Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1514 The Incident

Chapter 1514 The Incident
Shazhu's refusal surprised Qin Huairu.

But she also understood Sha Zhu's heart knot, and said in a slow tone: "Sha Zhu, I'm not joking with you, so don't be stubborn with me. For your sake, my mother-in-law and I have already broken up, she You kicked me out, I have nowhere to go tonight, if you don't help me, I can only sleep on the road."

After a pause, she pointed to the door and said, "Huahuahua and Xiaodang are also outside the door. Even if you blame me, they are not bothering you, right? Do you have the heart to see them living on the street?"

"Hey, why did you bring them out too?" Silly Zhu was anxious, "It's late at night, what should they do if they are freezing? Wait, I'll get you the key, it's really a crime..."

Then he got up and went to get the key.

Su Yi was a little dazed, thinking that he was still superficial...

But Shazhu stopped before taking two steps. He stood there thinking for a while, scratched his head and turned around, looked at Qin Huairu, then at Su Yi and Lu Shengli, his face full of embarrassment.

Qin Huairu's heart sank, and a bad thought came to her.

Sure enough, the next second Silly Zhu said: "Then what, how go to the backyard to find the deaf old lady, and go to her to deal with it for a night first... I can't decide about you .”

Su Yi smiled, raised his glass with Lu Shengli, and they drank another glass together.

"Silly Zhu, if you don't want to help me, just say so, why can't you be the master?" Qin Huairu raised her brows upside down.

"Really, I lied to you that I am a grandson!" Sha Zhu hurriedly explained, "Teacher Ran said that I will report to her first when I deal with you in the future, and she has to make the decision. I can do it only if she agrees. If you don't agree, as long as I dare to make a claim and get entangled with you secretly, then she will never talk to me again..."

Silly Zhu also drank, and the last words were obviously Ran Qiuye's original words.

Qin Huairu was stunned.

She didn't react for a long time, and it took a long time before she said, "Teacher Ran?"

Her throat was a little dry, and she coughed twice before she regained her strength.

"You said it was Sticky's teacher, Ran Qiuye?" she asked.

Silly Zhu raised his eyebrows triumphantly, but pretended to be normal: "Yeah, what's the matter? Teacher Ran fell in love with me at first sight, and I didn't want to marry. Sigh, this is the first time I know what it's like to be liked by others."

He said this with the mentality of provoking Qin Huairu, and it also meant revenge.

Qin Huairu was really stimulated.

In fact, she has feelings for Sha Zhu, and she has not given up on him until now, always thinking that as long as she gives Sha Zhu a good face, even without giving sweets, Sha Zhu will come back.

but now……

Panic and loss filled her heart, she pretended to be calm, deliberately smiled to hide the complexity of her heart.

"Teacher Ran is really blind, how could he fall in love with you?" She said deliberately.

"What's wrong with me? Why can't she take a fancy to me?" Shazhu was stimulated by this sentence, his voice suddenly raised, and he said excitedly, "I tell you Qin Huairu, even if I, Shazhu, sweep the streets, I am upright My man! The most precious thing to me is not my craftsmanship and my work, but my golden quality! Let me tell you, this is what Teacher Ran said! You don’t know how to appreciate me, but someone does!”

"Why are you still in a hurry? I'm really drunk!" Qin Huairu forced a smile, "Okay, since you, an upright man, can't decide who to borrow your house for a night, I won't embarrass you anymore .”

After a pause, she looked at Su Yi: "Yanchao, there is a place for the old lady. It's okay for me to deal with it for a night, but Xiaodang and Huaihua are gone. I'm afraid they will make too much noise and disturb the old lady. I think I can Can't let them go to your place to deal with it overnight? I will pick them up early tomorrow morning."

"It's not suitable." Su Yi shook his head and refused without thinking, "The women's college still avoids their father, let alone I'm not their real father. They can come to my house casually during the day, but they can't sleep in my house at night."

"This...they are children, and the two of them are only ten years old together." Qin Huairu felt that Su Yi's excuse was absurd.

"It's because they are still young and don't understand anything, so I have to pay more attention!" Su Yi said to Qin Huairu seriously, "Sister Qin, I have to warn you about this, and you have to pay attention too! Raise a little girl You have to pay attention to everything, if there is something bad, it will hurt them for a lifetime, and it is useless for you to regret it."

Su Yi is really not making excuses, there are many things with risks that need to be paid attention to.These two little girls are really sleeping at Su Yi's house tonight, so it must be very safe, but in case there is such a vicious rumor, can Su Yi make it clear?

Of course, Su Yi must have a solution, but there is no need to bear this kind of nausea, so he should avoid it in advance.

Seeing Su Yi speak seriously, Qin Huairu understood that Su Yi really thought so, she nodded and said: "Okay, then I'll take them to the old lady's room, you continue to drink, I'll leave first."

She also stopped talking to Shazhu, turned around and went out the door.

Lu Shengli couldn't help but said: "Yanchao, I found that you think things too clearly in your mind. If it were me, I would be embarrassed to refuse, and I can't think of this aspect."

"That's good, it's rare to be confused." Su Yi smiled, "It's actually not good for me to live like this. If I live too clearly, it will be boring."

"You keep saying it's boring and boring, but I think you're really playing around with the world." Lu Shengli joked.

"Do you think he is a god descending to earth? Drink and drink!" Silly Zhu yelled.

The two drank for a while, Shazhu said that he was going to pee, refused Lu Shengli's company, and went out alone.

Su Yi knew that he was worried about Qin Huairu, so he went out to have a look.After Qin Huairu left, he was restless.

Sha Zhu had just rejected Qin Huairu, but he couldn't bear it anymore, worried that he might have hurt Qin Huairu, and wondered if he had gone too far...

With the excuse of urinating, he quietly ran to the backyard to take a look, and made sure that Qin Huai and Ru Niang had already entered the deaf old lady's house, and stayed silently in the yard for a while before returning home.

After entering the room, he yelled, drank and laughed heartlessly, and found various excuses to drink himself until he got drunk and got under the table.

Su Yi and Lu Shengli helped him to the bed, and they left.

"It's so late, why don't you go back and sleep at my place tonight." Su Yi said.

Lu Shengli shook his head: "No, going back late is already committing crimes against the wind. If I don't return at night, the old man will beat me to death."

"Are you okay?" Su Yi looked at him.

Lu Shengli let out a breath and said, "I drank a lot, I'm sure I can't drive the car, I'm on my knees, just to get rid of the alcohol."

"I send you?"

"No, no, no! It's not a big girl, it's okay to send it back and forth!" Lu Shengli waved his hands repeatedly.

Su Yi no longer insisted.

After sending Lu Shengli out of the yard, Su Yi stretched his muscles and bones at the door, and the smell of alcohol disappeared completely.

When returning home, the curtain on the opposite door was lifted, Su Yi looked back, and met Yu Li's eyes.

Su Yi smiled, stretched out his hand and waved, and the curtains were lowered over there.

It was night, in the dead of night, Su Yi went on to work on his own cellar.

The secret cellar under the bed was formed yesterday, and tonight's task is to reinforce and seal it.

During the day, he asked Kong Damin for more materials, specially prepared for this secret cellar.

The cellar was dug by Su Yi to the size of two cubic meters, so it would be fine for one person to get in.

Su Yi tamped the perimeter of the wall, sealed it with blue bricks, and painted a layer of cement mortar.

The entrance is just under the bed, and Su Yi used a mold to make a simple blue brick splicing board as a sealing board, which was disguised as the surrounding ground.It's hard to tell the difference unless someone lifts the bed and lays down on the floor to look carefully.

After finishing the work, Su Yi admired the fruits of his labor for a while with satisfaction, then cleaned up the mess, tidied up the battlefield, restored the furnishings in the room to their original state, and went to bed.

Early the next morning, Su Yi was woken up by the workers who came to work.

They arrived at six o'clock. At this time, the sky was bright, and a group of workers had already started to work outside.

This morning, Su Yi was destined to be unable to leave, because the roof of the toilet room had to be sealed, and pipes had to be laid for the upper and lower water to enter the house.

Except for Su Yi, Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong, Xu Damao and other residents who planned to enter the house with water pipes all asked for leave and did not go to work, and the yard was very lively.

At 06:30, Qin Huairu led Sophora japonica and Xiao Dang out of the yard, and went to the front gate to catch the bus to the countryside.

This woman is also determined to get back her son's faults this time, and her resistance is not insignificant.

Su Yi is the owner of the money, so the work of passing the water must be closely followed by Su Yi first.

Zhang Erniu also rushed to the scene to watch the work in person, and the progress was fast. Soon, the water supply and drainage positions set in Su Yi's outhouse and toilet were all in place, and Su Yi and Zhang Erniu completed the inspection together. Afterwards, the workers of the waterworks evacuated and went to work elsewhere.

Kong Damin's decoration team had already done half of the work of capping the roof. The rafters and purlins were laid, the reed curtains were laid, and they were ready to lay mud and tiles.

Su Yi dragged Kong Damin to the outhouse and showed him the tiles and bathroom facilities.

"It's all foreign stuff, I haven't pretended..." Kong Damin was troubled, "I've heard about this tile, and I know how to paste it... If it doesn't work, I'll invite the master who pasted this tile. But what about the toilet, bathtub, and sink? Just squat over the drain?"

"Well, you invite the tile installers first, and I'll tell you how to do it!" No way, Su Yi could only go into battle shirtless and practice it himself.

Fortunately, in later generations, he has never eaten pork and seen pigs running, so he is no stranger to these jobs.

This morning, Su Yi plunged into the toilet and was busy.

By lunch time, all the work was almost done.Beautiful tiles are pasted on the walls and floors, and toilets and other appliances are also installed in place.

To Su Yi's surprise, among the pile of things that Lu Shengli brought was a set of shower facilities, as well as several special faucets and anti-odor floor drains, Su Yi used them without saying a word.

Now the whole bathroom looks like a high-end hotel in the 90s, Su Yi looked a little awkward, but the other people who came to visit in the courtyard were all amazed.

"Is this the toilet? Oh my god, is this the place where the Emperor of the Forbidden City shits?"

"This is really a high-end hut high-end paper, all the shit out of it is high-end..."

"It's really a waste of good things. Where can I not take a shit? Spending so much money on this, isn't it heartburning?"

Neighbors criticized one after another, but everyone was eager to try it, wishing to untie their hands and experience it first.

It's a pity that they can only stand at the door and watch, the newly laid floor tiles cannot be stepped on.

Yu Li also took a look, and whispered to Su Yi when no one was paying attention: "I'll come to you to take a bath when it's dry, in that big tub."

"There's too much movement." Su Yi said.

"Put the water away. I'll sneak over here. Let's not turn on the light..." Yu Li said.

Su Yi scratched his head and said: "No, no, this is for my future wife. If you really want to use it, you can use it. According to what I said that day..."

Yu Li stepped hard on Su Yi's foot and walked away.

After a while she yelled again in the courtyard: "Yanchao, what do you have for lunch? My dad told you to come to my house to eat."

"No, today I'm going out to eat noodles with fried sauce with the workers!" Su Yi replied.

The work is basically done, and Su Yi is quite satisfied, so he plans to invite everyone to eat a bowl of noodles.

The decoration team plus dozens of people from the water plant will cost a lot.

"Burn it with money." Yu Li muttered.

Looking left and right, everyone in the courtyard was busy with their own work. She put on a vegetable bowl and pretended to walk to Su Yi's side, standing side by side with Su Yi to watch the workers work.

"I don't care, I will be the first to use it!" She lowered her voice.

Su Yi smiled: "Okay, use it."

"It's not too bad." Yu Li gave Su Yi a wave of happiness, and left happily.

After all, Su Yi still couldn't eat the fried noodles at noon.

When it was almost twelve o'clock, eight police officers filed into the compound, and two of them, Su Yi, knew each other.

One is Zhao Desheng, who has been with him several times before, and the other is Shen Yanzi, a policewoman who has been on a blind date with Su Yi.But these two people looked like strangers should not get close to each other. After seeing Su Yi, the former shook his head and signaled not to come over; the latter simply glanced at Su Yi and pretended not to know him.

The policemen were all very serious. After entering, they went straight to the middle courtyard and entered Banggen's house. After a while, they heard Jiazhang's terrified wailing in the room.

The two uncles didn't go to work this morning, so they rushed in to inquire about the situation, but they were stopped by the police guarding the door and refused to let them in. They didn't answer any questions.

The voices of the police yelling could be heard in the room, and Mrs. Jia and Zhang quickly stopped shouting.

The neighbors gathered around in surprise, discussing and watching the excitement.

Su Yi also mixed in with the crowd, wondering how much of a mess stick sticks made this time.

You Juanjuan and her brother are very efficient in their work.

But with such a big battle, are they doing things cleanly?Can they write themselves off?

It was obvious that there was a search inside, and the movement of rummaging through boxes and cabinets could be clearly heard by people outside.

After a while, Jia Zhang, with a black bag on his head and handcuffs on his hands, was dragged out by two policemen.

The old lady's hands and feet were weak, she couldn't even stand firmly, and her whole body was shaking like chaff.

(End of this chapter)

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