Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1543 Request

Chapter 1543 Request
When Shazhu was about to leave work, he didn't even knock on the door, so he put his head in the crack of the door and gave Su Yi a silly laugh.

Su Yi glanced at him angrily, folded the letter paper in his hand, and said, "Put the fart away."

"Tsk tsk tsk, anyway, you are also a cultural person, and you can shit and fart when you open your mouth. It is in vain that you are a college student!" Sha Zhu deliberately looked disgusted.

Su Yi ignored him, opened his coat, and put the letter in his shirt pocket.

"It's boring, let's talk about business with you." Sha Zhu curled his lips, his face turned serious, "Yanchao, I want to go to Teacher Ran's house to propose marriage tomorrow morning, you have to help me!"

Su Yi was a little surprised: "Marriage proposal? Didn't Qin Huairu keep looking for you recently? I think you're a bit old-fashioned. Isn't Teacher Ran not paying attention to you?"

"Don't talk nonsense and just open your mouth!" Silly Zhu was anxious, "Qin Huairu looked for me, but I didn't pay her much attention. She just explained to me what happened before and apologized to me. You can't be too small-minded, old man, just forgive him, that's all!"

"Didn't help anyone? For example, borrow some money?" Su Yi had a half-smile.

"Yes, I borrowed it." Shazhu's head drooped, "Isn't the stick a sentence? You said that such a small child will have a lifetime... Alas, this life is worthless. Last week, the police station will handle it. For the transfer procedure, Qin Huairu was notified to prepare close-fitting clothes and daily necessities for the child. During this period of time, she ran around looking for connections, and even went to Jingxi Farm. She heard that Jia Zhang's spirit was a little bit wrong, and she did not spend less money... ...I also thought she was so pitiful, so I helped her to get through this difficult time."

"Isn't that why Teacher Ran ignored you?" Su Yi asked.

"Yes, it's my fault that I didn't tell her beforehand, so I didn't have time?" Silly Zhu scratched his head in distress, "People asked me to open my mouth at that time, and she was still in school at that time, so I couldn't leave Qin Huairu and run away first. Ask her to come back and get money for Qin Huairu? Then how do people think of me, how bad is it?"

"Now you don't lose points, and your daughter-in-law is gone." Su Yi said with a smile.

"That's why I came to you. I told you to aid Korea. It's not easy for others to say, but as long as you open your mouth, Qiuye will never compete with me!" Silly Zhu laughed, "You don't even know, you are here with us." How high is the prestige in Jia Qiuye's mind, good guy, you usually stand at attention when I mention you, you just need to salute."

"Fuck you!" Su Yi laughed.

"Hey, really, really, this time you have to give me a hand no matter what you say, she has ignored me for several days, if this continues, this thing will be dirty..." Silly Zhu scratched his head, " You said that I'm almost thirty, and it's so easy for such a girl to fall in love with me, if I still get rid of me, I will never be happy in my life!"

"Aren't there Qin Huairu?" Su Yi said.

"Her? Forget it!" Silly pouted, "I'm not saying she's not good, but she's afraid of being compared to others. I have Teacher Ran, what should I do——right? Haha? I admit it before." , I was so thoughtful, but I was really chilled by that incident. And Qiuye pulled me out when I was the most shit, if I feel sorry for her, am I still me?"

"This sounds like a human speech." Su Yi laughed.

"What do you mean by speaking like a human? I always don't speak human language in your heart? Yuanchao, you hurt my heart so much! Ouch, my heart..." Sha Zhu exaggeratedly exclaimed, "You have to promise me, Only then can I be good..."

"Okay, I'll go with you tomorrow." Su Yi smiled, "Are you sure you want to propose marriage?"

"Sure, what a man cares about when doing things is to be quick and neat!" Silly Zhu patted his chest and stiffened again, "Doesn't Qiuye think that I have made my own decisions without reporting in time? Me, just solve the problem at once. Marrying her in and letting her be my housekeeper, wouldn't that be a one-step process? From now on, let alone the money, she will take care of what I eat, drink, and mess with, hey, I won't agree no matter what!"

Su Yi hehe said: "Look at you, have you passed your father-in-law's pass?"

"Let me tell you, the old man is amiable to me now." Silly Zhu was very proud when he mentioned this, "Didn't Qiuye be...? I didn't go to work a while ago, and went to school to guard her. My father-in-law was very moved when he found out about this, and called me home to wipe away my tears, saying that if I say anything righteous, I will get the local dog coins..."

"Nate is called a dog butcher!"

"That's right, that's right, I said why is the old man crying and swearing at others." Silly Zhu said cheerfully, "Anyway, that's what it means. His family lives in a shack now. I told the old man last time that their old couple My son is Qiuye’s daughter, and Qiuye is going to marry, and they will follow, and I will support them until the end of their lives. Hey, the old couple now treat me as their own son! Let me tell you, Qiuye is having trouble with me this time, Mr. Both of them are talking to me!"

Su Yi said: "You have to think about it. If you take over the current situation of her family, you will definitely be troubled. You can play around with a reasonable young man and beat her away, but the Correction Team will ask from time to time... Don't feel bad when the time comes." .”

Silly Zhu suppressed his smile, sighed deeply, and said, "I'm just a street sweeper now, so what do you mean I'm not in trouble? Now she's not teaching but doing odd jobs, and from time to time... I really feel sorry for her, but what can I do? I can only let her marry quickly, and I can still protect her a little bit."

Su Yi patted him on the shoulder: "It's a man. Okay, you get your things ready, and we'll go over tomorrow to make sure you're done!"

Sha Zhu nodded, hesitated slightly, and asked, "When I first came here, I heard people say that you and Ding Shangdong's grandson..."

"Let me clean it up." Su Yi glanced at him, "You want to speak for him?"

"No, no...we are the same!" Sha Zhu hastily waved his hands and smiled apologetically, "Oh, I used to think that Yushui found a good family, but now I feel more and more that I didn't take care of it. Why is this grandson such a guy? ?”

Sha Zhu shook his head and sighed: "It's just because he broke up with me in the rain, and his relatives turned against each other. What the hell is this?"

Su Yi shook his head, too lazy to talk about it: "Let's go, it's time, go home!"

"I'm afraid you forgot something today..." Silly Zhu didn't move, with an old-fashioned smile on his face.

Su Yi thought about it, and said, "Have Li Xinmin's things for this month been delivered in the kitchen?"

Silly Zhu was stunned for a moment, and was immediately frustrated: "It's really boring to chat with you, but it's okay if you can't sell it? Sigh, it's boring and boring."

Silly Zhu sighed and handed a note to Su Yi: "The note you gave me last time, Liu Lan is in charge of the cafeteria now, you go and get it, I don't know what happened, that bitch is scared You, as soon as you ask, she promises to give it to you."

Su Yi nodded. He just made up a story about someone wanting to report Li Xinmin and Liu Lan for having a relationship between a man and a woman, but there was no movement for such a long time. Liu Lan was suspicious, thinking that Su Yi was threatening people with some evidence. So when I saw Su Yi, I hid.

Sure enough, as Sha Zhu expected, Su Yi went to collect Li Xinmin's things without encountering any obstacles.

As soon as he and Sha Zhu left, Li Xinmin arrived in the kitchen.

He turned around with his hands behind his back, and waved to the canteen manager: "Find someone for my things, and send them to my home directly."

The cafeteria supervisor was startled: "You don't know?"

"What do I know?" Li Xinmin was puzzled.

"The meat noodle oil given to you was taken away by Director Su." The cafeteria manager said, "Didn't you write a note for him? Director Su took the note to get it."

Li Xinmin was at a loss.

He was a little confused: "I wrote him a note, but wasn't that the note from last month?"

"You didn't write the date on the note. Director Su said that he will use that note every month to get things." The canteen supervisor realized that something was wrong, and looked at Li Xinmin cautiously.

"Damn it!" Li Xinmin was stunned for a long time, and was amused, "People always try to curry favor with the leader and give gifts to the leader, why is it the other way around here? Lend me money, take my things, I'll give you money." What do you owe him?"

The more Li Xinmin thought about it, the angrier he became, and he couldn't help scolding the canteen manager on the side.

"Let me tell you, keep the things for next month for me, and if he comes with a note again, let him go, as far as he can!" Li Xinmin said.

"I see." The cafeteria manager said with a bitter face, that he was really wronged by the scolding.

"It's so annoying!" Li Xinmin walked away angrily.

On the other hand, Su Yi returned home carrying rice, flour and oil, which caused quite a commotion in the courtyard.

Now that supplies are very tight, it is becoming more and more difficult to get these good things.

Speaking of which, Su Yi is now regarded as the "big creditor" in the courtyard, and many families in the courtyard have come to Su Yi's house to borrow things.

Some borrowed money, some borrowed coal, and some borrowed noodles or oil.

Su Yi basically borrowed it from others, and it was particularly difficult to have a home in the front yard. Su Yi even took the initiative to exchange [-] catties of stick noodles and sent it over.

The five children were so hungry that they only ate one meal a day. They looked so pitiful. Su Yi couldn't see such a thing happening right before his eyes.

The head of the family is also a simple and honest person.Covering his face and crying, Su Yi didn't even send him off when he left.But when Su Yi came back, he took five children and knelt in a row at the door of Su Yi, kowtowing three times to Su Yi.

The difficulties of Qin Huairu's family are also real. She had no savings at first, and when Banggen and Jiazhang's had an accident, she worked hard to settle the matter between the two sides. When I came back from the meal, I had a meal with the three of my children, and I stopped eating at night because I was hungry.

The two little girls are familiar with Su Yi, and now Su Yi cooks for himself at home, so he cooks for them by the way.Xiao Dang hesitated for several days, and one day he cried and asked Su Yi if he could give her share to his mother.

What can Su Yi say?
In the future, I have to cook more, and when I wash the pot after eating, I even take out the leftovers.

Speaking of which, Qin Huairu has been eating Su Yi for several days.

But before Su Yi cooked, she came to Su Yi's house today.

Qin Huairu lost a lot of weight, her face looked smaller, and her complexion was better than a few days ago, but she still looked haggard.

The matter of Banggen and Jiazhang hit her too hard, she seemed to be a different person, and there was no smile on her face anymore.

"Yanchao, you cook less today, don't cook for Xiaodang and Huaihua." Qin Huairu said, "Shazhu lent me some money, I bought some things for Banggen, There is still some left, I went to the food station to buy some stick noodles and came back, this food is enough for the three of us to pay our bills."

Su Yi said: "It's not short of two meals for them. The children are growing up, so come whenever you want."

He is very tolerant towards Xiaodang and Huaihua, especially Xiaodang, this child is very sensible.

Qin Huairu said: "I know that you are not bad for the two of them, but I can't keep letting them eat and drink for nothing."

"Didn't they help me clean up the house and wash the dishes?" Su Yi smiled.

"That won't work either." Qin Huairu was silent for a while, before saying, "I don't have so much pressure now, it's just us three, my salary is enough to eat and drink. Yuanchao, I can't listen to what you said to me before , but now I understand that people still have to rely on themselves to live a stable life. I don't think about anything now, I just want to grow Xiaodang and Sophora japonica by myself. If my mother-in-law can come back, I will also take good care of her. "

Qin Huairu looked at Su Yi and said: "Yanchao, you and my two daughters have a crush on each other, and our family has not been less favored by you. Both Xiaodang and Huaihua like you. I think, let the two children recognize you as a godfather. You Don't think too much, I don't plan anything, don't give them anything, and don't spoil them in the future, really, I just think you three are good, let them change their names to look closer."

"If you think it's suitable, I'll ask them to come and kowtow to you. Our family will be regarded as a relative. If you don't think it's suitable, it's okay, but don't get me wrong, I really don't want anything. "

If you don’t draw anything, what do you draw?
"Sister Qin, you have really grown up." Su Yi sighed.

Qin Huairu blushed and said, "Yan Chao, what are you talking about?"

"I mean, you've grown up, and you know that it's meaningless to calculate those little money for eating, drinking, and drinking." Su Yi smiled, "What? Are you afraid of the days when you have no one to rely on?"

Qin Huairu's face turned pale, and she knelt down to Su Yi with a plop.

"Are you asking for godfather, or are they looking for godfather?" Su Yi asked with a smile instead of helping her.

"Yianchao, my sister shouldn't be hiding with you anymore, please help me, I'm afraid!" Qin Huairu covered her face and began to cry, "I have nothing now, I take care of it alone. I was so scared when I was young Sophora japonica, I was so scared, I lay on the kang to sleep at night, trembling from the moment I turned off the light, crying all day long, I was too scared to aid the court, woo woo..."

Su Yi was slightly silent, Qin Huairu was not exaggerating.

"Yanchao, you are a capable person, and my sister knows that you also pretend to be someone else and look down on my sister." Qin Huairu wiped her tears and said sadly, "You can see through my sister's thoughts , I am not afraid of anyone in our courtyard, I am afraid of you, Yuan Dynasty. I am afraid of you, and I am also grateful to you. If it weren't for you, I, Qin Huairu, would have long ago..."

"Yanchao, I have nothing now, you let my sister rely on you, okay? I promise not to do anything bad in your name, I just want some beasts to know that I, Qin Huairu, have someone to back me up, right? Anyone can be bullied!" she cried.

(End of this chapter)

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