"Aid Korea... You really don't need to do this." Yu Li turned her head and wiped her tears, contributing waves of emotional points to Su Yi.

What a wonderful misunderstanding.

Su Yi didn't mean to explain. He actually seriously considered the matter with Yu Li last night.

If the two of them were still at the level of the Lucky Cat, he wouldn't say anything.

But when they broke a pot of popcorn together, he had to explain this matter. He had to be responsible for what he had done, even if it was caused by an impulse.

So Yu Li was not wrong, Su Yi was really thinking about giving an explanation for this matter.

"Think about what I mentioned to you." Su Yi said, "Actually, your life is not interesting."

"Don't mention it, it's impossible." Yu Li shook her head again and refused.

"If you don't mention it, there will be no future for us." Su Yi said quietly, "If I marry someone else in the future, the relationship between us will stop here."

Yu Li was shocked, and after a long silence, she forced a smile and said, "The sister-in-law is also satisfied."

"Don't ask for forever, as long as you once had it?" Su Yi frowned slightly, then smiled suddenly, "I probably know what you are afraid of, but there is no need. If you are really with me, nothing will be a problem."

Yu Li still shook her head: "Yuanchao, I think clearly, it's good for you and me like this. In fact, we shouldn't have it. It's my own shame that... I can't hurt you."

"To be with me is to harm me?" Su Yi frowned, "You think too much."

"Anyway, it's not okay, don't talk about it!" Yu Li suddenly became a little excited, "I don't want you to be responsible, I'm fine now!"

Su Yi sighed: "Okay, I hope we don't regret it."

The two said nothing more.

Su Yi went to see Kong Damin and Zhang Erniu, introduced them to each other, talked about cooperation in the project, and went out.

Yesterday, he drove directly from the factory to the big leader's house. The bicycle was parked in the factory and he didn't ride back, so Su Yi could only go to the department store on his legs.

Fortunately, not too far away.

When he arrived at the place, Su Yi just wanted to enter the door, but suddenly thought of a scary person, his expression changed and he stopped.

After thinking about it, he turned and walked into the alley next to him.

At the end of the alley is a big iron gate. This is the gate of the backyard of the department store. Su Yila came to this yard before when he was in furniture. It was also in this yard that he had a conflict with Wang Cheng, which triggered a big subsequent incident. turmoil.

The janitor obviously recognized Su Yi, and gave Su Yi a wave of fear, hurried up to meet him and asked, "Comrade, are you looking for someone or..."

"Look for Li Lan, she is my cousin." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Oh, I know, I know, then you come in and sit down first, and I'll go to the front and call her." The uncle enthusiastically said.

"Master, you are troubled." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Hey, why are you tired, just wait." The uncle left in a hurry.

After a while, he brought Li Lan here.

The latter saw that Su Yi was very happy, and waved from a distance. She raised a bunch of keys in her hand and said, "Come in, I'll take you to the warehouse!"

Su Yi originally planned to take Li Lan to dinner first, and he agreed to treat him earlier.

But having said that, go check it out.

The warehouse is in the yard, and there is a row of bungalows on the left of the gate in the backyard.

Li Lan opened the door and introduced: "The things here have been stored here for a long time. After the last batch of embassies in Dongjiaomin Hutong moved out, there was nowhere to put them. They pulled a few carts to us. It's been piled up here all the time."


The door opened, and a cloud of dust mixed with a musty smell came out.

The two hurriedly stepped back a few steps.

Li Lan frowned and fanned the wind, and said: "Some things were taken away by our director, and there are some good things left, but they are not practical, so they have been left until now. You can go in later and see what you like Don’t worry about the money, I’m sure I won’t ask you how much you want.”

"Can I worry about Sister Lan?" Su Yi said with a smile.

"Haha, just don't worry. Go, go in."

The warehouse was piled up in a mess, and most of the things were covered with a thick layer of dust.

Su Yi's eyes automatically skipped over the luxurious furniture decorated in European and American styles, such as tables, chairs and sofas.

These things are definitely good things, but you can't want any of them. Anyone who goes in can see them when they are placed in the outhouse, and if they are not good, they will cause trouble.

On the contrary, there is a large western-style wardrobe and a dressing table with a mirror, which look good. These things are placed in the bedroom, and people are usually not allowed to enter.

Su Yi didn't hesitate and asked for these two things directly.

Then go inside, there are two small bedside cabinets, Su Yi also settled down.

There is also a record player, with a box of dozens of vinyl discs attached. Su Yi hesitated for a while, and finally gave up the plan to take it home.

There are some beautiful crystal lamps, very exquisite carpets, curtains, tableware, and tea sets, all of which Su Yi skipped and didn't even look at.

He only chooses practical things, and they have to be used in the back room and bathroom.

Su Yi doesn't plan to make too many changes to the furnishings of the outer room, the inner room is actually not big, and it can't fit any more after adding a few things before.

Su Yi wandered around and was a little disappointed. Except for those things just now, he didn't see anything useful.

On the contrary, there is a canvas bag in the innermost part. When it is opened, it is full of foreign documents. The categories are very mixed, and there are everything.

Su Yi hesitated slightly, and ordered these books as well.

The warehouse said it was too big or not, and when the two of them came out after a round trip, Li Lan asked, "Do you want these?"

"That's all." Su Yi said.

Li Lan was a little disappointed: "You don't even like the tables, chairs, sofas, and lamps that are so good inside?"

Su Yi shook his head and said: "Do you think my house is equipped with these things? Those things are not needed."

Li Lan said: "Well, you don't need much, so you don't need money."

"How did this happen?" Su Yi frowned, "How much should be."

"See you with me, right?" Li Lan gave him an angry look, "I'll apologize to you for what happened to Wang Cheng, isn't that all right? Man, this thing belongs to the government and not mine. You Just say whether you want it or not, because you still have lumps in your heart!"

Su Yi smiled and said, "You've already said that, so why should I be polite?"

"That's right!" Li Lan said happily, "Aren't you still tidying up the house? When your house is tidy up, I'll ask Ermin to send it to you. Don't worry about it, it's almost there!"

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. Li Lan took a fancy to Su Yi's energy and potential, and wanted to make up for the previous relationship between the two, and pave the way for their future relationship.

It doesn't matter whether he is utilitarian or not, but he is willing to put in effort to maintain this network, and Su Yi also feels that Li Lan will definitely be used in the future, so the two hit it off.

Su Yi doesn't have any "cleanliness" about this, and the relationship between profit and profit is often looked down upon by the world, and the derogatory names of "fun friends and dog friends" and "drinking and meat friends" are often used.But in life, both true and false feelings are necessary, and in many cases, this kind of interest relationship is more reliable and practical than the relationship of true feelings and sincerity.

"Let's go, go eat. I've been talking about this for a long time, and I have to honor what I say today, or you will call me stingy." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Should I call Shang Ermin?" Li Lan asked.

Su Yi shook his head: "I invite you specially, how about it, is it sincere enough?"

He wanted to ask Li Lan something, but it was inconvenient for Kong Ermin to ask.

"Happiness from Li Lan +99..."

Li Lan slapped Su Yi on the shoulder and said affectionately: "Okay, my sister didn't hurt you for nothing! Just wait, I'll come out after I go back and tell you."

After saying that, Li Lan turned around and ran away.

Su Yi waited in the yard for a while, but did not see Li Lan coming out, but a middle-aged woman hurried to the backyard, stretched her neck and looked around, and when she saw Su Yi, she immediately walked towards this side.

When Su Yi saw this person's expression, he immediately froze, his scalp went numb.

The more I don't want to see, the more I can't hide...

"The joy from Zhang Guifang +77, the desire from Zhang Guifang +56..."

"Hey, young man, we meet again, do you remember me?" Zhang Guifang walked over with a smile, her eyes swept up and down Su Yi's body with a smile on her face.

"Hello, aunt." Su Yi greeted with a smile.

"What's your name, aunt? Didn't I tell you last time? It's called Sister Zhang!" Zhang Guifang walked up to Su Yi, looked up at Su Yi's face, and smiled brighter.

"Desire from Zhang Guifang +63..."


"Sister Zhang, tell Sister Lan that I'll go out and wait for her." Su Yi greeted, turned and left.

"Hey, hey, don't go, I'm still asking you something!" Zhang Guifang was unhappy.

Su Yi waved his hands without looking back, and walked faster.

Then he felt a pair of hot eyes staring at his ass...

"Desire from Zhang Guifang +86..."

You are a bow-legged uncle!

Su Yi wished he could fly out.

After Li Lan met Su Yi at the intersection, Su Yi couldn't help complaining, "What's wrong with Gui Fang in your unit? Why do you keep staring at me? His eyes are weird."

Li Lan said: "You old man, what are you afraid of being stared at by her? Why are you running away? Sister Zhang just complained to me about you, saying that she won't eat you..."

"Does she stare at everyone like this?" Su Yi asked.

"If you don't tell me, I really didn't pay attention. She seems to be staring at you." Li Lan thought for a while and said, "I always praise you for being handsome and strong like a calf."

Li Lan pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Sister Zhang's man died early, so he may have taken a fancy to you."

She was joking, but even if she was killed, she would never have imagined that this was actually a fact.

Su Yi shook his head and stopped discussing this topic.

"What do you want to eat? Boiled lamb? Roast duck? Or stir-fried vegetables?"

"It doesn't need to be so wasteful, let's just eat a bowl of fried noodles." Li Lan said.

"Then eight big bowls!" Su Yi said, "Where do you get noodles with fried sauce? It's too dishonest!"

The two chatted and laughed to the place, found a quiet place to sit down, Su Yi didn't let him, and ordered four dishes and one soup.

After a meal, the guests and the host enjoyed the meal. Seeing that the atmosphere was getting better, Su Yi said, "Sister Lan, do you have a way to get a flush toilet or a squat pit? There is also a ceramic sink."

Li Lan was startled and said, "Why do you want this thing? Pretending it at home?"

Su Yi nodded and said: "The newly built house is going to be converted into a bathroom."

Li Lan was full of envy, and half-jokingly said: "You are really high-class, and my house uses public toilets... If you do this, I want to live in your house."

"Are you not engaged?" Su Yi said, "You move to my house, can your fiancé agree?"

"Who said it, is it Kong Ermin?" Li Lan said angrily, "This idiot doesn't usually have a long mouth!"

Su Yi laughed and said: "It's my fault for being late, alas, there is no fate."

Li Lan giggled and said, "You, it's just nice to say, if any girl you like, you won't be fascinated by her?"

"If I want to have this ability, I will get married early." Su Yi said.

Li Lan thought for a while and said: "Don't tell me, you really have this thing if you want it. But it's not on our side. It's in the store warehouse on the west side. I saw it when I went there last year. They were all new. The leftovers were purchased by the Friendship Hotel. They are all new and unused. Ordinary people don’t need them, so they just throw them away. But there are a lot of them. If you want them, you can’t give them for nothing. "

"How much should it be?" Su Yi said.

"Okay, just wait for my letter. After dinner, I'll go back and inquire about it for you, and I'll send you a letter in the afternoon." Li Lan said.

"Call my factory in the afternoon." Su Yi reported a series of numbers.

"Wait a minute!" Li Lan hurriedly took out a pen and wrote down the number in her hand.

The two chatted for a while, and then they left. When Su Yi went to check out, he took 50 yuan and told the boss to book a private room in the afternoon. The food and drinks were ordered in advance, and the amount for three people.

"You have a lot of entertainment." Li Lan teased, "I feel like the leaders are not as busy as you."

"Who do you think the big leader spent money to hire someone?" Su Yi said, "If someone helps me, I will treat him to a meal."

Li Lan didn't ask any further questions, and the two bid farewell at the door.

As soon as she left, a military jeep stopped in front of Su Yi, and a delicate face popped out from the car window, and said to Su Yi with a half-smile, "Well, Su Yuanchao, you are going outside with our family Huihui behind your back. You're really worthy of her for being so flirtatious with her!"

Su Yi said: "Don't talk indiscriminately, where did you get the joke?"

"Lonely men and widows eating together, isn't that called hook-up?" the girl said.

"We're still talking alone, man and widow, and we're also flirting with each other?" Su Yi said.

"I'll just say a few words to you!" the girl said.

"Then hook up and hook up with two." Su Yi said.

The girl snickered and said, "Get in the car!"

"No!" Su Yi shook his head, turned and walked forward.

The girl said "Hello", jumped out of the car and came to drag Su Yi.

"Hey, what are you doing? Playing hooligans, right? In broad daylight..." Su Yi hurriedly avoided.

"Maliciousness from Tao Chunxiao +44..."

"Don't be aggressive, believe it or not, I'm going to tell you Wenhui!" Tao Chunxiao pointed at Su Yi, "I'm telling you, she's narrow-minded!"

"I will convey this to her." Su Yi said with a smile, "If there is something to talk about, the car will not get on."

Tao Chunxiao said: "Are you afraid that I will eat you? Don't worry, rabbits don't eat grass by the side of their nests. You are Wenhui's favorite, so I will not hesitate to do anything to you. I have something to do with you, it's business!"

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