Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1538 Farewell

Chapter 1538 Farewell
Su Yi felt that someone was following him.

At first, his attitude was a little dignified. He thought it was an unexpected reaction caused by what he did today.

But he quickly figured out what this person was doing, and it turned out to be a follow-up to the sticky incident.

On the contrary, Su Yi was relieved that there was no tail left in that incident. Unless someone dug out the things under his bed, it was almost impossible for him to be involved in this incident.

Check it, check it casually.

After checking, they will know that they are actually very normal ordinary people.

He pretended not to know about it.

After returning to the compound, Yu Li kneaded the dough at home.

"Are you back?" Yu Li greeted with a smile, "You haven't bought any vegetables recently, so I'll do what I have at home. Yuanchao, what do you want to eat? If I don't have time to buy vegetables, I'll go and buy them back." .”

"I forgot about it." Su Yi smiled, "Let's deal with it casually today, and I'll go to the grocery store when I come back tomorrow."

"Hey, then you sit down for a while, and you'll be fine later." Yu Li said.

Su Yi waved his hand: "You are busy with your work, I still have something to do."

He dug out a hammer and a few foreign nails from the drawer and went out the door. Yu Li heard knocking on the outer wall after a while.

Out of curiosity, she went out and saw that Su Yi was nailing a wooden sign to the wall, with some big red lacquer characters written on the wooden sign.

"..." Yu Li read the above words, and suddenly said: "Yanchao, the toilet in your house is really a classroom? After that, will someone come to visit and study?"

"That's for sure." Su Yi said casually, now the toilet is complete, as for visiting and studying...

It depends on whether he, the teacher in charge, arranges it.

After nailing up the signboard, Su Yi used the waste bricks left over from the previous renovation to build a square pit.

Yu Li looked curiously: "Why are you helping North Korea?"

"Burning books."

"Huh?" Yu Li was dumbfounded.

It was the off-duty time at this time, and the incident of Su Yi burning books aroused the crowds of the whole hospital, and everyone discussed and expressed that they did not understand Su Yi's behavior.

Ask Su Yi, Su Yi just said that these books are not good, and he didn't explain much at all. The whole bookshelf of books made him burnt few books left.

This matter was rather unusual, and it became the subject of discussion at dinner tonight in the whole courtyard.

Yu Li made noodles with fried sauce, and the egg fried sauce was very suitable for Su Yi's appetite. After one bowl was not enough for him, he asked Yu Li to order another bowl of noodles.

After rejecting the proposal of the fortune-telling game, Su Yi said to Yu Li who was a little disappointed: "Sister-in-law, please tell the third master that I still have a place for a literary and art commissioner here. 500 yuan, I won't wait when it's over."

Yu Li cheered up: "Aid Korea, really?"

Su Yi smiled: "For a fate, all I can do is to help you. I will take the money from the third master and return it to you unopened. You just keep it quietly. I know your family style , This third master has spent such a large amount of money, he can't get it back from you? You young couple will not have a good life in the next few years, you can keep this money at the bottom of the box, and you can also prepare for emergencies. "

Yu Li's eyes turned red all of a sudden: "Yuan Chao, I don't..."

Su Yi waved his hand and interrupted her: "Everyone in this life will take a fork in order to take a shortcut. Let's treat it as if we met in a small road, and then go back to our respective paths. Sister-in-law, when you go to work, Just get busy with your work, I think you've been cooking for so long, and it's almost time for you to see it."

"Are you planning to stop seeing your sister-in-law in the future?" Yu Li said quietly.

Su Yi sighed and said, "Why not? There must be a result, right?"

Yu Li was silent for a long time before saying, "I'll take half of the money, and you keep the rest."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows and was about to speak when Yu Li smiled miserably: "I can't owe you too much, can I?"

Su Yi nodded silently and didn't insist anymore.

Yan Fugui came faster than Su Yi expected. He was very excited and sat in front of Su Yi clutching his pockets.

After confirming that there is indeed a job vacancies, he started to cry poor with Su Yi.

But without saying a few words, Su Yi interrupted: "Third Master, there are people rushing for this spot at the price of the previous projectionist. How much am I willing to give up to talk to you about this matter? It's up to you Forget it. If you still haggle with me, then we can’t talk about this matter! I still say the same thing, I’m a simple person, and if I tell you this amount, it means that our friendship has been counted.”

Yan Fugui smiled awkwardly: "I don''s true that the family conditions are not good..."

Su Yi rolled his eyes, but he really admired the third master in his heart.

With his family and his family, he has saved enough money to buy Yan Jiecheng a job over the years. How did he do it?
In the end, Yan Fugui paid 650 yuan obediently.

Su Yi told him to ask Yan Xiecheng to go to the factory with him early in the morning, and it happened that he and Kong Ermin went to go through the entry procedures together.

Not long after Yan Fugui left, Su Yi's house welcomed two groups of guests.

One is Xiaodang, holding a plate with a piece of hot pancake on it.

"Uncle Yuanchao, my auntie told you to try the pot helmet baked by my aunt." Xiaodang said, "You eat it, it's delicious!"

Su Yi smiled and said, "Thank you, auntie, for me, just wait a moment..."

He grabbed a handful of toffee from the drawer and asked Xiao Dang to pick up his clothes and carry them around. The little girl ran home ecstatically.

Before Xiao Dang left the house, Liu Guifen came.

He sent the cotton spinning factory work letter to Su Yi, and Kong Damin also made arrangements for Yu Li.

"Aunt Liu, why do you look restless? Did something happen to you?" Seeing Liu Guifen's serious expression tonight, Su Yi asked.

"Director Qu has an accident." Liu Guifen looked around, lowered his voice and said to Su Yi, "He has a teacher who was... Now he is also under review. Sigh, he is actually a good cadre, although he is a bit of a nerd, but he is still a good person Aid Korea, you are highly educated, do you think Director Qu can pass this test this time?"

Su Yi smiled, without revealing her hidden excitement and anticipation, and said, "I don't see it well."

Liu Guifen sighed and said, "Oh, I hope he's okay... By the way, Yuanchao, I met Qin Jingru yesterday, she's a nice girl, she meets your requirements in every way, I think her hands and feet are also good, she's a capable worker Yes, if you have thoughts in this regard, you should hold on tight. There are a lot of bachelors in our area, if you act slowly, you may be snatched away by others."

"I'll take another look." Su Yi said.

"Hey, it looks like it's blown away after watching it again and again, so don't watch it if you ask me." Liu Guifen persuaded.

"My family is in trouble, so it's not appropriate to mention it now." Su Yi said.

"That's right." Liu Guifen thought about it, "Then, after a while, you should think about it again. I'm still saying the same thing, who do you want to live with? It's better to have a companion in front of you who cares about you. Don’t think about what’s there or what’s not.”

"I know Aunt Liu." Su Yi nodded.

After sending Aunt Liu away, Su Yi broke off a piece of coarse grain pot helmet on the table, and chewed it slowly in his mouth.

It has no taste, and the taste is a bit astringent.

"Do as the Romans do." Su Yi said to himself and smiled.

He sent the work letter to Yu Li, and put 330 yuan in the envelope by the way.

When Yu Li took the envelope, he felt a little more relaxed.

Early the next morning, Su Yi took Yan Xiecheng and Kong Ermin to go through the entry procedures, and the two officially entered the factory.

The fact that Yan Xiecheng had a formal job caused a sensation in the courtyard. As the saying goes, there is no harm if there is no comparison. Liu Haizhong was quite satisfied with the fact that Liu Guangtian had a job, but compared with Yan Jiecheng, one is formal and the other is temporary. He suddenly felt a little out of balance, and continued to contribute malice to Su Yi.

Liu Guangtian and Zhang Chunmei asked for leave together yesterday, and it seems that their relationship has warmed up a lot. They exchanged eyebrows and eyes in front of Su Yi.

Su Yi didn't bother to see them, so he just found an excuse and made the two of them busy again.

Before ten o'clock in the morning, he finished the matter of internal reference for the factory newspaper, took out the article he wrote yesterday, and handed it to Li Xinmin together.

In the afternoon, Minister Hu came to inspect the work again, and Li Xinmin greeted him at the gate in person.

Yang Baorui stayed in his office and didn't go out. Since yesterday, the leader of the factory suddenly stopped showing his face.

In the next few days, because of the reorganization of the study class, Su Yi was very busy. This incident caused a certain degree of sensation and received some very positive feedback. He was praised from top to bottom and received important instructions. and praise.

Li Xinmin used this incident to win over a large number of leading cadres in the factory, and almost emptied Yang Baorui, who suddenly kept a low profile.Although Su Yi "hidden his merits and fame" in this matter, Minister Hu, who admired him very much, "added an extra burden" to him. He is now also serving as the teaching director of the learning base.

Firewire's joining the party was specially approved. Su Yi personally went to the district to swear the oath, plus the previous incident of being brave and proposing the concept of the study class, two major meritorious service performances, and Su Yi was considered a personal second-class merit.The honored Su Yi was formally nominated by the organization as a deputy department-level leading cadre, and began to go through the inspection process.

Su Yi has made a fortune!
But now he is completely on Li Xinmin's side, so that some of the leaders on Yang Baorui's side were very cold and even harsh when they saw him.

Yang Weimin went to the studio quite frequently these days, and Su Yi heard Yu Haitang and him joking in the studio several times, and deliberately opened the door, as if he was afraid that Su Yi would not hear him.

Su Yi is really not in the mood to deal with this naive little girl, because he is really busy.

Yu Li went to work the next day after that night, and never went to Su Yi's house to cook since that day.But Su Yi didn't go home to eat since that night, he always ate in restaurants outside.

Qin Jingru cooks some food for Su Yi every day and asks Xiaodang to deliver it to Su Yi.Either steamed steamed buns, boiled potatoes, or fried noodles with tea, they showed off their cooking skills in different ways.

It's a pity that Qin Huairu's house turned over coarse grains and potatoes, and it's hard for her not to repeat the same every day.

In life, isn't what we pursue three meals a day?

When Su Yi came to this world, what he wanted to experience was the fireworks in the world?
Su Yi ate all the things Qin Jingru sent, although they were bland and not very tasty, but Su Yi felt that if she was given good ingredients, she might not be able to make delicious food.

"It's actually quite good." Su Yi felt that he shouldn't waste time and energy on this matter anymore, just like what Liu Guifen said, with whom?
I am here to experience life, not to pursue love.

What's more, he didn't meet love.

Just when he decided to take the initiative to have more contact with Qin Jingru, Wenhui came to him.

She came to say goodbye.

This is what Su Yi expected.

Under Lu's father's mediation, Minister Hu came forward, and the matter of Wen's family was quickly settled.

Wen's father and mother are going to the northwest, and Wen Hui has to go to a remote mountain village in Shu.

I haven't seen her for a few days, and Wenhui seems to have lost a lot of weight. She is wearing a rough blue work uniform, and she looks like a female worker who just got off work.

The tiredness in her eyes could not be concealed, but her smile was still calm and confident.

"When I first came out, Uncle Lu told me everything." Wenhui smiled to Su Yi, "I should have come to see you earlier, but my mother and their emotions are very unstable... Although they are old , but they are actually weaker than me, I have been with them and comforted them, and now they can finally calm down and accept the reality."

"Victory came to see me at noon. He said that you and your uncles and aunts are staying in the guest house recently." Su Yi said, "He asked me to see you off, saying that you might leave without saying goodbye."

"I'm not a deserter." Wen Hui smiled, "It seems that you still understand me."

Su Yi smiled.

"I can't go back home yet, and my original clothes and belongings have been lost, so I came to see you wearing this." Wen Hui explained, "I have to leave early tomorrow morning, it's really hasty."

Su Yi sighed: "Why don't you accept Victory's wishes? There's really no need to do this, they are all good friends..."

"It's not because of my pride." Wen Hui said, "It will be very troublesome if I bring something I shouldn't bring when I leave tomorrow."

Su Yi was startled: "Then why didn't you tell Shengli and them?"

"Actually, it's for their own good." Wen Hui smiled, "They don't even know that I'm leaving tomorrow."

"So you wanted to say goodbye to them without saying goodbye." Su Yi said.

"After all, I'm quite embarrassed now, and I don't want everyone to be too sentimental." Wen Hui laughed at herself.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll be sentimental?" Su Yi couldn't help but ask.

"Will you feel sorry for me?" Wen Hui looked at Su Yi.

"Yes." Su Yi said.

Wen Hui said: "Then remember this sentimentality and ask yourself why it was born."

Su Yi was silent.

"I want to take back some of what I said before." Wen Hui said.

Su Yi remained silent.

Wen Hui smiled and said: "When I return to the capital clean and innocent, I will continue my relationship with you! Hey, you won't take the opportunity to marry secretly, will you?"

Su Yi smiled and was about to speak, Wen Hui patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It's okay, if you want to get married, get married, I believe the future is bright. But if there are regrets, it must be part of the bright future." Aid Korea, don't worry about me, you will be fine too."

(End of this chapter)

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