Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1490 Redemption

Chapter 1490 Redemption
The more incoherent He Yuzhu was, the more it showed how much anticipation and nervousness he had in his heart.

Ran Qiuye was actually quite smart, so he naturally saw through this.

She smiled and said: "Comrade He Yuzhu, I have actually thought a lot these two days, about you and myself. I think Su Yuanchao's words are very reasonable. He said that you just have no principles and are soft-hearted. , you have come to this point today, it is because of this that has harmed you. I couldn’t understand why you even cover things like petty theft without principle. Don’t you know that stealing is wrong? You don’t know If a child does something wrong and doesn’t educate him, will he only be harmed?”

"I'm not, Teacher Ran, you have to listen to my explanation..." Sha Zhu anxiously explained.

"You just feel pitiful for having no father, don't you?" Ran Qiuye spoke out for him, "You think he should be given a chance to reform, don't you?"

Sha Zhu nodded vigorously: "Why don't you say that you are a teacher, you are so understanding!"

Ran Qiuye smiled and said: "This is the unprincipled soft-heartedness that Su Yuanchao said. Sometimes your soft-heartedness is not helping others, but hurting others."

"I also want to understand now, do bad things with good intentions." Sha Zhu laughed at himself, "The people I help don't appreciate it. Of course, this matter has become like this, and they can't appreciate it. Others... except you and the aid. Chao, everyone is watching my jokes. Teacher Ran, I really appreciate you very much. You... oh, unfortunately, I really don’t want to hurt you. , I am still a precarious temporary worker, and I may be fired at any time. You, you stay away from me..."

The more Sha Zhu talked, the more frustrated he became, and finally he became dejected.

Ran Qiuye looked deeply at Silly Zhu, and suddenly whispered softly: "If life deceives you, don't be sad, don't be impatient! You need to be calm in sad days, believe it, happy days will come!"

Silly Zhu was stunned and stared blankly at Ran Qiuye.

Ran Qiuye showed an encouraging smile, and continued to chant: "My heart is always looking forward to the future, but now it is always melancholy. Everything is fleeting, and everything will pass, and what has passed will become a kind nostalgia."

"Comrade He Yuzhu, I present this poem to you. I hope you can pick yourself up again. Believe me, setbacks and hardships are only temporary, and your future must be happy and bright."

Silly Zhu burst into tears.

At this moment, Ran Qiuye in front of him seemed to be covered with a layer of gold, becoming extremely tall.

It was so tall that it occupied his whole mind, and could not accommodate anything else.

He was healed.

He blinked and realized his gaffe and embarrassment. He smiled in embarrassment, turned his face away to wipe away his tears, and said with some sobs, "Teacher Ran, can you read it again? It's just this poem."

"Of course." Ran Qiuye smiled, "If life deceives you..."

Silly Zhu listened to the poem again with almost a pilgrimage-like piety.

He was almost drunk, and felt that his whole spirit had been sublimated.

"That's great." He said sincerely.

"This poem was written by Pushkin, of course it is very good." Ran Qiuye said.

"I'm talking about you." Shazhu stared at Ran Qiuye obsessively, "You are so kind, Teacher Ran."

Ran Qiuye smiled shyly, but just looked at Sha Zhu quietly.

Silly Zhu didn't know how much restraint he had to hold back from embracing the woman in front of him. At this moment, he felt full of vitality and hope all over his body.

"Teacher Ran, you, you said before that you think I'm a good person. Are you sincere?" He asked nervously and embarrassedly.

Ran Qiuye nodded and gave a soft "hmm".

Silly Zhu resisted not letting himself dance and cheer.

But his eyebrows, the corners of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth have all flown up.

"Then, can I ask you to watch a movie tonight?" He felt a little short of breath, his heart was jumping into his throat, and his voice was trembling.

Then he heard Ran Qiuye say softly:



Sha Zhu finally cheered like a child who weighed more than 100 pounds.

He was jumping up and down with excitement, waving his arms wildly, and his face was flushed.

Ran Qiuye was taken aback at first, and was stunned for a while, then couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"As for being so happy?" She asked with anger and shame.

"As for! So as for! I have never been so happy in my life! Teacher Ran, I thank you, thank you so much!" Silly Zhu was so excited that he didn't know how to put his hands and feet, "I, I'll go back Go home to clean up, I have cleaned up, and I promise to see you in the most clean and hygienic state!"

"Aren't you going to work?" Ran Qiuye asked.

"No, I'm not going!" The silly column shook like a rattle, "It was because I didn't have you before that I endured a moment of humiliation and picked up shit. In fact, I was just competing with myself, or they would also want to punish me? Then borrow How brave they are! But now, I don’t compete! For you, I can’t be a picky man!”

Silly Zhu was a little emotional after talking, he looked deeply at Ran Qiuye, and said: "Mr. Ran, you brought me back to life. In my heart, no one is as great as you!"

"I dare not say that." Ran Qiuye was taken aback.

Sha Zhu hurriedly patted his mouth, and said sillyly: "Okay, okay, don't say it, don't say it, I won't say it if you say it or not."

Ran Qiuye couldn't help laughing again.

"Then tonight at seven o'clock, Dongsi Cinema, shall we see you or not?" Silly Zhu looked at Ran Qiuye expectantly.

Ran Qiuye smiled and nodded: "Okay."

"Then I'm leaving, Teacher Ran, you're busy, I'll go back and get ready..." Sha Zhu waved his hands and laughed silly, turning his head three times, his footsteps were brisk like a sparrow jumping on the grass in the morning.

After watching Silly Zhu leave, the smile on Ran Qiuye's face still did not disappear.

Women's feelings are sometimes very sharp, not to mention that Shazhu's happiness and enthusiasm are almost overflowing.

"A date at seven o'clock in the evening, it's not past noon yet, what are you going to do..." She thought about it, and thought it was quite ridiculous.

But then she frowned again, thinking of what Shazhu said about picking up shit.

She was a little worried after thinking about it, and hurried back to school. After a while, she went out on her bicycle and went straight to the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant.

When Ran Qiuye came to find Su Yi, he had just finished reading all the exam papers.

According to the standard set before, 240 out of [-] people passed the test, which is not a low pass rate. The reason is that everyone's reverence for the great man is spontaneous these days, and he is naturally familiar with his quotations.

Among the more than 200 people, there were more than 90 people who answered the second question. Su Yi selected [-] reasonable answers and asked Liu Guangtian to send them to Li Xinmin on errands.

Then he called Zhang Chunmei to come and broadcast the list of those who passed the exam.

Yu Haitang didn't come to work again...

"Associate editor, I'm the editor of the factory newspaper, not the announcer of the radio station. You can't keep pushing ducks on the shelves and let me broadcast it?" Zhang Chunmei pouted so hard, "I really don't want to broadcast. What a joke..."

"Who laughed at you?" Su Yi said, "You tell me his name, and I will deal with him later."

"You don't need to look back, clean it up now!" Zhang Chunmei angrily pointed at Liu Guangtian who was packing up the test papers, "It's him! Comrade Liu Guangtian, he said that my Mandarin is not up to his standard."

"Give me the one who can, why don't you broadcast it?" Su Yi squinted at him, "You're still laughing at Chunmei, you're getting fatter, aren't you? It stands to reason that Chunmei took you with you when you entered the factory, so you have to be called Chunmei One sentence, Master, no matter big or small."

"That's right, call me Master!" Zhang Chunmei got Su Yi's backing, she immediately became proud, pointed at Liu Guangtian and raised her chin.

"You, there are internal conflicts among the masses, why do you keep complaining to the leaders..." Liu Guangtian sneered, "Deputy editor, I'm just teasing her..."

"I'm your master, are you kidding me? It's not big or small! It's rebellious!" Zhang Chunmei scolded.

"You are not as old as me, whoever is older..." Liu Guangtian muttered.

"Then I am also your master. The deputy editor-in-chief has said it all. Do you admit it? If you don't admit it, you don't listen to the leader!" Zhang Chunmei pointed at him and asked.

"Really, Master, I'll give you my greetings, okay?" Liu Guangtian said helplessly.

"An old man? Am I that old?" Zhang Chunmei said with a smile, "But this attitude is right! Comrade Liu Guangtian!"

Su Yi smiled and watched the two bickering, feeling quite interesting.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door and came in, but it was Sun Lianjun from the Security Section.

He smiled apologetically and said to Su Yi: "Director Su, I'm interrupting your work."

"Comrade Lian Jun?" Su Yi smiled and stood up, "What's the matter?"

"A female teacher from Dongzhimen Primary School came to the door, surnamed Ran, and she said she was here to see you." Sun Lianjun smiled and said, "I was afraid of delaying your business, so I was brought in directly. If you know me, bring her here See you, if you don't know me, I will take her back..."

"Maliciousness from Sun Lianjun +88..."

Su Yi ignored the gossiping eyes of Liu Guangtian and Zhang Chunmei, and said, "Call someone in, please."

"Don't bother, don't bother, this should be done." Sun Lianjun hurriedly responded, turned around and called for someone.

As soon as he left, Zhang Chunmei couldn't wait to ask: "Deputy editor, whose family is this woman?"

Su Yi said: "It may be my sister-in-law."

"Ah? Even sister-in-law..." Zhang Chunmei's eyes widened.

"Go away!" Su Yi stared, "When I first met you, she was such a good girl, how pure? Why is my mind full of nonsense thoughts now?"

"I learned from him." Zhang Chunmei immediately pointed to Liu Guangtian, "He always pollutes me."

"I'm dirty... Zhang Chunmei, you have to speak conscientiously. I'm kind enough to teach you about the dangers of society, so that you won't be deceived!" Liu Guangtian hastily called out his grievances.

"How do you talk to Master, you little comrade?" Zhang Chunmei stared with her eyes on her hips.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and do what you need to do! If you don't leave, I will give you extra work." Su Yi warned.

The two pursed their lips together and walked out in despair, their laughter came from the corridor again.

These two are still a couple...

Su Yi felt that the world was quite strange. To be honest, he felt that Liu Guangtian was not good enough for Zhang Chunmei. No matter in terms of appearance, quality or his own quality, he didn't look like a good match for Zhang Chunmei.

Especially his family...

Su Yi shook his head and twitched his lips. It's impossible to say, the world is impermanent, and the large intestine wraps the small intestine.Shazhu and Ran Qiuye are not compatible yet, but Ran Qiuye must be talking to him about Shazhu's affairs, which further shows that the two of them are having fun.

Su Yi's guess was right, what Ran Qiuye came to Su Yi to talk about was about Sha Zhu.

"Comrade Yuanchao, I really don't know who to turn to, so I took the liberty to come to you. I hope you don't mind." Ran Qiuye apologized, "He Yuzhu said he didn't want to pick shit, so no one dared to force him... I was afraid that he would do something impulsively, so I came to you. See if you can help him, it’s not a big deal for him to be a big guy, and this bully can’t be bullied like this, right..."

Su Yi smiled and said, "It seems that Teacher Ran is going to be with Brother Zhuzi?"

Ran Qiuye shyly pursed her lips and said, "I need to learn more about it, and things are not certain... Besides, my family's test is not easy..."

Speaking of this, Ran Qiuye's brows and eyes flashed with worry, but he quickly relaxed, and said seriously to Su Yi: "No matter what happens to the two of us, I must thank you, Comrade Aid Korea. If it weren't for you, I might have died because of A momentary prejudice gave him up."

"If one day I can drink your wedding wine, it won't be too late for you to thank me." Su Yi said.

Ran Qiuye blushed slightly, but said with a generous smile: "Then I will lend you a good word."

Su Yi nodded and said: "Actually, if you are concerned about this matter, it will cause chaos. Although brother Zhuzi is a bit reckless, he is not a random person under normal circumstances. He has his own way of doing things, and he said he can handle things well. , then it will definitely work. Of course, since you are here today, I will definitely not let you make this trip in vain. Don’t worry, I can help him with this matter. "

"Thank you very much." Ran Qiuye said gratefully, "Comrade Yuanchao, no matter whether He Yuzhu and I can succeed, I hope we can become good friends."

Su Yi smiled and said, "Of course."

After seeing off Ran Qiuye, Liu Guangtian came back after finishing his work. Su Yi wrote an interview outline and asked him to interview Section Chief Zhao of the cleaning department.

Liu Guangtian was a little dazed looking at the questions on the outline.

"Is there a problem?" Su Yi asked.

"No, brother Yuanchao, this interview...shouldn't Chunmei go?" Liu Guangtian panicked. ah?"

"Hitting you is hitting me, does he dare?" Su Yi said lightly, "If I let you go, let you go, think about why I let you go. If you can't even figure this out, you will only be able to do errands in the future Miscellaneous work."

Liu Guangtian worriedly took the interview outline and left.

He went to find his father Liu Haizhong with the interview outline, showed the outline to his father, explained the matter, and asked doubtfully, "Dad, I didn't offend him, why did he want to punish me like this?"

"Stupid boy, punish you? If others want to do this for him, they can't ask for it!" Liu Haizhong said angrily, "You, you are so stupid. How did I give birth to such a stupid son like you? What a shame for us old people!" The Liu family is ashamed!"

(End of this chapter)

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