Chapter 1483
The examination place for the workers and students was in the auditorium. When Su Yi arrived, it was bustling with bustle and bustle.

Zhai Baoguo was instructing the staff of his department to prepare tables, chairs and podiums, and to adjust the microphones.

Qian Jin, deputy chief of the security department, was leading several security guards to check the list of students and maintain order on the scene.

It was already past nine o'clock, and some workers and students had already arrived, including some workers who had no work in the workshop and came to see the excitement.

Qin Huairu was also among them.

Although she was very disturbed and didn't know how Su Yi arranged it, but out of the desire to get an extra dollar for eight days less work every month, she still came here with the greatest luck.

Because of apprehension, she kept paying attention to the location of the gate, so she noticed Su Yi as soon as he arrived.

She was overjoyed and wanted to go up to her and ask again, but it was still too late.

She saw the guard named Gao Dafang standing at the door, smiled enthusiastically, and brought Su Yi to Zhai Baoguo and Qian Jin, and then the three of them muttered about something.

In front of other leaders, Qin Huairu couldn't go up and talk about her going through the back door, so she could only continue to wait and see depressedly.

the other side.

Zhai Baoguo said with a smile to Su Yi: "Deputy Factory Manager Li specifically explained that this time the leaders of the district came to inspect, and we must not make any mistakes. I have made arrangements for aiding North Korea, and we will go through the process later. That's all. How's your side?"

Su Yi looked at Qian Jin and said, "Deputy Section Chief Qian, I heard from Dafang that you are doing the verification of the students' identities? How dare you do this? Ask you to help me with the work?"

This work is supposed to be done by Su Yi, and the security department is only here to help Su Yi maintain order.

Qian Jin laughed and said, "What is the division of revolutionary work between you and me? You have to grasp the overall situation and have a heavy responsibility. I will do my best within my ability, which is what I should do."

"Why don't the leaders praise Deputy Section Chief Qian for his enlightenment?" Zhai Baoguo said with a smile, "The things are done beautifully, and the words are well-spoken. The key is to drink well, and the future is boundless!"

Qian Jindao: "Director Zhai, you praise me because I know I'm not enough, so I have to work harder to be on par with you."

"Look, how good at talking!" Zhai Baoguo pointed at him and smiled.

The three laughed.

"Yanchao, you are the protagonist today, how can work arrange for you to speak." Zhai Baoguo said.

"The two leaders have set up the stage, and I can't lose the chain, and try to sing a good show for us." Su Yi said with a smile, "Then we will perform our duties and work together. Chief Zhai, please go ahead Yours, I will discuss the process with you later. Deputy Section Chief Qian will send someone to me, and I will let the examinees enter the venue first."

Qian Jin said: "I saw a lot of spectators, I will drive them away first."

Su Yi waved his hand to stop: "No, keep it, it will be useful later."

Qian Jin didn't ask what was the use of it, and went to arrange it after answering.

The three of them started to get busy.

After Su Yi finished counting the names, he found that more than 20 workers and students did not show up.

This is not surprising. Although the current working atmosphere is generally positive, the iron rice bowl system has still spawned many moths and lazy people to dawdle.

These people will not be expelled because of their connections in the factory, and they are very casual, so Su Yi has long guessed that someone must be late or even absent today, and feels that he can enter the school "exempted from the exam" because of his connections.

And these people will be the first batch of Su Yi to be eliminated.

Su Yi temporarily ignored these people who didn't come, and didn't make any statement. After taking the roll call and arranging the seats for those whose names had already been called, Su Yi began to rehearse the process with Zhai Baoguo.

Unknowingly, the time has come to 35:[-], and Qin Huairu, who was watching, looked at the students who had already taken their seats, and his heart was completely cold.

She was very wronged in her heart, why did she think Su Yi was like this?You can't do anything, why hang me?Is it fun?

After contributing several waves of malicious value to Su Yi, she turned and left angrily, saying to Su Yuanchao, you are so cold-blooded!

Su Yi also noticed that Qin Huairu had left, but he didn't intend to explain or persuade her to stay at all.

If you win, you will be happy, if you fail, you will complain. You have no patience at all, and you can't even eat shit like hot food.

One side was nervous and busy, and the other side, in the General Office of the Propaganda Department, Zhang Chunmei was almost so angry that she exploded.

"Li Chengcheng, what do you mean? Are you going to get these supplies? Tell me a good word!"

She has been here for more than ten minutes, and she has been pushed and blocked. Li Chengcheng has been using various excuses to prevent her from picking up the manuscript paper and pens for the exam. It is almost 20:[-] now, and it is only [-] minutes before the exam starts over there. Well, she hasn't even received the test kits yet, so how can she not be in a hurry?
"Zhang Chunmei, what are you calling?" Li Chengcheng frowned, "This is the General Office, not your news broadcasting station! If you want to play tricks on your young lady, go back to your office!"

"I'm playing with my temper? It's because you haven't given me supplies all this time!" Zhang Chunmei yelled excitedly, "Li Chengcheng, let me just ask, will you give me supplies or not?"

"Did I say I won't get it?" Li Chengcheng said, "But you have to follow the process, you can't just give it to you if you want it."

"Where did I not comply with the procedure?" Zhang Chunmei questioned, "Didn't you give you the list? Didn't you sign it? Why didn't you give me something?"

"Did our section chief sign it?" Li Chengcheng laughed.

"Section Chief Li has been busy all the time, and I can't see anyone else!" Zhang Chunmei said angrily, "I have already asked Director Shen, and he said that it is enough to have his signature. What do you mean by comprehensive handling? Director Shen's signature Do you not recognize it either?"

"I'm sorry, Director Shen is your section chief, not our section chief. We really don't recognize it." Li Chengcheng calmly said, "You can get the essentials, and bring Section Chief Li's signature. If you can't get it, you can have an interview. Shout out here."

Zhang Chunmei glared at Li Chengcheng angrily, and suddenly grabbed the material receipt on the table, turned around and went out the door.

Li Chengcheng sneered at her back and hummed a ditty.

Zhang Chunmei came to Li Dengfeng's office and slammed on the door.

A person came out of the office, frowned and scolded: "What are you doing! Zhang Chunmei, I have told you several times that Section Chief Li is not here, why are you crazy here!"

"I want Section Chief Li to sign!" Zhang Chunmei yelled loudly, "I heard him calling inside just now, why isn't he here?"

Bang bang bang!
She knocked hard on the door, banging it loudly.

She came a few times before, but was sent away with the excuse of "absence".

Now Zhang Chunmei is in a hurry and can't take care of anything.

"Zhang Chunmei! How dare you make trouble here!" The face of the person who scolded her before changed, "Stop it! Stop it!"

He was about to pull Zhang Chunmei away when he came up, but Zhang Chunmei's emotions had already collapsed at this time, she slapped the office door hard, and screamed in tears: "Li Dengfeng! Come out for me!"

The man pulled Zhang Chunmei, Zhang Chunmei grabbed the doorknob and refused to leave, just kept crying.

The commotion was so loud that all the people in the nearby offices went out to the corridor to watch the excitement.

Li Dengfeng finally couldn't sit still inside. He hurriedly got up and opened the door, staring and shouting: "Zhang Chunmei, what are you doing! What do you want to do!"

"Sign!" Zhang Chunmei stared at him stubbornly, and handed the document in front of Li Dengfeng, and big tears rolled down her face.

Li Dengfeng also had a headache, why did he meet such a stupefied young man?Where in the workplace is there such a face-off with the leader?
Sure enough, what kind of leader leads what kind of people, the upper beam is not right, the lower beam is crooked...

Li Dengfeng complained wildly in his heart, but frowned, and said in a calm tone: "Comrade Zhang Chunmei, please calm down now. I believe you are here to solve the problem, not to find trouble, right?"

"Sign, I just want you to sign!" Zhang Chunmei cried, but her voice was not as loud as before.

"When you knocked on the door several times in a row, I was processing urgent documents in my office!" Li Dengfeng stared into Zhang Chunmei's eyes and said word by word, "I am changing the documents and communicating with the superiors at the same time. My side My work is also very urgent. Zhang Chunmei, tell me that your work is work, but mine is not work? Since you are in such a hurry, why didn't you come and sign it for me earlier, but at this time?"

"You didn't need your signature before, as long as Director Yang approved it, you just told me in the morning that I need your signature to receive the item now!" Zhang Chunmei argued.

"At Kesheng, can we still use the old rules and regulations? There must be changes! I informed you about the system changes yesterday. Why didn't you find out in time?" Li Dengfeng asked.

"You only informed your department after get off work yesterday, where can I find out!" Zhang Chunmei became excited again.

"You can find out through various channels!" Li Dengfeng sternly said, "Don't make excuses for your work mistakes, Zhang Chunmei, your own work was not done properly, which led to serious mistakes at work. Is it your attitude towards work? You, a comrade, have a very problematic mind!"

"I want to sign now!" Zhang Chunmei cried again, "You sign for me!"

"Are you ordering me?" Li Dengfeng stared, "Is this the tone you speak to the leader?"

"I beg you, Chief Li, it's my fault, it's all my fault, I apologize to you, I'm sorry..." Zhang Chunmei cried and bowed, "Please sign for me, it's really too late..."

Li Dengfeng pointed to Zhang Chunmei: "Comrade, let me tell you what to say about you. Put the form here, and I'll sign it for you when I'm done with my work."

"Section Chief Li, just sign your name, it won't waste your time, and it won't take even three seconds!" Zhang Chunmei handed him the form and said excitedly, "Please, just sign it for me now, my side is really serious." I'm very anxious, the exam is about to start over there, but I haven't even received the pen and manuscript paper..."

"It's still the same sentence, why did you go?" Li Dengfeng frowned, "You only know how to blow your nose when it's in your mouth? Do you do this job?"

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault. I'm sorry, Chief Li, please sign for me!" Zhang Chunmei bowed again and again.

Li Chengcheng, who was watching the fun in the crowd, showed a sarcastic smile.

Li Dengfeng said: "Put the things here, come and get them later! I have to finish my work. As long as your work is important, isn't mine important?"

"Are you going to sign or not?" Zhang Chunmei asked coldly with tears in her eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Li Dengfeng shouted, "You little comrade, do you know how to respect leaders?"

"A person like you is not worthy of being a leader!" Zhang Chunmei roared angrily, then turned and ran away crying.

"No quality at all! What is it?" Li Dengfeng shook his head and cursed, then waved his hands and said, "It's all gone, don't you need to work?"

The onlookers returned to his office one after another. Li Chengcheng greeted him with a happy smile. Just as he was about to speak, Li Dengfeng gave him a wink and signaled him to go back to the office and talk.

The two entered Li Dengfeng's office and closed the door. Li Chengcheng couldn't wait to give Li Dengfeng a thumbs-up: "Cousin, you are still the best, and you speak righteously, haha! I was so relieved just now, you are so amazing! You have to treat like this." them!"

"What is this?" Li Dengfeng sneered, "There will be a long time to come. If he, Su Yuanchao, dares to point at my nose and scold me, I have to let him know what will happen if he offends me!"

"That's right, I can't kill him!" Li Chengcheng grinned, "Do you really think you are so great? What is he? Look, this is just the beginning, and he will suffer in the future!"

Li Dengfeng smiled and said: "Okay, now I will wait for him to beg me in person."

Li Chengcheng worried: "Will he sue the factory manager, cousin?"

"That's for sure." Li Dengfeng said with a disdainful smile, "He, Su Yuanchao, is just enjoying himself for a while by licking his ass and flattering the factory manager. He is just a bully dog. If a dog is beaten, he will not turn to the owner. ?”

"But we're not afraid to find anyone!" Li Dengfeng showed a smug look, "It's useless to file a complaint. Is there a problem with our procedures? Did I say I won't sign for him? It's because they didn't do their job properly, right? Even Li Xinmin swears a few words, let him swear, I will dawdle for time, I am fine here, he has a big problem with Su Yuanchao! Hehe, he is the first responsible for such a big mistake in the big event with 300 people People! Who will the leader blame? Why does the leader care about your excuses? If things don’t go well, it’s your fault! Haha!”

"Isn't he, Su Yuanchao, awesome? Let me tell you, once the leader doesn't trust him, he will be beaten back to his original form immediately. He is a fart! At that time, I will see how crazy he is, and he will scold me ? I let him be my grandson every day!" Li Dengfeng said fiercely.

Li Dengfeng felt deeply humiliated when he thought of the scene where Su Yi pointed at his nose and scolded him severely.

This revenge is not retribution for a non-gentleman!
Li Chengcheng was also very excited when he heard it, and said with a smile: "Cousin, if he messes up this matter, it is a major work mistake, right?"

"That's for sure." Li Dengfeng said with a smile, "I heard that some leaders in the district are coming to inspect today. If this makes a joke in front of the big leaders, Su Yuanchao will be dead!"

At this point, he paused, and suddenly told Li Chengcheng worriedly: "You go and get everything ready first, and if the leaders really hold you accountable, we have something to say, don't let him put the shit bowl on us, That would be bad."

(End of this chapter)

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