Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 151 Ni Yongxiao Intervenes

Chapter 151 Ni Yongxiao Intervenes

Early the next morning, as soon as Su Yi and his younger brothers set foot on the pier of China Hong Kong City, they got the news that all the clubs on Hong Kong Island had been looking for Liang Kun all night.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Ouch!" Xu Tian yelled suddenly, and slapped himself angrily.

"I knew that my step-brother would be popular if I named him casually. Yesterday, I should not have said Jiulongtang Liangkun, but said I, Xu Tian, ​​​​Tsz Yunshan!"


Everyone raised their middle fingers at him.

"Seriously, hello!" Xu Tian looked regretful, "Be famous, everyone! I just missed this great opportunity."

"Following step-brother, are you afraid that you won't have the chance to become famous?" Big B said.

"That's true." Xu Tian nodded, then looked at him contemptuously, "But you flatterer, flattering will never make you famous, understand?"

"Fuck! You are the sycophant!"

The younger brothers were joking and joking, and felt that it was awesome that their big brother's casual words would cause the entire Hong Kong Island to change, but Su Yi was full of vigilance at the moment.

Behind this incident, it was revealed that the whole He Liansheng had already begun to exert its strength. He Liansheng tens of thousands of young and Dangerous people were all over Hong Kong Island looking for his whereabouts. Once he was found, Su Yi could imagine what he would face.

The newly rented residence in Tsuen Wan definitely cannot go back, it is the territory of He Liansheng, even if there is a long-haired helper, it is hard to beat with two fists.

Fortunately, Su Yi thought of this in advance, so he booked the ticket for this cruise ship before entering the customs, and came directly to Tsim Sha Tsui.

Tsim Sha Tsui is Xinji's territory, and Liansheng will never dare to act recklessly here.

"Go, go to my former residence first!" Su Yi beckoned all the younger brothers to follow him.

On the way, Su Yi received a call from Ni Yongxiao.

"Aji, you went to play on the Tianxing and didn't tell me? You forgot that it is the property of the Ni family? I can arrange it for you in advance. Why are you so out of touch?" Ni Yongxiao always spoke in such a slow and gentle manner. lukewarm.

The Sky Star is the cruise ship that Su Yi and the others took back to Hong Kong Island.

"The Ni family has too many businesses, I really forgot about it." Su Yi was taken aback, but he took it for granted.

In Tsim Sha Tsui, the Ni family's business covers all walks of life. Perhaps the taxi Su Yi is sitting in now belongs to the Ni family's investment, so this is not surprising.

"All the cruise ships in Tsim Sha Tsui belong to Ni's family. If you come to play in the future, just report your name. All consumption will be free." Ni Yongxiao said, "By the way, your little brothers spent more than [-] yuan last night. I will send someone to return it to you later, if your family wants to spend money to play, wouldn't you look down on me?"

"no need……"

"I want it, with a little thought, there's no need to refuse it, Aji?"

"Ah Xiao, do you want a dragon head stick?" Su Yi is too lazy to play with him. Guess, I guess, can you guess, I can guess the trick you guessed.

Straight to the point.

The "Liangkun" incident has become such a big deal, Ni Yongxiao must have received the news that Su Yi has snatched the leader.

There was a slight silence on the other end of the phone, and he smiled and said, "A Ji, you are so straightforward, it seems that I can't get the stick?"

Su Yi thought for a while, and said sincerely: "Ah Xiao, I can't give you the stick. If I give you, I will offend Lian Sheng to death. In the future, except for Tsim Sha Tsui, I will not have a foothold on the entire Hong Kong Island. I don't want to do this. "

"Then just come and do things for me, what's wrong?" Ni Yongxiao asked, "Honestly, Aji, I don't understand why you grab the leader's stick, or it's like rumors in the Tao that you really took refuge in Big D ? Then I can’t understand it even more. Is Xin Ji not as good as Hutchison? Or am I not as good as Big D?”

"Big D is not even a talker, how can he compare with you?" Su Yi laughed, "Yau Tsim Mong is the center of the entire Hong Kong Island, how can it be inferior to Tsuen Wan, Yuen Long and Tai O?"

"In short, I have other uses for the stick, so I can't give it to you, but I know what you mean, Ah Xiao." Su Yi said, "I will give you a guarantee, I will never give the stick to Ah Le, how about it?"

"A Ji, you misunderstood me. In fact, they are all members of the society, so there is no need to do things that make people worse." Ni Yongxiao said, "I am not the kind of character who doesn't want to see good people, but I want bad people. I want a stick, I just want to hand it over to A Le, so it can be regarded as easing the relationship with Heji, the age is different, and everyone will be businessmen in the future, so there is no need to fight and kill for some emotional disputes, right?"

"More importantly, if I return the stick to Heji, you don't have to worry that Heji will continue to mess with you. You will become the founder of peace and friendship between our two societies."

The latter sentence is nonsense, so Su Yi pretends he didn't hear it.


Ni Yongxiao wants to return the faucet stick to Ah Le?

This surprised Su Yi.

He was stunned for a long time, before he said: "If Heji gets into a mess, it will be good for Xinji, Ah Xiao, you..."

Only halfway through, a light flashed in Su Yi's heart, and he suddenly realized!
Is the civil strife in Heji good for Xinji?

Of course!
Xin Kee can take the opportunity to expand its territory and occupy He Kee's territory and business.

The more chaotic the Hutchison, the more advantage the Xinji will take. This is a rare opportunity.

But who opened up the frontier?

It's Gandhi, it's Wen Zheng, it's Han Chen!
Ni Yongxiao had just come to power, so he didn't understand all the clues. In addition, Ni Laosan no longer sits in the hall to watch the site, so it is cheap to expand the territory, and Ni Yongxiao can at most get a dividend.

Although the amount of dividends must be very objective, it can be regarded as a large income, but is this what Ni Yongxiao wants?
The three bosses under him are already strong enough, and now they are too big to lose. If Su Yi hadn't helped him get rid of the black ghost and Guohua, it would not have been so easy and relaxed for him to succeed Ni Kun as the leader this time. .

Therefore, it is too late for Ni Yongxiao to contain the power of his subordinates. How could he allow his subordinates to expand their territory and strengthen their strength?

From this point of view, Ni Yongxiao is the person who least wants to be in trouble with Liansheng. He hopes that Ale can come to power smoothly and hand over smoothly, and it is in his interest not to give Gandhi and Wen Zheng an opportunity.

After figuring this out, Su Yi's heart tightened suddenly, and he realized that he had made a mistake, that is, he only thought about himself and Xinji being in the honeymoon period, and he thought that Xinji was happy to watch the joke with Liansheng, and Liansheng did not dare to play wild on Xinji's chassis.

According to his previous prediction, even if Ni Yongxiao wanted the dragon head stick, he could still persuade Ni Yongxiao to give up his plan to save his face.

But now, his and Ni Yongxiao's starting point and goal are completely opposite, so will Ni Yongxiao still take a step back for the sake of "killing his father" and let Su Yi achieve his goal?

These thoughts flashed through Su Yi's mind like lightning, so the words that originally came to his mouth became——

"If Heji gets into a mess, it will be good for Xinji. I'm surprised that you think so, A Xiao." He said with a smile, "I don't understand the overall situation of you superiors, but the stick I will think about it again, don't worry, Ah Xiao, no matter what, I will give priority to your side."

(End of this chapter)

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