Chapter 1492
Although Su Yi said it tactfully, the meaning of refusing to interfere was actually expressed very clearly.

Yang Baorui smiled and said: "I can understand that young people now advocate free love. The feelings of the older generation. Our generation still adheres to the traditional concept and pays attention to being famous and worthy."

After a pause, he looked at Su Yi deeply and said: "You are a smart boy, you have to grasp the proportion and degree of it yourself. If you have new thoughts on the relationship between you and Wenhui, you should also report to me in time. What I want to see. This is not interference with you, but the concern and responsibility of the organization for you."

"Thank you for the organization's care, I will remember." Su Yi nodded seriously.

"Eat and eat." Yang Baorui greeted Su Yi with a smile after talking about the business, "We were too busy talking, and the food was cold. But speaking of it, this is not a dish made by a fool, and the taste is really bad. This fool... ..."

In Yang Baorui's view, there is no possibility that Su Yi doesn't want to be with Wenhui, so today he wants to tell Su Yi to set up a "name" with Wenhui as soon as possible, and as Su Yi's leader, he is willing to be a matchmaker for him. Su Yi's backing.

Su Yi felt that no matter what, Yang Baorui's kind of leadership truly achieved the five words of "doing things right and not people".Regarding the matter of Li Chengcheng and Li Dengfeng, no matter what he said, he calculated and used Yang Baorui, which made him very passive.Yang Baorui is not a fool, so he must be aware of the tricks.

But now that he was sitting with Su Yi for dinner, he had no intention of holding grudges, nor did he mention these unpleasant things at all.

This is very difficult.

When the two walked out of the cafeteria after eating, Su Yi found Xu Damao waiting at the door.

When he saw Su Yi's expression brightened, he hurried forward to meet him, but when he saw Yang Baorui walking out side by side with Su Yi talking and laughing, his expression changed and he stopped, not daring to come forward to disturb him.

But Su Yi waved to him: "Da Mao? Come, come, I'm going to find you."

The two stopped, and Yang Baorui also looked at Xu Damao.

At this time, Yang Baorui's secretary also came out from inside.

Xu Damao was a little nervous, so he walked over quickly and said "Hello, director".

Su Yi turned his head and explained to Yang Baorui: "Wen Hui said that there will be a movie in the afternoon, so I went to find Da Mao. He just happened to have no work arrangements in the afternoon. Factory director, do you think he should go there by himself, or come with us?"

Yang Baorui looked Xu Damao up and down, and the latter hurriedly bowed his back and smiled apologetically.

"Secretary Zhao, you go to the driver's class to send a car, and then follow Comrade Xu Damao to pull his projection equipment." Yang Baorui turned to Secretary Zhao and said, "Later, you go to the auditorium to find me and Yuan Chao, and I will go with him Doing office work on site is like eating after dinner.”

"Good factory manager." Secretary Zhao replied respectfully.

Yang Baorui didn't look at Xu Damao's reaction, turned his head to Su Yi while walking and said, "Come on, I have drawn up the classroom and curriculum before, and I will listen to your class teacher's opinion by the way."

Su Yi thanked Secretary Zhao with a smile, and hurriedly followed.

"Maliciousness from Xu Damao +88..."

Su Yi can obviously feel that Yang Baorui really appreciates him. In fact, although he is the initiator of the worker study class, but this project has advanced to this point, it doesn't matter whether he has him or not. His level and position doom him. It has become insignificant now, but Yang Baorui is still clearly interested in his ideas.

There was no need for Su Yi to deliberately hide his clumsiness, so he talked to Yang Baorui about his thoughts in the auditorium. The more Yang Baorui listened, the more interested he became, and he even started a lively discussion with Su Yi.

It wasn't until Secretary Zhao came in to urge them that the two walked out while talking.

The car was ready, and Secretary Zhao reported: "I have prepared two sets of presents. I am afraid that Director Su will not have time to prepare them."

"How dare you do this? Brother Zhao, I'm really bothering you." Su Yi hurriedly said, "I'll settle the score with you later."

"Don't count, it's mine." Yang Baorui waved his hand, "If you are really sorry, you can buy the same set and send it to my house some other day."

Secretary Zhao smiled and said, "Then let's listen to the leader, Director Su?"

Su Yi said with a smile: "I'll listen to the leader after I finish the calculation. I'm embarrassed to borrow flowers to offer Buddha."

Yang Baorui laughed as he got into the car: "Then do it this way, and ask him to charge him an errand fee."

Secretary Zhao didn't answer, and said with a smile: "Director Su, you sit in the back. The gift is put in the trunk. Don't worry about it when you get there later. The driver, Master Sun, will carry it in for you. You can just be a guest. "

Su Yi also got into the car after thanking him, and Yang Baorui couldn't wait to say: "Come on, what did we say just now? Let's continue!"

After Su Yi waved goodbye to Secretary Zhao outside the car window, he turned around and chatted with Yang Baorui about the previous topic.

After the car started, Su Yi and Yang Baorui had been chatting about the course arrangement of the study class all the way. Xu Damao couldn't understand, and couldn't get in the way.

As the saying goes, collecting money to do things is justified.

Su Yi felt that he still couldn't be too dark-hearted, and couldn't take 500 yuan from others for nothing.

So when talking about the acceptance of workers' learning, he conducted an experiment with Xu Damao.

"In fact, the students we recruit all have a certain cultural foundation, and most of the general theoretical knowledge has accumulated to a certain extent. I think these most basic things can be sent as study materials and homework, and there is no need to set up special courses. If you don’t believe me, I’ll give you an experiment on the spot.”

Su Yi asked Xu Damao some theoretical questions.

Xu Damao has a good brain, and he often travels to the mountains and the countryside, so he really knows the common sense of Su Yi's questions. Except for one question that he didn't understand, he answered all the questions correctly.

Su Yi said: "You saw the factory manager, Da Mao is just an ordinary worker, but he still has a solid grasp of the basic theory."

"Not bad, Comrade Da Mao can be regarded as a progressive young man with culture and pursuit." Yang Baorui praised.

This sentence immediately caught Xu Damao's attention, and he said excitedly, "It's all because of what you taught me, the factory manager, and because I take you as an example..."

Xu Damao's flattery was so loud that Yang Baorui frowned without realizing it, showing displeasure.

After he finished speaking, Yang Baorui just smiled lightly, then turned his head and continued talking to Su Yi.

But Xu Damao thought that he had left a good impression on Yang Baorui, so he sat in the front row and was complacent.

Su Yixin said that this round is worth at least 100 yuan, right?

Wait until the big leader's home, and then look for an opportunity to introduce Xu Damao, 300 yuan is not too much, right?

The remaining 100 yuan is after-sales expenses.

It was a very conscientious job.

The car stopped at the entrance of a compound with red brick walls and black iron gates. The guards standing guard with guns stepped forward to check everyone's IDs, and then called inside before letting them go.

This kind of high-level cadre compound is completely different from the compound where Li Xinmin lived before Su Yi went. It can be said that it is a fully functional small society surrounded by walls.

Work area, family area, sports and entertainment area, hospital, library...

Everything is available.

It can be said that this place is not only a semi-enclosed physical space, but also a semi-enclosed cultural Zhengzhi space. Some people call this kind of place "the capital separatist area". Although it is a bit sensitive, it is not unreasonable.

The greening in the courtyard is well done, clean and elegant.

The driver, Master Sun, obviously wasn't here for the first time. He drove along the concrete path to the townhouse area inside, and stopped in front of a small building in front of the artificial lake.

From a distance, Su Yi saw Wenhui and a young man with a cut head in a Chinese tunic suit standing in front of the villa waiting to be greeted.

Today's Wen Hui is wearing a white floral Bragi, the same one that Yu Haitang wore before.

Women are really amazing animals. The same clothes worn by different women have completely different temperaments and styles.

Yu Haitang wears floral Bragi, youthful and beautiful; like the rising sun.

But when worn on Wen Hui, it is bright and elegant; like a sunny afternoon.

After the car stopped, the young man with an inch cut opened the door on Yang Baorui's side, and the latter got out of the car, shook hands with the young man and said with a smile, "Secretary Hou, thank you for your hard work."

"It should." Secretary Hou smiled.

"Hello, Uncle Yang." Wen Hui also smiled and held out her hand.

Yang Baorui joked: "Wen Hui, you never went out to greet me when I came here before, why are you making an exception today?"

"I used to be a guest too. How can there be a reason for a guest to welcome a guest?" Wen Hui said with a smile, "Today I'm here to help my aunt. I'm considered half a host, so I'm here to welcome you."

Yang Baorui smiled and said: "I think you are a drunkard who doesn't want to drink, come here to help the DPRK, let me introduce you, this is the secretary of the big leader, surnamed Hou."

Su Yi came around from the other side of the car, shook hands with Secretary Hou and said hello, the latter smiled and nodded.

Su Yi looked at Wen Hui, Wen Hui smiled and stretched out her hand and said, "Welcome to be our guest!"

"Thank you." Su Yi said, holding her hand.

"This is Comrade Xu Damao who played the movie." Yang Baorui said to Secretary Hou.

The latter hurriedly said: "Director Yang, let reporter Wen take you and Comrade Su Yuanchao in first, the leaders are almost here, just leave it to me."

"Please, Uncle Yang, help the court." Wen Hui smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

The two walked inside under the leadership of Wen Hui.

Xu Damao stretched his neck to look around, Secretary Hou smiled slightly and said to him: "You bring your equipment and follow me."

After a pause, he said politely to the driver on the side: "Master Sun, the things are the same as before, just put them in the hall."


The decoration in the room is in a pure Chinese style, and the furniture is basically dark red, which looks solemn and serious.

In the living room, a group of people were talking and laughing, both men and women, but they were all middle-aged and elderly people in their 50s and [-]s or even older.

Su Yi noticed that one of the bookish couples had a vague resemblance to Wen Hui in appearance, and the old couple had been looking Su Yi up and down since Su Yi came in, so he suddenly had some guesses about their identities.

After Yang Baorui and Su Yi greeted the big leader one by one, the former smiled and greeted everyone present and exchanged a few pleasantries.

The women next to the big leader stared at Su Yi with a smile and said, "Xiaohui, this is the comrade you mentioned, right?"

"Yes, what's the matter, isn't it a good-looking talent?" Wen Hui smiled.

"He's tall, handsome and fair. I heard he's a college student? Doesn't he have a good level of education?" The woman sized up Su Yi, "How old are you this year?"

When she started to ask Su Yi something, all the pleasantries stopped, and the eyes of all the people present fell on Su Yi.

"I am 23 years old." Su Yi replied generously.

"This is my aunt, you can call me Auntie Bai." Wen Hui added on the side.

"Hello, Aunt Bai."

"Okay, okay, you are younger than Xiaohui..." Aunt Bai smiled, "Xiaohui praised you as a good-looking talent, what do you think of her evaluation of you?"

"This shows that Wen Hui had a good first impression of me." Su Yi answered briefly.

"Then do you think you are worthy of this evaluation?" Aunt Bai asked.

"I don't think this evaluation is comprehensive enough." Su Yi smiled, "Maybe it's because Wen Hui doesn't know me well enough."

"Then if you were asked to evaluate yourself, who do you think you are?" Aunt Bai was quite reluctant.

"I'm a very polite person." Su Yi said.

"That's it?" Aunt Bai was dissatisfied, "I asked you a few times, but you didn't say anything..."

The leaders all laughed.

A bald leader laughed and said, "Don't be slick, talk to us sincerely, and don't engage in nonsense. When the organization inspects you in the future, you will also evaluate yourself like this? Just being polite is not enough!"

"This is Uncle Feng, now XXX from XX department..." Wen Hui introduced.

"Hello, Uncle Feng," Su Yi said with a smile, "I can try to be as comprehensive and accurate as possible in my self-evaluation at work, but it is actually difficult for me to evaluate myself objectively in life. What kind of person am I? My answers at different stages are no. The same, the only constant is my manners, which is the external manifestation of my personal qualities, and it is also a self-evaluation that can be used throughout."

Uncle Feng said: "Hey, he has dialectical thinking logic, after all, he has studied."

The elegant middle-aged man who had been sizing up Su Yi before suddenly said, "Then if you were asked to evaluate Wenhui in a non-superficial way, how would you evaluate it?"

"My dad." Wen Hui briefly introduced.

"Hello, Uncle Wen." Su Yi greeted, "I don't judge people who are better than me."

This made everyone present couldn't help laughing, even Uncle Wen couldn't help smiling.

The big leader smiled and waved his hands and said, "Okay, I told you earlier, don't engage in the three-room trial, see? They won't accept the trick!"

"Prudence in words and deeds is a good quality." Aunt Wen, who had been silent for a long time, said suddenly, and smiled at Su Yi with satisfaction, "Xiaohui, take Yuanchao upstairs, you young people should follow Young people are at ease together, go ahead and introduce new friends to Yuanchao.”

"Okay mom, let's go up." Wen Hui smiled and waved to the elders, Su Yi also smiled and bowed slightly, and followed Wen Hui to the stairwell.

(End of this chapter)

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