Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1499 Everyone Wins

"I can't give it up, and I'm not good enough for you... Yuanchao, you should find a wife, don't delay for me, Haitang is actually pretty good, and she really likes you... If you really feel awkward , you can find someone else, but it can’t be me, really. You promise me to find a wife... If you don’t agree, I won’t go to your house from tomorrow..."

" can bear it?"

"Hiss... I can't help it, friend!"

By the time Su Yi went out, Yi Zhonghai had already gotten through with the whole courtyard.

When it comes to his own interests, Yi Zhonghai's mobilization effect is not very good.

Some agree, but many more disagree.

One dollar is not much to say, but many families live on every penny. If you take out one dollar here, they may not even dare to eat dry food for several days, and they can only eat thin food.

Yi Zhonghai was explaining the truth to everyone. To put it bluntly, it was the same set of "everyone benefits", trying to persuade everyone to pay.

In fact, he has taken great pains, because according to normal logic, if he does this, can Su Yi not think of him in the future?

This saved a lot of expenses for Su Yi.

But there is one thing to say, this kind of kidnapping of the whole courtyard is actually very unreasonable.

Everyone pays the money, but the favor is yours, why?
If Su Yi didn't speak up about this matter, it would most likely be facilitated, but Su Yi must have complained, which Su Yi didn't want to see.

"Come here to help the DPRK, I just told the big guys about you." Seeing Su Yi squeezed into the crowd, Yi Zhonghai immediately waved to him and let him pass.

"Master, I heard it." Su Yi said as he walked forward, "You are so kind, I have to thank you first! I will remember your kindness."

He shook hands with Yi Zhonghai.

No matter what people's starting point is, after all, this matter was arranged for him, Su Yi, and it deserves it.

"Happiness from Yi Zhonghai +89..."

Without waiting for Yi Zhonghai to speak, Su Yi turned his head and looked around for a week and said loudly: "Grandpa and aunts, neighbors, my house was under construction, and I accidentally cut off the water pipe. This is my fault, and everyone may not be able to drink water for several days. , I am already very sorry, if I let the big guys pay again, then I will feel even more uneasy!"

"The elder is far-sighted and considers the overall situation. He is afraid that I will be in financial difficulties, and he is also afraid that everyone will not be able to eat for a while, so he came up with such an idea that has the best of both worlds..."

"Happiness from Yi Zhonghai +101..."

Yi Zhonghai subconsciously straightened his back.

"But personally speaking, I moved to the courtyard within a few days, and I have to forgive the neighbors. I don't think I can make trouble for the big guys, so I will pay for the repair of the water pipes, and the big guys won't pay for it. .”

As soon as these words came out, the whole courtyard buzzed loudly.

"Yanchao, you still have to build a house, do you want to collect the money?" Liu Haizhong asked.

"That's right, it's not easy for you just started working..."

"Why don't we all get together, how difficult is it for him to put such a large sum of money on Yuan Chao?"

When Su Yi said this, most of the neighbors in the neighborhood calmed down and softened their hearts.

Common people often argue about "why". As long as you make them feel at ease, they are actually very enthusiastic.

Especially in this age of dedication and contribution.

Su Yi laughed and said: "Thank you guys for your concern, I can still get the money together. Before I said to build a house, Da Mao and his wife took the money for me without saying a word, I..."

"Fear from Xu Damao +99... Malice from Xu Damao +88..."

"Haha, why are you talking about this? Which one of us brothers is with whom? Don't talk about it, don't talk about it!" Xu Damao was so frightened that he was covered in white hair, so he hurriedly interrupted Su Yi with a haha, and squeezed at Su Yi Squeeze your eyes.

Su Yi went on to laugh and said: "Anyway, I still have some money on me. It's not easy for anyone. There are seniors and younger ones. Unlike me, I can eat enough for the whole family and don't go hungry. I have to sacrifice a few months' salary. It will be solved. So thank you guys for worrying about me, thank you everyone!"

Su Yi cupped his fists and cupped his hands in all directions, reaping a lot of joy.

Originally, the courtyard was full of complaints and complaints, but now only hello, me, and everyone are left, enjoying themselves happily.

Yi Zhonghai was very pleased, feeling that this was his ideal courtyard atmosphere.

On the other hand, Liu Haizhong admired Su Yi very much, secretly remembered Su Yi's words and gestures, and felt that he had to learn Su Yi's style.

Yan Fugui came up with some similar words in his mind and wanted to praise him, but when he suddenly saw Yu Li and Yan Jie whispering something, he immediately lifted his spirits, put the thought behind him, and hurried over to ask about it. : "Daughter-in-law, what did you say?"

Yu Li nodded and said, "Yes, he said he would consider it."

Yan Fugui became excited: "Think about it? If he can think about it, then he is capable of doing it."

Yan Fugui was very excited: "Daughter-in-law, don't worry about the next thing, I'll take care of it!"

After speaking, he turned around excitedly and left.

Yan Jiecheng looked at his father's leaving figure, and said to Li: "Hey, tell Yuanchao, don't ask too hard when the time comes, and don't scare dad away."

"I told him? Why should I tell him?" Yu Li squinted at him.

"It's all related, what can't you say?" Yan Xiecheng said with a playful smile.

Yu Li looked at him seriously, then turned around suddenly and asked, "Xie Cheng, don't you feel bad at all? You don't hate me?"

Yan Jiecheng was slightly silent: "Do you hate me?"

Yu Li stopped talking.

Yan Jiecheng said: "I don't hate you, and you don't hate me either."

"It's different!" Yu Li was a little annoyed, "If you hate me, we will leave..."

"No!" Yan Jiecheng suddenly grabbed Yu Li's arm and said sharply, "Unless you want me to die!"

Yu Li stared at him blankly, and smiled sarcastically: "For you, you only need to have a daughter-in-law. You don't really care if your daughter-in-law has broken shoes with other men."

"Don't say that." Yan Jiecheng said in a low voice, "After so many years of husband and wife, don't you have feelings for me? Actually, I have been looking forward to this day. If this is the case... at least we are even."

Yu Li looked at Su Yi in the crowd, and said quietly after a long silence: "Don't touch me from now on."

"That won't work." Yan Xiecheng smiled playfully again, "I have to serve you..."

"You can't serve me!" Yu Li looked into his eyes, "It's different, it's not the same at all, I just realized today how comfortable it is..."

Yan Jiecheng was stunned, ashamed, and faintly excited.

"You, you tell me..."

"Get out! Get out of here!"

In the crowd, the corners of Su Yi's mouth twitched a few times, and he met Liu Guifen who rushed over.

The one who came with Liu Guifen was a middle-aged man with a long face and a thick chin.

"Director Liu, I have caused you trouble..." Su Yi greeted him.

"I heard from Ermin about the matter. This is my brother-in-law, the captain of the emergency repair team of the waterworks. His surname is Zhang. Let him see the situation first." Liu Guifen said seriously.

"Excuse me, Captain Zhang." Su Yi said.

Zhang Erniu nodded, took out a flashlight from his pocket, turned on the light, took a look at the broken part, and said, "We need to change the pipe. If the joint going into the yard is not rusted, just change it from the door to the middle." The courtyard section is about [-] meters long; if the joint is rusted and unusable, you have to directly switch to the main pipe and add another [-] meters of pipe.”

"This water pipe is not damaged by human beings. Our waterworks repair it. But because of your personal or unit-related damage, you will be responsible for all the costs. We have a special internal document that stipulates the construction maintenance fee standard."

Zhang Erniu looked like he was doing business, and what he said was probably the same as what Su Yi knew before.

Su Yi said: "Then how much does it cost?"

"You should prepare 150 yuan first, more refunds and less compensation." Zhang Erniu said.

"How much?" The surrounding neighbors were in an uproar.

"How much money can a water pipe have, and it's so expensive? Why don't you grab it?"

"That's right, if we really can't do it ourselves, we can buy the water pipes and repair them ourselves. It will cost less than 50 yuan!"

"It's too dark for this..."

Neighbors complained one after another.

Zhang Erniu stared and said, "Too much? Then don't pay the compensation. Let's treat it as damage to state property and hand it over to the police station. You may not have to pay any cents at that time. What are you doing?"

"The 150 yuan is not your money to pay us for construction, but also includes a fine for destroying the water pipe network! What do you know, you are talking nonsense?"

Zhang Erniu was full of spirit and calmed down the neighbors.

Su Yi said: "Captain Zhang, I will pay the money. When do you think the construction and maintenance can start? The neighbors are waiting for water, and it will be inconvenient to delay a day."

"You pay?" Zhang Erniu looked at Su Yi, "You pay all one hundred and fifty?"

Su Yi nodded: "I dug up the water pipe during construction, and the neighbors suffered accordingly. I will pay for it."

Zhang Erniu said: "It's a man."

Liu Guifen said: "Brother-in-law, Aid Korea is a martyr. A few days ago, he acted bravely. Our community is going to reward him. Can you accommodate this fee?"

Zhang Erniu wondered: "This fee is all bastard's buttocks. We all have to pay for it. There is no way to reduce it. Guifen, don't embarrass me. The most I can do is to hire more people to do the work." Hurry up. There are many places waiting for construction in the whole capital, and I can give priority to construction here, but the premise is that the cost will be paid first."

Liu Guifen said: "Really can't do less?"

"The public money is not mine. If it can be less, can I still get stuck with my sister-in-law? See what you said." Zhang Erniu said angrily.

The surrounding audience laughed softly.

Liu Guifen said: "The money must not be less, can we use more materials?"

Zhang Erniu said, "What do you mean?"

Liu Guifen said: "That's what I think. Nowadays, many large courtyards are being remodeled with waterways. Some of them have running water entering the house, or the front, middle and back yards are connected to water. Now that you have started construction, can you single-handedly transform this courtyard into place? "

"That's a good idea!"

"That's right, it's too inconvenient to drink water from a sink in the middle yard. You have to queue up for water when you go to work and eat in the morning, and it's not convenient to drink water in the front and back yards..."

"Captain Zhang, you are accommodating, look at 150 yuan, you can just give us a proper transformation..."

The three uncles were all moved, and when you persuaded me with every word, the neighbors also became interested and discussed excitedly.

Zhang Erniu pondered for a moment, waved his hands and said, "Stop arguing!"

After everyone calmed down, he asked Su Yi, "Are you sure you can pay the 150 yuan?"

Su Yi nodded: "I'll give it to you tonight, you just need to work quickly."

Zhang Erniu slapped his hands: "With Gui Fen's face here, the renovation project is not impossible, but let me tell you clearly, the construction fee may cost about 120 yuan, but if you have water in the front and back yards, then I will You have to change the top and bottom of the water together, and then there will be more than this money, and I can’t refund you a penny of your 150 yuan.”

Yi Zhonghai said: "Captain Zhang, can you make it cheaper?"

Zhang Erniu said: "You old comrade, why can't you understand the words? It's not a cheap thing. To be honest, if we just renovate the waterway and add a few more faucets, our labor cost will be 50 yuan." The money starts, just like your yard, the front yard plus the back yard, at least you will be charged 100 yuan!"

"Now that comrade Su Yuanchao is willing to pay the previous 120 yuan, we will charge you an extra 30 yuan for the renovation. If you are not satisfied, well, then what to do, I will restore you to the original state That's fine, don't bother anyone."

"Comrade Zhang, then follow me back to the house to get the money." Su Yi said.

"You help the dynasty later." Yi Zhonghai called Su Yi to stop, "Are you going to pay one hundred and twenty, or one hundred and fifty?"

"One hundred and five, isn't that all settled?" Su Yi said.

"You dug up the water pipe, and it is your responsibility to restore it to its original state, but if the front and back yards are flooded, you can't let them all go out." Yi Zhonghai said, "Besides, Captain Zhang also said just now, if the renovation is done separately Waterway, you get 100 yuan, and now you pay 30 yuan more, which means we have all your money, and you can’t let you pay for this money, it doesn’t make sense. Neighbors, don’t you think so?”

This time, the neighbors had no objections and nodded.

Yi Zhonghai said again: "If the front and back yards are connected to water, everyone votes with a show of hands. This is a matter that is beneficial to the whole yard, especially the neighbors in the front and back yards. Make up the 30 yuan and don't let Yuanchao pay for it. If it is not necessary, this water pipe can be restored to Yuanchao's original state, what do you think?"

"I think it's okay. I don't want to get water to wash my face or something and run to the middle courtyard all the time, and I have to queue." Liu Haizhong was the first to express his opinion. Money, I am willing to pay this money.

"Our family is fine too!" Lou Xiaoe was the second to say, "I will also pay for the old lady's expenses!"

The deaf old lady laughed and said, "I have money."

"You can keep the money!" Lou Xiao'e said.

Except for them, no one expressed their opinion, and everyone discussed it a lot, and they would rather trouble a little than pay the money.

Zhang Erniu said impatiently, "What do you mean?"

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