Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1515 Catastrophe

Chapter 1515 Catastrophe
A dignified policeman came out behind Jia Zhang, looked around, and said, "Who is in charge of this yard?"

"I, it's me!" Yi Zhonghai hurriedly stood up.

"Hello, comrade, I am the elder of this yard, my name is Yi Zhonghai, and I am Red Star..."

"Master! Help!" Just as Yi Zhonghai spoke halfway, Jia Zhang yelled "Aww" as if he had suddenly come back to life, and the policemen who were holding her and Yi Zhonghai were so frightened that they were all smart!
"They said they were going to shoot the stick, Lao Yi, they were talking nonsense, they disregarded human life, they were wronged! Worse than Dou E! Neighbors, the police killed people! In the clear sky, you are struck by lightning..."

"Bastard! Nonsense! Inciting the masses to fight against the organization, you are anti-Ge Ming!" The policeman who asked Yi Zhonghai was furious, "Write down everything she just said, dare to make trouble with the people's police , lard has covered your heart!"

"I didn't! I didn't! You careless about human life, corrupt officials bastards, I ran into death in front of you today, I can't spare you..." Mrs. Jia Zhang struggled violently and roared crazily.

"Take people out!" the policeman shouted angrily.

The two policemen immediately lifted her up from her armpits, ignored her struggling and screaming, and just carried her out.

Jia Zhang's hoarse shouts gradually faded away, and needles could be heard in the courtyard!
Everyone's faces were full of surprise and solemnity, and now even a fool could feel that the matter was serious.

The policeman who scolded Jiazhang was still angry, his face was still livid, he turned his head to look at Yi Zhonghai, and said, "From now on, everyone in this courtyard is not allowed to leave the gate half a step. I think there are still people here. Workman, huh?"

"Yes, yes, our yard is rebuilding the waterway, and there is a resident in the front yard who is repairing a house." Yi Zhonghai said hastily.

"Everyone has to stay, don't leave!" the policeman said.

"No, comrade, I can ask..." Yi Zhonghai hurriedly wanted to ask.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask!" The policeman sternly said.

"Comrade, I'm from the waterworks, we're here..." Zhang Erniu squeezed out of the crowd and was about to explain to the police.

The policeman stretched out his hand to stop him from speaking, and said, "Please cooperate with us in handling the case! Now this compound is temporarily closed, and no one is allowed to enter or leave. Since you are working here, I am sorry, but you can't leave either!"

"Then when will we be banned?" Zhang Erniu couldn't help asking.

"It won't be long." The policeman replied, looked at Yi Zhonghai again, pointed to the house behind him and asked, "How many people are in this family? Who are they?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a little policeman immediately took out a pen and paper, waiting for Yi Zhonghai to speak.

This posture made everyone more nervous.Yi Zhonghai swallowed his saliva, his throat trembled a little when he opened his mouth.

"There are five members of their family. The Jiazhang family you took away just now is the old man of this family. The head of the family is Qin Huairu, who is..."

Yi Zhonghai told the situation of the five members of Qin's family, and the police would stop him if he didn't understand clearly, and asked Yi Zhonghai to continue talking.

After Yi Zhonghai finished speaking, Shen Yanzi, Zhao Desheng and several other policemen came out from the room.

"Team Liao, nothing was found." Zhao Deshenghui reported, "There are no hidden compartments or secret rooms in the house."

Su Yi in the crowd blinked.

Team Liao nodded and said, "It's closed."


The police immediately began to close the doors, took out the seals, and sealed all the doors and windows of the Qin family.

Busy over there, Captain Liao then asked Yi Zhonghai: "You said there is a woman named Qin Huairu and two little girls in his family. Where are the three of them?"

"I went back to my mother's house early in the morning!" The deaf old lady answered.

With the support of the big mother, she walked over tremblingly.

Liao Dui saw her stunned, and immediately went up to meet her: "Oh, aunt, I didn't expect to alarm you too, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Qin Huairu quarreled with her mother-in-law yesterday, and brought her two daughters to sleep with me last night." The deaf old lady said to Liao Dui, "The three of them left early this morning, and went to Qianmen to take the bus to Qin's Village. They should be staying at their mother's house by now."

"Don't you write down what the old lady said?" Captain Liao instructed the policeman who was taking notes, and while supporting the deaf old lady, he asked, "Old lady, what else do you want to say?"

The deaf old lady shook her head: "I don't have anything to say, but I have to ask you, little Liaozi, I know that you are a private business, and you pay attention to secrecy. But the door is closed and people are not allowed to leave. Do you have to do it too?" Tell the neighbors? What's wrong with the Jia family? It's not good for everyone to be frightened. Do you think it makes sense?"

Team Liao smiled wryly: "You keep talking, how can I not listen to you?"

He pondered slightly, looked around, and said in a slightly louder voice: "Dear neighbors and comrades, I am from the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau, and my name is Liao Guoqiang. A child named Jia Geng was involved in a very serious case. Before the case is further clarified, we have to ask everyone to cooperate with our investigation and keep everyone here, not only to handle the case, but also to protect everyone, and Get rid of everyone's suspicions, and return everyone's innocence!"

The neighbors buzzed.

"Everyone!" Liao Guoqiang raised his voice, "In short, we will investigate and collect evidence as soon as possible, and restore everyone's normal life order as soon as possible. I apologize for the inconvenience caused to everyone!"

"Captain Liao, what the hell did Jia Geng do?" Xu Damao asked curiously.

"No comment!" Liao Guoqiang said coldly, "Everyone, it's best not to inquire about it. Next, we will arrange for manpower to be stationed here, and we will also leave special investigators here. If there are comrades who know any clues, or feel If there is anything suspicious, everyone is welcome to provide clues or report to the investigators, and it is the duty of every citizen to cooperate with the police in handling the case! But if you do not report the information, it is covering up and you must bear legal responsibility!"

"No, comrade, don't just scare us." Liu Haizhong couldn't help but said, "We don't even know what Jia Geng committed. What do we offer? Even if we want to report, we don't know what to report! "

"You can report anything about Jia Geng and the Jia family, including who their family has been in contact with. As long as you think something is wrong, suspicious, or even something you don't like, you can report it to our investigators! "Liao Guoqiang said.

He looked back and said to Shen Yanzi: "Yanzi, you stay with your people, and I will leave you two more action teams, and call to report any situation."

"Yes!" Shen Yanzi stood at attention and saluted with a loud voice.

Liao Guoqiang looked at Yi Zhonghai again and said, "Old comrade, I need to trouble you to cooperate with our police officers and help organize and coordinate the masses. This case is very serious and vicious. Please pay attention to it!"

"Okay, I will fully cooperate!" Yi Zhonghai said solemnly.

Liao Guoqiang nodded, waved his hand and said, "The ones at Dongzhimen will stay, and you two will stay too. The rest of the comrades, leave!"


With his order, all the remaining policemen left.

"Brother Liu and Xiao Zhang, you guard the gate. Go to the front yard, the Central Plains, and the back yard each to patrol and guard. Construction, you visit the masses, check for clues, and everyone split up!" Shen Yanzi commanded vigorously.


The policemen sprang into action.

Shen Yanzi looked around for a week and said loudly: "Neighbors, please go back to your homes and wait for our police officers to come to question and investigate. Please cooperate with our work, don't gather here, and don't whisper to each other! Alright, go back to your own home. Go to your own homes! Who is in charge of the workers doing the work?"

Both Zhang Erniu and Kong Damin stood up and introduced their own situation respectively. Shen Yanzi immediately arranged for some of them to stay in the front yard and some to stay in the middle courtyard.

After the neighbors all returned to their homes in shock and confusion, Shen Yanzi said to Yi Zhonghai again: "Master Yi, please find me a cleaner room where I can ask questions."

Yi Zhonghai pondered slightly, and said, "Why don't you go to Su Yuanchao's house in the front yard, his house is the cleanest in our yard."

Shen Yanzi rolled her eyes, pointed at the door of Su Yi's house and said, "Which one is it? All right, I'll go by myself, Mr. Yi, please bring me the resident register in the courtyard."

"Okay, it's at my house, I'll get it for you." Yi Zhonghai agreed, turned around and went back to get it.

At this moment, there were only two workers from the engineering team left in the yard, and they all squatted in the front yard and the middle yard according to the arrangement of the police. The police officer who was ordered to visit and investigate was asking Kong Damin in the front yard.

Shen Yanzi went straight to the door of Su Yi's house and knocked on the door, and when she said "Come in", she pushed the door open and entered.

Su Yi was sitting at the table drinking water, Shen Yanzi entered the room and looked at Su Yi with a half-smile: "Didn't you expect that? We'll meet again so soon."

"I thought you are so forgetful that you don't know me anymore." Su Yi said.

"I can't, I'm too impressed with you." Shen Yanzi looked around while talking, "The house is well-equipped, can I go in and visit?"

She pointed to the back room.

"Of course." Su Yi stood up and led her into the bedroom.

"Your house really doesn't look like a place where a big man lives. It's cleaner than a woman's house." Shen Yanzi commented, picking up the books on the shelf and flipping through them casually, "You just moved to the capital, right? ? You bought so much furniture in one go, where did you get the money?"

"Do I have to answer truthfully?" Su Yi smiled.

Shen Yanzi was startled, and immediately waved her hands with a smile: "No need, I have an occupational disease, hey, pretend I didn't ask!"

Su Yi said with a smile: "I had some savings before, and I wanted to settle down here, so I bought it all at once. I am also living on my own food."

"You are eating enough for one person, and the whole family is not hungry." Shen Yanzi put down the book, and strolled to the newly built bathroom, "If you wait until you start a family, how dare you... damn it!"

She had already glanced at the toilet, and couldn't help but swear.

She looked back at Su Yi in surprise, and pointed to the bathroom: "What's going on?"

"It's what you saw, but it's quite troublesome to explain." Su Yi said, "If you're really interested, I'll show you the proof materials for these things."

"Is there any proof?" Shen Yanzi asked.

"Yes." Su Yi nodded.

"I don't care about that." Shen Yanzi curled her lips, "It's nothing more than setting up a pretense to take advantage of the public, you moths of society!"

"You're really welcome." Su Yi said.

"I can't help it. I'm low-level and I can't take advantage of it. Why don't you let me curse with jealousy?" Shen Yanzi glanced at the bathroom again, tsk-tsk loudly, "I regret it a little, I should try to get along with you Try. If I become the hostess of your family, let alone, it will be beautiful just thinking about it."

As she said that, she turned her head and shook her neck at Su Yi: "Do you think I still have a chance?"

Su Yi said: "Yes, quit your job and go home to wash clothes, cook and have children."

"Damn, you're so beautiful!" Shen Yanzi rolled her eyes.

"Let's go, let's go to the outhouse, I just happened to ask you something." Shen Yanzi said.

When the two arrived in the outer room, Yi Zhonghai came before they could sit down.

He was holding a stack of materials, which were all the files of all the residents in this courtyard.

Shen Yanzi casually flipped through it twice, and said, "Master Yi, do you know much about Jia Geng?"

Yi Zhonghai smiled wryly and said, "How do you say that? Comrade, did Jia Geng steal something that shouldn't be stolen?"

Shen Yanzi gave him a surprised look: "If you can say that, it means that you know him very well. But this is not right, as long as it is stealing, there is nothing to steal."

She paused, and said: "Let me tell you a little bit more, this kid has a big deal this time, and what he stole this time..."

Shen Yanzi shook her head, curled her lips, and changed the subject: "Master Yi, who does this Jia Geng usually associate with?"

"This kid has just been expelled from school for a few days. He's been playing on the street these days, and he doesn't stay at home. If you want to talk about who he is with... I really didn't pay attention to it." Yi Zhonghai shook his head, he looked at Su Yi With a glance, "But I really have something that I haven't decided yet..."

Before the words finished, someone knocked on the door: "Captain Shen, report something."

"Come in and tell me!" Shen Yanzi said with a straight face.

A young policeman came in, took a look at Su Yi and Yi Zhonghai, and went up to Shen Yanzi and chatted for a while.

Shen Yanzi stared at Su Yi for a long time with a surprised expression.

After the young policeman finished speaking and straightened up, she asked Su Yi, "Did you lose a pig's hind leg yesterday?"

"Yes." Su Yi nodded, "Jia Geng's hands and feet have been dirty all the time. My uncle and I suspected that he stole it, but there is no evidence. This is what my uncle wanted to tell you just now."

Yi Zhonghai immediately corroborated Su Yi's words: "Jia Geng's mother came to me and said that she wanted to give the child a chance to reform, so I will use the money from the pig's hind legs to pay Aid Korea. Comrade, you Let me ask you this, are you sure that Jia Geng stole the hind leg?"

Shen Yanzi didn't deny it either, nodded and said: "Yes, he admitted it himself. Yuanchao, Mr. Yi, you have to go to the bureau to make a record."

(End of this chapter)

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