Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1505 Dinner

Chapter 1505 Dinner
Li Lan couldn't understand Su Yi's sudden generosity. She felt that Director Feng was obviously taking this side as a victim, and Su Yi's character should not be used to this person.

"Sister Lan, you don't have to worry about this matter until now, I will handle the rest by myself." Su Yi didn't say much, just said with a smile.

Li Lan was at a loss, but seeing Su Yi's reluctance to say more, he couldn't ask any further questions in the end.

The two rode forward for a while before separating, and Su Yi went straight to Badawan.

It's almost time to get off work now, Su Yi has to arrive early if he wants to treat guests, if he hasn't arrived after all the guests, it will be embarrassing.

Fortunately, what he was worried about didn't happen. Su Yi ordered tea and dried fruit after arriving at the place, and it took a while for Liu Guifen and Zhang Erniu to arrive hand in hand.

"Why are you two alone? Didn't you say you would bring your family with you?" Su Yi said pretending to be displeased when he saw the two of them.

"Is it plausible to drag your family to grab your money? We can't get rid of this face." Liu Guifen said with a smile, "Okay, I appreciate your kindness."

"Comrade, if there are only three of you, the dishes you ordered before are a bit too much." The waitress at the side said.

"How many dishes did you order, Yuan Dynasty?" Liu Guifen asked.

"Sixteen dishes." The waiter answered for him.

Zhang Erniu and Liu Guifen looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Sixteen dishes!

With this meal and wine, a month's wages have to go into it!
This is too extravagant, right?
"It's too much, we can't finish it!" Zhang Erniu hurriedly said, "Comrade Yuanchao, we don't need to order so much, just the three of us, four dishes are too much!"

"That's right, four dishes are definitely enough." Liu Guifen also hurriedly said, "Yanchao, the portions here are sufficient, ordering too much is a waste!"

Su Yi nodded and said: "That's right, you can't be extravagant, you have to be frugal. In this way, you don't have to return the leftovers. Sister, when we finish eating and leave later, give my uncle and aunt half of the food and take it away. "

"Happiness from Liu Guifen +99..."

"Happiness from Zhang Erniu +99..."

"This is not suitable for aiding North Korea..." Zhang Erniu refused blushingly.

But Su Yi waved his hand involuntarily: "Guests do as they please, you two have to listen to me, so let's do it! Uncle Zhang, what kind of wine do you drink? I think there are Fenjiu and Xifeng wine here. Which flavor do you like? "

"It doesn't have to be so good, our Erguotou is pretty good." Zhang Erniu was startled again.

"Then Xifeng." Su Yi made another decision, "You two sit down, I'll go to the counter to get the wine!"

After speaking, he let Liu Guifen and Zhang Erniu take their seats, turned around and left the private room.

As soon as Su Yi walked away, Liu Guifen excitedly said to Zhang Erniu: "How is it? Did I tell you the wrong thing? This is a generous master. You will never lose you by coming. If I tell you, you still don't believe it, and you don't want to." Come on, do you understand this time?"

Zhang Erniu said with emotion: "He is wasting money... out of sixteen dishes, four came up, and the two of us brought home six... enough food for two days!"

"Are you stupid, brother-in-law?" Liu Guifen rolled his eyes at him, "How expensive is the food here? Isn't it a loss for you to bring the food back?"

"Then what else?"

Zhang Erniu was taken aback.

Liu Guifen lowered her voice and said: "Discount! Don't worry about this matter. After you two drink, I will go to the counter and tell him to give us discount. What do you want to do after taking the money? Is it cheaper to bring food back home?"

"Is this appropriate?" Zhang Erniu was a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, hehe, as long as you get things done quickly, it's time for you." Liu Guifen said excitedly.

When Su Yi came back, Zhang Erniu's attitude towards Su Yi became more respectful.

Su Yi opened the wine, and the two pushed the cups to ask questions. After drinking for three rounds, the atmosphere gradually became warmer.

Zhang Erniu patted his chest and assured Su Yi that he would definitely do a good job for Su Yi, especially in terms of cold protection and heat preservation, so that Su Yi's water pipes would not freeze in winter.

During the period, Liu Guifen went out for a while, and when she came back, she nodded calmly to Zhang Erniu, smiled and stretched out two fingers, the latter lifted up his spirits, and immediately clinked glasses with Su Yi three more times.

"Yanchao, there is something. After much deliberation, my aunt thinks I should tell you." At a certain moment, after Su Yi drank the wine in his glass, Liu Guifen suddenly said, "Didn't my aunt tell you before?" Introduce someone?"

Su Yi nodded and said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"It's reporter Wen. She called me specifically and said she wanted to get in touch with you, so there's no need to introduce you to someone for now." Liu Guifen said, "Maybe because she was shy, she specifically told me not to talk about it." Tell you."

After a pause, Liu Guifen asked curiously, "How is your relationship going?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "You should continue to help me find a suitable one."

When it was almost seven o'clock, Su Yi made a complaint, saying that his leader was at the side, and he had to go over to toast. Liu Guifen and Zhang Erniu took advantage of the opportunity to say goodbye, and let Su Yi go about his own business.

A dinner can be regarded as a feast for the guests and the host, so it ends here.

Li Xinmin had explained to the waiter earlier that Su Yi asked the counter, and they led Su Yi directly to Li Xinmin's box.

There were only two people in the private room, one was Li Xinmin, and the other was a gray-haired middle-aged man who looked 50 years old, with a fat figure and a rich face, and the eyebrows and eyes of Su Yi looked familiar.

"Director Li, I'm sorry, I'm late." Su Yi apologized first after entering the door.

Li Xinmin's eyes lit up when he saw Su Yi, and he beckoned and said, "Come on, come on, you came just in time, I was talking about you with Director Lou."

Director Lou?
Su Yi looked at the rich middle-aged man, thinking that no wonder this person looked familiar, he really looked like Lou Xiao'e.

"Let me introduce..." Li Xinmin got up with a smile and introduced the two to each other.

After Su Yi said hello, Director Lou said with a smile: "Comrade Xiao Su is a good-looking talent. He is young and promising. Before you came just now, your director Li kept praising you in front of me, saying that he has won a general, which is worth it." Thousands of troops and horses!"

"Thanks to the leader's attention, I am ashamed." Su Yi smiled.

"Sure enough, Comrade Xiao Su is as humble and polite as I heard. The so-called son is like a jade, but that's all." Director Lou looked Su Yi up and down, and praised him again and again with a satisfied look.

Su Yi smiled lightly, poured himself a glass of wine, told Li Xinmin that it was a punishment for being late, and then drank it all.

He sat on the side and didn't speak anymore, with a very low-key look. If they asked him something, he would say something;

No matter how much Li Xinmin valued him, it was impossible for him to talk about everything.

Even if Director Lou appreciates Su Yi more, there is no need to almost praise him to the sky.

As the saying goes, if you don't have anything to show your courtesy, you can either rape or steal.

He has already determined that today's banquet is not going to be a good one, so he is naturally not interested in making any atmosphere, or praising the stinky feet of these two people.

Sure enough, Su Yi's disapproval embarrassed both Li Xinmin and Director Lou.

After the two exchanged a few glances, Director Lou coughed lightly and said: "Comrade Xiao Su, to tell you the truth, today I specially asked you Director Li to invite you. It's an unfeeling request, I don't know if it should be said or not."

"Director Li is here, but Director Lou said it's okay." Su Yi said with a smile.

No matter what, you still have to listen to everything, otherwise it will be too disrespectful to Li Xinmin.

But it is only because of Li Xinmin's face that I am willing to listen to your nonsense.

The two people on the opposite side are both old foxes, how could they fail to hear Su Yi's implication of resistance?

Director Lou cursed a little fox in his heart, but he admired Su Yi even more.

He sighed a little in his heart, if the current situation hadn't changed too fast, in fact, he would rather spend more energy and thought to get in touch with Su Yi slowly, step by step, instead of being as abrupt as now, arousing the other party's resistance and vigilance.

"Little girl Lou Xiao'e, Comrade Xiao Su should have been in contact with him, right?" Director Lou said, "I heard from my little girl that she even invited you to her home for dinner. Does that mean that you have a good relationship with my little girl's family?"

Su Yi said: "Sister Xiao'e has a straightforward and enthusiastic temperament. I have just moved into the compound, and she and Da Mao have taken good care of me."

"Hmph, Xu Damao..." Director Lou's face immediately showed hesitation, "Don't mention this bastard to me! Marrying my daughter to this bastard is the most regrettable thing in my life!"

After finishing this sentence, Director Lou waited for Su Yi to say something "surprised", so that he could use the words to continue talking and pave the way for his emotions.

But unexpectedly, Su Yi pursed his lips and said nothing, as if in a daze.

Director Lou felt a little embarrassed immediately, and looked at Li Xinmin for help.

Li Xinmin was a little funny, but he was still very cooperative and surprised: "Director Lou, what's going on?"

Director Lou took advantage of the situation and said: "Director Li, you don't know something. This Xu Damao is very dishonest outside, and often bullies my daughter when he comes home, causing my daughter to cry every day. As a father, I know After these things, it hurts like a knife..."

"I'm also a father, so I can understand how hard it is to be a father." Li Xinmin sighed, and took advantage of the opportunity to bring the topic back to Su Yi, "Director Lou, you mentioned the discord between your daughter and your son-in-law... Could it be that the matter you want Yuanchao to help has something to do with this matter?"

"It is indeed related." Director Lou looked at Su Yi who said nothing, "Comrade Xiao Su, I am not afraid of making my family ugly, to be honest, I intend to divorce my daughter and Xu Damao. There are many evil deeds, and he can act very carefully. There is no evidence for the bad things he did. Now if the little girl is to apply for divorce with him, once he refuses to admit it, I am afraid that it will be difficult for the organization to approve it. Come on, my daughter will sink and cry for the rest of her life, and she won't be able to escape..."

"So I would like to ask you, Comrade Xiao Su, can you use your identity as a neighbor to secretly pay attention to my daughter's family in the yard, and once you find evidence that Xu Damao bullied my daughter, please help my daughter to testify that this Xu Damao is not a good man at all. Only then can the organization approve the end of their marriage between the two of them."

Director Lou spoke with sincerity, and at the end, tears welled up in his eyes, and he stood up with pleading face, and bowed his hands to Su Yi.

This scene, even if it is a stone, my heart will soften.

In addition, what Director Lou is begging for is not an embarrassing thing. If it were someone else, I'm afraid he would have already patted his chest and promised it at this moment.

But having said that, if it was just for such a matter, would Director Lou make acquaintance with Su Yi through Li Xinmin, and ask Su Yi for help in such a low profile?
Although Director Lou's life is not easy now, after all, money can turn ghosts around. If he really wanted Lou Xiao'e and Xu Damao to divorce, he said he had a hundred ways to go.

So he asked Su Yi to help with this matter, which is fundamentally logically untenable.

Regardless of whether he wants Lou Xiao'e and Xu Damao to divorce, Director Lou's request for Su Yi to get involved in this matter definitely has another purpose.

For what purpose?

Su Yi thought of a possibility, was a little taken aback, then shook his head playfully and smiled.

"Comrade Xiao Su, I know my request is a little presumptuous, but please forgive a father for worrying about his daughter." Director Lou said, "As long as you are willing to help me, you can say anything!"

"Aid Korea, Director Lou is not an outsider to us, so you have to help us at any time. For you, it's just a small effort, and you can be regarded as doing good deeds and accumulating virtue." Li Xinmin on the side persuaded at the right time , "Don't worry about being retaliated against. Don't worry, I will support you in this matter. If Xu Damao dares to stab you afterwards, I will deal with him!"

The two of them sang together, and Su Yi was already stuck on stage.

At this time, if Su Yi refused to agree, he would not even be willing to do a "small effort" kind deed, and he would not give Li Xinmin face.

Su Yi looked at Director Lou with a smile and said, "Director Lou, what does Sister Xiao'e think about the divorce?"

"Of course she also wants a divorce." Director Lou said without hesitation, "Xu Damao is a jerk, and Xiao'e actually has no relationship with him at all. Alas, it was all my fault that I forced a match to bring about this wrong marriage. Thinking about it now , I really regret it..."

After a pause, he looked at Su Yi and continued: "Comrade Xiao Su, as long as you agree, I will talk to Xiao'e about this matter, and you can discuss it at that time. I believe that you can work together internally and externally." Good job!"

"Aid North Korea, make a statement!" Li Xinmin urged.

Su Yi nodded, and said: "Director Lou, I probably understand what you mean. Your purpose is to get Sister Xiao'e and Xu Damao to divorce, am I right?"

"That's right." Director Lou nodded, "But according to one of our relevant marriage laws and regulations, unless one of the husband and wife has obvious faults, they can file a divorce application with the organization. This is why I ask you for help."

"According to what you said, as long as you can prove Xu Damao's obvious fault, your goal will be achieved, right?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

Director Lou nodded: "That's right."

"Then it's easy." Su Yi said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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