Chapter 1544
Obviously, Qin Huairu has suffered some grievances these days.

Su Yi didn't ask, this kind of thing couldn't be more normal.A widow from a desperate family is too easy to arouse people's evil thoughts and evil thoughts.

For Qin Huairu, having a stick and not having a stick are two completely different things.

Although Bang Geng is only a half-child, but having him here means that there are successors in this family. Whoever wants to bully Qin Huairu must at least weigh the fact that this half-child will grow up sooner or later.

But now that the stick is gone, if he bullies you, he will bully you. What can you, Qin Huairu, do?The two girls will be splashed water sooner or later, even if they grow up, what can girls do?
The formation of many concepts has its attributes of the times. The patriarchal habit that was hated by people in later generations still has its soil for survival in this era.To put it another way, after Qin Huairu dies, there will be no one to burn paper for incense.Once Xiaodang Huaihua got married, she would also go to her husband's family's grave in the future. This is where the term "extinct family" comes from.

Without a stick, even if the Jia Zhang family is still there, Qin Huairu can be regarded as a reliance.

Jiazhang's tyrannical and pungent, although suppressing Qin Huairu, can still protect Qin Huairu to some extent.Ordinary people dare to be rude to Qin Huairu, but not to Jia Zhangshi.Everyone has a home, and this vile old woman sits at the door of your house, rolls around and swears and swears, no one can stand it.

But now, Qin Huairu has lost Banggen and Jiazhang all of a sudden, she is really helpless, so she is afraid, she will cry all night whenever she cries.

Su Yi has good ears and knows that Qin Huairu is not exaggerating. She has no confidence now. Although she borrowed money from Shazhu this time, she also tested Shazhu's mind and knew that Shazhu had given up on her.

She has no branches to rely on, so she can only rely on Su Yi's love for Xiaodang and Huaihua to see if she can rely on Su Yi.

She said she didn't want anything, it was because she really didn't want to take Su Yi's money and food, what she wanted was Su Yi's reputation and power.

She urgently needs someone to rely on, even if it can be used to pretend to be a tiger and bluff.

Looking at Qin Huairu who was kneeling in front of him and weeping bitterly, Su Yi couldn't help shaking his head.

"Go back and clean up, bring Xiaodang and Huaihua over here." He said, "But you have to ask them what they think, if they want to call me godfather instead, let them come, don't force them if you don't want to They, don't lie to me, I can see this."

Qin Huairu wept with joy, and shook his head again and again: "I won't lie to you, I won't lie to you, I will never lie to you, thank you for helping Korea, thank you very much!"

Su Yi walked over to help her up, and said: "Sister Qin, when the girl is well-raised, she will be a considerate little padded jacket, which is more effective than a son. Don't think that they will be water thrown out in the future. Sophora japonica is still young, I dare not say, but little When I have been with me for a month, I can see that this child is old at a glance, I bet you that this child will definitely be a good girl who will marry his old mother in the future, do you believe it?"

Qin Huairu burst into tears, and nodded vigorously: "I believe...I believe."

"This life is still long, let's live it well." Su Yi said.

He didn't dislike Qin Huairu wanting to use his name and power, didn't the You Juanjuan siblings do the same?
What he hates is playing tricks on him and not telling the truth.

Qin Huairu wiped away her tears, held back her sobbing, hesitated before leaving and said to Su Yi: "Yanchao, my sister probably shouldn't have said that, she seemed a bit ignorant..."

"It's okay, just tell me." Su Yi said.

"It's just... don't feed the two children so much delicious food. They don't have such a good life. They are spoiled and have a bad mouth. In the future... I can't say it, but you are a smart person, you should know Sister's meaning." Qin Huairu observed Su Yi's expression carefully, "If what Sister said is wrong, don't take it to heart..."

Su Yi said: "Well, in the future, they will eat at your house. It's okay to come to my place for snacks, but if they don't eat well at home and dislike the bad food at home, you can tell me that I will give them snacks too. broken."

"Why don't you give them delicious food, my sister really thinks you are too kind to them, and your money didn't come from the wind." Qin Huairu persuaded.

If Shazhu sees Qin Huairu like this, he will cry to death...

Humans are animals that watch dishes.After getting along for so long, Qin Huairu has almost figured out Su Yi's pulse, at least he knows that he can't treat Su Yi the same way he treats a fool.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on." Su Yi waved to Qin Huairu and looked behind her.

Qin Huairu was startled, and before she could react, she heard a knock on the door.

"Yanchao, I am the third master!" Yan Fugui's voice came from outside the door.

Qin Huairu hurriedly wiped her face, then went to open the door.

"Hey, is Huairu here too?" Yan Fugui was taken aback for a moment.

"I'm going to talk to Yuanchao about something, I just finished talking, I'll go back first, so I won't delay you." Qin Huairu said, and was about to go out after speaking.

"Wait a while, I just want to inform you that there will be a general meeting at eight o'clock." Yan Fugui said.

"A meeting again?" Qin Huairu frowned, "Could it be another study meeting called by the second uncle?"

"It was called by him, but..." Yan Fugui chuckled, and suddenly stopped talking halfway, "You just need to attend on time. That's fine, you're busy with your work, I'll talk to Yuanchao about something."

After Qin Huairu left, Yan Fugui immediately closed the door, walked up to Su Yi and said mysteriously: "Yanchao, something big is going to happen! Our yard is about to change!"

"Second uncle wants to seize power?" Su Yi said.

"I knew I couldn't hide it from you." Yan Fugui was stunned, and said with a smile, "Liu Haizhong's tail is going up to the sky recently, and he looks at people with his chin wherever he goes. That guy is fast in Forty-Nine City I can't hold him anymore!"

Su Yi said: "Did he win you over?"

"Hehe, he said he was the first uncle and let me be the second uncle." Yan Fugui waved his hands disdainfully, "I might have been a little bit tempted before, but after talking to you last time, I figured it out. This man, don't be too crazy, God will punish him if he is crazy!"

"You rejected him?" Su Yi asked.

"I didn't say anything." Yan Fugui said with a smile, "He is the leader now, and I can't afford to offend him. I can't stop him from doing whatever he wants, and I can't oppose it, but I don't get involved either."

Su Yi said with a smile: "It's better for you to be prudent, this attitude is right."

Yan Fugui smiled and waved his hands: "Listen to people's persuasion, eat enough, and I will listen to you, and resolutely draw a line with this kind of person!"

After Liu Haizhong got up, his relationship with Su Yi deteriorated rapidly, and Yan Fugui, as the third master, became the target of Liu Haizhong's wooing.

After thinking about it, Yan Fugui had a good chat with Su Yi, and finally decided to ignore Liu Haizhong and stand by Su Yi's side, but he didn't want to tear himself apart with Liu Haizhong.

"Yanchao, you said Liu Haizhong's matter - can it be done?" Yan Fugui asked, "Should we object? If we both object, his matter will definitely not be possible."

"I think I don't want to be this old man for a long time." Su Yi said, "Let's wait and see what happens. If he wants to make troubles, let him make troubles. Just don't go too far."

Yan Fugui said: "He dare not! Otherwise, the deaf old lady in the courtyard will be enough for him to drink a pot."

Su Yi thought for a while, and said: "Third Master, I heard that Liu Guangfu followed his group yesterday and smashed up Grandma Li's house in the next yard? Did Jiefang not follow?"

"Go!" Yan Fugui's face darkened immediately, "This bastard is really mad at me. Now he dare not beat or scold him, he keeps his word at home, and always threatens me to bring his comrades to Georgia. My fate, this rebellious son...he can still listen to his brother's words."

"Don't let him hang out with Liu Guangfu recently." Su Yi said.

"What's wrong?" Yan Fugui was taken aback, "Are they going to have an accident?"

It's not that something will happen, it's that Liu Guangfu has a lot of guts. These two days, he has been planning to take advantage of Su Yi's absence and go beyond Su Yi's house to avenge the past, eating or not beating.

Su Yi told Liu Guangtian before, and Liu Guangtian beat Liu Guangfu when he went back, but this little bastard even hated his brother, and even plotted to take revenge on his brother.

Liu Guangfu danced so happily that Su Yi decided to clean up the little bastard.

Yan Jiefang is relatively timid, and he is still in awe of Su Yi, knowing that his family has a good relationship with Su Yi, so he dare not mess around.

But if you don't keep it together, you will be coerced by that group of people. Su Yi and Yan Fugui said hello in advance to avoid accidental injury.

"Anyway, keep an eye on him, don't let him associate with Liu Guangfu these two days." Su Yi said.

"Okay, I got it!" Yan Fugui's face was solemn, and he didn't dare not to take Su Yi's words seriously, "I'll discuss with Xie Cheng when I get back, and see how to deal with this little bastard!"

After Yan Fugui left, Su Yi started cooking.

These days, he has gradually gotten used to living alone and taking care of himself.

In fact, it's good to do some housework, which makes Su Yi feel more and more at ease, and his life is not as erratic as before.

Jian simply ordered a bowl of noodles for himself, Su Yi devoured it hungrily, cleaned up the dishes, and it was almost eight o'clock.

At this time, there was already a lot of noise at the door. It was obvious that the neighbors had already started to gather and were about to have a meeting.

"Aid Korea is in a meeting!" Silly Zhu shouted loudly outside.

"I'm coming!"

Su Yi responded, picked up a chair and went out the door.

"Aid Korea is here?"

"Have you eaten Aid Korea?"

"Come, come, come to aid the DPRK, sit here!"

Everyone greeted Su Yi affectionately. Compared with when he first came, Su Yi got along very well with the neighbors.

"Uncle Yuanchao!" Xiao Dang and Huaihua ran over excitedly, and they hugged Su Yi's legs from left to right.

The two little girls became more and more intimate with Su Yi.

"I didn't come to my house to eat delicious food today, what did you eat at home?" Su Yi asked.

"Stick noodles, steamed bread, porridge." Xiao Dang said with a smile, "Uncle Yuanchao, my mother said that my family will start cooking by myself in the future, and when the conditions are better, you can come to my house to eat! It's + maybe without you The food at home is good."

Su Yi laughed and said: "That's okay, I won't pick."

Xiao Dang said: "Uncle Yuanchao, I will wash the dishes for you later."

"I'll wipe the table and sweep the floor!" Sophora Hua said.

"My mother said, we can't always worry about what you want to eat in the future!" Xiao Dang said seriously, "Uncle Yuanchao, don't spoil us in the future, we just need to be filial to you."

"Ouch..." Su Yi was so happy that his teeth showed, "Do you still know what filial piety is?"

"Just treat you well and support you!" Xiaodang said, "You treat us so well, so we should treat you well."

"That's right, my mother said, let us recognize you..." Xiao Dang covered her mouth before Huaihua finished speaking.

"You stupid Sophora, you can't tell!" Xiao Dang hurriedly said.

Huai Hua rolled her eyeballs and nodded to show she understood.

Xiao Dang smiled at Su Yi: "Uncle Yuanchao, why didn't you take the teacup?"

"I forgot." Su Yi said.

"I'll get it for you!" Xiao Dang said immediately, "Do you want to change the tea?"

"Change it." Su Yi said.

"Hey, I know!" Xiao Dang ran to Su Yi's house.

Huaihua turned her head and saw several other boys playing marbles over there, she was immediately attracted.

"Uncle Yuanchao, I'm going to play!" Without looking back, he hurried over.

"Tsk tsk tsk, these two little girls are really close to you." Yi Zhonghai came over at some point, and said with a smile, "Qin Huairu gave birth to two good daughters!"

There was envy in his eyes.

Su Yi smiled: "Master, what are you going to do in today's meeting?"

"What can you do?" Yi Zhonghai chuckled, "It's just a moth. The bangs are shallow, and I can't hide things. I have known him for decades and I still don't know him? Just called him at that time I, I can see at a glance that he is holding back."

Su Yi said: "Then what are you going to do?"

"Hehe, doesn't he just want to be this uncle?" Yi Zhonghai sneered coldly, "Now that it's all about this and that every day, I don't want to be this uncle for a long time. If he wants it, I'll give it to him. I'll see him What kind of flower can it be!"

As he spoke, he shook his head, hesitated slightly, and then said to Su Yi: "Yanchao, do you know Dr. Liu from Chaowai Hospital?"

"Mama isn't feeling well?" Su Yi asked.

"That's right." Yi Zhonghai sighed deeply, "She has a lot of thoughts. Recently, she has been dealing with one thing and another. He is worried every day, and the old problem has happened again. In the past, Dr. Liu always showed her. In her situation, Dr. Liu is not now... Well, I inquired and said that she is going to the study class at the cotton spinning factory to reform and study. I wonder if you are not the teaching director of the study class? See if you can..."

"Tomorrow, I'll bring Dr. Liu to visit." Su Yi said, "Just let the big mother take good care of you."

"Thank you so much for helping Korea." Yi Zhonghai said gratefully.

Yi Zhonghai was extremely fortunate that after the quarrel with Su Yi, the relationship was quickly eased.

"Let's give way!" Xiao Dang came nervously holding Su Yi's tea mug as if he was holding a pack of dynamite, bluffing all the way.

"You should drink less water." Seeing her grinning from the heat, Su Yi couldn't help being speechless.

Xiao Dang chuckled: "Uncle Yuanchao, I squeezed so many tea leaves, not too much this time, right?"

She held out her hand and gestured.

(End of this chapter)

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