Under Su Yi's verbal guidance, Xu Damao didn't dare to play tricks at all, and honestly wrote down the repayment receipt for the 500 yuan he had borrowed before receiving Su Yi.

Su Yi put away the note, thinking that it is really not easy to earn some money these days, it takes a lot of effort.

This account should be sold out, right?Who else do you owe?

Is there only Zhai Baoguo's 50 yuan left?
Alas, the debt repayment journey is not over yet...

"After noon tomorrow, put off all the work, prepare your movie playing equipment, and wait for me in the office." Su Yi said to Xu Damao.

"Still taking the equipment?" Xu Damao was taken aback.

"Nonsense." Su Yi said, "Otherwise, what excuse would I have to take you to the leader's house? Is it really that easy to enter the gate of the government compound? You ask the guns in the soldiers' hands at the sentry box? I have to find a way Tell the leader to help you, otherwise such a big leader will not need you if he wants to show a movie, you know?"

Xu Damao was taken aback for a while, then nodded hurriedly and said "Understood".

"Then when I arrive...can't just show the movie?" Xu Damao frowned, "How can I talk to the leader?"

"Are you stupid?" Su Yi glanced at him, "I've already said that I will give you a chance to perform in front of the leader, and besides, you should be sweeter, have a wink, and be more diligent when you meet people. Have you left a good impression on others? Do you still need me to teach you?"

"Yes, yes, yes..." Xu Damao nodded again and again, and said with a flattering smile: "Yanchao, I will entrust you to that brother?"

Su Yi waved his hand: "Don't worry, it's you, Da Mao, who has been replaced by someone else. Hehe, he is not a material that can be made. No matter how much money you give me, you won't be able to get such a good thing."

Xu Damao excitedly said: "Yanchao, you are a smart eye! It's a pity that you just started working. If you become a leader, how good would it be?"

Su Yi said: "If I were the leader, I would definitely use you again!"

Su Yi really didn't fool Xu Damao about this.

Really a leader, Xu Damao is the one who is most suitable for doing dirty things, and it is absolutely easy to use.

He exchanged some pleasantries with Xu Damao, the latter was almost lost after being fed a meal of chicken soup by Su Yi, and he walked out of Su Yi's house from ear to ear.

As soon as he went out, he saw a pair of eyes looking straight at him.

Xu Damao screamed in fright and jumped three feet high.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that it was the silly Zhu who smelled of alcohol all over his body.

"Silly Zhu!" Xu Damao was furious, "You look like a ghost, you stand silently at the door of someone's house at night, what do you want to do? Do you know that people scare people to death, you?"

Silly Zhu shook, hehe Shale: "Scared you to death bastard."

"Hey, why are you swearing?" Xu Damao frowned, and pointed at Sha Zhu, who was about to retaliate, when Sha Zhu on the other side hiccupped suddenly, causing Xu Damao to cover his nose and take a few steps back, angrily said: "Yes, follow me I don't care about you drunkard. You, stay where you are cool."

"Don't go!" Seeing that Xu Damao was about to go around him and leave, Shazhu grabbed Xu Damao's arm, "Sun thief, who do you think is drunk? Come on, let's drink more, don't drink you up , I am your grandson!"

"If you want to be my grandson, I don't want it!" Xu Damao threw off Sha Zhu, and sneered, "Look at your current appearance, Shi Zhu, you are a stinky piece of shit now, no one wants to touch it you."

"You, what did you say?" Silly Zhu was furious, pointing at Xu Damao, "Say it again!"

"I'll say it ten times again!" Xu Damao yelled while backing away calmly, "Silly Zhu, if you're angry, you should send it to Qin Huairu! You lost your job because of her, and now you're reduced to picking shit. She cares." Do you want to say something? You, you are a big fool, hehe, you are helping others, and they don’t want you! A man who lives like you, might as well die..."

"What the hell..." Sha Zhu was so furious that he was about to step forward to beat Xu Damao, but Xu Damao ran out of the courtyard unexpectedly.

"Don't run away!"

"It's a fool not to run!"

Before the words finished, Xu Damao had already run out of the compound.

"Sun thief!" Shaking, pointing at Xu Damao's back, he wanted to scold something, but gasped for breath, turned and walked towards the middle courtyard.

He turned around and entered the Hanging Flower Gate, and Xu Damao tiptoed back to the courtyard. Seeing Shazhu staggering to Qin Huairu's house, he called Qin Huairu's name while knocking on the door, Xu Damao showed a sarcasm smile, Eyes also became excited.

Naturally, the movement outside could not be hidden from Su Yi's ears, but Su Yi didn't bother to come out at all.

Sha Zhu can play if he wants to be decadent, he is not interested in being Sha Zhu's bosom brother.

Out of sight is pure.

"Qin Huairu, you... open the door! Open the door for me! Tell me clearly, why..." Silly Zhu shouted drunkenly.

The door opened, and Qin Huairu, who was already in a bad mood, asked with a dark face: "Silly, what do you want? What exactly do you want to do? In the middle of the night, you got drunk and knocked on the door of our orphan and widow's house." , what are you doing?"

"I just want to ask you, what on earth do you think of me?" Silly Zhu asked with staring eyes.

"Tomorrow." Qin Huairu looked at Silly Zhu, and suddenly sighed, "Silly Zhu, I will go to you tomorrow and have a good chat with you, okay? I know that you have been wronged by my family, but I I really can't take care of so many things after a few days of lawsuits. You can also be considerate and considerate of me, okay?"

"I understand you... Hiccup! Who the hell understands me?" Sha Zhu waved his hand impatiently, "I don't care, you... have to answer my question today! Say, what do you think of me?"

"Silly Zhu!" Qin Huairu yelled angrily, "What on earth do you want!"

"I want to do you!" Silly Zhu's eyes were red, and he suddenly hugged Qin Huairu and was about to kiss him.

How could Qin Huairu let him kiss him, and pushed him back.

Before she could speak, Mrs. Jia Zhang rushed out with a fire hook, and hit the silly column head and face.

"You wicked, smoking bastard, what the hell are you going to do? I'll beat you to death, you bastard!" Mrs. Jia swung the fire hook a few times, making Shazhu yelp twice, and once He snatched the fire hook and held it up high, his eyes wide open.

Jia Zhang was so frightened that she stood there in a daze and forgot to respond.

But fortunately, Shazhu was not completely drunk, and after being hit a few times his mind sobered up a bit, he couldn't do anything at the critical moment.

"Murder! The stinky gangster killed!" Jia Zhang screamed in fright, turned around and ran away.

After reacting, Qin Huairu rushed up and snatched the fire hook from Sha Zhu's hand and shouted angrily: "Si Zhu, are you crazy? What do you want?"

There was such a big commotion here, which disturbed many neighbors.

"Silly, what do you want!" The old man from the opposite door rushed out, pointed at him angrily and shouted, "What do you want? Do you still know how to respect the old and love the young? Do you still dare to beat the old? It's against you." No!"

Silly Zhu stood blankly, looking at Qin Huairu, two strands of blood flowed down from his forehead, but he still didn't realize it.

Qin Huairu froze for a moment, then changed color and said, "Silly Zhu, you are bleeding!"

The old man was also stunned, his face darkened and he immediately said to the big mother who had just left the house: "Quick, get the medicine and gauze!"

The aunt answered and returned to the house.

"Silly Zhu, don't move, I'll see where you are broken!" Qin Huairu anxiously stepped forward to check the wound on the head of Silly Zhu, but Sha Zhu suddenly turned around and walked towards his home.

After he entered the house, he closed the door hard, and there was still the sound of the latch being locked inside, but he did not turn on the light.

"Silly Zhu! Silly Zhu!" Qin Huairu rushed up and knocked on the door and shouted anxiously, "Open the door! I'll bandage your wound."

"A stinky hooligan, why do you care about his life?" Jia Zhang roared with a dark face, "Qin Huairu, have you forgotten what he just said? Come back! Don't be stinking and shameless!"

Qin Huairu bit her lip and stood at the door without moving.

At this time, the aunt came out with a medicine bottle and gauze in her hand, and said in a panic, "Where is the person? Where is the person?"

Yi Zhonghai glanced at her, and shouted in a deep voice: "Silly Zhu, you open the door, your head is broken, and you have to be given medicine."

Bang bang bang!
Yi Zhonghai knocked hard on the door, but there was still no movement inside.

"Silly Zhu, don't be ignorant of good and evil!" Yi Zhonghai shouted.

"Get out, get out of here! Nobody bother me! Get out! Get out!"

Something slammed heavily on the door, and then made a broken sound of "crash", which startled Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai at the door.

"Crazy, it's crazy!" Yi Zhonghai turned pale with anger, "Go, let him make a fool of himself! Who will care about him in the future?"

The first mother worried: "How can it be done? He has a broken head and needs medicine!"

"I can't die if I don't use it for a while!" Yi Zhonghai said, "He is willing to stay by himself, so let him do it."

He said and waved his hands: "Come back, all of you! It's so late, the neighbors don't need to sleep? If there's anything else, we'll talk about it tomorrow! Huihuihui!"

The past two days have been filled with such nonsense, and he is also terribly annoyed.

"Let's go, there's no excitement to watch." Xu Damao walked out from behind the hanging flower door with his hands behind his back, smiling, and waved to the neighbors who heard the sound, "Come back, come back, didn't you hear what the old man said?"

After a pause, he gave Qin Huairu a thumbs up, and said with a smile, "Qin Huairu, you did a great job! Especially Aunt Jia, you are simply my idol! Haha, for a scoundrel like Shazhu, I have to give him Open the ladle and let him know how powerful it is, haha..."

"You are not a good person, bah!" Jia Zhang spat at Xu Damao, and pulled Qin Huairu, "Why are you standing there stupidly? Go home!"

The people in the courtyard soon dispersed in twos and threes, and only Xu Damao was left standing in the middle of the courtyard.

"A dog bites Lu Dongbin, you don't know a good heart!" Xu Damao sneered and muttered to Qin Huairu's house, and went home happily humming a little song.

From the beginning to the end, Su Yi was at home leisurely reading his book without going out.

Silent all night.

The next morning, Su Yi got up early, as usual, washed up, and then rode out the door first, solved the problem by the Dongzhimen River, and then went to the alley near the Lama Temple to have breakfast. Zai Youzai rushed to the factory.

When he arrived at the office, Zhang Chunmei and Liu Guangtian had already arrived.

In front of the two of them was a stack of newspapers that still exuded a strong scent of ink.

This is Su Yi's latest work result - the revised factory newspaper.

Early this morning, Liu Guangtian and Zhang Chunmei went to the printing factory to bring it up.

"Deputy editor, I checked with Guangtian, there is no mistake, please read it!" Zhang Chunmei excitedly handed a newspaper to Su Yi, and she said in a very proud tone: "When we went to pick up the goods, they printed The director of the factory has said that the factory newspaper we run this time is the best he has ever seen! Compared with those big newspapers, it is not far behind."

Liu Guangtian also said happily: "That's right, the deputy editor, especially the two reports of the deputy editor Chunmei's interview with the workers, and the few real-life stories you wrote. I, who don't like reading books, read them with great interest!"

Su Yi smiled and flipped through the newspapers back and forth, and said, "Then distribute them one by one! Guangtian, you are responsible for distributing all these newspapers, and then distribute them from our department, and let Director Shen and the others go and have a look first. Chunmei, come with me, I have a task for you later."

"it is good!"

The two subordinates could be regarded as waving their arms, they were very obedient, and they went to do what they should do immediately.

What Su Yi told Zhang Chunmei was some chores about the entrance exam for the worker students in the morning, and he told Zhang Chunmei to do it.

Finally, I explained to Zhang Chunmei: "The exam starts at ten o'clock. After you have finished all these things, it is about 09:30, so go to the general office immediately and ask how the paper and pens you asked them to prepare yesterday are going well. Then Bring the things, you need to use them for the exam, remember, you can’t make mistakes, or you will delay the exam, it’s not a joke.”

Zhang Chunmei nodded vigorously: "Don't worry, deputy editor, I will definitely handle it well."

Su Yi said: "If you have any problems, please report to me in time, don't try to be arrogant."

Zhang Chunmei giggled, "I know."

At the same time, Xue Xinhua ran into Shen Hongyan's office in a panic, yelling in horror: "Director! It's not good, Director! It's over, it's over..."

Shen Hongyan was reading the factory newspaper that Liu Guangtian had just sent. Hearing this, he frowned and raised his head, scolding: "What are you yelling! What's the end of it? Speak up!"

Xue Xinhua trembled with horror on his face: "Director, I'm reporting! Su Yuanchao wrote me in the newspaper, what should I do?"

Shen Hongyan hadn't seen the content of the sub-page yet, so he was startled when he heard the words, a little disbelieving: "You are the only one reporting it? What are you bragging about? It's not even my turn to be in the newspaper, so why are you?"

"Oh, my director, it's not a good thing!" Xue Xinhua's face was pale and he remembered to stomp his feet, "You, you turn back, the penultimate article!"

Shen Hongyan looked back suspiciously, and heard Xue Xinhua say in panic: "Just now I was at Director Li's place in the Party Construction Office, and happened to meet the new temporary worker distributing newspapers. I was curious, so I wanted to take a look...the result I just saw Su Yuanchao write the story of me telling him fortune-telling in an article, and he also said that I was promoting feudal superstition, Director, isn’t that putting me to death!”

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