Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1542 Brocade Book

Chapter 1542 Brocade Book
dong dong!

"Come in!"

"Vice Captain Liu, Captain Ma said, he doesn't care about this matter, let you figure it out."

"This old fox." Liu Haizhong frowned.

What this team member said was that Ding Shangdong called to "invite" the picket team to deal with the FGM matter of Su Yuanchao.Ding Shangdong called Liu Haizhong directly, but after what happened last time, Liu Haizhong has realized the huge gap between himself and Su Yi, and is very afraid of Su Yi.

He knew very well that the reason why Liu Haizhong was in the position was because he secretly reported Yang Baorui, and then frantically flattered Li Xinmin to show his loyalty, so he got a deputy captain.His "official career" is actually very unstable. Li Xinmin said that if he should get out, he would get out.

But Su Yi is different, he got up by his real skills.He still remembered that Su Yi's words made Li Xinmin change his mind, and his captain became the vice-captain.

Liu Haizhong realized that in the factory, he couldn't defeat Su Yi at all, and he had no advantage at all.

But broaden your horizons. In the courtyard, he is the second uncle, and Su Yi is just an ordinary neighbor. This is his advantage.

It's a pity that there is still a big brother Yi Zhonghai above him, and he can't have the final say in the courtyard.This old Yi and Su Yuanchao wore a pair of trousers, and they didn't know what kind of ecstasy soup they had been poured into.

Yi Zhonghai is not only an obstacle for him to deal with Su Yi, but also a hindrance for him to go further.

After realizing this, Liu Haizhong's current target has temporarily shifted away from Su Yi. Ding Shangdong invited him to deal with Su Yi again. He just thought about it and pushed the matter directly to the captain Ma Yanlong.

Ma Yanlong is also Li Xinmin's confidant, but he has always been at odds with Liu Haizhong. Liu Haizhong wanted to go along with the flow and use a knife to kill someone, but he didn't expect Ma Yanlong to be unwilling to get involved in this matter at all.

When he was disappointed, he didn't care about it. It was just an idle move, there was no loss if it didn't work out, and it was a surprise if it worked out.

"Vice Captain Liu, should we cooperate with Ding Shangdong?" asked the person who came to report.

"Hiss...are you stupid?" Liu Haizhong scolded, frowning, "What is Ding Shangdong? With him alone, can he beat Su Yuanchao? He was in the police station before, and Su Yuanchao could beat Su Yuanchao across the unit." He has lost his job. Now that he has come to Su Yuanchao's territory, what will he use to fight Su Yuanchao? Isn't this nonsense?"

"Then... we don't care?"

"Of course it doesn't matter, just look at it, this Ding Shangdong also remembers to eat but not to fight, he is taking himself too much!" Liu Haizhong sneered, "When dealing with people like Su Yuanchao, you must be patient. , to make a detour, the countryside surrounds the city.”

"Hey, you're right." The subordinate smiled apologetically.

"Give me some water in the mug, why don't you wink?" Liu Haizhong frowned.

"Yes, yes, blame me, blame me."

After his subordinates poured water for him, he beckoned him to come to him, and said in a low voice, "Call some people, come to our compound at eight o'clock tonight, and bring you a small fortune."

Ding Shangdong didn't wait to come to Liu Haizhong, Su Yi didn't bother to talk to him, and left directly.

No one in the security department dared to stop him.

Qian Jin sent Su Yi out, and Su Yi thanked him with a smile.

"Even without me, Ding Shangdong will give you a try?" Qian Jin said, "What I'm doing is just icing on the cake at best, not really any help."

Su Yi said: "That's not it. The heroic and heroic demeanor of Chief Qian with his gun just now gave me confidence."

"Come on, you are kidding me!" Qian Jin laughed.

Su Yi said: "Tomorrow morning I will send someone to get him into the study class, at least let him study for a week and then come out. This time you and him are torn apart, so why don't you be idle, this week The house is cleaned, and the garbage should be cleared out."

"Director Li..." Qian Jin said worriedly.

"Don't worry about him." Su Yi smiled lightly, "He won't say anything."

Su Yi can be sure that Ding Shangdong must not have greeted Li Xinmin when he was doing something this time, otherwise Li Xinmin would definitely stop him and let him be honest until Li Xinmin became the leader of the inspection and supervision team.

Now as long as Su Yi doesn't go too far, Li Xinmin will definitely bear it as long as he can. After all, his future is more important than anything else.

This is indeed the case. Ding Shangdong went to Li Xinmin to complain shortly after Su Yi left, but was scolded by Li Xinmin, calling him an idiot.

One Liu Haizhong and one Ding Shangdong, why both of them are useless...

Li Xinmin was very depressed.

He doesn't ask these two people to fight against Su Yi, and that's not his goal. He just wants to find someone who can check and balance Su Yi, to suppress Su Yi, and not let Su Yi's family dominate. How could this matter happen? so difficult?
"You do this, you apply, and then arrange two people into your security department, let them follow you." Li Xinmin said after pondering slightly, "One of these two people is called Li Dengfeng, and the other is called Li Chengcheng..."

"These two people are..." Ding Shangdong asked doubtfully.

"If you don't know who they are, go find out yourself!" Li Xinmin said lightly.

Ding Shangdong didn't dare to ask any more questions, and said cautiously: "Director, Su Yuanchao asked me to go to the study class and copy the book five hundred times, which is too much..."

"Copy, copy it honestly!" Li Xinmin said with a dark face, "I have to give you a long memory, pig brain!"

"But... Director, if I really go, then I will have no prestige in the security department at all! Everyone knows that I was disgraced by Su Yuanchao, how can I hold my head up in the future?" Ding Shangdong grimaced. , "The great situation I created with great difficulty will be ruined!"

"So you are a pig brain!" Li Xinmin became angry again, pointing at Ding Shangdong and swearing again.

To Ding Shangdong's disappointment, after Li Xinmin scolded him, he still asked him to go to the study class to copy books, and he didn't have the slightest intention to call Su Yuanchao over to make peace.

On the other side, Su Yi came out of the security room with the letter and walked back, with some expectations in his heart.

When he was about to reach the office building of the Propaganda Department, he saw Yang Baorui sweeping the floor in front of him wearing patched clothes from a distance. After thinking about it, he took a detour.

"Uncle Yang, it's so hot, why did you come out to sweep the floor again?" Su Yi frowned and said, "Zhao Jiansheng is a bit too much."

Zhao Jiansheng is the head of the cleaning and sanitation department. He was warned by Su Yi before because he asked Sha Zhu to pick up shit. Offended this man a little.

But this man is a guy who knows how to manipulate the wind. He knows that he can't offend Su Yi, and at most he just curses behind his back. When he sees Su Yi, he is as honest as a grandson.

Maybe it was to flatter Li Xinmin, or maybe it was to satisfy his deformed psychology, but Zhao Jiansheng often used different methods to punish Yang Baorui.

"Hey, the big deal is that it's a little hot. It's good to bask in the sun." Yang Baorui wiped his sweat and said with a smile.

He has been quite optimistic.

Su Yi took out two unopened packs of cigarettes from his pocket and quietly stuffed them into Yang Baorui's hands.

Yang Baorui looked around vigilantly, took it like a thief, and hurriedly stuffed it into the pocket of his clothes, then smiled happily: "That's great, I don't want to pick it up. Aid North Korea, thanks to you, otherwise I have been in trouble for decades. The old cigarette addiction is killing me."

"After a while, I'll find an opportunity to get you into a study class and arrange more courses for you." Su Yi said, "Uncle Lu asked me about your situation a few days ago, and I will tell him good news and not bad news. If I know you are like this , he has to kill himself."

"Don't!" Yang Baorui hurriedly said, "It's thanks to your study class that he is safe and sound now. But how many eyes are on him? If he gets involved with us too much, he will be implicated by us sooner or later. Tell him, I'm fine, with you taking care of us, we're all fine!"

After a pause, Yang Baorui looked at Su Yi and said sincerely: "After you got those old guys into the study class, they went to the workshop to do dirty work during the day, and they had to study in class at night. Did they swear at you? Yes, I even gave you the nickname Su Papi?"

Su Yi smiled and nodded.

"Don't take it to heart." Yang Baorui said, "Actually, they all know the truth in their hearts. If it weren't for you, they might not know what to do. They scold you because they want to draw a line with you. The more they scold you, the more they scold you. Thank you, don't be jealous of them."

"I know." Su Yi said.

"I knew it was clear in your heart." Yang Baorui smiled, "How is the big leader recently? Is everything okay at home?"

"Auntie and Shengli were tossed about for a while before, and it was not easy for the big leader to come forward. Now the two of them come out from time to time to review and repent, and their mentality is not bad." Su Yi said.

Yang Baorui looked gloomy, and sighed: "The job of victory is gone?"

"It's good to stay at home." Su Yi said.

Yang Baorui nodded silently, and said again: "You must leave me alone. Li Xinmin is happy to watch me sweep the streets. If I don't sweep the streets to go to class, he will feel uncomfortable. Aid Korea, your most important task is to stand firm, don't Delaying myself for me. I'll just do some work at best, and it'll be all right."

Su Yi nodded silently and said, "I know it well."

"It's good to have a count." Yang Baorui said, "Okay, you go about your business and don't stand with me for too long."

As he spoke, he swept the floor and left.

Su Yi shook his head and turned back to the office building.

He went back to the office of the Propaganda Department. When he entered, both Liu Guangtian and Zhang Chunmei were there. The latter had red eyes, and Liu Guangtian was also frowning.

When they saw Su Yi, they called out "Leader" together.

Su Yi nodded, glanced at Zhang Chunmei and asked, "How is Uncle Zhang?"

Zhang Chunmei sniffed, and said to Su Yi: "Leader, my dad asked me to thank you, if it wasn't for you..."

Su Yi waved his hand: "I can help for a while, but I can't help forever. Tell Uncle Zhang not to be confused. He took the initiative to come to the study class, which is better than others. There is no need to be frozen."

"My dad said he was right..." Zhang Chunmei cried.

"This attitude is very dangerous." Su Yi sighed.

He looked at Liu Guangtian: "What's wrong with you? You've been frowning for the past two days, why, do you want to avenge your father?"

Liu Guangtian was startled, and hurriedly waved his hands: "No, no, brother Yuanchao, I absolutely didn't mean that. My father is my father, and I am me! I was beaten up by him just to speak to you. You know it."

Su Yi said with a smile: "It scares you, so what's wrong with you? You haven't been doing well at work recently."

Liu Guangtian frowned and sighed.

"Leader, I'll go out first!" Zhang Chunmei wiped away her tears, said coldly, and left.

After Zhang Chunmei went out, Liu Guangcai said dejectedly, "Brother Yuanchao, my dad told me to break up with Chunmei."

Su Yi said: "He is also doing it for your own good."

"Forget it, I don't know him yet? He is afraid that I will hurt his future." Liu Guangtian sneered, "I'll have a few words with him, look..."

He pointed to his dark circles: "Look, you called me."

"Parents are not kind, children are not filial, your father..." Su Yi shook his head, "Forget it, you can handle your family affairs yourself. Let me give you a suggestion, you and Chunmei should discuss it first, and you two first. It's good for you and her to pretend that it's broken and separate in name, otherwise, if something happens to you, you little arms and legs, you won't be able to stand it. Besides, you ask Chunmei to persuade her father."

"I see." Liu Guangtian nodded emotionally.

"Okay, you go out first." Su Yi said.

"By the way, there is one more thing..." Liu Guangtian hesitated. "I heard from the housing management department that Xie Cheng seems to be applying for employee housing, and he seems to be moving out of the compound."

"Don't worry about other people's affairs!" Su Yi said.

"Just to tell you, then I'm going out." Liu Guangtian said.

After Liu Guangtian left, Su Yi took a deep breath and opened Wenhui's letter.

The handwriting is not Wenhui's. The handwriting is crooked, and there are typos and traces of smearing. Some idioms and rare characters are written in a stroke by stroke, as if someone taught them while writing.

The inscription is a name called Ou Jinxiu.

Su Yi understood that if Wenhui sent this letter by herself, it might not even get out of her village.

The reason why Ding Shangdong knew it was a letter from Wenhui was because of the address and content of the letter——

Comrades Aid Korea:

See words like meeting.

The parting scene still makes me feel trembling and full of emotion when I think about it.Ever since I met you, in my eyes you have always been sober and indifferent, only that day I knew the blazing heat in your heart.Your unique tenderness and concern make me feel so happy and encouraged that even after seven days, I feel as old as an inch.

I miss you.

When I write this letter to you, the night is quiet and the moon is over the beams of the house. I am alone facing the lonely lamp, thinking that you are also watching the full moon in the distance.

How much I want you to break into my room suddenly, call my name with a smile, and I say "hey" crisply, how good would that be?

When I think of such a scene, I am full of strength.

We will meet again, like two streams, will eventually run to the same valley, no mountain to cover, no sea to stop, I firmly believe.

(End of this chapter)

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