Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1491 Controlling People

Chapter 1491 Controlling People
"Investigative Report on the Phenomenon of Comrade He Yuzhu Picking Manure"

This is the name of the interview outline prepared by Su Yi for Liu Guangtian.

Just by hearing the name, one can tell what the content of Su Yi's interview is about. He pointed the finger at the head of the cleaning department, and the prepared questions were also very sharp.

If you want to talk about the hottest thing in the whole factory right now, it must be the workers' study class.

But in fact, the revised factory newspaper is definitely "the second most searched".

After the revision of the factory newspaper, the distribution scale has been expanded, and most of the content on the sub-page is down-to-earth articles and reports. After a day of deliberation yesterday, today it has formed a good situation among workers to circulate among workers.

Leaders from all walks of life also gave unanimous praise, thinking that this newspaper is well run, not to mention the genuine edition, the stories of several workers in the sub-page are very educational and warning, and the several questionnaires can also reflect the people's livelihood and public opinion very well. Workers in the new era have a good atmosphere and style.

If it weren't for the fact that the workers' study class was concerned with their own interests, the factory newspaper would definitely be the hottest topic in the fire.

Even a fool can guess how much expectation and attention the next issue of the factory newspaper will receive.Especially when all the leaders can see it, suddenly I will give you an interview on the theme of how you avenge your personal hatred and oppress your comrades...

It would be no wonder that the director of the cleaning department might as well sit on pins and needles.

Liu Guangtian was not stupid, that's why he felt that Su Yi was going to punish him. If this interview was brought to Section Chief Zhao, wouldn't he be furious?Doesn't this offend people?
He was still a little annoyed, let Zhang Chunmei do good things together, and let me do bad things that offend others, why?

I paid for it!

The reason he came to find his father, Liu Haizhong, was actually because he didn't dare to question Su Yi himself, so he wanted his father to stand up for him.

Unexpectedly, he was scolded by Liu Haizhong.

"You idiot, what is Zhao Jiansheng in front of Su Yuanchao? Don't even think about it. He is the head of a small cleaning department, how dare he offend the most popular celebrity in the whole factory?" Liu Haizhong hated iron and steel. He scolded, "Don't say anything else, just say that Su Yuanchao's report is going to be published in the newspaper. Can he, Zhao Jiansheng, the section chief, continue to work? Let me tell you, he must be slapped down and not let him do it!"

"He Su Yuanchao is not afraid, but our family can't afford to offend Zhao Jiansheng." Liu Guangtian frowned, "What if he takes his anger on me?"

"To put it bluntly, it's up to the owner to beat a dog." Liu Haizhong sneered, "You are working for Su Yuanchao now, and if he vents his anger on you, he will make things difficult for Su Yuanchao. Does he dare? Besides, Su Yuanchao What is the purpose of asking you to take this thing to interview Zhao Jiansheng? Is it to punish Zhao Jiansheng? He can't get along with Zhao Jiansheng, why should he go to such trouble?"

"He stood up for Shazhu." Liu Guangtian was a little jealous, "I don't know what's so good about Shazhu, he put so much effort to protect him."

"Hey, how about this idiot's fate?" Liu Haizhong smacked his lips and shook his head, "It's just such a stupid thing, it's doomed this time, look, Su Yuanchao made a move , just saved people."

"Then he is only a temporary worker now, even if he doesn't pick up shit, he is still temporary." Liu Guangtian said.

"You, you are so stupid. Whether it is temporary or not, it is actually a matter of a word from the leader..." Liu Haizhong sneered and shook his head and waved his hands, "Don't talk nonsense, anyway, this job is entrusted to you, you just go Take this thing to do your business. Let me tell you, little thief, he Zhao Jiansheng won’t talk to you with a smile on your face, you are my father!”

"Su Yuanchao is warning him and giving him a chance. It's not that he is going to be punished in the newspaper. But if he doesn't know the truth, then the warning will become true. Can he, Zhao Jiansheng, figure it out? You Be tough when you see him, you have to remember that you represent Su Yuanchao!"

"Also, you silly boy really don't know what's good and what's wrong. This matter is entrusted to you. They want to use you and treat you as one of their own. You can't just run errands for the leader, can you? You have to do a few decent things in order to be valued by the leaders, and you will be promoted in the future."

Liu Guangtian's layout opened up, and he suddenly became enlightened.

He excitedly took the interview outline and left.

Liu Haizhong looked at his son's back, the more he thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable, and he muttered: "This is not good, this kid should not climb on top of me in the future... No, I have to find a reason to deal with him at night, I have to let him know , no matter what, I'm still his father!"

Liu Guangtian approached Zhao Jiansheng from the cleaning department, and when he saw the interview outline, he was really scared out of his wits.

Liu Guangtian's vanity was greatly satisfied by a leader of a regular department being so frightened and flattering in front of his little temporary worker. At the same time, he also had a more intuitive understanding of Su Yi's strength, and he felt even more in awe of Su Yi in his heart.

After receiving Zhao Jiansheng's promise, Liu Guangtian came back excitedly and frightened to find Su Yi back with two packs of cigarettes and five yuan that the latter secretly gave him in his pocket.

This time he didn't go to his father for "advice", because he knew that with his father's advice, he couldn't keep anything in his pocket.

After reporting Zhao Jiansheng's attitude to Su Yi, Su Yi just nodded with a blank expression and said, "That's it."

Liu Guangtian's heart also relaxed, he wasn't worried about Zhao Jiansheng, but he didn't dare to keep the things in his pocket if things couldn't be done.

Do you want to tell Su Yi about this?

He was a little tangled and hesitated to speak.

"Is there anything else?" Seeing that he still hadn't left, Su Yi asked.

"Yes, Section Chief Zhao asked me to intercede with him and gave me something..." Liu Guangtian trembled in his heart, but he still didn't dare to hide it, and told the truth.

Su Yi had a half-smile but not a smile: "You took it?"

"Take it, take it..." Liu Guangtian's heart jumped into his throat, his face turned pale, "He insisted on giving it to me, I didn't want it...just two packs of cigarettes, and five yuan. Brother, I'll give him back now..."

Su Yi said lightly: "Do you think what you do is worth five yuan and two packs of cigarettes?"

"No, it's not worth it." Liu Guangtian wiped his cold sweat, "I didn't plead with him, it was you who planned to let him go."

"You know it's not worth it, so does Zhao Jiansheng think it's not worth it?" Su Yi asked again.

Liu Guangtian stood in fear and couldn't answer.

Su Yi smiled: "Do you think there is such a possibility that when Zhao Jiansheng came to his senses, the more he thought about it, the more he thought it was wrong, and then he went to the leader to sue you, saying that you extorted money from him?"

Su Yi looked at him and raised his neck: "A temporary worker extorts money from the official cadres, do you think I can keep you?"

Liu Guangtian was scared out of his wits, trembling like a mourning concubine: "Brother Yuanchao, I was wrong, I will never dare again!"

Su Yi smiled lightly: "You can take the cigarettes, and return the money. Tell Chief Zhao about my attitude. You should think about this matter carefully, and what you did right and what you did wrong. Think When it’s clear, report to me again.”

"Yes, I, I know..." Liu Guangtian wiped his sweat again, and walked out of the office in a state of exhaustion.

Su Yi smiled, and said in his heart that it was okay, worthy of cultivation.

If Liu Guangtian didn't make any mistakes in doing this, then Su Yi would have to guard against this person in the future.

If he took something and kept it from Su Yi, or if Su Yi said that he was not convinced, and he was obedient, he would not be able to use him in the future.

Now this result is in line with Su Yi's expectations.

So when young people come to the workplace, don't be afraid of making mistakes, and don't be afraid of being scolded if they make mistakes.Sometimes the mistakes you make are the ones that the leader wants to see you make. If you don’t make mistakes, or if you make mistakes and still hide and refuse to admit it, then your thinking and attitude are not correct.And the leader makes you make mistakes, often just to see your thinking and attitude, and he scolds you just to establish your prestige and pave the way for the follow-up to win people's hearts, so there is no need to panic or over-interpret.

Liu Guangtian found Zhao Jiansheng again, made clear Su Yi's attitude, and then said that he hadn't been of much help, so he wanted to return the money and cigarettes to Zhao Jiansheng.

Zhao Jiansheng was stunned for a moment, and hastily declined, but under Liu Guangtian's repeated insistence, he still took back the five yuan, but he killed the two packs of cigarettes and wanted to give them to Liu Guangtian.

After this extreme stretching, Liu Guangtian obviously felt that Zhao Jiansheng's attitude towards him was a little more cordial and sincere, and the relationship between the two became much more harmonious.

This scene really made him realize something.

Although Shazhu didn't want to come to work, after thinking about it after going back, he decided to settle the matter of picking up shit first.

As Su Yi said, cats have cat ways, and rats have mouse ways.Shazhu is not stupid, he has his own way to solve the problem, although it may not be very good, but it will definitely work.

He has already thought of a bad idea, as long as he succeeds, Zhao Jiansheng will definitely take back the words of asking him to pick up shit, and he will treat himself like a master in the future.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Jiansheng had already fallen down before he exerted his strength.

"What did you say? I don't need to pick up big shit in the future? The sanitation area has also become smaller?" Silly Zhu was a little dazed, feeling as if he was punching empty air.

"Yes, in the future, after sweeping your three-acre land, I don't care what you like to do." Zhao Jiansheng said, "Silly, in fact, we don't have much conflict. You scolded me before, and I don't care. I also let you pick a lot of shit for a day, this time and again, we will be evened, what do you think?"

"It's even, it's even." Silly Zhu laughed, "I'm too lazy to fight with you, it's boring. But Section Chief Zhao, you don't seem to be generous. Your attitude suddenly changed so drastically, I I feel a little uneasy, why are you doing this?"

"Didn't you ask Su Yuanchao to help you back up?" Zhao Jiansheng frowned, staring at Shazhu's eyes.

"No." Silly Zhu was taken aback, "Is Yuanchao looking for you?"

Zhao Jiansheng's expression was a bit complicated, and he patted Shazhu on the shoulder: "You, stupid people have stupid blessings. Well, from now on, we will return from bridge to bridge, and return from road to road. Let's do what we want."

As soon as Zhao Jiansheng left, it was Sha Zhu's turn to sigh.

He felt warm in his heart, only felt that this brother Su Yuanchao did not make friends in vain, and he did not know how much he silently helped him behind the scenes.

He desperately wanted to meet Su Yi, firstly to thank him, and secondly to share his joy, but unexpectedly, he was in vain.

At this time, Su Yi had already gone to the small cafeteria to have dinner with Director Yang.

Besides Silly Zhu, Xu Damao was also looking for Su Yi, his face full of anxiety and apprehension.

The two bumped into each other downstairs in Su Yi's office building, looked at each other, and yelled "bad luck" in unison.

"Silly Zhu, why are you here if you don't pick up shit?" Xu Damao intentionally put on a disgusted expression, "Given your current status, is this the place you should come to?"

"What's the matter with you eating too much pickles? Why are you meddling in your own business?" Silly Zhu glanced at him sideways, "Let me tell you, I'm in a good mood today and I don't bother to talk to you, otherwise I'll make you sound crisp today." .”

Xu Damao sarcastically said: "Hey, picking dung and picking out a good mood? Are you a dung beetle?"

"Bah!" Silly Zhu was a little proud, "What's wrong with me picking shit? Even if I picked shit, someone would have taken a fancy to me! Let me tell you, Xu Damao, don't think that you are married to a capitalist lady who doesn't know how to work. How amazing, buddy, I am looking for a scholarly family, a man of culture!"

"Just you, a stinky picker? can blow it up!" Xu Damao didn't believe it at all, and laughed.

"Believe it or not, I'll be jealous of you on the day my brother gets married." Sha Zhu threw his hands behind his back and left happily.

Xu Damao stopped laughing, frowned and stared at Sha Zhu's back in surprise: "It can't be true, right? Mad, why?"

"Don't be complacent, silly Zhu, even if you really have it, I'll have to mess with you! Do you want to compare me to me in this life? Wishful thinking!"

Xu Damao gritted his teeth and said harsh words.

Only Su Yi and Director Yang ate this lunch. Yang Baorui mainly talked to Su Yi about Wenhui, which Su Yi didn't expect.

"Yanchao, Wenhui is a girl whom I grew up with. Seriously, I used to worry about what kind of young man I would find to be worthy of her? It wasn't until you came that this problem was easily solved. gone."

Yang Baorui smiled and said: "The most rare thing is that you are also destined. You don't need anyone to introduce you. You are a smart person. Don't tell me that you can't see what Wen Hui thinks about you? Tell me, How do you feel about it?"

"Relax, I'm not asking you today as a leader, but as Wen Hui's elder, to have a heart-to-heart talk with you."

Su Yixin said that he couldn't relax anymore...

"Factory manager, first of all, I would like to thank you and the organization for caring about my personal problems, but with regard to Wenhui and I, I hope that the two of us can decide what to do." Su Yi said, "She is a very independent person. Right now, we are still focusing on our careers, we are still in the stage of working partners, I think whether this relationship should go further, and in which direction, it is best to let nature take its course."

To Yang Baorui, of course he would not say something like "he is very good, but the two of us are not suitable".

He had to take Wenhui's feelings into consideration, and he couldn't let outsiders feel that Wenhui was chasing after him.

(End of this chapter)

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