Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1500 Construction

Chapter 1500 Construction
Again, the common people these days have no spare money, and some extra and unnecessary expenses, most families save as much as they can.

Running two extra steps to use water, and I'm so tired, why do I have to pay an extra one yuan?
The uncle's call still didn't get many people's response, and his face was a little ugly.

Su Yi waved his hand and said, "Grandpa, let's leave it at that. The courtyard is our common home. I'm new here, so I should buy something for the family. Captain Zhang, come to my house, and I'll bring you something." money."

While Su Yi was talking, he called Zhang Erniu and Liu Guifen to his home.

Behind him, the neighbors praised him one after another.

"How good is this kid? Sensible! He's good at what he does!"

"Who says it's not? If the water pipes are connected to the front, middle and back yards in the future, it will be convenient for everyone to drink water. Who wouldn't miss him?"

"He's also an open-minded person. From now on, we need to keep in touch with each other often. We can't go wrong!"

Yan Fugui laughed and said, "This kid from Yuanchao has a lot of spirit in his bones. How about saying that he has a future? Haha? How much trouble do you think this will save us?"

"I think it's to save you money?" Yi Zhonghai glanced at him.

"All provinces, all provinces." Yan Fugui smiled, "Old Yi, tell me yourself, if everyone is like Yuan Chao, wouldn't it be easier to manage the courtyard?"

While talking here, Zhang Erniu, who had just entered Su Yi's room, pushed open the door and got out, coughing twice to attract everyone's attention.

"Then what, let me say a few more words." Zhang Erniu looked around and said, "Nowadays, many comrades need water pipes to enter the house. We have remodeled a lot in other courtyards. The reason why it has not been popularized is that It’s because of the high cost of on-site construction. But this time, the water supply and drainage in your yard is going to be remodeled, so comrades who have water pipes entering the house, you are in a good time!”

"If you want to register, it's best to register this time. I only calculate the cost of materials and construction costs from the public pipeline in the courtyard to your home... We calculate it on a daily basis. If you have a large number of people, you can partner It will be shared equally. It’s no problem for us to change four or five companies a day. In short, it’s definitely more cost-effective than you asking us alone.”

"The thing is this. If you want to enter the house, our engineering team will enter the factory tomorrow morning and report to us before noon tomorrow. If it is late... sorry, you will have to pay more! Okay, I will say this !"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Erniu turned his head and sneaked into Su Yi's house.

As soon as he left, the neighbors immediately had a heated discussion.

If you can use only one faucet in your own home, it will definitely be better than sharing it with other homes. You can just turn on the tap whenever you want to drink water, and you don’t have to go to the yard to carry buckets back.

But still the same problem - money.

Many neighbors who didn't even want to pay a dollar were naturally not interested in this matter, and turned around and left.

However, the family had some spare money, so they began to discuss with high spirits.

For example, Liu Haizhong, Yan Fugui, and Xu Damao's family.

Yi Zhonghai discussed with Da Ma that they should provide water to the deaf old lady's house, so that it would be more convenient for the old lady to use water.

Several other companies also moved their minds and began to measure the distance to their own homes and calculate how far the pipes would be laid.

The courtyard was bustling like New Year's Eve, at Su Yi's house, Su Yi had already poured tea and smoked.

"Yanchao, if you have any ideas, just tell my brother-in-law directly, you are not an outsider." Liu Guifen laughed.

Su Yi smiled and said, "I have to call you Uncle Zhang, right?"

"You can call him anything, even Erniu!" Zhang Erniu said with a smile.

"Uncle Zhang, let's talk about the water pipe entering the house." Su Yi sat down and said, "I built a new house next to me. I didn't think about what to do. Just now Aunt Liu reminded me that the water pipe can enter the house." Household, I have an idea. I want to convert that house into a toilet and bathroom."

"Oh my god, you're thinking about it, kid!" Liu Guifen laughed with an absurd look on her face, "Where did you turn your own house into a hut? How stinky is that? Besides, shit, pee Ah, how do you fix it? Why don’t you take it out all the time? It’s not enough to waste your time!”

"Aunt Liu, the water toilet is not the dry toilet." Su Yi said.

Good guy, is it okay to have a dry toilet at home?

"What kind of toilet is a water closet?" Liu Guifen was a little dazed, "Aren't they all toilets for shitting and peeing?"

Zhang Erniu raised his hand and stopped Liu Guifen from speaking. He pointed to Su Yi and said firmly, "You must have been to the leader's house in the compound of the ministry, or to a place like the Friendship Hotel that receives foreign guests, right?"

Su Yi smiled and nodded, "Yes."

"You're talking about flush toilets, right?" Zhang Erniu said again.

"Uncle Zhang, you have a lot of knowledge!" Su Yi gave him a thumbs up.

"I'll just say it!" Zhang Erniu slapped his thigh excitedly, very happy that he had guessed the truth, "There is a toilet in the room, so it must be installed with a flush toilet. People's foreign hotels and big leaders' homes are all like this!"

Liu Guifen's eyes widened in disbelief: "This big leader and foreign guests relieve themselves at home? Isn't this too unhygienic? How dirty!"

"You don't understand Gui Fen. They set aside a special room for a special toilet. Special... what is it called? It seems to be a toilet? Anyway, after flushing the hand sanitizer, it all goes into the sewer, and there is a little pickle. No, it’s clean and tasteless!” Zhang Erniu explained, “There is a fan in the toilet, and when the fan is turned on, all the smell is sucked outside, so it’s a pleasure to relieve oneself!”

Liu Guifen has a feeling of being subverted.

In fact, flush toilets existed before liberation, but these things are only too scarce, and most ordinary people must never see them.

Although Liu Guifen has worked in the community for most of her life, she has never heard of this flush toilet.

"Relieve the hand and enjoy it? Why? What came out was high-end shit?" Liu Guifen couldn't understand, and was a little annoyed, "The common people's houses are not enough to live in, and they even set aside a room for shit..."

Zhang Erniu and Su Yi couldn't laugh or cry.

"You, I have no experience." Zhang Erniu waved his hand, "Now the whole capital is changing the sewer network. I heard that a large number of flush toilets will be built above. This thing has already started to be repaired in the courtyards of some government agencies and ministries. .Have you seen that kind of fecal suction truck on the street? That is specially made for this kind of toilet."

After a brief introduction, Zhang Erniu said to Su Yi again: "It seems that there are squatting and sitting things here, and they are all foreign things. We don't have a factory specializing in the production of this in China. Can you get this thing? It's not possible. , You build a pond with cement."

Su Yi said: "I'll give it a try first to see if I can do it. Uncle Zhang, is it okay to get in and out of the water?"

"No problem! If you want to install a flush toilet, I'll put the water directly behind your room. The cesspool in the next yard is not far from your house. When the time comes, you can go directly to that side, which is equivalent to going to your house alone." Zhang Er Niu patted his chest and agreed, "I'll bring someone here tomorrow, and then you tell the workers where the water comes out and where the water comes in. My sister-in-law has spoken, and I will definitely arrange it for you."

"Thank you so much, you have helped me a lot." Su Yi said, "Uncle Zhang, do you have time tomorrow afternoon? Let's have a drink or two? When the time comes, you will bring my aunt and the child together, and the family will be alone." It's firing."

"This is inappropriate..." Zhang Erniu hastily waved his hand and refused, "You pay me to do the work, and besides, there is Gui Fen's relationship..."

"It's nothing inappropriate," Su Yi said, "If you're okay, we'll make a deal. Aunt Liu, you can also bring my uncle with the child. If it's somewhere..."

Su Yi looked at Liu Guifen: "Do you think the house we went to that day is suitable, Aunt Liu?"

"It's suitable, it's very suitable." Liu Guifen expressed a wave of joy to Su Yi, "It's fine for the family, my brother-in-law and I can come, there are many people, old and young, and we can't sit down."

Su Yi said: "I think it's okay, it's convenient for you two, anyway, we don't want to see anyone!"

Seeing that Liu Guifen agreed, Zhang Erniu let go of his reserve, and the three of them talked and laughed.

Before leaving, he half pushed and half accepted the two packs of cigarettes that Su Yi stuffed in his pocket.

After going out, there were still many people gathered in the front yard, all of whom wanted running water to enter the house, and they stayed at the door to discuss.

Seeing Zhang Erniu going out, a group of people immediately surrounded him, asking about the price.

Su Yi and Liu Guifen looked at each other and smiled.

The repair of the toilet has basically been done. Although more money and energy have been spent, no one can say that it is inappropriate.

It was night, in the dead of night, Su Yi moved the bed board, quietly dug out a big hole under it, mixed the waste soil and dregs dug out from the construction site outside, and tossed about most of the night before going to sleep.

Early the next morning, after Kong Damin entered the courtyard, he pretended to play a scene with Su Yi in front of the neighbors, and completely picked Kong Ermin out.

There was no water in the yard, so the neighbors ran to the opposite or next door to wash up in the courtyard. Fortunately, Su Yi did a good job yesterday, but there was nothing to complain about.

Today he was going to dig a hole out of Su Yi's bedroom, and with the repair of the water pipes, Su Yi's house couldn't be left unattended, so he went to the alley to call Shen Hongyan and asked for half a day off.

Not long after, Zhang Erniu also brought his construction team into the hospital.

There are five families who want to connect water to the house, including the deaf old lady's family, Xu Damao's family, Liu Haizhong's family, Yan Fugui's family, and Su Yi's family, just to make up for a day's work.Five people share an equal share, and each family pays less than 20 yuan including labor and materials, which is very cost-effective.

It is worth mentioning that Yi Zhonghai paid for the water supply to the deaf old lady's house.

Regardless of other aspects, the uncle is absolutely blameless in taking care of the deaf old lady.

The compound quickly became chaotic, because it was necessary to lay and dig water pipes, and everything was dug up from the alley outside to the inside of the compound.

Zhang Erniu hired more than a dozen workers, and the efficiency was quite high.

Here, Su Yi and Kong Damin agreed on the location of the opening, and as the sledgehammer was swung "dong dong", a big hole was quickly dug out of the wall of Su Yi's bedroom.

Regarding the water and sewage, Su Yi plans to open a water and sewage in the cooking place in the outhouse, build a cement tank at the bottom, surround the water outlet, and build a shelf on the wall above to make a vegetable washing basin.

In the newly renovated toilet, there are three places for the upper and lower water, one for the washbasin, one for the toilet, and one for showering and laundry.

For the layout, he designed the dry and wet separation according to the decoration style of later generations combined with his own habits.

He specifically explained to Kong Damin the purpose of this house, and asked him to do a good job of waterproofing, and the ground should sink a little.

By the way, there were some unreasonable or uncomfortable things in the room before, Su Yi also explained to Kong Damin by the way, and asked him to make changes.

It was almost noon when Yu Li came back.

She works as a temporary worker in a food factory. She went to the factory this morning to have a look. She didn't have any work, so she went home first.

"Yanchao, my father-in-law may come to you in the next two days to talk about work." She found a time when no one was around and said to Su Yi, "Don't worry about my thoughts on this matter, if it's difficult for you, you should say no. and if it can be done, do what you will."

Su Yi nodded and said, "I see."

In terms of introducing work to Yan Jiecheng, Su Yi happened to have a spot.

This quota cannot be given in vain, otherwise the third master must have murmured in his heart.

But you can't ask for too much, don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face.

"What do you want for lunch?" Yu Li asked.

"I have an appointment with friends at noon, and I want to go out to eat." Su Yi said, "I won't come back at night, so don't worry about me today."

He pointed to the workers who were busy working everywhere in the yard, and said, "I'm not here, just watch and boil some water for them to drink."

Yu Li nodded, and suddenly said: "I heard from Haitang that you found a female reporter?"

Su Yi shook his head: "It can't be done."

"Is it because they don't want to, or you don't want to?" Yu Li asked.

Su Yi smiled: "No fate."

When Su Yi came back yesterday and stood by the window looking at the moon, he had already figured it out. If he insisted on being with Wen Hui, he would not do anything for the rest of his life.

Anyway, you have to put yourself in it.

Save Wenhui's family?
This is impossible.

When manpower is limited, Su Yi is not omnipotent.

He couldn't think of what to do so that he and Wen Hui could live the lives of ordinary people in peace, so he could only give up.

He and Wen Hui haven't reached the point where they dare to break up with the king when the mountains have no edges, so he can only cut them as soon as possible.

This is a bit embarrassing and helpless.

Also a little unfeeling.

In fact, this is also the reason why Su Yi was so upset yesterday, and even crossed some bottom lines.

After all, lying down and indulging are often one of the most harmless ways to fight the world.

(End of this chapter)

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