Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1513 Leaving Home

Chapter 1513 Leaving Home
You can't argue with an unreasonable person unless you plan to be unreasonable too.

Qin Huairu didn't want to argue with Jia Zhang any more, she knew her mother-in-law, just like she was determined to cure the stick's disease today, looking at her mother-in-law, it was obvious that she was also determined to protect the stick.

Not much more to say.

"Let me tell you Banggen, you admit your mistake to Mom now, and tell Mom the truth, there is still a way to save this matter." Qin Huairu said to Banggen word by word, "If you think your grandma is covering up this matter for you You can go there, let me tell you, your calculation is wrong! I would rather send you to the police station myself, and I have to completely cure your sneaky problem!"

"Mom! Are you my real mother!" Bang Ji was anxious and angry, "Did you hear that, grandma, my mother is going to send me to the police station!"

"Let her deliver it!" Jia Zhang sneered and pointed to the place where Jia Dongxu's portrait hung in the bedroom, "Let her deliver it in front of your father, and see if your father will settle accounts with her tonight!"

"Mom, you are hurting him, do you know that!" Qin Huairu yelled angrily.

"He's my grandson! Did I kill him?" Jia Zhang also yelled, "Qin Huairu, even animals know how to lick a calf, why do you insist on killing your own son? What? Do you think he is a fool? You put him The wild man who killed you so he can go to you quickly? Do you think so?"

Qin Huairu's eyes widened in shock, and her face instantly turned pale.

Seeing this, Jia Zhang felt a little guilty, but refused to give in, snorted and glared at Qin Huairu vigorously.

"Mom, I don't want a stepfather. If you dare to find a stepfather, I won't recognize you as a mother!" Bang Geng followed suit.

After being under the influence for so long, he has learned some "combat skills" from his grandma, and he is already proficient in using this trick to change the subject.

"Get out!" Qin Huairu held back tears and pointed at the door tremblingly, "Get out! You all get out!"

"It's you who should get out!" These words angered Jia Zhang, "This is our Jia family! You have to get out, and you'd better get out with those two losers! Get out and never come back! "

"That's right! Mom, you are not filial to grandma! I will not be filial to you in the future!" BangJie yelled.

"See? This is a good example for your son!" Jia Zhang sneered.

As if struck by lightning, Qin Huai closed her eyes tightly, not wanting her mother-in-law and son to see the sadness in her eyes was greater than death.

Tears couldn't stop flowing down, but she pinched her palm hard, unwilling to cry out.

"Come on, Banggen, grandma will take you to bed." Seeing that Qin Huairu had stopped talking, Jia Zhang winked at Banggan, and dragged him to the inner room.

After Jia Zhangshi wiped BangGeng's face and feet, and let BangGeng lie on the bed, Qin Huairu still stood motionless in the outer room.

Jia Zhang didn't care about her, and took off her clothes on her own, planning to sleep with her stick in her arms.

Xiaodang and Huaihua whispered for a while, the two girls got up, and they ran to the outer room with their shoes on, hugged Qin Huairu's legs from left to right, raised their heads and looked at their mother eagerly.

Qin Huairu, who had managed to contain her emotions, broke her defense in an instant, and couldn't help but squat down, hugging her two daughters and crying loudly.

Xiaohuaihua didn't know why, so she was so scared that she burst into tears.

Xiaodang patted his mother on the back to comfort her for a while like a little adult, then suddenly pursed her mouth: "Mom, if you cry again, I want to cry too, woo woo woo..."

The three mothers cried together.

Jia Zhang picked up a shoe from the top of the kang and threw it over. He shouted coldly, "Who are you crying for at night? You want me to die, right? If you want to cry, go away and cry, don't embarrass yourself here!"

The two little girls were so frightened that they didn't dare to cry immediately, they covered their mouths with tears in their eyes, and sobbed unceasingly.

Qin Huairu stopped crying, she wiped her tears vigorously, and when she opened her eyes again, her eyes were full of determination.

She wiped away the tears of the two daughters, and said, "Xiao Dang, Huaihua, would you like to go with mom, or stay at home with grandma?"

Jia Zhang who had already closed his eyes in the back room opened his eyes wide when he heard this.

"Mom, where are you going?" Xiao Dang asked.

"Go back to the countryside and go to your grandma's house." Qin Huairu sniffed.

"Mom, I want to go to grandma's house!" Sophora Huai immediately said.

"Mom, I'll go with you too!" Xiao Dang followed suit.

The two younger ones are because it is fresh and fun, and the second is because they know that following grandma is not welcome.

"Hey, you really have a lot of skills, you want to run away from home?" Jia Zhang sneered again and again, "Well, since you don't want to stay in this house, if you have the ability, you should go now! You have a little ambition, don't let me look down on you You three bitches!"

"Hua Huai, Xiao Dang, go and get dressed!" Qin Huairu stood up, and ordered coldly, then went to find a piece of cloth from the wooden box, and started to pack his luggage.

The two little girls didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and when they saw that they were going to leave, they immediately went to get dressed happily.

Seeing that Qin Huairu really got into a fight with her, Jia Zhang was very angry, got up and sat down and said coldly: "You have to think about it, it's easy for you to leave this house, but it's difficult to come in again!"

"Don't bother you." Qin Huairu smiled miserably, took a deep breath and said, "You said I was a slut, I think you were right! I always thought this was my own home, and I worked hard to support my family. I think this is what I deserve. But I just found out today that you still think that my surname Qin is an outsider and that I am cheap, and I have to treat you as my own mother, I am so cheap!"

Jia Zhang's heart trembled, she bit her lip, she couldn't bear it anymore, she wanted to say something soft, but she couldn't let go.

After a moment of silence, Jia Zhang became a little anxious when he heard the movement of packing things outside.

She quarreled with Qin Huairu, but she knew who was supporting the family.

This family can still go without anyone, but it can't be done without Qin Huairu.

"You, you go back to the countryside, what will you do with this class?" Mrs. Jia Zhang said anxiously, "My son sacrificed his life for a job, so you can lose it if you say so?"

"If you have a suitable person, you can choose another one to work for you!" Qin Huairu said coldly.

"Qin Huairu! What are you talking about!" Jia Zhang was so angry that she got up, and wanted to find her shoes to get off the kang.

"Where's the shoe? Where's my left shoe?"

"Grandma, you just threw it outside." Xiao Dang, who was dressing Sophora japonica, said.

"Shut up, our Jia family has become what it is today, and it's because of you two who lost money!" Mrs. Jia Zhang took her anger out on her.

Xiao Dang's mouth shrunk, and tears fell instantly.

But he held back his tears and continued to dress his sister.

Huaihua wiped her sister's tears, and wrapped her small arms around her to hug her.

Sitting on the side of the bed, Mrs. Jiazhang softened her tone: "Huairu, it was my mother who was wrong just now, and my mother was a bit harsh. But you shouldn't fight against mother like this, right? Old people talking? There is nothing wrong with old people in this world, only children who are not filial! This is not what I said, Yi Zhonghai said."

"Yes, I'm not filial. Look at who is filial. You can recruit another one at home." Qin Huairu packed up the baggage, "Xiao Dang, Huaihua, are you alright?"

"It's all right, Mom!" Xiao Dang hurriedly responded, "Hua Hua, come, I'll put on your shoes for you!"

"Are you really leaving?" Jia Zhang was anxious, "Where are you going this late at night? No, Mom was just talking in a fit of anger..."

Qin Huairu ignored her.

"You have the heart to leave your son behind?" Jia Zhang said again.

"When will he admit his mistake, I will recognize his son again!" Qin Huairu said, "When will he admit his mistake, you still want to recognize my wife, he still wants me as a mother, then you all come to the countryside Find me! It is absolutely impossible for you to cover up the matter of stealing pork legs casually like this!"

"You, what are you serious about? Isn't it all right?" Jia Zhang complained.

"When something happens, you have no place to cry!" Qin Huairu said.

"Bah! Can't you look forward to it?" Jia Zhang scolded.

Xiao Dang and Sophora Sophora packed up, and they ran to the outhouse.

Qin Huairu looked at the back room and said, "Mom, let me ask you one last question, will you let Bang Geng confess to me?"

Jia Zhang muttered, looking at the stick, she was about to give in.

But the latter desperately shook his head to Jia Zhang and bowed with a begging look on his face.

Jia Zhang's heart softened again, and said: "Huairu, you are so wrong, he really didn't steal..."

"Huai Hua, Xiao Dang, let's go!" Qin Huairu took his two daughters and went out.

"No, where are you going this evening?" Mrs. Jia Zhang was anxious, "If you have something to say, can't you say it tomorrow?"

"I have nothing to say to you!" Qin Huairu slammed the door heavily.

"Oh, this is a crime." Jia Zhang was so anxious that he wanted to chase without wearing shoes, but was grabbed by the stick.

"Grandma, grandma, stop chasing me! If you chase my mother back, she will kill me!" Stick said anxiously.

"Is that really going to make your mother go like this?" Jia Zhang said angrily, "It's all your fault, you little bastard. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gotten into this kind of trouble with your mother. If you let go, I have to Get your mother back, she is the pillar of our family, we cannot live without her!"

"Grandma, I am also a pillar now. You forgot, I just gave you 15 yuan that you hid for me? I can make money now!" Bang Geng hugged Jia Zhang and did not let go.

"That's not the way you are!" Jia Zhang said, "Your mother is right, you have to correct your faults sooner or later!"

"Didn't I tell you grandma? I want to worship my master now. My master is amazing. If I learn the craft from him, no one will be able to catch me in the future! Swallow Li San'er is still a thief, isn't he also a great hero?" Is it? Grandma, please, please don’t give in to my mother. According to what she wants, I can’t do anything! She definitely wants me to go back to the countryside with you! Grandma, you don’t want to go to the countryside either, do you? "

Mrs. Jia Zhang hesitated, and struggled: "Bang, listen to grandma, our family really cannot do without your mother, I'll go and invite your mother back first, you are temporarily wronged..."

"I don't!" Bang Geng was very excited, "My master said that he will test me tomorrow morning. As long as I pass, he will officially accept me as a disciple! Grandma, this is the most critical time for me. I can't let my mother Killed me!"

"But..." Jia Zhang became more and more entangled.

"Grandma, it's really impossible. Let's invite my mother back in a few days, and she will be angry by then." Bang Gan said, "My mother is soft-hearted, how can she really deny you and my son? "

Jia Zhang was persuaded, she sighed, still a little worried: "Where are the three of them going to live this late at night? It's not okay, stick, why don't grandma go and call your mother back? They stay at home for one night, even if they leave tomorrow."

"Grandma, my mother is such a smart person, how can she have no place to live?" Stick said, "Isn't Aunt Yushui's house empty? My mother is going to ask Sha Zhu for the key. Listen!"

As soon as the words fell, the two held their breaths together.

Sure enough, Qin Huairu was heard in the courtyard knocking on the door of Shazhu's house next door.

Jia Zhang immediately became vigilant: "No, don't sleep with this bastard and go to the same room with silly Zhu, I have to watch!"

She crawled up to the window, pouted her buttocks and stretched her neck, trying to look out.

At Shazhu's house, the three people who were drinking heard a knock on the door outside, and also heard Qin Huairu's voice calling Shazhu.

There was a quarrel next door, and Su Yi listened to the radio drama the whole time.

So he knew what Qin Huairu was doing here.

He also admired the widow in his heart, what do you think you have offended Shazhu?
Whenever something happened, he would come to Sha Zhu immediately.

Really eat silly Zhu to death?
He smiled playfully, if only Sha Zhu was at home, then she would really be able to get what she wanted, but tonight, Widow Qin might make a mistake.Silly Zhu drank, and just bragged, saying that he would live for himself in the future...

Sure enough, upon hearing Qin Huairu's voice, Silly Zhu's face changed, and he was about to get up and open the door almost like a conditioned reflex, but the next moment he paused again, looking at Lu Shengli who was flushed from drinking, and then looked aside as if Su Yi, who was not smiling, sat back down again.

"Why? The three of us are drinking! We'll talk about it tomorrow!" Sha Zhu pretended to be impatient.

"Silly Zhu, come out, I'll just talk to you!" Qin Huairu said outside the door.

"If you tell me to go out, I will go out? Who are you?" Silly Zhu rolled his eyes, "If you fart, let it go, if you don't fart, get out!"

On one side, Lu Shengli is actually not very clear about the affairs between Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu, but with the help of Jiu Jin, he gave Sha Zhu a thumbs up.

Sha Zhu proudly raised his neck, and deliberately glanced at Su Yi.

There was a moment of silence outside the door, and then Qin Huairu opened the door and came in.

She took a look at the situation in the room, ignored Shazhu first, but forced a smile at Su Yi: "Is Yuanchao here?"

Su Yi smiled and nodded without speaking.

Qin Huairu smiled and nodded to Lu Shengli again, as a greeting, then looked at Shazhu, frowned and said, "Give me the key to Yushui's house, I want to stay for one night, and I will send it back to you tomorrow morning."

"No, here!" Silly Zhu rolled his eyes and said word by word, "Who are you, you Qin Huairu? I tell you, from now on, I will follow you bridge to bridge, road to road, the old silly Zhu , is dead! Died in prison! Sitting in front of you now is the poet of the new era——He Yuzhu! The Russian name is..."

He scratched his head and looked at Shengli Lu: "Hey, what is the Russian name you just gave me? What kind of driver?"

"The driver who stole the radish!" Lu Shengli said.

"Yes! Please call me the driver who steals carrots!" Sha Zhu said to Qin Huairu with a serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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