Chapter 1537
There is a saying that today's you love me and ignore me, but tomorrow's me will make you unattainable.

In fact, this is just for snobs.Water is impermanent, and people are impermanent. Don't step on others just because they are in a trough. What if they turn around?

In fact, everyone understands this truth, but why are there so many snobs in reality?Is it because they don't understand the truth of this?
Of course not, this is because things like bottoming out, salty fish turning over, and making a comeback are usually called miracles. Generally speaking, it is not easy for a person who has fallen badly to recover from his injuries. If he wants to climb back to the past The height is even further, it is basically impossible.

The reason why inspirational stories can become popular stories is because they are only special cases.

Lu Shengli and the others thought that Su Yi was going to come up with some subtle solution, but they didn't expect that he just raised an unsolvable problem, and everyone immediately showed disappointment.

"Aid North Korea, this road is blocked." Lu Shengli sighed.

"Build roads if you can't get through." Su Yi said indifferently, "Drill holes when encountering mountains, build bridges when encountering rivers, even if we face the vast ocean, we have to build ships to cross the sea! If we can't show the attitude to solve all difficulties, why is it impossible? Done?"

These words moved everyone.

"Okay!" Zhang Dingbang blushed, "Su Yuanchao, just say this to you, I obey you! Tell me, what should we do? We will listen to you!"

"Aid North Korea, do you really have a way?" Lu Shengli was also excited.

In the expectant eyes of everyone, Su Yi said: "I have to talk to Uncle Lu personally about this matter, I have to know his attitude, and I have to cooperate well with him."

After a pause, he looked around and said, "It's not that I'm trying to trick you, but that if Uncle Lu doesn't nod his head, there will be nothing to talk about."

"As long as things can be done, nothing else matters!" Zhang Dingbang said, "Victory, can your dad see people now?"

"I'll take the aid to North Korea, in the name of family affairs." Lu Shengli thought for a moment and said, "It should be no problem."

"What about us? What can we do?" Zhang Anping asked.

"Wait for the news." Su Yi said.

Under Lu Shengli's arrangement, Su Yi soon met him in Lu's father's office.

Lu Shengli took cover outside the office, and Su Yi and Lu's father talked inside for about 10 minutes before they came out.

Lu Shengli knew his father very well, and he could tell at a glance that his father was relieved.

What surprised him even more was that he saw his father shaking Su Yi's hand with a serious face, and while patting Su Yi's hand and shaking it vigorously, he said solemnly: "Yi Chao, please take care of everything! I will take care of this matter." Coordinate with Minister Hu, if it is better for him to complete this matter, he will definitely not set up obstacles. I just want to wrong you, and you can only hide behind the scenes..."

"Uncle Lu is serious. There is no grievance. I didn't do this for myself." Su Yi said.

"I know, don't worry, I will try my best." Father Lu said.

Lu Shengli was shocked.

The father's gesture seemed to treat Su Yuanchao on an equal footing, even a respectful one.

What did Su Yuanchao think of?What did he say to his father?
On the way to send Su Yi back to the factory, Lu Shengli couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked this question.

Su Yi shook his head and said: "If you don't keep things secret, you will be harmed. Victory, you just need to remember one sentence. Everything is your father's idea, and I just got your father's order. We didn't think of anything, and we didn't think about anything. Never did."

Lu Shengli felt awe in his heart, so he stopped asking.

After returning to the factory, Su Yi locked himself in the office and wrote quickly, and soon a proposal article was published.

He saw that it was still early, so he revised and polished it again, thought about it and wrote an article "Why I Burned This Fire", and locked it in his drawer.

Then he went to the logistics department and asked them to make a sign and register it for the record.

At 04:30, Su Yi went out with the proposal he had written, and went straight to Li Xinmin.

Li Xinmin was talking to a department leader. Su Yi knew that this leader was actually from Yang Baorui's side, but now this person appeared in Li Xinmin's office with a worried look on his face.

Obviously, Li Xinmin, who has a keen sense of smell, is about to take action.

Su Yi waited for them to finish talking before going in.

"Aid Korea, you came just in time, what do you want me for?" Li Xinmin seemed to be in a good mood, apparently satisfied with the previous carbonization effect.

Su Yi took out the proposal and put it on the table, with a serious expression on his face, he said, "Brother Li, take a look at this first."

"What?" Seeing Su Yi's serious expression, Li Xinmin was slightly taken aback.After receiving the proposal, he read in passing: "Guided by workers' theory..."

He paused, and looked at Su Yi in surprise: "About the study class?"

"This afternoon, the big leader asked his son to come to me and proposed to me the functions and significance of the study class under the new situation." Su Yi said, "As soon as I came back, I turned his speech into something written, and then first Time to show you."

Li Xinmin was moved.

"Sit and wait for a while, until I finish watching." Li Xinmin became serious.

The proposal is not long, and it is mainly a change of thinking. The previous method of organizing study classes was to find experts and scholars to teach workers. Now the new proposal states that workers should play a role in re-education just like farmers.The teacher-student relationship should be transformed.

This idea is very novel, and the identity of the proposer is Lu's father, or at this threshold, which is very delicate.

Li Xinmin couldn't sit still anymore and asked Su Yi to go out and wait, but he immediately dialed Minister Hu's phone number behind him and reported the situation.

Minister Hu is not simple, and he immediately responded to a question-"He asked your subordinate Su Yuanchao to report this matter to you just to let me know. I guess he must be waiting for me to contact him now! Hehe, this The old fox is really powerful, his trick is to get rid of the shell..."

"This matter is very meaningful, hehe, the surname Lu gave me a big gift! You wait for my call, I have to talk to him in person!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Xinmin called Su Yi in, and said with a smile: "Aid Korea, it seems that you are highly valued by the big leader. He directly entrusts you to do such important things. You have an unusual position in his heart." ah."

"I was the one who brought up the matter of the study class. I guess he just didn't want to bother the two masters." Su Yi said, "I'm just a thunderbolt."

Li Xinmin's eyes flickered: "Recently there have been some very bad rumors in the factory, saying that Director Yang has some problems with his position. What do you think?"

Su Yi said seriously: "When it comes to big issues of right and wrong, I will definitely stand in line and will never be sloppy."

Li Xinmin's expression softened slightly, and he said, "You are the editor of the factory newspaper, if this battle requires you to charge forward with your pen..."

"Brother Li, I will firmly obey what you say." Su Yi said.

"But Director Yang is the confidant of the big leader..." Li Xinmin stared into Su Yi's eyes, "If you really do this, in the future..."

"I'm not afraid of offending people when I do my work." Su Yi said, "I only stick to principles and positions."

Li Xinmin laughed: "It's useless to speak beautifully, so don't lose the chain when the time comes."

Su Yi smiled and said, "Brother Li, have I ever fallen off the chain when doing things?"

Li Xinmin couldn't help laughing, pointing at Su Yi: "You, you..."

Su Yi also laughed, but there was no smile in his eyes.

This is the price he paid for promoting this matter. When he made the plan, he had a premonition of the trouble he was about to face.

The two chatted and laughed for a while, and the phone rang.

This time Li Xinmin didn't let Su Yi go out, so he answered the phone in front of Su Yi.

He felt that Su Yi couldn't hear Minister Hu's voice on the receiver even if he was sitting in the room, but in fact there was no difference between inside and outside the room, they seemed to be talking in front of Su Yi.

After hanging up the phone, Li Xinmin looked a little excited, and said, "When the big leader asked you to write a proposal, what did you say?"

"Build momentum." Su Yi said, "Tomorrow afternoon, our factory newspaper will publish a special edition outside the number."

Li Xinmin nodded, pointed at him and said, "The content will be finalized tomorrow morning. You don't have to worry about the publication. This issue will definitely be published as an internal reference, not to the public. You should keep it confidential. If you need help, you must first sign a confidentiality guarantee. "

"I'll finish the content by myself, Chunmei and the others won't touch it." Su Yi said.

"Okay." Li Xinmin finally asked, "Director Yang's side..."

"I'm the first one to report to you." Su Yi said.

Li Xinmin nodded: "Okay, that's it."

The study class was led by Yang Baorui before, but now, Li Xinmin obviously intends to exclude Yang Baorui.

"One more thing." Su Yi looked at Li Xinmin, "Didn't you say you wanted to find a film projectionist? Director Liu of our street office introduced someone, and the technology is fine. Would you like to take a look?"

Li Xinmin pondered slightly, and said, "Don't read it, let him do the formalities tomorrow!"

Su Yi has made new achievements again, and it is not good for Li Xinmin to refuse Su Yi at this time.He had mentioned this matter before, so he simply agreed to it at this time.

This saves Su Yi a lot of energy who originally planned to spend a lot of time.

The two chatted for a while, and Su Yi got up to leave.

The guard led Kong Ermin and stood downstairs waiting.

Kong Ermin was carrying a canvas bag with something bulging in it, and stood cautiously by the side of the road. When he saw Su Yi, he hurried up to meet him, at a loss, and said, "Yanchao, my father said, let me come to you at five o'clock."

Su Yi nodded, and smiled at the security first: "This person is looking for Director Li, the new projectionist in the factory."

"Oh, that's good, then I'll go back to Director Su first." The guard hurriedly responded with a smile.

After the guard left, Su Yi looked at Kong Ermin with a happy face.

Su Yi mentioned "the new projectionist" just now, indicating that the matter has been completed, and Kong Ermin was naturally full of surprises.

"How is the technology?" Su Yi asked.

"I studied all night last night, and I have basically mastered it." Kong Ermin scratched his head, "But I still need to practice more."

Su Yi said: "Then hurry up and practice. If you come to apply for employment tomorrow, you should have a job the day after tomorrow. Don't lose the chain then."

"I'm sure I won't embarrass you!" Kong Ermin said hastily.

Su Yi glanced at the bag in his hand, beckoned and said, "Go, I'll take you to meet Director Li. If you ask me, just say that you have experience, no problem. Put things down, and don't talk about the rest."

"Okay, I'll listen to your aid!" Kong Ermin said hastily.

The benefit of a quota is not small. Although Li Xinmin gave the benefit to Su Yi, if Su Yi didn't express it at all, then he was ignorant.

Kong Damin was quite generous, and Su Yi happened to borrow flowers to present Buddha.

For Li Xinmin, this gift is not from the Kong family.

Sure enough, after seeing Kong Ermin, Li Xinmin only gave a few words of encouragement and didn't mean to ask more questions, but he was obviously satisfied with Su Yi's approach.

At six o'clock, Su Yi left work and saw a car parked on the side of the road at the next intersection in the factory area. The secretary of the big leader stood by the car and waved to Su Yi vigorously.

Su Yi rode the car over, and got into the car.

Lu's father said: "I have finished talking with Hu, I have completely let go of this matter."

Su Yi froze for a moment, frowning slightly.

Lu's father looked at Su Yi and said, "But I have also entrusted him with the Wen family's affairs. If there is no accident, they will be able to lift the quarantine tonight."

Su Yi was silent.

In his idea, he used four or two tricks to covert Chen Cang, raised this matter, and made it Lu's father's political achievements, so that he could "win" Tao's back and let the latter contribute to the rescue of the Wen family.

The crux of the matter is that Lu's father is willing to re-stand in a compromise way, so that he can recover.

It's a pity that Lu's father recognized that Su Yi's method can save the Wen family, but he refused to use this matter to compromise his position to achieve himself.

In the end, he insisted on his position, completely gave up the dominance of this matter, and made a deal with Hu.

In this way, the benefits of this matter to him are greatly weakened. Indirectly speaking, if Su Yi pursues this matter, his surrender will actually give up Su Yi's benefits and future.

This is also the reason why Lu's father came to find Su Yi himself.

"In this matter, I think I should say sorry to you." Lu's father was a little emotional, "After all, I have let you down."

Su Yi shook his head and said, "My wish has been fulfilled."

 Please forgive me if it is a bit cloudy, the largest scale of this book is here.

(End of this chapter)

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