Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1546 Daughter

Chapter 1546 Daughter
"Director Su, we too..." An inspector member awkwardly opened his mouth to explain to Su Yi.

But Su Yi didn't even look at him, and while untying the rope for Lou Xiao'e, he said slowly: "Get out of the compound now, I don't see you. If you dare to say one more word to me here..."

"Let's go, let's go now!" Another inspector was sweating on his forehead, "Director Su, this matter has nothing to do with us, we are only listening to Vice Captain Liu, we will not come in the future..."

As they spoke, they dragged the other person, and they ran out of the courtyard with their heads lowered as if fleeing.

"Hey - stop! Come back! Bastards, who are you listening to?" Liu Haizhong shouted angrily, pointing at their backs, but the two ran faster.

Just kidding, offending you Liu Haizhong will be scolded at worst, offending Su Yuanchao, hum~ which is more important, who do you think we listen to?
Liu Haizhong looked at Su Yi in horror, pointed at him and sternly shouted: "Su Yuanchao, you, you, you, do you know what you are doing? You are..."

"Have you forgotten what I do?" Su Yi chuckled, "Also? Second uncle, I know better than you!"

The crowd laughed.

This is not wrong, Su Yi is a real re-education dean, what are your bangs?A vice-captain who made it up by reporting others to flatter him, you say, isn't this a joke?
"Why do you let Lou Xiao'e go? How do you explain it!" Liu Haizhong shouted angrily.

"Can I explain it to you?" Su Yi glanced at him, "We are studying how to deal with her and Director Lou's problem, but you, who made you do it yourself? Any relevant actions in the factory are not allowed. To apply to our committee, as a member of the committee, why didn't I see your application report?"

"I, I'm the deputy captain of the picket team! You, you can't control me!" Liu Haizhong was furious, "Su Yuanchao, let me tell you, you are the most..."

"Second uncle!" Su Yi interrupted him, and looked at him with a smile, "I've been saving face for you tonight, just now I sat down and didn't say a word, I was doing it for Guang Tian's sake Come on. If you point your broken finger at me again, don't blame me for not saving you face."

"The fear from the bangs +100!"

Liu Haizhong withdrew his fingers with a "swish", swallowed hard, his eyes flickered, and his face flushed.

"Okay, I, I see you Su Yuan today..."

He wanted to say a few polite words, but Su Yi let go of Lou Xiao'e's rope, and without looking at Liu Haizhong, he just said to Lou Xiao'e who was crying silently: "Go, go back to your house, what should you do, what should you do in this courtyard?" Never come back."

Lou Xiao'e nodded vigorously with tears in her eyes. She looked at Su Yi deeply, as if she wanted to engrave Su Yi in her mind, then turned her head suddenly, and walked out of the courtyard quickly.

Everyone watched Lou Xiao'e leave, except for Su Yi, no one realized how long this parting would last.

Su Yi threw the rope to the ground, patted the dust off his hands, walked over to pick up his own tea mug, and was about to go back to the house.

"Yuanchao, wait a minute!"

At this moment, Qin Huairu stopped Su Yi.

Su Yi turned his head back, startled slightly, understood what he was going to do, and simply turned around and stood in the field.

With a serious expression on his face, Qin Huairu led the two daughters to Su Yi, looked around, and said, "Gentlemen, aunts, neighbors, I'm wasting everyone's time, please help Qin Huairu to be a witness! "

"This is our two daughters, Jia Dang and Jia Huaihua!" She looked around and said loudly, "Today, I invite all the elders, aunts and neighbors in the courtyard to be a witness for our two daughters, and they recognize Su Yuanchao together. Godfather, from now on, little Dang Huaihua will also be Yuanchao's daughter! The two children will be as filial to Yuanchao as their own fathers. If they are disobedient, Yuanchao will take care of them and take care of his own children, which is only right and proper!"

After a pause, she pushed the two daughters forward: "Xiao Dang Huaihua, kowtow to your father!"

Even the girl had been told by her mother a long time ago, now without further ado, she stepped forward and knelt in front of Su Yi, and said in an untidy voice: "Papa Yuanchao, your daughter kowtows to you!"

After finishing speaking, he knocked on the ground three times.

Huaihua was still full of joy, but when Xiaodang raised his head, tears were streaming down his face, and he cried out in a crying voice, "Dad Yuanchao, I will be filial to you in the future! I have a father now! Huh..."

She pursed her mouth, wiped her tears and began to cry.

Huaihua was startled, she looked at her sister, then at her mother who turned her head and wiped her tears, then looked up at Su Yi, kneeling on the ground helpless.

"Okay!" Shazhu burst into tears, and suddenly applauded desperately, "Good thing, this is a very good thing!"

The neighbors just woke up like a dream, and applauded one after another.

"That's great... I've seen Yuanchao care about these two girls for a long time, and this time they have become real girls! Alas, the two girls are blessed."

"Who says it's not? It's a good fortune for them to recognize a godfather like Yuanchao. Look at the life of the two girls before? This is the virtue accumulated in the previous life..."

"It also makes people feel distressed. The two daughters have no father since they were young, and they still don't invite her grandma to see them at home. This is the end of all hardships."

The neighbors talked about it, and they all thought it was a good thing.

Yi Zhonghai looked at this scene with envy in his eyes. He patted the palm of the eldest mother beside him, and said in a low voice: "It is reliable to aid the North Korea. Xiaodang and Huaihua are settled. Wife, I told you last time You said it, look at Huairu..."

"What if Mrs. Jia Zhang comes back?" asked the aunt.

"I heard she's crazy." Yi Zhonghai said, "It's okay to come back, the key is that Shazhu has a partner now, and when he gets married, we can't talk to him about this matter. Huairu is suitable."

"Aid Korea is actually..." said the aunt.

"Him?" Yi Zhonghai shook his head, "He's not suitable. This person is right-minded and smart. You see, he lives a normal life. He, in the old society, is the life of a young master. You expect him to serve us shit when we get old. Urine? Possibly?"

While talking here, Su Yi has already helped Xiaodang and Huaihua.

Xiao Dang hugged Su Yi and couldn't stop crying. This girl was sensible early on, and she knew who was really good to her. She had always hoped for a father who could protect her, and now her wish has been fulfilled.

Su Yi looked around with a smile and said, "Today I got two good daughters. This is a great joy. Don't leave, everyone. I have sugar and melon seeds at home. Everyone is happy and happy together!"

"it is good!"

"Congratulations! Good job!"

"That's great, there hasn't been any happy event in our courtyard for a long time!"

The atmosphere instantly became cheerful.

Su Yi called Shazhu: "Brother Zhuzi, you know where my candy is, go and get it!"

"Yanchao Dad, I know it, I know it too!" Huaihua jumped up happily when she heard that there was candy.

"Okay, then take your Uncle Zhuzi." Su Yi smiled and rubbed her hair.

"Hey! Uncle Zhuzi, come with me!" Sophora Huai couldn't wait to run towards Su Yi's house, holding Silly Zhu's hand.

"Hey, slow down, Yuanchao, you girl is quite strong, this little tiger, this is..." Sha Zhu exaggerated and strangely screamed, causing everyone to laugh again.

Seeing that Xiaodang was still sobbing and wiping her tears, Su Yi picked her up and held her around a few times while she exclaimed.

Only then did Xiao Dang smile through his tears, and put his arms around Su Yi's neck to help his father one by one, and refused to come down.

Su Yi also let her go, he was in a good mood, laughing and chatting with the neighbors.

On the other side, looking at this scene, Qin Huairu suddenly felt unprecedented peace of mind, tears could not stop flowing, she couldn't help laughing.

It's been more than a month, and she laughed for the first time, even though she was crying.

"Come, come, eat melon seeds and candies! One for each person, the elderly and children first, line up!" Silly shouted and came out of Su Yi's house, carrying a plate full of melon seeds and candies, the neighbors cheered and cheered. Surrounded up.

"Hey, slow down, slow down, don't snatch it! Third Master, you just grabbed it and you're still here?"

"I have a lot of family..."

"No, no matter how much your family members are here, aren't they all here? They haven't caught anyone less!"

"Hey, my family has a relationship with Yuanchao, it's okay to grab more, it's mainly for celebration, hehe..."

"Go down and eat candy?" Su Yi smiled and said to the little boy in his arms.

"No, I won't go down, Dad Yuanchao, please hug me a little longer." Xiao Dang hugged me even tighter, "I feel sweeter in my heart now, sweeter than eating candy!"

In a peaceful atmosphere, the Liu family returned home in despair.

Liu Guangtian didn't want to come back at first, and happily wanted to queue up to grab a handful of melon seeds, but he was dragged back by Liu Haizhong's obstinate scolding.

The family of four entered the house, and as soon as the door was closed, Liu Haizhong couldn't help but yell.

"Su Yuanchao, you bastard, just wait, I'll make you look good sooner or later! If I don't clean you up, my surname will not be Liu!"

"That's right, what's so crazy about him? Sooner or later, I'll smash his house to pieces!" Liu Guangfu also said angrily.

"Hurry up, you, I didn't see you say anything just now in front of others." Liu Guangtian frowned, "Dad, if you want me to say that Brother Yuanchao is enough for our family today..."

Before he finished speaking, a big mouth in his bangs had already smacked his face.

"Kneel down!" Liu Haizhong shouted angrily, staring.

Liu Guangtian was stunned, unable to react for a moment.

In the next second, he was hit again on the other side of the face.

Liu Guangtian just woke up like a dream, and he knelt down on the ground with a "plop".

Before he could kneel down, Liu Haizhong punched him on the nose and kicked him in the chest, knocking him to the ground.

"I poked it! Dad, don't hit me, I poked it!" Liu Guangtian fell to the ground, covered his face and wailed, blood soon seeped from his fingers.

"Nizi! You don't know your surname after taking advantage of others? What are you?" Liu Haizhong pointed at Liu Guangtian and cursed.

"That's right, you deserve it if your father beats you to death!" The second aunt also said, "Su Yuanchao always fights against your father, don't you know? Your father asked you to take some advantage of him, but you kept evasive, he Su Yuanchao Yuanchao is your father? Don’t forget, your job was paid for by your father!”

"Brother, you've come back alive and alive. You are really a traitor to our family now. Really, you are the shame of the Liu family!" Liu Guangfu gloated, "If you don't want me to go against Su Yuanchao? Su Yuan Didn't Chao recognize the two as goddaughters? Hey, why don't you recognize him as godfather too."

"Liu Guangfu, you bastard..." Liu Guang yelled loudly.

But as soon as he cursed half a sentence, he was kicked by Liu Haizhong again.

"You are the bastard, you useless wretch!" Liu Haizhong pointed at him and yelled, "You still scold your brother? How promising is Guangfu now? He is a hundred times stronger than you! Look at your brother, you Look at you again, how did I give birth to a son like you? The most useless person in our family is you!"

Liu Guangtian gritted his teeth and covered his entire face.

"I'm telling you, hurry up and break up with that Zhang Meimei!" Liu Haizhong shouted, "How many times have I told you, their family is poor, his father is still a die-hard, our family's status is different now, they It's not good enough for our family."

"Dad, that's not what you said before!" Liu Guangtian complained, "Before you asked me to work harder, saying that if I could marry Chunmei, my ancestors would be young..."

Before he finished speaking, he was slapped on the head again.

"You still dare to talk back?" Liu Haizhong glared, "Can it be the same now as before? Your father and I are now leaders!"

"That's right, brother, I saw that girl, she is not worthy to enter our Liu family's door!" Liu Guangfu said, "I think she is making a fuss, she is probably a pair of broken shoes."

"Damn it..." Liu Guangtian got up with a growl, and suddenly grabbed Liu Guangfu's neck, facing his face, and rained down his fists.


The two knocked down the table and fell to the ground. Liu Guangtian still crazily smashed Liu Guangfu's face with his fist.

Before he was hit by Liu Haizhong, he had a nosebleed, and now Liu Guangfu's face is also covered with blood, and both brothers have become blood gourds.

If it was in someone else's house, it would be a big deal, but in this house...

The two brothers were quickly separated by Liu Haizhong and the second aunt, and Liu Guangtian was beaten several times by the second aunt.

"Apologize to your brother!"

"No! Don't apologize!" Liu Guangfu looked at Liu Guangtian bitterly, wiped the blood from his face, and said with a sneer, "Okay, you beat your own brother to death for a bitch, right? Liu Guangtian, how are you doing?" Yes! You wait for me! If I don’t avenge this revenge, I, Liu Guangfu, will be your grandson!”

After that, he turned around and walked outside.

Liu Haizhong tried to stop him with a tug, but was thrown away by Liu Guangfu's arm, and then he slammed the door and left.

Liu Haizhong's face was a little gloomy, and he cursed "Bastard".

The second aunt saw her husband's thoughts, and said: "The third child has also drifted away, we must treat him well, let him know who is in charge of this family!"

Liu Haizhong nodded with a sullen face, his eyes fell on Liu Guangtian's face again, and said, "I'll tell you one more time, don't associate with that Zhang! I'll go and find Yu Haitang tomorrow, she is a smart person, she should be able to Look at the situation clearly, if she is sensible, the two of you will get married within this month!"

"I think it's okay." The second aunt nodded, "I've seen this girl before, she looks good, and she is worthy of our old Liu's family. Guang Tian, ​​from now on, less contact with Su Yuanchao!"

(End of this chapter)

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