damao stared at Su Yi excitedly, and said, "You say this is true?"

Su Yi nodded: "One spittle is one nail. You decide for yourself, either wait for me to pay you 600 yuan later, or you can give it a try and see if you can fight for a future."

After a pause, Su Yi said to Xu Damao: "Actually, I have already seen Damao. You are a person who can achieve great things. You only owe one chance."

"That's right!" Xu Damao blushed with excitement, "You know me too well!"

Su Yi stretched out a slap and smiled and shook: "Now there is an opportunity worth 500 yuan in front of you. Maybe you will lose everything. But if you have the ability, in the future you will thank yourself today .If you really succeed, 500 yuan will be a hair on Jiu Niu's body."

Su Yi leaned back, and said indifferently: "You can choose the road as you like. But this opportunity is only this time, as long as you don't regret it in the future, just miss it."

Xu Damao's complexion fluctuated, he suddenly stood up and walked back and forth, breathing rapidly.

After a long time, he made up his mind, looked back at Su Yi who was resting, and asked again: "Yanchao, are you sure it is the home of the big leader who inspected last time? Are you sure you will take me to his home? And you will introduce me to his home?" Does his family know him personally? And let me toast him a glass of wine."

Su Yi nodded: "If you miss one thing and fail to do it, I will still pay you back the money. But Da Mao, let's start with the ugly words, you have to live up to it. You still have one night and tomorrow morning , you have to prepare well, think about how to show your best performance to the leader tomorrow, and don't lose the chain at the critical moment."

Xu Damao hastily expressed his opinion: "You can rest assured to help the DPRK, I will make good preparations, and I will not let you down."

Su Yi nodded: "This big leader doesn't like the tricks of the subordinates playing tricks, stop flattering and speak the truth more."

"Yes, yes, I remember." Xu Damao hurriedly said, "Yanchao, do you think there is anything else I should pay attention to?"

Su Yi smiled, "It seems that you have decided?"

Xu Damao gritted his teeth and said, "Compared to my future, 500 yuan is nothing! If I don't even have this courage, what kind of man am I?"

Su Yi clapped his hands: "Okay, have ambition!"

He turned around and took out a pen and paper from the chest of drawers, pushed it towards Xu Damao, and said with a smile: "Come, write a receipt, and say that I have returned the 500 yuan to you. With this receipt, I will take you flying tomorrow!"

Xu Damao took a deep breath, and picked up the pen solemnly.

Some book friends said that I have forgotten my origin when I am famous... Brothers, Siheyuaner's grades are indeed better, but they are not as good as my last book. It is really not famous, let alone forgetting my origin.The reason for the poor update in the past two days is that I really have something to do. Let me explain to you that my wife and I are going out to other places for pre-pregnancy checkups. We basically have no time during the day, so we can only code at night, and we must ensure the quality and not mess around. , so the amount of updates cannot be guaranteed.After the inspection, there will be an offline training next week, eight in the morning and eight in the evening. Recently, there is only one update every day. Please be considerate, it is really something.

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