Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1494 Attitude

Young people in this era do not chase stars or worship money. They have pure thoughts and firm will. They worship whoever can make a career and contribute to the country.

Then they talked about movies, they talked about Psycho, they talked about Lawrence of Arabia, they talked about To Kill a Mockingbird.

Tao Chunxiao also talked about the new album "yesterday" released by the Beatles last year, which she thought was very nice.

In fact, Su Yi was more involved in the topic of film and television music, but he didn't talk about it.

Even if Wen Hui and Lu Shengli repeatedly guided, Su Yi smiled and avoided it, unwilling to participate in the discussion.

Soon someone downstairs came up and told everyone to go to the basement screening room.When Su Yi waited for the young people to arrive, the older generation sat down in the back row.After several people sat down in the first row, no one dared to speak, only the leader coughed lightly and said, "Let's get started."

The lights in the room dimmed suddenly, and after a while, with the sound of the projector turning, a colorful movie screen was projected on the front screen.

This is a foreign film. The roaring lion in the middle of the screen at the beginning made Su Yi a little dazed, and made him think of the scene of watching the film with a group of roommates with the lights off when he was in college.

With the melodious whistle, the opening song sounded.

"For a Few Dollars More," not far away, Wen Hai read out the title of the film, and then translated it himself, "Just a few more dollars? What kind of stupid name is this?"

"That's right, the Americans don't have much culture." Lu Shengli followed suit.

"Cough cough, be quiet and don't talk!" an adult behind coughed and said in a deep voice.

So everyone fell silent again.

Su Yi smiled, he had seen this movie, and he remembered watching it with Ma Shang in the rented house after he went to work.

However, the Chinese translation of later generations is called "Double Escorts at Twilight".

Pure foreign language movies are spoken in Italian with English subtitles. In fact, there is a threshold for watching movies.

Although the plot is very tight and the rhythm is very fast, a group of aunties still left early.

It is actually a kind of torture to just look at the picture without understanding what is being said.

With an attitude of reviewing, Su Yi watched the whole movie from beginning to end.

After the movie screening was over, the big leader asked the secretary to turn on the lights.

"Young people come first." An old Mediterranean leader said with a smile, "Wen Haier, didn't you want to express your opinion just now? Are you overwhelmed? Then you talk about it first!"

Amidst the roar of laughter, Yu Wenhai stood up embarrassedly, but he was not stage-frightened, and said, "I have seen the degeneration of lack of faith. A soul corrupted by money is worthless..."

A group of young people expressed their opinions one by one, full of slots.

When it was Su Yi's turn, Su Yi pondered slightly.

Just at this time Xu Damao came in from the outside and was about to pack his equipment. Su Yi waved to him and said with a smile: "Come on, come on, Damao, I think you just ran away halfway through watching the movie, tell the leaders, Are the movies bad?"

After the words fell, Su Yi had already gained a lot of malice.

In the eyes of the leaders, Su Yi's current behavior should be described in four words—I don't know what to say.

In fact, Su Yi originally wanted to make a random comment to fool the past, but he has always had a habit of not knowing when to vomit or not to vomit.

Su Yi felt that he had to be ignorant once in a while, otherwise it would be too boring.

When Xu Damao was called out by Su Yi, he was stunned at first and didn't react.

But soon he was overjoyed.I think Su Yi is really interesting, expensive is expensive, but he really does things!
Isn't this an opportunity to show your face in front of all the leaders?

Xu Damao suppressed his excitement, first cast a grateful look at Su Yi, and then said loudly: "The movie is very good-looking, very exciting! It's foreign language is not very good..."

Is that not good for you?
As soon as the voice fell, a needle could be heard on the spot.

Su Yi immediately reaped another wave of malicious tension, including Wenhui's.

Xu Damao raised his chest and felt that his voice was loud and full of energy just now, which should let all the leaders see his enthusiasm.

Su Yi rushed to ask further before the leaders who were so black-faced could speak: "Then if you are asked to live in the place in the movie, would you like to go?"

Xu Damao immediately shook his head like a rattle: "Don't go, only a fool! That guy has a gun on his body, he kills people if he says he kills them, the police don't care, there is no social order at all... Ordinary people Is there any way out there?"

As soon as these words came out, the leaders' eyes flickered and their faces eased down again.

Then Su Yi smiled and looked at the leaders and said: "This is what the workers think. Even if he doesn't understand the language, he doesn't even need to learn any principles to know that the movie is bad. I think their criticism is more important than mine. Meaning, at least they weren't criticizing for the sake of criticizing."

After speaking, Su Yi nodded slightly and sat down again.

There was some silence at the scene.

After a while, the big leader broke the silence with a chuckle: "It's thought-provoking... This little comrade, what's your name?"

Finally, I asked Xu Damao.

Xu Damao excitedly said: "Report to the leader, my name is Xu Damao!"

"The movie was played well. If there is a chance in the future, I will trouble you to show the movie for us." The leader stood up while talking, looked around and said with a smile, "It's time for dinner, shall we go eat?"

All the leaders just woke up like a dream, got up one after another, smiled and walked out in twos and threes.

The door is on the front row side, and Su Yi is sitting on the outermost side, so the leaders have to pass by Su Yi when they go out.

The big leader smiled and patted Su Yi on the shoulder before going out, but went out without saying anything.

The leaders behind either gave Su Yi a friendly smile, or didn't have a bad look on their faces even though they didn't speak.

But almost every leader who passed by Su Yi contributed a wave of malice to Su Yi, including Yang Baorui.

He reacted the most, pointed at Su Yi, and gave him an angry look.

Wen Hui's father purposely walked last, stopped in front of Su Yi and said with a smile, "I guess we will have a lot of common topics. If you have the opportunity to come to my house in the future, let's have a good chat."

Su Yi responded with a smile.

Wenhui's father was also one of the few who did not contribute malice to Su Yi, and had the most friendly attitude.

Su Yi secretly sighed in his heart, saying, Uncle Wen, your attitude is very dangerous...

After the elders left, Zhang Dingbang patted Su Yi on the shoulder from behind, with a complicated complexion, he gave him a thumbs up, and said, "Man, this time I really convince you, and I am convinced."

"Yanchao, you..." Yu Wenhai suddenly couldn't help asking.

Su Yi looked at Wenhui, who happened to be looking at him too, and the two looked at each other and smiled, but Wenhui's smile was somewhat bitter.

She has thought about everything, she believes that Su Yi's excellence will definitely win the love and appreciation of the older generation; she also believes that her friends will accept Su Yi and admire his talent.

She thought that Su Yi might not be suitable for this kind of occasion, she thought that Su Yi might be stimulated and shocked, she even thought that Su Yi might have some extreme poor ideas, or say something inappropriate, and did She can handle and resolve any inappropriate things.

But she didn't expect this to happen.

Su Yi used a very egotistical way to become a "stab head". This kind of impression is very bad. It will make the leaders think that you are arrogant and difficult to get in touch with, and will make them feel that you are oppressed.

Taking a ten thousand step back, let’s just stab the head. As long as the leaders see Su Yi’s “change” over time, things will still return to the right track.

The key is Su Yi's own attitude.

After this incident, Wen Hui was really discouraged, because she was convinced now that Su Yi really didn't care about her future at all.

Otherwise, how could someone as smart as him do such an irrational thing?

When eating, the old leaders sat at the same table, and the young people sat alone at the backyard.

At Lu Shengli's suggestion, everyone had a glass of wine with Su Yi in the name of welcoming new friends.

No one wanted to fill Su Yi with alcohol, and everyone even suggested that Su Yi drink less, because they planned to play volleyball together after dinner.

Except for Wen Hui who talked a little less, the rest of the people were not affected by the previous incident. Even Zhang Dingbang and Tao Chunxiao, who were originally a little arrogant, became a little closer to Su Yi, chatting and laughing with Su Yi frequently.

On the contrary, when Lu Shengli was about to eat, he specially asked Su Yi to toast a glass of wine.

"Yanchao, no matter whether you are my brother-in-law or not, I will recognize you as a friend." Lu Shengli said to Su Yi with a very serious attitude, "We brothers get along slowly, and we will see people's hearts over time."

Su Yi smiled and clinked glasses with him, and the two drank it down in one gulp.

There is a special volleyball hall in the compound. When Su Yi and his party arrived, there were people playing on all three courts.

But no one was worried about not being able to play, so Lu Shengli went to negotiate with one of them, and soon it was agreed that each team would lead the team to play.

There are seven people here, and one of them will be a substitute. Lu Shengli withdrew voluntarily, saying that whoever is tired from the beating will come up to him, and he will not be the main force.

"Even if you don't tell us, we don't want you." Wen Hui smiled, "We lose every time because of you."

Lu Shengli was not convinced and said: "Why don't you talk about Dingbang? He is a big man who is not as good as his sister. I think I am the same as Dingbang."

"Fart!" Zhang Dingbang responded unceremoniously, "The last time I drank too much the day before and was out of shape, so don't use an example to explain things! Brothers, let's see my performance today!"

"Aid Korea, have you ever played ball?" Yu Wenhai asked with a smile.

Su Yi shook his head: "I haven't played before, what are the rules?"

"No way, you don't know the rules when you're about to play?" Tao Chunxiao called out.

"It's okay, I'll tell you and you'll be fine, it's very simple..." Wen Hui pulled Su Yi aside and started talking.

Lu Shengli pointed over there and said, "See, this hasn't happened yet, my sister started to treat them differently. Women..."

"Wen Haier, don't you want to express some opinions?" Tao Chunxiao looked at Yu Wenhai teasingly.

Yu Wenhai said calmly: "What can I say? Even without Su Yuanchao, she Wenhui would not like me. If she likes me, both of our children will go to school."

"Look, how self-aware you are." Zhang Dingbang said.

"Fuck you!" Yu Wenhai scolded with a smile, "I'm better than you no matter what, I'm an old bachelor, you still laugh at me?"

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