Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1541 The Clown

Chapter 1541 The Clown
Hate is actually very difficult to resolve.A very simple example - a person you don't like suddenly scolded you badly and slapped you hard. You were stunned and didn't fight back. Afterwards, would you choose to forgive him and let it go?
I'm afraid most people can't swallow this breath.

From the standpoint of Ding Shangdong, he lost his job and lost his future because of Su Yi. How can he not hate Su Yi?
He wished he could kill Su Yi.

Too bad he never had the chance.

But this time, the opportunity has come!

The post office sent a letter from Shuchuan to Su Yuanchao.This kind of letter is generally not delivered to the person, but will be placed in the concierge of the unit, and then the concierge will notify the person to pick it up or send it to him.

When the letter was delivered, Ding Shangdong happened to be working at the gatehouse.He has specially studied Su Yuanchao's experience, because Su Yi and Wenhui are close, so he used the relationship in the police station to investigate Wenhui's background, know who Wenhui is, and know Wenhui's current situation.

Seeing that the letter was sent from Shuchuan, he immediately guessed that the letter was written by Wen Hui to Su Yi, and he suddenly regained his energy.

He did three things - first, withhold the letter, and opened it to check to see if there was anything wrong with it; second, went to inform the group of reasonable young people outside the factory and told them The enemy is found here; third, notify the picket team in the factory and mobilize your own newly developed team to stand by.

He made a package plan from the factory to the compound. If he doesn't make a move, it's fine. Once he makes a move, he will completely kill Su Yi. Not only will he knock Su Yi into the dust, but he will also make Su Yi lose his family. .

The imagination is beautiful, and the plan is not bad, but it's a pity that he still doesn't know Su Yi well.

"Where is the letter?" When we arrived at the security department, Su Yi didn't talk nonsense, and asked straight to the point.

Ding Shangdong's face was gloomy, with fierce eyes hidden, but he asked with an upright look: "Su Yuanchao! I'm asking you on behalf of the Circumcision Committee. Who are you communicating with?"

"You represent a fart!" Su Yi smiled, "Give me the letter, what should I do, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you."

"You are too arrogant!" Ding Shangdong was not angry, and sneered, "You and..."

He said a bunch of things that couldn't be revealed righteously, and interrogated Su Yi from the commanding heights.

"I'll fuck your grandma!" Su Yi got impatient, stepped forward and slapped her across the face.

This slap was loud and crisp, Ding Shangdong staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Before Ding Shangdong could react, he pinched Ding Shangdong by the back of his neck with one hand, reached into his breast pocket with the other, and took out the letter.

"Bastard, how dare you violently resist the law!" Ding Shangdong originally wanted to hide his anger and anger, but he didn't expect that Su Yi would not break up with him at all, and directly lifted the table. No matter how good he was, the city would be destroyed instantly. Guarded.

Furious, he lifted his back waist and was about to draw his gun.

"do not move!"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a black gun barrel was stuck on the back of his head.

The security guards recruited by Ding Shangdong were about to react when Gao Dafang, Sun Lianjun and others yelled at them to stop them, so that they did not dare to take any action.

"Qian Jin! You are so crazy!" Ding Shangdong was shocked and angry.

He never expected that Qian Jin, the deputy section chief, would dare to point a gun at his head!

This person had already promised in front of Li Xinmin that he would fully support him. Before he called Su Yi, he also communicated with Qian Jin about this matter, and Qian Jin still expressed his support.

But now, at the critical moment, Qian Jin dared to point a gun at his head!

And Gao Dafang and Sun Lianjun, two old fritters that he hadn't had time to clean yet, dared to make trouble at this moment.

"Ding Shangdong, I think you are the one who is crazy!" Qian Jin walked up to him holding a gun and said coldly, "The security department is not a place for you to avenge your personal revenge, even if you are the section chief!"

"Su Yuanchao has correspondence with bad elements. This is an iron-clad fact. Is this my personal matter?" Ding Shangdong yelled angrily, "There are also remarks in the letter, which are very anti..."

"Why did you still read my letter?" Su Yi frowned suddenly, his eyes turned cold.

Without saying a word, he kicked Ding Shangdong hard on the stomach.

The latter flew out immediately, hit the wall heavily, and then fell to the ground.

His face was bruised and purple, his eyes protruded, and he curled up on the ground covering his stomach in pain, unable to even breathe.

His men were restless again.

"Be honest, don't move, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"Put your hands down! What about you, I'll let you put your hands down!"

Gao Dafang, Sun Lianjun and others scolded repeatedly and stopped them again.

"Su Yuanchao, you are absolutely lawless!" a security guard gritted his teeth and said angrily.

This is the confidant that Ding Shangdong brought in after he entered the factory. Even the work is handled by Ding Shangdong, so naturally he has to stand by Ding Shangdong.

Before Su Yi could speak, an old security guard in front of him punched him hard in the stomach, making him speechless.

"It's you who are lawless!" The old security guard sneered. "As soon as he came to the factory, he made troubles everywhere. Even the old section chief has gone down, and you still don't let his family go? What the hell are you?"

"Yanchao, how to deal with this, you speak!" Qian Jin glanced at Ding Shangdong coldly, put away his gun and said to Su Yi.

His act of pointing a gun at Ding Shangdong was not communicated with Su Yi in advance, it was completely his own act.

Qian Jin and Su Yi got acquainted with the incident where Sha Zhu took the blame for the stick. At that time, Su Yi thought he was a good person. Afterwards, the two got to know each other a few times, and they became acquainted after going back and forth.

The old section chief of the security department was very popular, and Qian Jin was also single-handedly promoted by him. This time the old section chief had an accident, Li Xinmin took the opportunity to arrange for Ding Shangdong to take the position of the old section chief in the factory, which naturally aroused dissatisfaction from below.

After Ding Shangdong took office, the family members of the old section chief came to the factory to make a fuss, but he caught them and tried to make an example of them.Qian Jin had no choice but to ask Su Yi, and Su Yi got the old section chief and others into the study class for re-education.

Qian Jin was very grateful to Su Yi, and later came to thank him with a gift, and had a drink with Su Yi.

The relationship between the two is like this, nothing too complicated.

Qian Jin was clean, and he was not affected by the problems of the old section chief, so he was still his deputy section chief.

But as the so-called "one emperor and one courtier", after Ding Shangdong came, he was eager to win over his team and support his people to the top, so he would naturally conflict with the "old forces" such as Qian Jin and Gao Dafang.

Qian Jin endured under Su Yi's guidance, and at the same time protected some old guards.He didn't compete with Ding Shangdong or fight against each other. Instead, he put on a posture that you can do what you say, which made Ding Shangdong think that Qian Jin surrendered to him. In addition, he didn't know the relationship between Qian Jin and Su Yi. led to the current situation.

Qian Jin is a smart man. As soon as Su Yi made a move, he immediately knew where he should stand, so he stood by Su Yi's side without hesitation. He felt that he should have such a tacit understanding with Su Yi.

As for Gao Dafang, of course they acted based on Qian Jin's face, and it was really uncomfortable to be riding on the head of a newcomer to show off their might.

So, once Su Yi made a move, the entire security department followed him, and thus formed a situation.

In fact, Su Yi didn't need money in or out, and when this matter got to Li Xinmin's ears, I'm afraid this suspicious guy didn't know what to think again.

But people have done everything for money, and their courage and intentions are never let down.

Su Yi stared at Ding Shangdong for a while and decided not to shoot him to death.

One is because of Li Xinmin, and the other is that Ding Shangdong left, who knows what else will come.This guy thinks he is deep, but in fact he is not a threat to Su Yi at all.

Keep it, this time the conflict between Qian Jin and him has intensified, and his future life may not be easy.

But not killing him doesn't mean it's over.Even if it's not for himself, he still has to give Qian Jin an explanation, so that they can't be disappointed.

Su Yi pointed to Ding Shangdong who was still lying on the ground with his stomach in his arms, and said: "Early tomorrow morning, go to the study class for re-education, when will you copy the quotations five hundred times, and when will you come back?" Fuck your section chief. I said this, you can go to Director Li to complain, and by the way, recognize what kind of guy you are!"

"it is good!"

"well said!"

"Director Su is domineering!"

The old guards present applauded loudly.

Ding Shangdong gritted his teeth and stared at Su Yi with resentment, and stood up forcefully.

Today he lost all face.

The prestige that was finally established collapsed under Su Yi's slap.

If he is still assigned by Su Yi to copy books in the study class, then he will be completely a laughing stock, how can he be willing?

"Su Yuanchao, don't think, don't think that no one can deal with you!" Ding Shangdong gritted his teeth.

Before the words were finished, the door was pushed open from the outside, and a group of reasonable young people rushed in. The leader yelled, "Where is the person? Who called? Where are the bad guys?"

"It's him!" Sun Lianjun suddenly pointed at Ding Shangdong.

"Beat him!" The young man waved his hand, and his subordinates rushed towards Ding Shangdong screaming.

"It's not me! It's me who made the call. I'm the chief of the security department!" Ding Shangdong screamed in horror to show his identity before the raindrops of fists were about to fall on his body.

"Stop!" The leading young man raised his hands high and shouted, he moved away from the crowd and stared at Ding Shangdonghu and asked, "Did you call?"

"It's me, it's me calling you!" Ding Shangdong gritted his teeth, "I called you here because I want to jointly handle the case with you!"

"I can hear your voice, it's really you who called." The leading young man pointed at him and nodded repeatedly, then suddenly turned around and pointed at Sun Lianjun and yelled angrily: "You dog, how dare you lie to me! You are..."

A bunch of big hats were proficiently buckled on Sun Lianjun's body. Sun Lianjun's face turned pale with fright, and he regretted why he was so clever just now.

"Is it over?" Su Yi frowned and said suddenly, "There's no one you're looking for here, hurry up!"

"Who the hell are you?" The leading youth was furious, "What are you?"

He followed him from the moment he entered the door, but he lowered his head and didn't dare to look at the leader's cropped hair. He pulled his sleeves, leaned into his ear and whispered: "He is Su Yuanchao!"

"Who?" The face of the leading youth changed.

"Su Yuanchao, that's Su Yuanchao!" Cun Tou hurriedly said, leaning on his ear.

The leading youth gasped.

The name Su Yuanchao is not only well-known in the circle of recalcitrant masters, but also quite explosive in the circle of reasonable youths.

Liu Guangfu and Yan Jiefang wanted to deal with Su Yi, and they wanted to break into Su Yi's house, causing a lot of trouble.But Su Yi is a man who is in charge of the gate, and no man can open it, so no one succeeds.

After maintaining the situation by force, he followed Su Yi and took out the article "Why I Released..." that he had written a long time ago, and talked about his experience of burning books. .

Su Yi built himself like a seamless bunker, even with the identity of a stinky old nine, no one can find any faults.Since then, he has become completely famous in Liu Guangfu's circle.

Ding Shangdong also knew about this, but he thought that he and this group of people had a common enemy, and they should share the same hatred.

Seeing that the face of the leading young man changed drastically, he hurriedly said: "I have his... evidence, he and... a letter!"

The leading youth's eyes lit up: "Where is the thing?"

"It was snatched away by him." Ding Shangdong pointed at Su Yi and said bitterly.

Su Yi spread his hands innocently: "Do you want to come for a body search?"

The face of the leading young man froze suddenly.

Cun Tou next to him hurriedly said in his ear again: "Dozens of people can't get close to him. Let's search him? Are you crazy! What's another letter? We've seen this kind of thing a lot, isn't it? So what's the matter?"

"You mean..." The leading youth's face was uncertain.

"Withdraw! Don't make a fuss if you don't get anything in the end." Cun Tou said firmly.

"Okay!" The leading young man followed suit, waved his hand, and said loudly, "Comrades, this is a misunderstanding, let's go!"

"Withdraw!" A group of people went out with a whoosh.

The inch-cut youth glanced at Su Yi before leaving, and Su Yi nodded slightly to him.

"Hey - come back! You..." Ding Shangdong was furious, but he was powerless to stop it.

Regardless of whether he has a gun or is a leading cadre, he really can't afford to mess with this group of people.

His subordinates were suppressed by Qian Jin's gang, and the rational young man also left. His last hope could only be placed on the picket team in the factory.

Ding Shangdong's eyes showed a mixture of madness and fear.

He thought he was going to make a fuss when he was sure of everything, but he didn't expect it to end like this. He underestimated Su Yi, and now he regrets so much that his stomach is green.

But now, he can only bite the bullet and play all the cards in his hand.

"Where's Liu Haizhong? Call me Liu Haizhong!" he roared angrily.

In fact, things like Su Yi should be under the control of the picket team. He also notified Liu Haizhong immediately, but even the young people outside the factory have come, why hasn't Liu Haizhong arrived yet?
Meanwhile, in the picket captain's office.

Liu Haizhong was drinking tea while listening to the radio leisurely.

This is the official life he dreamed of. Every time he sits in his office, he feels that his life has reached its peak.

 ask for monthly pass ask for monthly pass ask for monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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