Chapter 1533
Knowing that Su Yi was not in a hurry to get this job, but just made a reservation, Liu Guifen felt relieved and agreed.

She can enjoy the benefits of Kong Damin with confidence.

She didn't ask Su Yi for whom she asked for the job quota, there was no need, she would know by then?

"One night today, one day tomorrow, five o'clock tomorrow afternoon, let Er Min come to the factory to find me, and I will take him to meet the factory leader." Su Yi urged, "I don't need to say more about the meeting ceremony? He should not be idle all night and day, and find a place to learn how to show movies. Among other things, at least he must know the names of the parts of the machine and what they are used for."

"Furthermore, if you give him a roll of film, he must immediately be able to produce sound and pictures, and he must be proficient in watching. This requires hard practice."

Liu Guifen's eyes lit up, and she said excitedly: "A film projectionist? This is a fat job! This is great, Lao Kong is so happy to hear it? Don't worry about learning technology. I have acquaintances in the projection factory. I can arrange for him to learn! Er Min is not stupid, so he should be fine."

Su Yi laughed and said, "Is that so?"

"Okay! Yuanchao, you have done your aunt a big face, don't worry, your aunt will also guarantee you, and you will never lose the chain!" Liu Guifen said happily.

"My Aunt Liu, can I be worried? See what you said." Su Yi smiled and raised his hand to look at his watch.

"Then go quickly, don't delay the business." Liu Guifen hurriedly raised her buttocks and stood up, "By the way, where is the girl, do you want me to help you understand?"

Su Yi waved his hand: "Don't make a move on this matter, I will observe and observe first, we are not in a hurry."

"It's fine if you have a clue in your heart, but be careful, when a girl is pretty, there will be more people thinking about it." Liu Guifen said.

Su Yi nodded and was about to speak when the door was pushed open.

Before anyone came in, Silly Zhu's voice came first.

"Aid North Korea, Aid North Korea! This time you have to help your buddies no matter what you say-eh? Aunt Liu is here too! That's great! I should look for you, look at me, I'm so confused!" Sha Zhu stepped forward excitedly Grab Liu Guifen, "Walk around, Aunt Liu, go to my room and say, Aid Korea, I don't need your help, see you soon!"

"Hey, hey, what's the matter? You didn't pull me...don't—I'll go by myself—you slow down!" Liu Guifen yelled and was dragged out by Shazhu.

Su Yi was stunned and spread his hands speechlessly.

What the hell is this?

When Su Yi went out, Liu Guifen shook off Shazhu's hand in the middle courtyard: "You wait a moment! I have to go to Qin Huairu's house, and I will come to you after a few words, you child, you It’s like a firecracker with the fuze on, why are you so anxious? Can I still run?”

"I'm not afraid of you running away. I really have an urgent matter with you tonight. Aunt Liu is a big deal in my life! I can rely on you!" Silly Zhu bowed again and again, "Aunt Liu, if this matter is done, you They are my reborn parents!"

"Damn! Where did I give birth to such an old son like you!" Liu Guifen scolded with a smile, "Besides, your father is still alive, what will you do again?"

"It doesn't matter if he's alive or dead!" Sha Zhu waved his hand, "Qin Huairu is back?"

"No, it's her younger sister. I'm here to help her with the baby. I have to care about her food and housing issues." Liu Guifen said.

"Then you go and care about it first. I'll go back and change my clothes first. Aunt Liu, you must come to my house to find me. If you don't come, I will depend on you to be a bachelor for the rest of my life!" Silly Zhu urged again.

"It's so serious...what are you going to do?" Liu Guifen wondered, "You won't let me take you to propose marriage, will you?"

"It's not a marriage proposal, but it's about the same. It's... Hey, you should do your work first. I'll tell you slowly when I'm done. Anyway, I really need you this time. If it happens, I'll treat you to a good meal!" Silly Zhu said while running home, "I'll change my clothes first, hurry up!"

He closed the door.

"Recklessly..." Liu Guifen shook her head helplessly, then turned and went to Qin Huairu's house.

Here, Su Yi knocked on the door of Yan Fugui's house and called him out.

"Now there is such a thing, Third Master." Su Yi said, "Just now, Aunt Liu from the street office came to me to ask for a relationship on behalf of Uncle Kong. I am a bit embarrassed, and I have to answer as soon as possible. Third Master, you How are you thinking here?"

Yan Fugui sighed and said, "It's expensive, our family really can't afford the money. Aiding the DPRK, really can't be more flexible? Or, can you divide it into several times?"

Su Yi smiled and didn't speak.He deliberately thought about it, and then said to Yan Fugui: "Third Master, there is a temporary employment position in the cotton spinning factory, which only accepts female workers. If it is ok, 150 yuan, let Yu Li's sister-in-law go. This is our two sons." I just told you about the relationship. You can consider this matter and give me an answer tomorrow night. If it is after tomorrow night, I won’t wait for you. "

Yan Fugui was stunned, but regained his energy, and immediately asked: "Cotton spinning factory? Should I go to the workshop or sit in the office?"

Su Yi shook his head: "I don't know, and I don't have to choose. It's the quota that people have. This matter is not about me, but about Aunt Liu, so I don't wait for anyone, and I don't have to talk about money. Aunt Liu gave me this More, I want me to earn some money, that is, you...hehe, you should think about it as soon as possible."

According to Yan Fugui's reply to Su Yi, 150 yuan really can't buy a temporary employment spot, which is definitely a bargain.

He touched Su Yi's hand and said: "Yanchao, thank you so much, the third master doesn't know how to thank you... I don't think about this matter, I make up my mind, and it's decided like this!"

No matter what the son and daughter-in-law say, they can solve one is one.

Su Yi nodded: "That's it, you prepare the money, and wait for me to confirm."

"Okay, okay, then please help the court." Yan Fugui shook Su Yi's hand excitedly.

Su Yi nodded: "I have to go to the factory quickly, or I will be late."

"Go, go, I won't delay you." Yan Fugui hurriedly let go.

He watched Su Yi ride out of the compound with a smile on his face, and then he let out a long breath and hurried back home.

"What did you say, my wife?" The third mom couldn't wait to ask.

The eyes of the whole family also fell on Yan Fugui.

Yan Fugui laughed and said: "If you lose the east corner, you will gain the mulberry elm."

"This is - Baoding dialect?" The third mother looked at the others with a confused face, wanting to see if they understood.

Yan Fugui's face darkened, and he said angrily: "Go, go, it's an old saying! Putonghua! I mean, let's solve this matter. They can't be cheap, but another matter has been accomplished."

He smiled and looked at Yu Li: "Daughter-in-law, didn't you say before that the cotton spinning factory pays you well, do you want to go in?"

Yu Li was startled, her heart was pounding, and she said pleasantly, "Dad, what do you mean by that?"

"It's such a thing." Yan Fugui said with a smile, "Isn't Xu Damao's job too expensive? Our family really can't afford that much money. Yuanchao said, we don't want anyone to be in a hurry for this job." If you want, I asked Liu Guifen to deliver the message."

"I said, why does Aunt Liu insist on talking to Yuanchao?" Yan Xiecheng suddenly said, he was also in the middle courtyard just now and heard the conversation between the two.

"Or that old Kong?" asked the third mother.

"It's him." Yan Fugui nodded and said with emotion, "If nothing unexpected happens, this job will belong to his son."

"The one who cut off the water pipe in our yard?" Yan Xiecheng said sourly, "Looking stupid and not very smart, can he play movies?"

"Let's not worry about it." Yan Fugui said, "You can hold as much rice as you want, and don't hold on if you can't eat it. Whatever you do, you have to do what you can, don't force it. In short, this job If we can’t eat it, we can only let others eat it.”

"Dad, tell me what happened to the cotton spinning factory?" Yu Li asked impatiently.

"Look, are you in a hurry?" Yan Fugui said with a smile, "This is Liu Guifen's relationship. A temporary employment position in the cotton spinning factory is now ours. Dad has already pocketed this position!"

"Pre-employment? I thought it was official!" Yan Xiecheng was a little disappointed, and glanced at Yu Li.

Yu Li was also disappointed, but she didn't show it, and asked, "Dad, is it in the workshop, or..."

"They didn't say anything, and I guess Yuanchao himself hasn't asked clearly yet, but it's okay to go in first." Yan Fugui said.

"How much is it, my wife?" The third mother asked with concern, "He didn't open his mouth like a lion this time, did he?"

"150 yuan." Yan Fugui said with a smile.

"Hey, then this time I really don't want much!" The third mother was surprised and delighted.

"This time, they really didn't make us any money by aiding the DPRK. Hehe, we owe them a favor." Yan Fugui laughed, "Daughter-in-law, your work is considered to be over!"

"Yes, yes, oh, this is really great!" The third mother was very happy, "My wife, you did this beautifully. Look at Liu Haizhong. He only spent 200 yuan for the same thing. , our family only spends 150 yuan!"

"That's right!" Yan Fugui said arrogantly, "I am on the same level as him, can that be the same? Besides, our family's relationship with Yuanchao is also incomparable to his family."

"That's right, that's right!" The third mother laughed from ear to ear.

"Come, come, come, you two, my daughter-in-law has found a job, and our family has to recalculate." Yan Fugui beckoned.

The whole family looked solemn almost at the same time, showing expressions as if they were on the battlefield.

In the middle courtyard, Liu Guifen cared about the food reserves of Xia Qinhuairu's family, learned about Qin Jingru's survival skills, and made sure that she had no problem raising the two children, so she was relieved.

She didn't leave in a hurry, and asked about Qin Jingru's personal situation on the sidelines. She learned that the girl was 19 years old this year, she didn't have a date yet, she was the only daughter at home, and so on.

She was planning to ask a few more questions while the iron was hot, when Lou Xiaoe came to ask Qin Jingru to go to the movies together.

Xiaodang and Huaihua couldn't wait for a long time, the two girls had a fight together, Liu Guifen had to give up and left the Qin family.

As soon as she knocked on the door of Sha Zhu's house, she stepped in, and Sha Zhu was shirtless and putting on his pants.

Seeing Liu Guifen yelling "Ouch" in fright, she hurriedly turned around and shouted, "Aunt Liu, you should be squeaky, good guy, you've seen me all the time I came in, and my virginity is lost!"

"You have a fart of chastity, you are full of nonsense all day!" Liu Guifen scolded, "You know how to be shy? When you were young, you ran around the yard with your bare buttocks, and your aunt even touched your little cow. Now let's see your naked buttocks." What is it?"

Sha Zhu was very embarrassed, and said awkwardly: "Well, even if I talk too much, I am also stupid, and I forgot who you are."

"Come on, why are you looking for me in such a hurry?" Liu Guifen asked.

"What else can I do with you? You are a matchmaker!" Sha Zhu cheered up, "I have a crush on a girl, and I plan to visit her house today, to bring this matter to her house, and formally propose marriage. I I was worried about what to do, I happened to see you, isn't it a coincidence? That's what you do, isn't it a good time for me to find you?"

"Wait a minute..." Liu Guifen stretched out her hand to stop her, "A girl you fell in love with? Are you going to her house to propose marriage today? Whose girl is that?"

"Mr. Ran from primary school, Ran Qiuye." Silly Zhu smiled, full of complacency, "The one with the prettiest one, tall, with an oval face, and long hair..."

"It's all right, don't exaggerate, I know this girl." Liu Guifen's eyes were full of strangeness, "You go to her house to ask for marriage? Her father is a great writer, can they marry their daughter to you, a sleazy cook? Are you thinking too much? What's more, you and Ran don't think you're hot with a shaved head, right? Let me tell you, don't be silly, I won't accompany you to someone's house to embarrass yourself!"

"You're looking at people through the cracks of the door, and you're underestimating them!" Silly Zhu said, "Let me tell you, Aunt Liu, Qiuye and I are already in love! I don't want her to marry, she doesn't want me Don't marry! Hehe!"

Sha Zhu beamed with joy: "It was also her idea to go to her house to propose marriage. Originally, I wanted to take my time, but she thinks I am too good. She is afraid that other girls will snatch me away, so she wants to take it away first." Let’s talk about raw rice and cooked rice..."

"Tsk tsk tsk, silly Zhu, are you bragging that you don't even look at someone now?" Liu Guifen said disdainfully, "Did you forget the time when I found a dozen or so girls in a week and they didn't even look down on you?"

Silly Zhu had an embarrassing expression, and said: " all the old calendar, you can't look at people with old eyes, I, Silly Zhu, am not the same now as before."

"I've heard that instead of being a cook, you've changed to picking up dung." Liu Guifen nodded solemnly, "You used to be in charge of food, but now you are in charge of cooking. You are still a well-rounded talent."

"That's don't need to say anything!" Silly Zhumian blushed, "You used to be so kind and aunt? Why are you so poisonous now? Did you learn from Su Yuanchao?"

Liu Guifen chuckled: "Does Yuanchao know about you?"

"I know, why don't you know?" Silly Zhu said, "It's thanks to him that Qiuye and I got married! Aunt Liu, we are getting married, you can only be regarded as the second matchmaker, and Yuanchao is the first matchmaker. I have to make this clear to you beforehand."

"It doesn't matter the first or the second. Hehe, you said that Ran Qiuye taught you to go to her house to propose marriage. Is this true?"

"I lied to you that I am a grandson!"

(End of this chapter)

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