Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 150 Who is Liang Kun

Chapter 150 Who is Liang Kun
It doesn't matter why Luo Ji grabs the leader stick, what matters is that he did so, then he is the enemy of everyone present here.

The bosses gave an order, and each sent their capable men to go straight to the Sha Tau Kok port.

On the other side, Master Su and Datou also embarked on the road back to Hong Kong, and they also took the Sha Tau Kok Port.

"Hey, big head."


"I, can you not tell others about me spouting shit? I have been feeling sick in my stomach recently, and that shovel kicked me in the stomach again..."

"Asu,... Even if I don't say anything, there are Datong and his two subordinates."

"I promised to give them another 50,000 yuan. Uh, if you want... I can also think about it, my brother, how about [-] yuan?"

"Brothers entrust each other with important matters, don't talk nonsense to outsiders, don't let outsiders see through, you should be careful, don't miss the mechanism, if anyone violates this rule, he will die under ten thousand knives! Asu, I don't want money, you rest assured!"


"Should be."

Outside the Shatoujiao Port, Dongguan Tsai, Fei Ji, Jimmy and others gathered together.

After introducing each other, the subordinates of the seven bosses began to divide the work.

Because no one is convinced, everyone unanimously decided——

It's right to rush up and fight people when you see them. Whoever grabs the leading stick counts.

Ji Ji, Dongguan Zai and others sharpened their swords. They all took this action as an opportunity, but Jimmy was in a complicated mood.

It's Luo Ji again...

He didn't know how to face this person. He actually had a good impression of Luo Ji. On the one hand, he admired Luo Ji's deeds. It's very to his taste.

Most importantly, being favored and appreciated by such a person also made Jimmy somewhat complacent and self-identified.

But now, he wants to make an enemy of Luo Ji.

He had to obey the order of the society.

But he didn't want Luo Ji to really fall here today.

And he didn't believe that someone like Luo Ji would be easily planted here.

"Can I help him, as repaying the favor from last time?" Jimmy looked around and thought of a way calmly.

Everyone had their own thoughts, hiding in the dark, staring at the exit of the port.

Soon, the minibus came out of the port.

The crowd was excited.

As soon as the car left the customs, everyone immediately followed!

The seven vehicles lined up for a while, and for a while they lined up as adults, followed and outflanked, and forced the minibus to stop on a remote section of the road.

Before the car came to a complete stop, the plane and Dongguan Tsai rushed out of their respective cars almost indiscriminately, each with a machete in his hand, and rushed towards the minibus.

Jimmy didn't get out of the car, he was the calmest of all present, and he was the first to notice something was wrong.

The privacy of the windows of the minibus is not good, even at night, you can vaguely see the inside of the car from the outside.

He had noticed that there seemed to be no one in the car before, but he thought it might be because everyone was hiding on their stomachs, so he wasn't sure.

But he soon discovered that the car didn't slow down much when passing a speed bump, and the bumps were a bit large, it didn't look like a car full of people at all.

This made Jimmy even more moved.

So when he saw Dongguan Tsai and the plane rushing up, Jimmy hesitated a little and decided to watch the show on the sidelines.

The fact was not beyond Jimmy's expectations. Soon, the plane pulled the driver out of the car, who was so frightened that he peed his pants.

The driver was crying loudly: "It's none of my business, it's really none of my business! Brothers, please forgive me! I'm just a driver, please, please forgive me..."

Dongguan Tsai got into the car and looked around, then came down with a gloomy face.

Seeing the driver howling non-stop, he rushed up and slapped the driver twice, causing bleeding from the corners of the driver's mouth.

"Where are people?" Dong Guanzai gritted his teeth and asked.

"Get off the car! They got off the car before reaching Phoenix Mountain!" The driver sold Su Yi without any insistence.

Su Yi's threat is terrifying, but the threat now is even more terrifying!
The lesser of two fears, the driver chooses to be afraid at the moment.

"Big brothers, I really don't know anything. They got out of the car a long time ago, but they threatened me, saying that they wanted to kill my whole family and let me pass the customs with an empty car..."

"The boss in the car also said, let me go to Kowloon Tong to find a man named Liangkun, and when I see him, tell me to fight a tiger tonight, so I will be fine...Boss, I'm telling the truth, I swear! Please, please let me go..."

"Made, we were all tricked by him!" Dong Guanzai kicked the car tire angrily.

"Who has a big brother? I have to tell my big brother." Someone said.

Then everyone looked at each other.

"I'm a pager."

"I also pager."

"Me too……"

Jimmy looked left and right, took out his mobile phone from his back, pressed the Didi button, and then smiled at all the young and Dangerous boys who silently looked at him: "Not far ahead, there is a public phone booth."

"Made, is it so profitable to be a chicken head?" Someone scolded angrily.

"Isn't it the big brother? I used it to beat someone and smashed mine last time. I really think I don't have one?"

"Fuck, what are you pulling?"

The news was reported quickly, and several regional leaders above immediately issued new instructions—find Luo Ji at all costs, and find the leader stick!
But how to find it, where to find it, that is not a problem that big brothers should worry about.

"Does anyone know Liang Kun from Kowloon Tong?" the plane suddenly asked.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously no one had heard of it.

The plane waited for a while and no one answered, then suddenly turned around and left.

"Go to Kowloon Tong to inquire about it!" Someone was stunned and hurriedly chased the direction the plane left.

They feel that the focus is on Liangkun, and if they find Liangkun, they may find Luo Ji,

"Fighting a tiger tonight... what does that mean?"

There is another group of people, including Dongguan Tsai, who think more. They think the key point is in the sentence that Luo Jirang's driver brought to Liang Kun.

Hitting a tiger... Who is the tiger referring to?

Does it mean that when you get the dragon head stick, you go to beat A Le?

But Ah Le is still in the prison and has not been released...

Some people thought that the driver was playing tricks, so they caught the driver and beat him up.

"I heard that Luo Ji spent 160,000 to get out of customs! A total of 160,000! Is so much money wasted? So he must get out from here, there must be something wrong with the driver!"

Their thinking also makes sense.

However, Jimmy, who was originally confused by Monk Zhang Er, his eyes lit up when he heard this sentence, turned around and left without the slightest hesitation.

Others spend 160,000 and may have to listen a little before they are reconciled, but Jimmy knows that Luo Ji doesn’t take money seriously, because he once offered to use 200,000 to redeem his boss and dragon root, and the price is negotiable, but Luo Ji refused Very crisp.

Throughout the night, the young and Dangerous people on Hong Kong Island basically knew the name "Liang Kun". Kowloon Tong Liang Kun should be the hottest person on the road after Luo Ji. Even the police have heard this name .

"Jingkun..." Lu Qichang pursed his lips and frowned.

Is there such a person?

(End of this chapter)

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