Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 149 Agitate the situation

Chapter 149 Agitate the situation
After 15 minutes, Su Yi and a group of eight people boarded a minibus. Everyone wore a little red hat on their heads and held small flags in their hands.

"Step-brother, the car belongs to a travel agency on Hong Kong Island. You pretend to be tourists returning from sightseeing and pass through the customs at Exit H of the Sha Tau Kok Port. No one will check and let you go directly! This car will take you directly to Kowloon Tong."

"Brother Li, thank you very much. From now on, you will be my friend of Luo Ji! Here is 160,000, you take it, the mountains and rivers will meet each other, when you come to Hong Kong Island, be sure to come to me, I will treat you well!"

"Brother, have a good trip!"

The minibus headed south all the way, the car drove onto the highway, turned into the urban area, and headed for Yantian District.

When the car reached Wutong Mountain, Su Yi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly smiled and said, "Please stop."

After the car stopped, Su Yi said to the younger brothers: "Get out of the car."

The little brothers looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't ask any more questions, but followed suit.

"Boss, what are you..." The driver was a little surprised, and sneaked towards the door with one hand, as if he was about to get out of the car and escape at any moment.

"Don't be afraid," Su Yi patted him on the shoulder, took out a roll of money from his pocket, and put it on the driver's lap. "It's 23:[-] in the evening. What time will it be when we cross the border at Sha Tau Kok and arrive at Kowloon Tong?"

"Before ten thirty, no matter what, boss." The driver said fearfully.

"I guess you will arrive at [-]:[-]." Su Yi said, "After we get off the bus, you continue to drive forward, don't stop, and don't go back. When you arrive at Kowloon Tong, a person named Liang Kun will confirm whether you have listened to me. When you said to fight a tiger tonight, he would know it was you."

"As long as you do what I said, you can take the money steadily, and I thank you." Su Yi paused slightly, his eyes narrowed, "but if Liangkun is at half past ten I haven't seen you since then, I just saw your driver's license and know your name and address, do you know what I mean?"

The driver nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Boss, I understand! I understand!"

"Very good, I wish you a smooth journey." Su Yi smiled and left the money, turned around and got out of the car, standing at the door and waving to the driver.

The driver swallowed hard, forced a smile to Su Yi, then kicked the accelerator, and the car sped out.

"Brother Step, why did you ask the driver to go to Kowloon Tong to find Liangkun?" Xu Tian asked curiously, "Who is Liangkun?"

Su Yi looked back at him and said with a smile: "I'm talking nonsense, there is no such person, it's just to scare the driver so that he doesn't dare to act recklessly."

"We gave the pirated Li 160,000 so much, why did we get off here?" Liu Jianming asked.

"First, we can take advantage of money-grubbing people like Li, but we must never trust him, so we must never let him know our exact whereabouts." Su Yi stretched out two fingers, "Second, big head and Datong and those people were all tied up in the room by us, and it would be difficult for them to be found for a while, so we originally had enough time. However, Master Su ran away, who knows what this guy will do? So We have to continue to be vigilant and guard against him first."

"It's all your fault, let Master Su go!" Xu Tian pointed at Big B and said.

"Who knew he could still run so fast after spraying shit?" Big B said gloomily, "Besides, he rolled down that slope, and I ran down that slope. Naturally, he was much slower than him. When I got down, I can't even see his shadow."

"Brother, where are we going now?"

"Take the waterway, take a cruise ship, depart from Shekou Port, and go directly to the China Hong Kong City Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui!" Su Yi had long thought of a retreat, "They must not have expected that we would dare to go back openly and go straight to Tsim Sha Tsui!"

Su Yi's caution saved him from serious trouble.

Master Su ran to a nearby village to steal his clothes and trousers, and immediately sneaked back with the courage to save Datou and Datong.

They are all local snakes, just like the pirated version of Li Neng inquired about Datong, Datong knew why Su Yi and his gang found them so accurately when they thought about it.

So on the one hand, Huoxu hurriedly contacted all the bosses and district leaders of Liansheng on Hong Kong Island to urgently discuss the countermeasures to retrieve the leading stick.

On the other hand, Datong mobilized his forces to inquire about Su Yi's whereabouts.

When Big D called out to create a new alliance, all the district leaders stood against him, Gao Lao, Da Pu Hei, Yu Tou Biao, Guan Zisen...

The seven bigwigs gathered together and reached an agreement - to get back the leading stick at all costs!

So, Dapuhei sent his capable subordinate Dongguan Zai, Yu Toubiao asked his subordinate Ma Jifei to take action, and Guan Zaisen called Jimmy.

For the whole and Liansheng, all the bosses have taken action.

At [-]:[-], Datong, Datou and Master Su took a group of younger brothers and blocked the pirated Li with two public relations ladies in his arms in a karaoke private room.

After feeding the pirated Li and drinking eight catties of toilet water, the guy finally couldn't take it anymore and reported Su Yi's whereabouts.

"You, who do you think he is?" Master Su asked in surprise.

"Luo Ji, Step-Brother! Hehehe..." Pirate Li slumped on the ground, giggling nervously, "The hottest boss on Hong Kong Island, with a lot of money, you don't recognize him?"

Master Su and Datou looked at each other, both of them were full of shock.

"How could it be him?" Master Su's eyes were in disbelief.

"Loyal and courageous, sacrifice your life to repay your kindness!" The big head also felt incredible, "How can such a person become depraved?"

At this time, Su Yi and the others had just boarded the cruise ship, and they lived comfortably in a room for each person.

The boat won't arrive until tomorrow morning, and there are various entertainment items on board. Su Yi bid 30,000 yuan for each of the younger brothers, letting them go and have a good time.

The news from Luohu soon reached Hong Kong Island, and all the bigwigs were surprised to learn that Luo Ji had snatched the dragon head stick.

They didn't know that Big D had already mentioned Luo Ji's membership to Deng Wei, and not every piece of news in the detention room could be spread in time.

The eyes of all the bosses fell on Guan Zisen.

The only people He Liansheng had any grievances with Luo Ji were Guan Zisen and Long Gen. The bizarre and tortuous experiences of Long Gen and Guan Zisen were obviously known to everyone.

"What are you looking at me for? This guy is crazy!" Guan Zisen scolded angrily, "Since he dared to snatch the dragon's head stick, why not talk about it?"

"Is he working for Big D?" Some big guys speculated.

"It's very possible!" Huo Niu sneered, "This guy knows that Brother Le is the talker, but he doesn't give him any face. It's clear that he wants to fight against Brother Le!"

 Thank you book friends for being unable to reward GX5000 coins, thank Mu Yunqiu for rewarding 2000 coins, and thank Yuanding Sansheng III for rewarding 100 coins.Thank you, big brother, I can grab the dragon head stick, thanks to your credit, come to Bolan Street, step-brother please!But don't worry, we'll talk after reading the book

(End of this chapter)

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