Chapter 1493
"I'm sorry, Yuanchao, actually, I think it's a bit disrespectful for them to test you like this."

When going upstairs, Wen Hui lowered her voice and said to Su Yi.

"This situation is caused by me, so I apologize to you, please forgive me." She said.

Su Yi smelled a nice scent of cream, and the faint fragrance of orange essence on Wenhui's hair.

"I had already anticipated this situation when I came to the appointment, so you don't have to be sorry." Su Yi said with a smile, "But don't you feel that you are already a little bit stuck with this matter?"

Wen Hui sighed: "It's a bit."

She stopped suddenly, turned around and looked at Su Yi with piercing eyes, and said, "But your appearance just now made me want to go all out for you once more. Aid Korea, I see that young people are all grass and trees, but you are the green mountain."

"Exaggerated." Su Yi said, "Actually, I am a rockery."

Wen Hui couldn't understand whether to laugh or cry, and Su Yi glanced at her: "You...ah, you've ruined all my good feelings..."

Su Yi smiled without saying a word, and continued walking with Wen Hui.

"It's full of young people who grew up with me, and there are no outsiders." Wen Hui suddenly lowered her voice and said quickly to Su Yi when she reached the door of a room on the second floor, "You can go in later and feel free to say something. Say what you want, do whatever you want, just be yourself.”

Before Su Yi nodded, she took Su Yi's hand.

Her hands were soft and slightly damp.

Just as Su Yi was about to protest, Wen Hui muttered in his ear: "Don't move! I don't want them to bully you!"

Su Yi smiled and let her lead her.

When Wen Hui pushed the door and entered, Su Yi noticed that her ears were a little red.

This looks like a meeting room with bookshelves on three sides, with a sofa and a coffee table in the middle, giving it the atmosphere of a reading salon for later generations.

There were five young men in the room, three men and two women.

They were talking and laughing when they opened the door, but when Su Yi walked in with Wen Hui, the talking and laughing stopped abruptly.Almost in unison, their gazes first fell on Wen Hui and Su Yi's holding hands, and then all fell on Su Yi's face.

Wen Hui naturally stepped aside and pulled Su Yi in front of her, put her other hand on Su Yi's right shoulder, and introduced with a smile in Su Yi's ear: "Let me introduce you, Su Yuanchao, I friend!"

"A normal friend, or a special friend?" A tall, elegant man in a white shirt and glasses immediately asked with a smile.

"I went there for the special purpose." Wenhui replied generously, then let go of Su Yi's hand and pointed to him to introduce to Su Yi, "This is Yu Wenhai, a civilian worker in the army. You are the youngest here, call him Old Yu Just fine."

Yu Wenhai nodded friendly to Su Yi and didn't say anything, but he contributed 94 malicious points to Su Yi, so Su Yi understood this person's position in seconds——


"This is my cousin Lu Shengli, Aunt Bai's son." Wenhui then pointed to a fat man and introduced.

Before Wen Hui could finish his introduction, the little fat man got up and walked over with a smile. He stretched out his hand enthusiastically and said with a smile, "Hi, you, Comrade Aid Korea, you can call me Victory. Welcome to my house as a guest."

After Su Yi shook hands and responded, Wen Hui pointed to the burly man at the end and said, "Zhang Dingbang, don't look at him as tall and thick, but he is actually a colleague of us. He is a radio editor and his writing is very thin."

Zhang Dingbang sat still, smiling and waving to Su Yi.

"These two are my sisters, Zhang Anping, Dingbang's younger sister, and Tao Chunxiao, the daughter of Minister XX who just talked to you downstairs." Wenhui finally introduced two more girls.

The two girls looked at Su Yi curiously, Tao Chunxiao's gaze was a little scrutinizing, and she asked Wenhui, "What's your background, Huihui? You have higher vision than me. This... Comrade Su, what superficiality do you have?"

"Why, you want to check for me?" Wen Hui said with a smile.

Tao Chunxiao curled her lips: "I'm not interested, I'm not that boring."

Zhang Anping, however, waved her hands shyly at Su Yi, and said softly, "Hi, Comrade Yuanchao, welcome to join us."

"Come, come, sit down and talk, don't stand up!" Little fat man Lu Shengli pulled Su Yi to sit down, "My sister can bring you to see us, that means she treats you as her own. Don't bother Be an outsider yourself, let's be more casual."

Su Yi smiled and said hello, and took the opportunity to sit down.

Lu Shengli placed Su Yi next to Zhang Dingbang, and he sat on the other side of Su Yi.

On the sofa on the left is only Yu Wenhai, and on the sofa on the right are Zhang Anping and Tao Chunxiao.

Originally, there was still a vacant seat next to Yu Wenhai, but Wenhui smiled and joked with Zhang Anping and squeezed between the two girls.

"Maliciousness from Wenhai +88..."

"What were you talking about?" Wen Hui asked with a smile.

"I was talking about XXX's speech at the Zheng Zhi Bureau's expanded meeting the day before yesterday." Yu Wenhai replied, "I, Chun Xiao, An Ping all think what he said is right, but Dingbang and Shengli feel that he is a bit radical. Wenhui, what do you think?" ?”

Wen Hui first recounted the so-called speech before making an evaluation.

Su Yi knew that this was what Wenhui told him.

In today's society, besides the superstructure, the first people to know about the top-level policies and trends are the children of the big courtyard.

They will even be the first to know about things that many non-core leaders do not know.

Get together to talk about the personnel changes above and the latest speeches of the big leaders, analyze the content, and express your own Zheng Zhi opinions...

This is what the children of the big courtyard are most passionate about doing.

They are naturally "concerned about the country and the people", and they regard themselves as the masters of the country and young revolutionaries. They are proud and passionate, influenced and inspired by their parents, and eager to do something big themselves.

So they talk here and give advice.

The scene quickly returned to the way it was before, and everyone continued to chat about the topic just now.Su Yi just sat there and listened, without any intention of expressing his opinion.

Wen Hui also seemed to ignore him, just explaining to others, talking about her position and ideas.

On the contrary, Lu Shengli felt that Su Yi had been left out in the cold, so he kindly asked Su Yi: "Yi Chao, what do you think?"

"I don't know about these." Su Yi shook his head, "You talk about yours, I'll just listen."

As soon as these words came out, Tao Chunxiao blurted out: "This is a matter of standing from the left to the right. Even if you don't understand it, you should have a position, right?"

"It's irresponsible to talk about a position without understanding." Su Yi said with a smile, "I'd better listen to everyone's opinions."

"Then let's change the subject." Zhang Anping said with a smile, "If we neglect new friends, then we are wrong. Aid Korea, Gang Huihui said that you and my brother are traveling together, so you are also engaged in propaganda?"

"That's right." Su Yi said, "I'm the editor of the factory newspaper, so I'm also involved in publicity."

"The biggest thing that came out of the propaganda outlet last month was the February outline." Zhang Anping thought for a while, "XXX said that we should be wary of leftist academic workers taking the path of bourgeois experts and learning tyrants, comrades who aid North Korea, how do you look?"

Su Yi apologized, "I haven't been in the capital for long, and I don't know what you're talking about."

Zhang Anping was a little embarrassed, and said, "Then do you think the current atmosphere needs to be restricted like an outline, or should it be criticized more severely?"

"I think there should be restrictions." Su Yi expressed a point of view with a smile.

Zhang Anping immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly smiled: "Huihui and I also think so, and there is victory, but Wenhai and my brother disagree with us."

"This topic has actually been debated!" Zhang Dingbang said a little bored, "Okay, let me talk about my opinion..."

The crowd quickly started a heated debate based on this topic.

It's clearly something they've already debated, and in order to get their new friends involved, they're taking out the old stuff and frying it up again.

Su Yi was actually a little helpless.The second generation of officials with eyes above the top, rivals in love, and outspoken girlfriends...

Normally, this kind of game is a game of pretending to face, but why is everyone taking care of their own feelings?
Although it was for Wen Hui's sake, no matter what the starting point was, Su Yi had to accept the favor.

You can't help but take care of people's face, right?
So Su Yi had no choice but to join them.

The topic is too sensitive to go into details here.

But Su Yi's point of view made everyone feel fresh and new. Even Zhang Dingbang and Yu Wenhai, who were on the opposite side of him, expressed their appreciation for some of Su Yi's statements.

After talking about this topic, everyone looked at Su Yi in a different way.

Then they opened up another sensitive topic. Su Yi was not very interested in it, so he didn't participate much.

But Lu Shengli quickly changed the subject again, found another topic on the propaganda outlet, and eagerly asked Su Yi to express his opinion, and then everyone started the discussion together...

In short, everyone is very enthusiastic, without the arrogance of the children in the big courtyard, nor with their eyes above the top, nor are they looked down upon or humiliated.

The young people became acquainted after chatting together. After such a chat, Su Yi broke the ice with them.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting more and more harmonious, Wen Hui smiled and raised another topic.

"What do you think of the worker's theoretical study experiment base plan recently launched by my uncle? I followed up and reported this matter." She deliberately did not look at Su Yi, a cunning flashed in her eyes.

"One word, bull!" When this was mentioned, Yu Wenhai was the first to express his opinion.

His eyes lit up, and he immediately gave a thumbs up: "Wenhui, you don't know, when our old man mentioned Uncle Lu's actions this time, he was full of praise! Really, what he said was so admirable... ..."

Yu Wenhai boasted about this incident, and it can be seen that he really thinks it rather than a compliment.

Zhang Dingbang followed up and said, "Because of Hai Rui's dismissal, Uncle Lu was in such a difficult situation a while ago? Now? Pass the test smoothly! Let alone Commander Yu, Comrade XX and my father were still emotional last time, saying this It's a miracle."

"That's right, the great man criticized that the propaganda needle can't be inserted. This is a very harsh wording. Even the leader of XX has been dismissed. Who dares to say that it is not a miracle that Uncle Lu is safe and sound?" Tao Chunxiao also said, "This plan is really a stroke of genius. , really, Uncle Lu's wisdom is as deep as the sea."

Lu Shengli cut it and said: "The old man is so rigid, he doesn't have such a brain. It's up to us to talk about it here. This plan is not the old man's own idea. Who is it... You can ask my sister, Anyway, my mother said that my sister is a great contributor to our family."

"Huihui, it's not your idea, is it?" Zhang Anping said in surprise, "If it's really you, you have to treat us to a good meal!"

"That's right, you agreed to fight together, but you actually made contributions secretly! What is the law of heaven!" Tao Chunxiao exclaimed excitedly.

Yu Wenhai smiled and said to Wenhui: "I don't think it's Huihui. She always takes compliments calmly. See how she smiles. Why are you so proud?"

Zhang Dingbang on the side suddenly slapped his hands and shouted "ah", stood up excitedly, stared at Su Yi and said hurriedly: "There are rumors that this idea was proposed by a young college student and Uncle Lu, aiding North Korea, this idea should Wouldn't it be you who came out?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's eyes immediately fell on Su Yi, each showing an expression of disbelief.

Su Yi pursed his lips and thought, isn't this still a slap in the face?

Before Su Yi could speak, Wen Hui sighed leisurely with a proud tone: "Oh, why don't the old men keep saying that we are Zhao Kuo talking on paper? I have made a contribution to this country within my ability, and in this era, I have already made a big mark."

She smiled and pointed at Su Yuanchao with both hands: "Let me introduce to you, the person sitting in front of you is Comrade Su Yuanchao, the initiator of the workers' theoretical study and experiment base project."

Tao Chunxiao slapped his forehead: "It's over, just now I looked down on people."

"You can't see Mount Tai with eyes..." Zhang Dingbang came over and grabbed Su Yi's hand and shook it vigorously, "I apologize to you for being negligent!"

"Did I not show my snobbery just now?" Yu Wenhai pretended to ask Wenhui.

Wen Hui couldn't help laughing and said, "It doesn't seem to be showing."

"That's good, that's good." Yu Wenhai looked at Su Yi complicatedly, "Let's get to know you again, Comrade Yuanchao, hello."

Lu Shengli patted Su Yi on the shoulder twice, but said nothing.

But he was the most excited there.

According to the news they revealed just now, Su Yi saved his father's life, Zheng Zhi.

Su Yi looked around and said with a smile: "Didn't we have a good chat just now? Why did the atmosphere suddenly become a little strange?"

"If you want to blame, blame your family Huihui!" Zhang Anping covered her mouth and smiled, "She insisted on first suppressing and then raising, she just wants us to worship you!"

"That's right, she's too scheming!" Tao Chunxiao also criticized, "No one can compare to her this time."

Wen Hui smiled and said, "I never thought about it that way, it's because you guys are making things complicated."

"Yanchao, tell us quickly, how did you come up with this plan? How did you realize it?" Zhang Anping asked impatiently.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes fell on Su Yi's face.

Wen Hui looked at this scene with pride, and she knew that this man should be the one who attracted the most attention.

(End of this chapter)

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