Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1506 Promise

Chapter 1506 Promise
The most interaction between Su Yi and Lou Xiao'e was when he was a guest at her house, and he didn't know much about this woman.

But right now, Su Yi can see Director Lou's intention to get in touch with Lou Xiao'e by going around the corner.

The old guy obviously realized that something was wrong, and wanted to see if he could avoid his own risks by relying on Su Yi, a young man with a martyr status and a bright future.

This is of course a rush to the doctor, but in such a situation, it is also the most effective method the Lou family can think of.

But if this happened, even if he couldn't keep Lou Bancheng, he would still be able to keep Lou Xiao'e and Su Yi.

But Su Yi has no interest in this at all.

If Lou Bancheng hadn't cleverly recruited Li Xinmin as a lobbyist, Su Yi wouldn't have bothered to talk to him at the moment, and might stand up and turn around and leave.

To put it bluntly, it means that Su Yi can see through the twists and turns, and a young man who has not experienced much in the world will definitely be PUAed by these two old guys.

Perhaps it is a good thing for others, but Su Yi never thinks so.

Su Yi couldn't give up on Li Xinmin's line, so he couldn't give up any face. He simply followed Lou Bancheng's words and exposed a hidden danger——

Xu Damao's receipt.

There were thieves in the courtyard, so Su Yi always carried some important things with him, including this receipt written by Xu Damao.

He took out the receipt from his arms, unfolded it, and handed it in front of Lou Bancheng. Li Xinmin stretched his neck and leaned over to take a look, and gave Su Yi a surprised look, contributing a wave of malice to Su Yi.

Su Yi didn't change his face, and it was necessary to establish a weakness of "greedy" and "extravagant" in Li Xinmin's heart.

Lou Bancheng looked at the receipt and frowned.

"Comrade Xiao Su, I know about the money you borrowed." He looked at Su Yi, "But you returned the money to Xu Damao so soon?"

"I haven't paid back the money," Su Yi said calmly, "Recently, everything has been complicated, and I have used the money in many places, even if I want to pay it back, I can't do it."

"Then this IOU..." Lou Bancheng showed suspicion.

"The thing is like this," Su Yi explained unhurriedly, "After I came to the factory, I was highly valued by the leaders, and some people who thought about it mistakenly thought that I, Su, had a deep background, and that it was because of someone from above that this situation happened. Including Xu Damao. Xu Damao came to me two days ago..."

According to Su Yi, the proposal of exchanging money for future became Xu Damao's own proposal.

Su Yi bluntly said that he took Xu Damao to the leader's house, and introduced Xu Damao to the leader by the way. Because of this, he paid 500 yuan.

At the end Su Yi said: "Actually, this matter is very inappropriate, but Xu Damao urged me so hard that I couldn't pay back the money for a while, so I had to bite the bullet and agree to his terms and help him with the affairs. The great leader has been in office for many years, how can he not see that I am so Doing it abruptly? So I did this, and I actually hurt myself. Both of you are discerning people, so you must understand what I mean."

"Happiness from Li Xinmin +88..."

Li Xinmin shook his head and sighed: "People value you so they invite you to the family banquet. Fortunately, you brought someone who wanted to gain a relationship and introduced it to the leader. If it were me, I would feel that you are incomprehensible and unbearable." use."

Lou Bancheng's expression was very bad, and he also nodded and said: "Comrade Xiao Su, it is very inappropriate for you to do this. What you lost cannot be made up for by the 500 yuan."

Su Yi glanced at Li Xinmin, and the two "smiled knowingly".

Li Xinmin had long advised Su Yi to "single-heartedly", this time Su Yi answered him with practical actions.

"It's nothing, the main reason is that I think I took the money from Sister Xiao'e, but Xu Damao obviously did it without telling Sister Xiao'e, I think it's very bad." Su Yi said.

"He is being generous to others!" Lou Bancheng sneered, "If it was his own money, do you think he would be willing to do this?"

"That's the reason." Su Yi smiled, "I've been thinking about how to properly handle this matter. I didn't expect Director Lou to have such troubles. It's a coincidence. 500 yuan is not a decimal, and this receipt , is enough to show that Xu Damao has made a major mistake? As long as Director Lou makes good use of this piece of paper, your wish will not be difficult to achieve."

"Of course, I don't have to take the agreement with Xu Damao seriously. According to the previous agreement, I will pay off the 500 yuan within one year. Please rest assured Director Lou."

"Maliciousness from Lou Yirong +55..."

Lou Bancheng was a little depressed. As Su Yi guessed, what he asked for was just a cover. His original intention was to give Su Yi and Lou Xiaoe a legitimate reason to contact him. If he persuaded his daughter to take the initiative, he would not believe it. With his daughter's looks, can't he take down such a young man like Su Yuanchao?
As for her daughter's marriage to Xu Damao...

He, Lou Bancheng, is not a vegetarian, and Xu Damao has been messing with flowers and grass outside all these years, how can he not know?
It was only because his daughter hadn't given birth, and even he felt that his daughter was infertile, so he didn't expose the matter, thinking that as long as the two of them could continue to live, it would be fine.

Now that he wants Xu Damao to divorce his daughter, it is not a headache for him at all, it can be said that he is sure and easy to catch.

He even thought about pouring the "dirty water" of infertility on Xu Damao's head to dispel Su Yi's doubts.

Therefore, the fact that Su Yi took out the receipt made Lou Bancheng very depressed, because it was not what he needed at all.

However, Su Yi has good intentions, and in order to help him, he is willing to continue to bear the 500 yuan owed.

This kid is really very responsible and has a bottom line of principles.

Holding the IOU in his hand, Lou Bancheng had mixed feelings in his heart, but he looked at Su Yi more appreciatively, and his heart became more determined to accept Su Yi as his son-in-law.

"Comrade Xiao Su——I'm the same as Factory Director Li, so I asked you to help North Korea?" Lou Bancheng said.

"Of course." Su Yi said.

"Then you don't have to talk to Director Lou one by one." Lou Bancheng said with a smile, "You call Xiao'e sister, I'll take care of you, and you call me Uncle Lou, isn't it too much?"

"Uncle Lou is serious, and it should be taken for granted." Su Yi was kind.

Right Brother Li?

"Maliciousness from Li Xinmin +77..."

Lou Bancheng nodded in satisfaction, raised the receipt in his hand and said, "Anyway, Xu Damao is still my son-in-law now, and the Lou family must recognize the receipt he wrote!"

Seeing that Su Yi was frowning and wanted to speak, Lou Bancheng stretched out his palm and made a stop gesture: "Yidong, you heard from Uncle that the price you paid for this matter is far from being compensated by the 500 yuan. If you use this method to pay back the money, you will lose money instead! Alas, it is all because of Xu Damao's bad idea, which caused the situation of both sides hurting!"

"Your loss, uncle can't help you recover, but this account, uncle has to admit it! Today, with the witness of Director Li, the account between you and our Lou family has been written off!"

"It's not appropriate." Su Yi shook his head.

"That's it!" Lou Bancheng waved his hand and said forcefully.

"Yanchao, I think this is the way it is." Li Xinmin said with a smile, "Gentle, courteous and modest, it's a good story about you two. Besides, Director Lou's family is rich, and your 500 yuan Money is nothing to others, so it’s not worth pestering and negotiating. Besides, didn’t your IOU help Director Lou a lot? This money should be regarded as your reward for helping Director Lou solve a heart problem. "

He looked at Lou Bancheng teasingly, secretly amused in his heart.

Lou Bancheng said without changing his face: "Director Li is right, your receipt has helped me a lot."

He first admitted the matter by pinching his nose according to the previous logic, and then continued: "But Xu Damao is very cunning and difficult to deal with, I am worried that this IOU alone is not enough, it is best to catch him some more , to be more certain.”

He intends to force this matter.

"How about Aid Korea, I will ask Xiao'e to find you later, and the two of you will discuss the specifics. Director Li is here, so I won't disturb him by talking about my family's private affairs, ha ha."

As he said that, he actually got up, raised his wine glass, and solemnly bowed slightly to Su Yi: "Yanchao, uncle is just such a daughter, I really want to please you!"

Su Yi couldn't be bothered, so he stood up and supported him.

"Aid Korea, Director Lou is very sincere, so you can help him, alas, being a father is not easy." Li Xinmin said with a smile.

How much benefit did this dog get from Lou Bancheng, and he worked so hard?

Su Yi was a little helpless.

Speaking of this, he has to agree if he doesn't agree.

"Uncle Lou, I will do my best." Su Yi raised his glass.

In the original plot, Lou Xiaoe was thrown out of the house by Xu Damao, and was thrown into the ass of the whole hospital by Liu Haizhong, which ended badly.

It's okay to give her a hand, anyway, Xu Damao needs to be cleaned up, it's a matter of convenience.

But Lou Bancheng, a big dog, calculated himself so much, he couldn't take advantage of him.

Su Yi drank the wine in his glass, secretly calculating how much this glass of wine was worth.

After this matter is resolved, the next thing is that you come and I will blow each other's business.

Before he knew it, it was past eight o'clock, which was earlier than the time he agreed with Director Feng of the Friendship Hotel to pick up the goods.

But Su Yi had no intention of moving his butt in the slightest.

He also didn't know, because his pig's hind leg caused another big disturbance in the yard.

The time went back to the time when the employees got off work after six o'clock.

Zhang Chunmei rode a bicycle and took Liu Guangtian, who was carrying a pig's hind leg, to the gate of the compound.

"It's here!" Zhang Chunmei stopped the car, wiped the sweat from her forehead, "I'm exhausted, Liu Guangtian, you are too heavy, heavier than a pig!"

"It's been hard work, Comrade Chunmei!" Liu Guangtian jumped out of the car and said with a smile, "It's already at the door, why don't you go to my house for a drink?"

"No!" Zhang Chunmei raised her neck, "Remember what you promised me, help me run an interview tomorrow!"

"I will never forget, when I speak, I, Liu Guangtian, spit and nail each mouthful!" Liu Guangtian promised.

Zhang Chunmei pursed her lips and smiled: "Look at your style, those who don't know think you are the leader."

"That means I have the potential to be a leader." Liu Guangtian said with a smile.

"Let's talk about this after you become a regular worker first." Zhang Chunmei laughed.

"Let's go, see you tomorrow, don't be late for work!" Zhang Chunmei waved to Liu Guangtian, kicked her feet, got on her bicycle and left.

Liu Guangtian watched Zhang Chunmei's back disappear, and the smile on his face gradually faded.

"Regular worker..." He sighed deeply, turned his head and entered the yard.

"Hey, Guangtian, where did such a big pig leg come from?" As soon as he entered the yard, he happened to see the third mother feeding the chicken, and the latter exclaimed in surprise.

At this time, the people washing vegetables and cooking in the yard are very lively, and the children are also playing in the yard.

The third mother has a loud voice, which immediately caught everyone's attention.

"It's not mine, it's Brother Yuanchao's." Liu Guangtian hastily explained, "The factory leader's welfare is for Brother Yuanchao."

"Su Yuanchao? Didn't he just enter the factory for an internship? Why should the leader give him benefits?" Jia Zhang asked in surprise.

Liu Guangtian smiled triumphantly: "You don't know that, do you? Brother Yuanchao is also the leader in the factory, and even has more power than many leaders. Giving him benefits is justified!"

"Oh, look at him, he's really promising, he didn't go to college for nothing..." the aunt said, "This big pork leg must weigh about twenty catties?"

"27 and a half catties!" Liu Guangtian said smoothly.

The reason why he knew so clearly was because Liang Yanqiu weighed it in front of him.

Liang Yanqiu was worried about Liu Guangtian and couldn't find a suitable person, so she used this method to secretly tell Liu Guangtian that the meat was all there, and if there was one or two less, she would find you to settle the score.

But she really underestimated Liu Guangtian. Although Liu Guangtian envied him, he never thought of stealing Su Yi's favour.

He admires and admires Su Yi, saying that idols are a bit exaggerated, at least he also takes Su Yi as an example.

Yu Li came over and said, "Guangtian, you just put the meat in Yuanchao's house, and I'll clean it up for him."

The whole courtyard knew about Yu Li cooking for Su Yi, so no one was surprised that she said that.

But Liu Guangtian shook his head and said: "That won't work, what if there is less? I have to help Brother Chao look after the meat, and wait for him to come back."

"What do you mean Liu Guangtian?" Yu Li's expression darkened immediately, "Do you think I will secretly aid North Korea's flesh?"

"I didn't say that." Liu Guangtian snorted, "But who doesn't know what's going on in your family?"

"Hey, you have to explain this clearly to me. What's the situation in our family?" The third master Yan Fugui on the side was immediately unhappy when he heard this.

"Third Master, just pretend I didn't say that." Liu Guangtian was too lazy to argue with them, turned around and pushed away Su Yi's house with the meat on his shoulders, and closed the door after entering, obviously determined to watch for Su Yi Eat the meat until Su Yi comes back.

The third master was very upset, and sneered at the neighbors watching: "I dare not say anything else, but in terms of family style and morals, my old Yan's family is only as good as the old Liu's family!"

"That's right, that's right, who doesn't know that your family is a scholarly family, third master, and every penny will be broken into two halves!" Xu Damao in the crowd said with a smile that was not a smile.

This made everyone laugh.

Yan Fugui wasn't angry either, and said with a smile, "It's my skill to break a penny in half. Ordinary people don't even know how to do it."

(End of this chapter)

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