Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1484 Attack

Many people think that their leader is an idiot, and being a leader is just a matter of luck, but in fact——

You are probably right.

Of course, there are only a small number of idiot leaders, and most leaders are just because their abilities are not used where you think they should be used, so you see him as an idiot.

For example, Li Dengfeng, he is not a fool, he can't injure the enemy one thousand and self-injure eight hundred in order to avenge Su Yi, so he must be careful not to trap himself.

"Prepare those materials now. If the factory manager is really responsible, we can take them out immediately." Li Dengfeng told Li Chengcheng, "We can say that we are ready to make an exception and apply for them. But Zhang Chunmei, a lesbian, got emotional and ran away without a trace, and no one picked up the things we prepared... At that time, it will be Su Yuanchao's fault."

Li Chengcheng nodded again and again, and hurriedly said, "I'll do it now!"

Li Dengfeng nodded, waved his hands to let Li Chengcheng go to work, he was very satisfied, thinking about how he would humiliate Su Yi if he came to beg in person later.

After a while, Li Chengcheng came back again.

"Cousin, did you send Xiaoqiu to work?" Li Chengcheng asked, "He said before that his things were left in the warehouse. I gave him the key, but he didn't give me the key. Send the key back, I just searched around and didn't see anyone else."

"I didn't order him. Go ask Liang Yanqiu." Li Dengfeng didn't realize what was wrong, "After you find someone, ask him to prepare things for you. From now on, you can keep the warehouse key yourself, and don't give it to others."

"Okay, then I'll look for it again." Li Chengcheng turned and left.

They didn't participate in the exams of the study class over there, so they didn't realize that the time was tight.

It was already 48:[-] by this time, and there were only twelve minutes left before the start of the exam.

And Director Hu of the organization department in the district had already arrived at the examination site, and surrounded by two factory managers, he sat down on the rostrum.

After the leaders were seated, Yang Baorui and Li Xinmin came to check the process with Su Yi. At this moment, Zhang Chunmei came crying.

"Deputy editor, two factory directors, Li Dengfeng didn't give me a pen and manuscript..." The little girl may have never been so troubled by others, but seeing Su Yi right now, she was so wronged that she couldn't breathe .

Su Yi sneered in his heart, saying in his heart that he was guarding against villains but not gentlemen, since this is the case, then don't blame yourself for being rude.

"What's going on? Didn't you just finish the process yesterday and wait for the General Office to leave the warehouse?" Su Yi asked with a frown while taking the receipt from Zhang Chunmei's hand, "Where's Xiaoqiu of the General Office? Is it from the warehouse? Didn’t you promise to leave the warehouse early in the morning yesterday? What about others?”

"Xiaoqiu didn't care about the warehouse anymore. Li Dengfeng temporarily handed over the warehouse to Li Chengcheng. He stuck me and refused to let me out of the warehouse. What can I do..." Zhang Chunmei cried.

Su Yi frowned and handed the receipt to Yang Baorui: "Director, did I make a mistake in the process? Can you see if there is a problem with my delivery process?"

"It's outrageous! If something goes wrong at this time, what are you doing?" Yang Baorui frowned tightly, taking the receipt and looking at it while cursing.

Li Xinmin also frowned and was about to scold Su Yi, but Su Yi blinked at him and shook his head slightly.

His heart moved, but he didn't say anything if he thought about it.

"Isn't there a problem?" Yang Baorui frowned after reading the receipt, "There is Yang Shutan's signature on it, so the process is fine? Why didn't you give it to the library?"

"Section Chief Li said that he needs his signature to give it to the warehouse, but he has been busy and has no time..." Zhang Chunmei hastily complained, "He has been hiding in the office, and he won't open the door no matter how I knock..."

"Don't speculate," Su Yi frowned.

He looked at Yang Baorui and said solemnly: "Director Yang, this is my mistake, I admit my mistake to you, I have to go to Section Chief Li in person now, and I will definitely get the supplies back within 10 minutes."

"You are the chief examiner, can you walk away?" Yang Baorui frowned, "Don't go, I'll call Li Dengfeng, what the hell are you doing?"

They are all human beings, how could Yang Baorui not know that this is a problem caused by the people below each other fighting each other?

But he is quite satisfied with Su Yi's attitude of admitting his mistakes and taking responsibility. He also knows that Su Yi is going to ask for supplies now, and he is likely to be made things difficult and cause the exam to be delayed here, so he decided to personally urge Li Dengfeng to send the things over quickly. .

In fact, as long as Li Dengfeng delivered the things in time at this time, then Su Yi still had to bear the responsibility for this work mistake.

No matter what the reason is, it's because you, Su Yuanchao, didn't do your job well. From yesterday to today, you didn't prepare well, and you didn't finish the work in time. This is your Su Yuanchao's fault.

It's just a big mistake turned into a small mistake.

Yang Baorui went to the next office to make a phone call, Li Xinmin approached Su Yi and asked, "What's going on?"

"I can't get the supplies from yesterday to today. The General Office wants to teach me a lesson because of the number of individual students. Brother Li, these people are too arrogant, right?" Su Yi said, "Actually, I have already asked Sister Liang Yanqiu The supplies are ready, and the people and things are at the back door. Section Chief Li will definitely not be able to send things. But does this unhealthy trend have to be suppressed? Personally, I think that Director Yang is using Li Dengfeng and Li Ke On the long question, a little irrational."

Li Xinmin narrowed his eyes suddenly: "Are you sure you won't delay the business?"

"Absolutely not." Su Yi affirmed, "Factory Manager, Sister Liang asked me to take you with me, and said that I will treat you to dinner when I have time."

Li Xinmin was overjoyed, and patted Su Yi on the shoulder and said, "Okay! You have done a good job in this matter, okay, I know how to deal with it. I will make the decision for you!"

Su Yi smiled and said: "I knew Brother Li would definitely not watch me being bullied."

"That's right, you're mine!" Li Xinmin said happily, his eyes sparkling, Yang Shutan, Yang Shutan, it's not easy to be a traitor!

He has always been brooding about Yang Shutan's defection to Yang Baorui, but unfortunately there is nothing he can do about it, this time may be a chance!

On the other side, Yang Baorui dialed Li Dengfeng's phone number, and after revealing his identity, he cut to the chase and said, "Can you deliver the materials needed for the study class within 10 minutes?"

Li Dengfeng said: "Director Yang, the things are ready. I was looking for Zhang Chunmei everywhere. This lesbian said she needed supplies, and she was crying and fussing in a hurry. I was afraid that the business would be delayed, so I got everything ready. But why did she disappear? Sigh, this little comrade is really..."

"Don't wait, hurry up and get someone—no, you deliver the things yourself!" Yang Baorui said in a deep voice, "Let me tell you, Director Hu of the District Organization Department is also on the scene now, don't make fun of your Zheng Zhi's life !"

Li Dengfeng was stunned, and immediately said: "Yes, factory manager, we guarantee delivery within 10 minutes!"

Yang Baorui hung up the phone and walked out the door. Su Yi hurried up to meet him and asked, "Director, how can I cooperate with Section Chief Li?"

"Send someone to wait at the door for docking, and quickly organize the distribution of people after the goods are delivered." Yang Baorui ordered.

He pointed to Su Yi, and said: "You need to make a deep review of this matter, don't look for objective reasons, if you can't prepare well in two days, it means you have a problem with your ability!"

The board still hit Su Yi, which was expected, and the leader only looked at the result.

Su Yi said: "Yes, factory manager, I must reflect on my mistakes and do a written review seriously."

He didn't make any excuses, because it was unnecessary, and he definitely wouldn't do this review. The better his attitude at this time, the more he could pull himself out.

Li Xinmin also watched with cold eyes. This old fox who has been immersed in officialdom for decades naturally knows when to speak, and when to just watch.

Su Yi arranged for Zhang Chunmei to go out to pick up people, while Yang Baorui and Li Xinmin were already planning to speak on stage.

The two of them plus the leaders of the district, the speeches of the three leaders will take at least ten minutes. According to the time promised by Li Dengfeng, there is no problem in terms of time.

Here, Yang Baorui, who got the promise, decided to go through the process step by step.

On the other side, Li Dengfeng ushered in a thunderbolt.

"I didn't find anyone from Xiaoqiu." Li Chengcheng said, "I don't know where Sister Liang has gone."

"Are you kidding me!" Li Dengfeng was startled and angry, "Li Chengcheng, you shouldn't have given the key to others before!"

"Xiaoqiu was in charge of the warehouse before. He said he left his stuff in it, and he would come back after taking it..." Li Chengcheng felt very wronged, "I would definitely not give it to someone else, but..."

"No one can give it to you!" Li Dengfeng glanced at the time, 2 minutes had passed since the phone call just now.

He faintly realized that something was wrong, he gritted his teeth and said, "Slam the door! Slam the warehouse door open!"

"Ah?" Li Chengcheng was taken aback, "Isn't it necessary? How about I go look for Xiaoqiu again?"

"You know what, there's no time!" Li Dengfeng roared angrily, "Slam the door, hurry up!"

Li Chengcheng was clever and hurriedly followed suit.

Although the door of the warehouse is wooden, it is not so easy to break open, because the door locks and bolts of the warehouse are specially designed to be very strong.

Another 5 minutes had passed by the time Li Cheng Cheng frantically destroyed the warehouse door.

During this process, Li Dengfeng kept looking at his watch, urging him like an ant on a hot pot, and even knocked and kicked the door himself.

As soon as the door was broken open, the two rushed into the warehouse and went straight to the shelf for manuscript paper and pens.

But when they got to the front, they were both dumbfounded.

The shelves are empty!
Li Dengfeng was struck by lightning.

"Where are the things?" Li Chengcheng was also dumbfounded, "It wasn't there yesterday..."

"Li Chengcheng!" Li Dengfeng suddenly roared and grabbed Li Chengcheng's neck like a cock being strangled by the neck, roaring in horror, "I was killed by you this time!"

"Cousin, you can't blame me..." Li Chengcheng shouted, "What the hell is going on?"

Li Dengfeng lost his mind and his face was pale.

How could he not know that he had fallen headlong into the trap set by others!

He hugged his head and squatted on the ground leaning against the shelf in pain, his mind was blank.

Thirteen minutes passed after Li Xinmin and Yang Baorui spoke separately.

The district leader on the stage was still talking. Yang Baorui walked to Su Yi with a dark face while looking at his watch, and asked in a low voice, holding back his anger, "What's going on? Where's Li Dengfeng?"

Su Yi spread his hands innocently: "Zhang Chunmei has been waiting at the door, but I haven't seen anyone."

"I'm going to make a call!" Yang Baorui looked at the leaders on the stage and became anxious.

He hurried to one side of the office to make a phone call.

Here, Su Yi nodded calmly to a young man who was constantly looking this way from the back door, and the young man immediately shrank his head with a smile on his face.

"Happiness from Qiu Lijun +66..."

"Let Liang Yanqiu come." Li Xinmin came to Su Yi at some point and reminded Su Yi.

"It has been notified." Su Yi lowered his voice, "Brother Li, it's time for you to turn the tide."

Li Xinmin licked his lips, a little excited: "You kid is a ghost, haha!"

Yang Baorui raised his eyebrows when he walked out of the office, as if anger was about to overflow from him.

No one answered Li Dengfeng's phone, so he called Yang Shutan, but Yang Shutan didn't know about it at all.He immediately called Shen Hongyan again, and Shen Hongyan told Yang Baorui that Li Dengfeng had just returned to the office.But when Yang Baorui called again, Li Dengfeng still didn't answer the phone...

Yang Baorui is strangely angry!
No matter what the situation is, how can you not answer the phone?

This is simply irresponsible.

Su Yi rushed up to meet him and asked, "Director, is Section Chief Li here?"

Yang Baorui took a deep breath, held back his anger and said, "Can the written test be changed to an oral test?"

Su Yi was startled, frowning on purpose, with a troubled expression on his face.

"A Li Dengfeng, who can't even do what you personally ordered? What does Yang Shutan do?" Li Xinmin suddenly became "angry", "It's just playing the piano! Li Dengfeng can't do it, what about Liang Yanqiu? Liang Yanqiu is an old comrade, and she doesn't want to Can you handle things? What tricks are you doing?"

"Sister Liang seems to be here. I saw her just now." Su Yi said deliberately while looking around.

Then, without accident, he found Liang Yanqiu at the back door, and hurriedly waved to him.

Liang Yanqiu quickly trotted to the front.

"Liang Yanqiu, what's going on in your department? Why haven't you got the test materials from yesterday to today?" Li Xinmin asked angrily.

"Deputy Director Li, I know about this. Yesterday I ordered Xiaoqiu, who was in charge of the warehouse, to prepare the supplies, but Section Chief Li suddenly asked Xiaoqiu to hand over the warehouse key to Li Chengcheng, so that Xiaoqiu would not be responsible for this. Something happened." Liang Yanqiu explained, "I have learned about the matter, Xiao Qiu has already handed over this work, and this matter is now being handled by Section Chief Li himself..."

"What is he arresting? He's a party builder and he's been arrested by your comprehensive office? Who made him stretch his hands so long? How did Yang Shutan arrange the work? It's just playing the piano!" Li Xinmin was furious, pointing at Liang Yan Qiu said, "What should we do now? The exam is coming soon, and the candidates don't even have paper and pen!"

"I am also responsible for this matter." Liang Yanqiu said seriously: "Give me 10 minutes, and I promise to deliver the supplies to the scene immediately. If I can't deliver them, I will take the blame and resign!"

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