Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1503 Believe

Chapter 1503 Believe
After the laughter, several people got down to business and asked Tao Chunxiao what kind of test he was.

After Tao Chunxiao finished the so-called test content, the expressions of the three of them became extremely strange, each of them wanted to laugh but dared not.

"Hey, what do you think I should do?" Tao Chunxiao scratched his head and said distressedly, "Actually, it's not a problem to hide from him. Our investigation department has a lot of secret and safe places. If it doesn't work, I will apply for a field job abroad." But the key is how to explain to my parents... and I have to go out to work, Old Tang will definitely say hello to my old man, and the old man will definitely not agree, it is so annoying!"

"Uh... Chunxiao, do you think there is such a possibility?" Zhang Dingbang tried his best to make himself serious, "It is Su Yuanchao who is actually teasing you on purpose. Even if you don't hide and sleep at home every day, he won't Will go find you?"

"Impossible!" Tao Chunxiao said without thinking, "He is an expert, and an expert like him has a great personality. If I sleep at home, he will definitely know. What if he doesn't accept me then? ?”

"Oh..." Zhang Dingbang suddenly realized and nodded, as if what you said made sense.

He glanced at Lu Shengli, and the latter's expression was like this——

U` U
Zhang Dingbang twitched his face vigorously, turned his head away from Lu Shengli, and took a deep breath.

Looking at his sister inadvertently, he found that she was covering her face and her shoulders couldn't stop shrugging.

"Huh, huh..."

Zhang Dingbang took a deep breath, thinking what's so funny about this?

When he felt better, he couldn't help but look at Lu Shengli again——

U` U

He couldn't hold back his stomach and burst out laughing.

His smile was like a fuse, both Lu Shengli and Zhang Anping couldn't help laughing.


The three of them laughed so hard that tears and snot came out.

Tao Chunxiao was stunned, and then said angrily: "What are you laughing at! You bastard, you are sick!"

The three of them laughed harder and couldn't stop at all.

"Hey, I'm angry!" Tao Chunxiao yelled excitedly, "I'm very anxious now, why are you laughing for no reason!"

Lu Shengli couldn't hold back his laughter with great difficulty, and said: "Chunxiao, Su Yuanchao is teasing you. He is very smart, and he sees that you are going to tease him, so he uses his tricks and tricks you. You are so stupid, you Do you really believe it?"

"No wonder you can't beat Xiaohui all the time. Chunxiao, you have such a brain. Really, I advise you not to stay in the investigation department anymore. It would be nice if you can understand your own investigation." Zhang Anping smiled and wiped her tears while covering her belly. .

"Do you think Su Yuanchao is lying to me?" Tao Chunxiao suddenly understood, "Ma De, you three bastards, no wonder you are smiling like a dog! But this time you are wrong!"

She waved her arms excitedly: "I can't tell if it's real or not? You haven't seen his abilities with your own eyes, so it's true! It can't be fake!"

"Even if he's really capable, he's still teasing you." Zhang Dingbang rubbed his stomach, glanced at Lu Shengli, and complained, "Fatty man, what the hell did you just look like, I couldn't help but laugh when I saw you .”

"Is that so?" Lu Shengli asked——U` U
"Pfft ha ha ha..." Zhang Dingbang and Zhang Anping burst out laughing at the same time.

"Dog thief, give me a punch!" Tao Chunxiao was furious, and rushed forward to hold Lu Shengli down and beat him again.

After beating, she waved her fist angrily: "Help me out, Mad, a group of cronies, none of them can be counted on at critical times!"

Zhang Anping cleared her throat vigorously, held back a smile and said, "Chun Xiao, this matter, I don't think you should, but you are not usually stupid, why can't you see that Su Yuanchao is lying to you? Just to test you and let you avoid him? What kind of test is this? What is the purpose? Right? You think, if you jump out and think about it for a while, you will know that he is lying to you."

"Impossible! You don't understand. A master must act with deep meaning. Things we can't figure out may not be unreasonable!" Tao Chunxiao waved his hand, "Okay, I don't need you to judge whether this is true or not, you Just tell me what I should do!"

Zhang Anping spread her hands: "It's over, this child is dazed."

"It's not Chunxiao, you didn't joke with us, did you?" Zhang Dingbang saw something was wrong, "You don't really believe it, do you?"

"Why don't I believe what I've seen with my own eyes?" Tao Chunxiao pointed to his eyes with a serious face, "Are you laughing at me? Let me tell you, when I really learn martial arts, you will know what I'm facing today. What a great opportunity!"

"Are you crazy?" Zhang Dingbang frowned, "I'm calling Su Yuanchao now, don't joke about it, I'll let him tell you himself, he's just lying to you!"

"How dare you!" Tao Chunxiao stared, "As soon as you contact him, won't he know where I am? Then I will fail this test! You want to harm me, right?"

"Are you out of your mind?" Zhang Dingbang was angry, "Other people treat you as a fool, are you really a fool? Are you ashamed of yourself?"

The cheerful and relaxed atmosphere disappeared in an instant, and the expressions of Lu Shengli and Zhang Anping also became serious.

"You're out of your mind!" Tao Chunxiao stared at Zhang Dingbang and said word by word, "Big ass, if you want to help, help, if you don't help, get out!"

"Being a donkey with good intentions, fuck you, I won't serve you anymore!" Zhang Dingbang ran away angrily, and slammed the door with a "bang".

The atmosphere is more dignified and dull.

"What do you say?" Tao Chunxiao said coldly, "If you think I'm a fool like him, then you all go away too!"

"We definitely believe you." Zhang Anping immediately said, "My brother also believes it. He just doesn't want Su Yuanchao to test you. Why, right? We didn't test him because of Wenhui's face. He just didn't want Su Yuanchao to test you. What test you? What do you mean, him? Chun Xiao, don't worry, we will definitely support you in this matter, Wen Hui has gone too far this time!"

"That's right! Although she is my cousin and Su Yuanchao is my benefactor, I also want to say that what they did is not honest!" Lu Shengli immediately said, "I don't take you seriously, really Yes, test shit, what kind of test? Love to teach or not, we are not used to his stinking problems!"

Tao Chunxiao was stunned for a while, then his tone suddenly softened: "You guys think so..."

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Lu Shengli asked, "You don't think we really don't believe you, do you? Brothers for decades, you think of us that much?"

Tao Chunxiao looked at him and Zhang Anping suspiciously, and muttered, "Made, you bastards have too many eyes, and you've learned from Wenhui. I can't see through you."

"Then you can treat us as good people." Lu Shengli said, "An Ping, you call your bad-tempered brother back and go to Su Yuanchao with your temper. What are you going to say to us Chunxiao? What a shame! Chunxiao you You should have kicked him a few more times before."

"That's right, it's like this at home, throwing temper tantrums and bullying me all the time!" Zhang Anping complained as she stood up, "I'll call him, you can help me tidy him up later, and help me get revenge."

Tao Chunxiao chuckled: "Okay, can I still be really angry with him? Although he is not my own son, I still love him."

"Who are you mothering? You are not as old as me, why don't you be ashamed?" Zhang Dingbang opened the door and came in before he finished speaking.

"Didn't you stop serving?" Tao Chunxiao squinted at him.

"Ma De, I think you have lost your identity and lost our people!" Zhang Dingbang said, "Su Yuanchao is a fart, why should I test you!"

"He's an expert!" Tao Chunxiao exclaimed.

"It's not good for an expert!" Zhang Dingbang said, "Chun Xiao, listen to me, we won't learn this martial arts, I'm not used to this stinky..."

"Oh, are you bothered? I told you that I want to be a teacher, and I want to complete the test! Just give me some advice, don't try to persuade me to give up!" Tao Chunxiao stomped impatiently.

"All right, brother, let's stop trying to persuade her, let's think about it for her." Zhang Anping said while winking at Zhang Dingbang.

"Okay." Zhang Dingbang sighed.

"Think about it first, I'll take a pee! Ma De, I'm so angry that I pee out." Tao Chunxiao turned and went out angrily.

As soon as she went out, the expressions of the three of them became extremely solemn.

"Chunxiao is missing her brother." Lu Shengli said, "After Brother Zhichun died, she made a fuss and entered the investigation department, and kept talking about learning martial arts... Something was wrong with her yesterday, and she kept pestering Su Yuan Chao asked him if he really knew martial arts, but we didn't take it seriously. Today she went to Su Yuanchao not only to embarrass my sister, but also to learn from her teacher. But Su Yuanchao's test..."

"This must be to tease her." Zhang Anping said, "It's not such a test. Chunxiao has been unable to let go of that matter in her heart, and she is getting into a corner."

After a pause, she looked at Zhang Dingbang: "She is usually very clever, but she can't see through this matter, so you haven't figured out what's wrong?"

"I only figured it out after I went out." Zhang Dingbang sighed, "Then what should we do about this matter? Should we let Su Yuanchao lie to her to the end? Or should we call someone over and explain clearly face to face?"

"If you cheat to the end, you have to cheat a little bit." Zhang Anping said, "If Su Yuanchao is really good at kung fu, then let's take this test seriously. After three months, let him teach Chunxiao something real. I'm afraid that if he doesn't know martial arts, he will be disappointed in the end if he cheats, so it's better to make it clear now."

Lu Shengli said: "Let's be clear, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, it's better to let her wake up sooner."

The three of them stopped talking and remained silent, feeling uncomfortable.

At this moment, the door was suddenly knocked open, and Tao Chunxiao ran in in a panic.

"It's over, it's over, it's over! I shouldn't be driving my car, this clue is too obvious, I'm too careless! Victory, you go and hold Su Yuanchao, and you will hold him back! Anping, you Come on too, if it doesn’t work, you’ll use a beauty trick! Big fat, hurry up, find a car, and take me away, if he catches me, I’ll be finished!”

The three of them froze and looked at each other.

But Tao Chunxiao didn't stand still, and dragged Zhang Dingbang and ran out.

"Wait a minute!" Zhang Dingbang came to his senses a little bit, "Chunxiao, what do you mean? Where is Su Yuanchao?"

"The backyard, people are in the backyard!" Tao Chunxiao said anxiously, "Oh, don't talk nonsense, he may come in at any time, the guard at the gate is impossible to stop him, hurry up!"

"Hey hey..." Zhang Dingbang wanted to say something more, but Tao Chunxiao couldn't help but drag him out.

He only had time to shout before going out: "Victory, you figure it out!"

"Okay!" Lu Shengli agreed, and Zhang Anping and Zhang Anping looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Come on, go to the backyard and have a look, can't it be true?" Lu Shengli looked puzzled.

The two hurried to the backyard without going out. They looked out through the window of an office on the first floor.

There were several people standing in the yard, both male and female, all talking about something around one person.

This person is Su Yuanchao!

Lu Shengli gasped, and looked at Zhang Anping in blank dismay.

"I'm completely confused." Zhang Anping said, "Could it be that we are the fools?"

"Is there really such a test?" Lu Shengli felt a sense of absurdity. He stretched his neck and looked out for a while, and said, "Isn't that our warehouse manager here? Why is he talking with Su Yuanchao? This matter It's not right..."

"Don't you know if you call him over and ask?" Zhang Anping said.

At this moment, Su Yuanchao over there suddenly turned his head and looked this way. The two of them shrank their necks and hid behind the wall in fright.

"Didn't you see it?" Zhang Anping worried.

"Through the glass, he can't see who it is." Lu Shengli said, "And even if he sees it, it's nothing. We're not shameful."


Go back to half an hour ago.

Su Yi was dozing off in the office with a book covering his face when suddenly the door was pushed open from the outside.

When Su Yi was woken up, he was immediately upset, thinking that who is so rude and doesn't know to knock on the door?

He took down the book and saw that it was Li Xinmin.

Depend on!
Su Yi frowned and put down the book: "Brother Li, why are you here?"

"You're quite leisurely. You sleep a lot during working hours?" Li Xinmin purposely put on a straight face, with his hands behind his back.

Su Yi sighed, stood up and rubbed his temples with a tired look: "I just decided on the direction of the draft of the factory newspaper next month, and I went through all the student files again, thinking about the next class in my mind. I fell asleep before I knew it about the management... Recently, the two stalls have been very busy with work, and the house is also being built at home. Last night, the construction team cut off the water pipe in the yard. I am so busy... "

Li Xinmin frowned and said, "You said you, why put so much pressure on yourself? The teachers for the study class have not been confirmed yet, so don't worry about it! The factory newspaper is still a month away, why are you in a hurry?"

"You value me so much, I am walking on thin ice, afraid that I will not do well enough." Su Yi said.

Li Xinmin patted Su Yi on the shoulder and said: "That can't ruin the body. The family is so busy, so I should take care of the family affairs first! These days, I come to the factory to deal with the work when I have time. If the work is not urgent, don't use it. You Finish your work first and then talk!"

Su Yi hurriedly said: "Is this not good?"

"Who dares to say it's not good, let him come to me!" Li Xinmin stared, "Listen to me, you young man, how can you do such a job? There is no end to work, so you have to relax! Look How tired are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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