Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 152 Deng Wei invites tea

Chapter 152 Deng Wei invites tea
After a few perfunctory words with Ni Yongxiao, as soon as he hung up the phone, Su Yi's eyes immediately became extremely dignified.

He closed his eyes, his mind was running fast, thinking about the situation and crisis he was about to face.

After a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes and said to the driver, "Pull over ahead, I'll do some shopping."

"Boss, what should I buy, shall I go?" Big B in the back seat said with a wink.

"No, I'll go by myself." Su Yi said.

The eight people took two taxis, and the one at the back followed Su Yi's all the way. Seeing the car in front pull over, Liu Jianming hurriedly asked the driver of the car behind to stop at the side of the road.

Su Yi made a gesture for Liu Jianming to wait while walking towards the side of the road.

Turning into an alley, Su Yi dialed Lu Qichang's number.


"Lu sir," Su Yi said, "When will Big D come out?"

"After five o'clock in the afternoon," Lu Qichang said, "Is the stick in your hand?"

"Yes." Su Yi said, "Can you release him in advance?"

"You want to hand over the stick to Big D?" Lu Qichang asked after being stunned, "That would be messy!"

"No, I'll leave it to Deng Wei." Su Yi smiled, "Didn't Big D want Deng Wei to be my boss and accept me into the club? I pretended not to know, and went directly to Deng Wei, and had a good time with him. Say it again."

"Your eyes are quite poisonous. Deng Wei has the most prestige with Liansheng. If you get to know him well, you will be guaranteed wealth." Lu Qichang couldn't help laughing, "However, how can you explain to him? You snatched Hutchison's stick?"

"What's difficult to explain?" Su Yi said, "Now all the bosses in Hutchison are looking for me, I'm afraid, I won't play, surrender and lose half."


"Are you a child playing house?" Lu Qichang said speechlessly, "Aren't you afraid that Deng Wei will turn his face and deny anyone with a stick?"

"Will he?" Su Yi asked back.

Lu Qichang thought for a while, then sighed and said, "No. A Ji, sometimes I really doubt what is in your mind. The human heart is so complicated, but you can always see through it."

It is absolutely impossible for Deng Wei to turn against Su Yi, because no matter what position or idea it is based on, there is no need for it.

He took the favor sent by Su Yi and accepted Su Yi to join the club. Not only could he give Ale the leading stick to stabilize the situation, but he could also sell face to Big D to fulfill his promise to Big D. Most importantly, Su Yi didn't give the stick Giving it to Big D, but running to give it to him, there will be a gap between Big D and Su Yi, Su Yi + Ale VS Big D, the balance he wants is also there.

"What I see through is not the human heart, but the essence of the matter." Su Yi said, "That's it? Can I see Deng Wei in half an hour?"

"I'll let him go now. If there are no accidents, Deng Wei should go home straight away as soon as he leaves the police station, because the starling he raised at home has not been fed for a day. His home address is..."

"OK, remember."

Back in the car, Su Yi immediately changed his destination and asked the driver to drive in the direction of Tsuen Wan, heading straight to Deng Wei's home.

He asked the younger brothers to disperse and watch downstairs, while he ran upstairs and knocked on Deng Wei's door.


Deng Wei's voice came from inside.

This uncle of He Liansheng has lived in seclusion in recent years, living alone, a bit of a recluse in the city.

It's a pity that he still can't let go of powerful people in essence, otherwise he wouldn't hold on to the most decisive vote of the "He Liansheng Elders Group".

One can imagine the fate of a person who can decide other people's interests and life and death in seclusion.

In the original plot, he was pushed downstairs by A Le, who wanted to be in the village, but it was not A Le, and other ambitious people would kill him, because he became a mountain that had to be moved, and the rules were broken.

This elder, who seems to have washed all his lead and penetrated the world, has never seen it through.

Boom boom boom!
Su Yi didn't speak, and continued to knock on the door.

So the room fell silent, half a minute later, the door opened, and Deng Wei stood behind the door with his trousers lifted.

He frowned, looked Su Yi up and down, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Luo Ji." Su Yi said with a smile, "Deng Bo, can we go in and have a chat?"

"You are Luo Ji?" Deng Wei was taken aback.

This name has recently given him a thunderous feeling.

To avenge Ni Kun, Big D's last life-saving straw, and the person who snatched the leading stick and caused Quanhe Liansheng to come to him.

To be honest, Deng Wei doesn't like people who are particularly capable of causing trouble. As he gets older, he prefers peace and stability, and hates all accidents.

But Luo Ji was an exception, because Ni Kun was his old friend, and his old friend died tragically on the street, which made him feel like a rabbit died of a fox.

But the deeds of the bodyguard's bloody revenge came out immediately. When he heard about it, he said hello three times on the spot, wishing to clarify.

Therefore, he has a good impression of Luo Ji, which is why he made an exception and agreed to come out again to accept the younger brother when he heard the big D's conditions.Even though Luo Ji was standing on Big D's side, he still snatched the dragon head stick.

"I'm Luo Ji." Su Yi smiled, he took out the dragon head stick, held it in his hand, and immediately attracted Deng Wei's attention to his hand.

"Visiting rashly, I am deeply disturbed." He said, "Prepare a little courtesy and express your heart. I hope Deng Bo will not give up."

"Your meeting gift is not a small gift at all."

Deng Wei took a deep look at Su Yi, and instead of taking the stick, he turned around and said, "Come in."

Su Yi followed him into the room and closed the door behind him.

He looked around and saw that the whole room was antique, and all the furniture was made of solid wood, which looked very old.

Even if Su Yi didn't understand these things, he could tell that these tables, chairs and cabinets must be very expensive.

Even the cage in which the green-haired mynah was kept seemed to be of great value.

Simple, but not shabby.

This is not seclusion, this is enjoyment.

Su Yi withdrew his gaze, smiled and nodded to Deng Bo in front of him.

"Sit down," Deng Wei said, "The visitor is a guest, drink tea first and then talk."

"The guest is up to the owner, please don't bother Deng Bo." Su Yi said sincerely.

Eight minutes of the tea was poured, Deng Bo tapped the coffee table with his left finger, stretched out his right palm upwards, and made a "please" gesture.

Su Yi nodded slightly, picked up his teacup, and wandered calmly.He sipped it in one sip, tasted it in two sips, relished it in three sips, and drained it in three sips. Then he lit the bottom of the cup to Deng Wei, with a look of enjoyment on his face, and praised: "Good tea!"

Then put down the teacup.

Deng Wei's eyes lit up, and he flushed the water again and poured tea.

This time the tea was very full, but Su Yi just nodded his thanks when he saw it, but didn't take it up again.

Deng Wei's face was even more satisfied. Cha Man was not chasing people away, because he still had nothing to say, including Su Yi's posture and process of drinking tea, which were in line with the rules of the older generation of Chaoshan people for tea. Thinking that Su Yi actually knew this.

He had never seen young people really understand this.

For Su Yi, having an arty boss and the convenience of asking Baidu for everything is not a problem.

"You came to me just to give me a stick?" Deng Wei said with a smile, "Why, when I snatched it, I didn't expect it to become a hot potato? You didn't take it, or threw it away?"

(End of this chapter)

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