Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1504 What a coincidence

Chapter 1504 What a coincidence
"Brother Li, then I'll listen to you." Su Yi reluctantly agreed to Li Xinmin's request to openly fish.

"By the way, what instructions do you have for me?" Su Yi asked again.

"Almost forgot." Li Xinmin slapped his forehead, "Yanchao, there is a dinner tonight, let me introduce someone to you."

Su Yi wondered: "What a coincidence, Brother Li, I invited Director Liu of the Sub-district Office and Captain Zhang Erniu and Captain Zhang of the waterworks tonight. The tables are all booked. That's how it is..."

Su Yi roughly talked about the incident of accidentally shoveling the water pipe, saying that he asked Liu Guifen and Zhang Erniu for help, so they would give priority to repairing his courtyard, so he had to invite someone to dinner.

"That's it..." Li Xinmin pondered slightly, "Then, I'll change the game to Badawan. You come to my place before seven o'clock, drink a glass of wine and leave. You should go to work."

Su Yi said: "Brother Li, this meal tonight is mine."

"You? Forget it. If I eat your meal, I might have to pay a lot." Li Xinmin waved his hand, "Don't worry about it. If someone treats you, it's not your turn. You just have to come when the time comes."

Su Yi said: "That's a good relationship. Brother Li, is there anything special about this person? Shall I prepare something?"

"Just relax!" Li Xinmin patted Su Yi's shoulder meaningfully.

After exchanging a few words with Li Xinmin, and watching him leave, Su Yi's smile gradually faded.

Li Xinmin wanted to introduce someone to Su Yi, and used the word "introduction", indicating that this person did not know Su Yi, at least not.

The meal in the evening was a treat for this person, and Li Xinmin changed the place of the meal without asking this person's opinion, which shows that this person's status is not high.

Why did Li Xinmin insist on introducing such a person to him?And as long as you have a drink with this person yourself?

The only requirement is to "relax the mind"?
This person has a problem with himself?
Or is it that what Li Xinmin and this person are going to say will embarrass him?

Su Yi thought a lot, and a few possible people came to mind.

After thinking about it carefully, Su Yi smiled.

If the guess is correct, it should be one of his guesses.

Although he had obtained the "Shangfang Sword" that Li Xinmin could fish openly, Su Yi was not in a hurry to go home.

Li Lan made an appointment to call the factory in the afternoon, and he had to wait for the call.

Anyway, nothing happened, he planned to sort out all the student files, and while digging out those materials, he felt emotional in his heart - it is really rare to have a good employee who is as serious and responsible as himself...

"Deputy Editor-in-Chief Su, your phone number!" A guy from the General Office knocked on the door and came in.

"Come on!" Su Yi immediately threw the materials he just took out into the drawer, patted his butt and walked out.

The call was indeed from Li Lan.

"The things you want are not available in the department stores in Beijing. I searched for you, and finally found them." Li Lan said, "The things are in Haidian, and they are all brand new. You can go to see the goods now, but the prices are expensive." After all, it’s probably not cheap.”

"That's okay, as long as you have something." Su Yi said, "I have time now, how do I get there?"

"Do you know the Friendship Hotel?" Li Lan asked.


"The things are there, let's all go there and meet up there." Li Lan said.

"That's it!" Su Yi hung up the phone, and saw Liang Yanqiu standing aside with a smile and looking at him.

"Director Liang, congratulations." Su Yi said with a smile.

Liang Yanqiu's regular course has been stabilized, and the only thing left is to go through the procedure.

"Isn't that thanks to you?" Liang Yanqiu said with a smile, "According to what you said, you want to go out?"

"Well, it's a personal matter, I'm going to Haidian." Su Yi said.

"Then I'm lucky to have caught you, otherwise you would have disappeared in a flash." Liang Yanqiu said with a smile.

"It sounds like you want to catch a young man?" Su Yi said.

"I won't arrest you. It's a good thing! If it's not a good thing, I won't look for you!" Liang Yanqiu looked around, leaned over and said in a low voice, "Our factory has approved a batch of meat for the leading cadres, ten catties for the deputy department. Zhengke [-] jin, this matter was decided before the manager surnamed Li, and he cut some more. The meat has just been delivered, don’t say that my sister doesn’t want to miss you, I left you a whole hind leg , are you going to take it away right now? Or come back after work?"

Liang Yanqiu benefited greatly from the cooperation between the two before. This is her reciprocation and seeking some benefits for Su Yi.

"Isn't that what my dear sister is?" Su Yi smiled, "Then I won't be polite to you! You asked Liu Guang to bring it back to me after work. It's inconvenient for me to go to work right now. "

"Sure, I'll talk to him later." Liang Yanqiu nodded, "Is this kid honest? Don't beat you up. How about I find someone to take you home?"

"Then you arrange it." Su Yi followed suit.

After leaving the factory, Su Yi went straight to Haidian Friendship Hotel by bicycle.

Li Lan was closer to that side. When Su Yi arrived, she was already waiting at the door, and there was a middle-aged Mediterranean man with her.

Su Yi parked the car and came over. Li Lan looked a little unhappy, pointed at the middle-aged man and introduced to Su Yi: "This is Director Feng, who is in charge of the warehouse in the hotel. He will handle the things you want. It's all there."

"Hello Director Feng." Su Yi shook hands with this man.

The man scrutinized Su Yi, and said calmly: "Porcelain sink, flush toilet, you want these two, right?"

"Yes." Su Yi nodded.

"200 yuan, no counter-offer." Director Feng said. "Okay, I'll take you to see the goods, if not, don't delay anyone's business."

Su Yi frowned slightly and looked at Li Lan.

200 yuan is nothing to him, but the price is a bit outrageous.

Li Lan was a little embarrassed, and explained embarrassingly: "I just found out, I'm sorry, Aid Korea, the price is indeed too high."

Judging by Li Lan's expression, it doesn't look like he is playing a double reed with Director Feng. Besides, Li Lan has put so much effort into easing the relationship with Su Yi, and there is no need to do so.

That's what this Feng surname is asking for.

Su Yi nodded, looked at Supervisor Feng and said, "You ask such a price, do you mean you don't want to sell it?"

"I just wanted to sell it, so I asked for such a price." Director Feng smiled, "These things were originally to be installed in our guest rooms for foreign guests, but we ordered an extra set when we ordered them from Germany. It’s foreign exchange, tell yourself, does this thing cost you two hundred?”

"Even if it's foreign exchange, it's not worth so much." Su Yi said.

"You don't have to buy it if you think it's too expensive." Director Feng said indifferently, "Ordinary people don't need this kind of foreign stuff, and those who can use it are not ordinary people. I'll leave the words here, unless you dump the old ones and brand new ones. I have never used it, and I have it in the whole capital and even the whole country. Do you know what an exclusive sale is? 200 yuan... Hehe, this is also related to Li Lan, if not, I want you to pay 300 yuan for it!"

"Director Feng, even if it's an exclusive sale, if you haven't sold this item for such a long time, it means it's not easy to sell!" Li Lan said, "It's just in time for Yuanchao to want it. If you miss this time, Wouldn’t it be a disadvantage to put these things in your warehouse? Who can spend hundreds of dollars to buy this thing and take it home? Are you right?”

"Then you are wrong. The capital is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. There are too many rich people." Supervisor Feng said with a smile, "It doesn't matter if you don't buy it. I'm not in a hurry."

"It's cheaper for you, you have been friends with my dad for so many years..." Li Lan said.

Director Feng said: "I only want two hundred because of my friendship. It doesn't matter, if the transaction fails, the friendship is still there. You think about it yourself."

Li Lan said helplessly: "Then I'll discuss it with him, please wait a moment."

After she finished speaking, she pulled Su Yi aside.

"Yuanchao, I'm all to blame for this. I called you without inquiring about the price. I'm sorry for making your trip useless." Li Lan apologized, "He's sure if you don't buy him." If you don’t have a place to buy it, the price will definitely not be lowered today, if you believe me, let’s go back first, and I’ll grind it out with him for a while, and I don’t believe it can’t be grinded down!”

Just as Su Yi was about to speak, he suddenly received a message of emotional value——

"Fear from Tao Chunxiao +99..."

Su Yi was startled, and subconsciously looked into the yard.

He had good eyesight, and when he saw a figure passing by the gate on the first floor, he recognized Tao Chunxiao just by looking at those long legs.

Isn't this a coincidence?
Su Yi was stunned for a long time, but couldn't help laughing.

Why is Tao Chunxiao here?

"Aid Korea?" Li Lan who was opposite was puzzled, "What are you laughing at?"

Su Yi waved his hand and said, "How long do you think it will take to grind down the price?"

"It's hard to tell." Li Lan shook her head, and said with a little confidence: "This person named Feng is actually not related to my father. My father told me long ago that this person is too sophisticated and difficult to deal with. I am afraid that the more I It’s to find him, the more he thinks we want it, the less cheap it will be. It’s best if we let him hang out for ten days and a half months.”

Ten days and a half months?
It's not that he can't wait, but Su Yi is very upset that he has to go through so much effort to buy something for the bathroom.

Or forget it?
The next best thing is to use cement to build urinals and sinks?

Su Yi frowned, the more he thought about it, the more he didn't want to make such a living.

200 yuan is nothing, but it is very uncomfortable to be taken advantage of by others.

Just as he was struggling, suddenly another emotional value came in, from Zhang Dingbang, Zhang Anping's brother and sister, and Lu Shengli.

Su Yi was taken aback. Just after meeting Tao Chunxiao, these people contributed emotional points, which couldn't be such a coincidence.

Then there is only one possibility—these four people are all here.

Why did they all come to the hotel?

Su Yi looked around, only to notice that Tao Chunxiao's big jeep was also parked in the yard.

After getting acquainted with these people yesterday, Su Yi knew that Zhang Dingbang worked at the Beijing Radio Station, his sister Zhang Anping was an accountant, and although Tao Chunxiao didn't say what she did, she drove a military jeep and wore military trousers. Apparently it has something to do with the troops.

On the contrary, Lu Shengli, Wenhui only said that he was a cousin when he introduced him, but didn't say what he did, and he didn't say anything himself.

Su Yi had a lot of thoughts and made some guesses.

"Sister Lan, let him take us to see the goods first." Su Yi said.

Li Lan thought that Su Yi just wanted to take a look, so he nodded without thinking too much, "We have to take a look."

Although Director Feng was sure about Su Yi, he actually had no reason to refuse this request. He just pretended to be impatient and led Su Yi and Li Lan into the courtyard.

When he opened the warehouse door, Su Yi received the emotional value of Lu Shengli and Zhang Anping again, and felt that someone was watching him.

He took advantage of the situation to look over, and sure enough, behind a window, Lu Shengli and Zhang Anping hid in a panic.

what the hell?

Su Yi was a little strange.

If Tao Chunxiao was hiding from him, he could still understand, but why are these people sneaking around?
They can't all believe in the so-called "test" that they made up out of their own mouths, right?

They can't be collectively demented, can they?

"Come in, don't stand outside!" Director Feng opened the warehouse door and hurriedly beckoned the two of them to enter.

No matter what, this is reselling public property, Director Feng can't be too blatant.

Su Yi withdrew his gaze and stepped into the warehouse, and soon found what he wanted.

Brand new toilet and sink.

In addition, there are many utensils and furnishings in the hotel room piled up in this warehouse, such as beds, wardrobes, coffee tables, chairs, etc. Su Yi also found a small refrigerator and a brand new unopened large bathtub.

"If you add these two things, what's the price?" Su Yi turned his head and asked Director Feng.

"Then you can't afford it." Director Feng sneered, "Even if you dare to buy it, I won't dare to sell it to you."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Then I'll buy the agreed upon items first, the bathtub and the refrigerator, please help me, and you can also think of a way. If the price is right, I want it too."

As soon as these words came out, Director Feng and Li Lan were both stunned.

"200 yuan, not a penny less!" Director Feng reconfirmed in disbelief.

Su Yi didn't say a word, just took money out of his pocket, and handed him twenty cards of Great Unity.

Director Feng was still a little confused when he borrowed the money, so he counted the money. Only then did Su Yi contribute a wave of joy, and he gave Su Yi a thumbs up in surprise: "Man, it's refreshing!"

He hurriedly put the money into his pocket, and said happily: "At eight o'clock tonight, you come to pick up the goods, remember to be on time!"

"The refrigerator and this big bathtub are registered on it." He thought for a while and then told Su Yi, "It's not easy to throw these two things out, but I'll give you a guarantee, if you really want it, it's not bad method, but at least this number..."

He held up a finger and shook it.

"1000 yuan?" Li Lan exclaimed, "Are you kidding me?"

"Hehe, at this price, it may not be possible." Supervisor Feng said with a smile.

Su Yi said: "Just think of a way, as long as you can free up, you can talk about anything."

"Okay, with what you say, I'll try my best." Director Feng nodded, "Let's go first, and come back at night."

When he was leaving, Su Yi obviously felt that someone was staring at him, but he didn't look back, he went out of the gate, and Li Lan and Li Lan each had a bicycle, and they rode away.

On the way, Li Lan couldn't wait to ask: "Yanchao, are you really buying it? 200 yuan! You really don't take money seriously, just give it if you say it?"

(End of this chapter)

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