Chapter 1507
"I think the third master is right. We ordinary people have to be careful and careful in our lives. If you can really spend two cents for one penny, who would you ask?" Qin Huairu, who was watching the excitement, said with a smile.

"Yes, that makes sense!"

"Huairu is right."

The neighbors responded one after another.

Yan Fugui smiled happily, and said triumphantly: "The old saying goes well, you can eat as much as you can and drink as much as you can, and if you can't figure it out, you will be poor."

"This is your old saying, Third Master, right?" Xu Damao sarcastically said.

"It doesn't matter who's old saying, as long as it makes sense." Yan Fugui said with a straight face.

"Hey, what is this for? It's so lively?" The neighbors here are bustling, and on the other side, Liu Haizhong carried a bag into the yard.

"His second uncle is back?" Yan Fugui said with a smile, "We are free and have nothing to do, just chatting."

Just as Liu Haizhong was about to speak, Xu Damao answered the conversation again.

"Why don't you say that the third master is an educated person? This educated person speaks differently, hey, here is one way, there is another way, and the way is different."

Yan Fugui's face turned cold: "Xu Damao, did you take the wrong medicine today? Why are you so weird with this place?"

"Hey, third master, you have wronged me." Xu Damao smiled half-smile, "You are so respectable, how dare I play tricks on you? I am fighting for you. How rude was it to talk to you just now? Didn't you just scold him and compare the family style of the second uncle's family with that of your old Yan's family? What is the result of the comparison? Does anyone remember?"

"Xu Damao!" Yan Jiecheng pointed at him and scolded, "Stop fanning the ghostly wind here! You are too bad, right? You are here to sow discord and cause conflicts between our two families. What good will it do you?"

"It's a villain who hurts others and doesn't benefit oneself!" Yu Li also scolded.

"Yeah, I'm not human anymore." Xu Damao shrugged, "I don't want to talk, right? Second uncle, before I leave, I have one last sentence, hehe, your Liu Guangtian is a filial son to Su Yuanchao. Son, do you know? He is not so filial to you, is he? "

"What do you mean?" Liu Haizhong stared, "You are a dog, why are you biting people?"

"That's what you call biting Lu Dongbin, you don't know good people." Xu Damao sneered, "Let me say something more, just now the third master scolded Guangtian and looked down on your old Liu's family style, and it is also because of this matter, You, I can't tell the difference between good and bad, and I don't bother to tell you, see you later!"

After all, Xu Damao waved his hands and walked away, hiding his achievements and fame.

"Hey man... what does this mean?" Liu Haizhong blew his beard and stared, holding back his evil fire.

"Third Lord, what did you say?" He turned his head and asked Yan Fugui.

Yan Fugui was somewhat embarrassed, because he did say that his family style was better than Liu Haizhong's.

"This... don't listen to Xu Damao's nonsense, he is only afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and this person has a dark heart." Yan Fugui said coyly.

Liu Haizhong saw Yan Fugui's embarrassment, and the suspicion in his heart increased a bit. He simply didn't ask Yan Fugui, and turned his head to ask the aunt who was watching the fun in the crowd: "His aunt, how did Guangtian return?" thing?"

"It's nothing..." The aunt hurriedly smiled and said, "Guangtian helped Yuanchao bring back a pig's hind leg. Isn't everyone watching the fun? That's all, nothing else."

"Pig hind leg? Su Yuanchao bought it?" Liu Haizhong asked in surprise.

"No, it's the benefits of your factory leaders." The aunt said.

As he was talking, he saw Yi Zhonghai entering the door carrying a piece of fat meat.

"Hey, the uncle has fat too? It weighs five or six catties, right?" Yan Fugui looked at the gluttonous eyes, and felt a little uncomfortable.

He has been a teacher all his life, but he has never distributed anything good in his unit.It's not like a large unit like the Red Star Rolling Mill, which pays benefits at every turn.

Yi Zhonghai was a little depressed, he was used to not revealing his wealth, and he felt uncomfortable when so many people stared at him carrying fat and meat into the door.

"Why are you all gathered here? What are you watching?" He smiled and changed the subject.

"Let's talk about the welfare." Liu Haizhong stared at the fat meat in Yi Zhonghai's hand, feeling somewhat apprehensive.

He and Yi Zhonghai entered the factory almost at the same time, but Yi Zhonghai was an eighth-level worker ten years ago, and Liu Haizhong is still a seventh-level worker.

It seems that there is only one level difference between the eighth-level workers and the seventh-level workers, but in fact, the treatment and prestige are very different.

Just because Yi Zhonghai is an eighth-level worker, he is obviously older than Yi Zhonghai, but Yi Zhonghai is the first uncle, so he can only be the second uncle.

Just because he is an eighth-level worker, the benefits of the leading cadres in the factory are indispensable every time, but Yi Zhonghai's share is indispensable, but in his bangs, there is only one to stare at.

Why does Liu Haizhong want to be a leader?
Among them, the stimulation from Yi Zhonghai is definitely the main reason.

Liu Haizhong was already very aggrieved when he was under one person in the courtyard.

But now there is another Su Yuanchao.

Liu Haizhong's feelings for Su Yi are even more complicated.The experience of "no fight, no acquaintance" between the two has always worried him.

He was afraid and hated Su Yi.

I can't wait to lick him, and I can't wait for him to die.

"Just now I heard from the aunt that Su Yuanchao had a pig's hind leg, right?" The last sentence asked in the bangs was from the aunt.

"That's right, everyone saw you."

"It was your son Guangtian who carried it back, and now he is still in the aid house."

"If you don't believe me, ask your son."

Liu Haizhong frowned, looked at Yi Zhonghai and said doubtfully, "This Su Yuanchao is not a leader, is he? Although he is highly valued by leaders, after all, he has never passed the internship period. In terms of this it a bit illegal to give benefits? ?”

"Why are you worrying about this?" Yi Zhonghai didn't want to say this, "The leaders have their own considerations about who they send to and who they don't, and whether they send more or less, so don't worry about it."

"That can't be done, the great man has already spoken. This family is a matter of the state and the world, and he cares about everything." Liu Haizhong frowned, "Some people will step on uneven roads, and people will take care of unfair things. Experience, easy to make mistakes..."

Yi Zhonghai shook his head and said: "Then take care of it slowly, I'll go back first. After leaving my wife, go back and cut half of this meat to the old lady."

"Okay." The aunt replied, took the meat and went home with Yi Zhonghai.

"This uncle's character and morality are really worth mentioning. He is too kind to the deaf old lady, and his own son is nothing more than that?"

"That's right, if you don't say that someone can be a master, you really lead by example..."

The neighbors praised it one after another.

Seeing this, Liu Haizhong was even more upset. He cursed, "fishing for fame", and then turned his attention to the gate of Su Yi's house.

"Is Guangtian inside?" He raised his head and asked the neighbors.

After getting an affirmative answer from the big guy, Liu Haizhong's eyebrows suddenly became the word "Chuan".

"Are you pretending to be deaf without making a sound inside? What's wrong with this kid?" Liu Haizhong was furious, walked over and slapped the door.

"It's over, Liu Guangtian is going to be in trouble." Yan Jiefang gloated.

"Let's go, let's not watch the excitement." Yan Fugui waved his hand, signaling his family to go back.

He is the third master, if Liu Haizhong makes a move later, will he pull it or not?
Pull it, Liu Guangtian was mean just now, he really deserved a beating, he was too lazy to pull it.

Don't pull it, it's not appropriate to just stand and watch the excitement.

So simply out of sight.

The rest of the neighbors don't have the psychological burden of the third master. They all know that Liu Haizhong's family style is "strict", and they are all interested in watching the fun at the moment.

Qin Huairu's family was about to go back, but now they all stood in front of the Chuihua Gate to watch the excitement.

Mrs. Jiazhang was still thinking about Su Yi's pig's hind leg, and muttered: "It's unreasonable. Such a big hind leg costs at least 20 yuan. This prodigal son is not short of money, so it's not in vain to give it to him." Yet?"

"Grandma, is that leg worth 20 yuan?" The stick on the side asked in surprise.

"What are you asking?" Qin Huairu's face was serious, "I'm warning you, if you dare to think about it again, I will definitely break your leg!"

"What are you doing! Treating your own son as a thief? Are you such a mother?" Jia Zhang was not happy, "Why are you so vicious now? Don't you want to be better?"

Qin Huairu said angrily: "Mom, are you really not afraid of spoiling your grandson? If he doesn't go to school for a few days, he can be regarded as herding sheep. He doesn't stay at home all day long and hangs out on the street. Is there a good guy among the street runners on the street?"

"You can shut up, you, male dolls have to make a living in society, what do you know?" Jia Zhang scolded, "What do you think can be taught in school? What's the use of dropping book bags all day long? Then After learning it, don’t you have to be as worthless as Yan Laoxi’er?”

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Qin Huairu turned around and left with a dark face.

Recently, she and Jia Zhang have been arguing more and more frequently.

"Don't talk to your mother, she is still thinking about letting you go to school." Jia Zhang snorted at Qin Huairu's back, then turned her head and patted the stick's head and said.

"Grandma, I don't want to go to school." Sticky said immediately, "I met a capable person in the past two days, and he said he would help me earn money! Grandma, I can earn money for the family, so don't let my mother give it to me. I'm going to the countryside!"

"My good grandson is really capable and can make money." Jia Zhang smiled happily, and was about to praise the stick when she heard a "slap" and a loud slap in the face.

While talking here, Liu Guangtian had already been slapped over there.

"Tell me one more thing and you won't answer? Say something and try!" Liu Haizhong pointed at Liu Guangtian who was standing in front of the door and scolded, "You're a bastard, and you still let others guard the house? You forgot What's your last name? Are you so filial to your father, huh?"

"Dad, this is my job!" Liu Guangtian yelled aggrievedly while covering his face.

Liu Haizhong slapped his backhand again, and said with a livid face, "I don't want to say it twice, just roll back! If it's against you, pay it back!"

Liu Guangtian's eyes were filled with tears, and his face was flushed red.

His father's coercion all along made him dare not make any further rebuttals. He lowered his head, covered his face and went out to walk back. Before taking two steps, Liu Haizhong stepped on his waist hard from behind again, throwing his Liu Guangtian fell to the ground.

"You shameless bastard, you don't know what to say when you have a job! Don't forget how you got here today!" Liu Haizhong pointed at him and cursed, "This kick will let you know who is Your dear father!"

Liu Guangtian got up in embarrassment, looked around, and looked at the gloating or pity eyes of the neighbors, feeling his face burning hot.

He wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Tears fell uncontrollably, he lowered his head, and walked home quickly, not daring to say a word.

After teaching his son a lesson, Liu Haixin calmed down a little. He waved his hands with his stomach straightened out and said, "It's all gone, what's there to see? It's only natural for me to beat my son!"

Only then did the neighbors disperse laughing and laughing.

On the periphery of the crowd, Xu Damao smiled triumphantly and went home humming a little tune.

Lou Xiaoe was lying on the bed reading a book, and seeing Xu Damao's appearance, she asked curiously, "Why are you so happy?"

Xu Damao said triumphantly: "Just now, I just made a small plan, and the second uncle and the third uncle got into a fight. The second uncle even cleaned up Liu Guangtian in public, which relieved my bad breath! You don't know, this Since Liu Guangtian joined Su Yuanchao, he really doesn't know his surname anymore, he's a dog, today I will completely beat him back to his original form!"

Lou Xiao'e tsk-tsk in disgust: "You say you are so wicked, what good will it do you?"

Xu Damao raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm willing! Don't you know? Su Yuanchao's whole pig's hind leg was divided in the factory today. Why? What is he, Su Yuanchao? Really, it's so unfair , I have to ask the leader for an explanation on this matter!"

"I think you're just jealous." Lou Xiaoe shook her head.

"What's wrong with me just being jealous?" Xu Damao said, "It's fine if he relies on his real skills, but if he relies on currying favor with women, why shouldn't I be jealous?"

He glanced at Lou Xiao'e who was immersed in the book, looked around, frowned and said, "You didn't cook?"

"There are lunch leftovers on the stove, you can warm them up and eat them yourself, I won't eat them." Lou Xiaoe said without raising her head.

Xu Damao cursed angrily: "You bitch, you don't know how to cook for your man when you stay at home all day, I'm better than you at raising a pig!"

"What did you say? Say it again!" Lou Xiao'e put down her book and stood up, her brows bristling.

A vicious battle between the young couple was on the verge of breaking out, and the sky was dark with cursing.

On the other side, at the third grandfather's house, the whole family had dinner together.

Yan Jiecheng asked, "Dad, when are you going to tell Su Yuanchao about my matter?"

"Next week," Yan Fugui said, "I'll go fishing in Houhai this Sunday, and I'll try to catch a few more fish. Let's invite him to dinner at home, stew a fish, and then burn another fish. It's meaty, vegetarian, and dry. Don’t you have all the soup?”

At the same time, Yu Li rolled her eyes, then shoveled rice into her mouth.

Yan Jiecheng said speechlessly: "Dad, if you do this, I think my job is a mystery."

"You don't understand, what you eat is not important, the important thing is negotiation!" Yan Fugui said with a smile, "You don't think that Su Yuanchao, who has a good meal, can solve your work for you? Then you are dreaming of eating carrots , The idea is too fragile! Our family must spend money on this matter, the purpose of eating is to negotiate the price, not to fill the stomach, you, you didn't understand the point."

Yan Jiecheng was stunned for a while, then gave his father a thumbs up and said, "Dad, you are taller than me!"

Yu Li gave a disdainful smile, glanced out of the window inadvertently, and said "Hey", "Why is the door of Yuanchao's house open?"

(End of this chapter)

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