Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1552 Arrangement

Chapter 1552 Arrangement
Sigh life, unsatisfactory things, very often.

The reason for unsatisfactory is because there are all kinds of shackles or constraints in the world, which prevent people from acting freely.Such as morality, law, power, status, ability, etc...

People are born to pursue freedom, and these constraints and shackles will naturally make people uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

So in ancient times, there were knights who used martial arts to break the ban, and they were happy to enmity; there were also heroes who raised their arms and reshaped the universe.You make me unhappy, I let you die, and the country is destroyed for you!
Such unrestrained freedom naturally makes people yearn for it.

But for thousands of years, the more people believed that absolute freedom equaled absolute chaos, so more and more frameworks and shackles were created by people to restrict freedom.These things bring people peace and stability, and gradually become a kind of "Tao" that people want, an unbreakable secular torrent.

But everything has two sides, there are no two identical leaves in this world, and no two identical people.There is no unified measure for everyone's perception of the world.For example, you think that human traffickers should be killed, but he thinks that whoever strangles my child will have to kill him all over the house; you think that it is not a crime to kill someone by accidentally driving a car, but his relatives were killed by you, so he just wants you to pay compensation. Life.

Therefore, using a "unified" framework to restrain everyone will inevitably make some individual rulers unbalanced or even invalid.But when you stand up against this framework, your enemy must be the entire civilization.

No matter how much Su Yi fights for Zhang Chunmei, in the framework of this era, this matter can only end here.If he is not reconciled, feels that it is not enough, and wants to do more, then his next opponent is the entire era.

This is the helplessness of Su Yi and the helplessness of the times.

In fact, the outcome of this incident has already set the tone, so after the three parties converged, the final report on the matter was released immediately.

The results of the handling at the rolling mill basically remained the same, except that a "non-staff" Ding Shangdong was arrested for sabotaging G, and the police will deal with him further after he can be discharged from the hospital.

Liu Guangfu became a vegetable, and Liu Guangtian was out of danger.Because there was no homicide, and Liu Haizhong made a decision not to report the case or pursue it, the incident was finally characterized as a tragedy caused by family distortions in ethics.Liu Guangfu became a vegetable and was exempted from punishment.

The 20 or so youths who followed Liu Guangfu were charged with the same crime as Ding Shangdong, and what awaited them was prison and hard voluntary labor.

Regardless of whether it is worth it or not, if it is not satisfactory, this is the result.

The first shot of the investigation team was fired, and it went very smoothly. The leaders are very satisfied with this, so there will be no changes in the inspection team. The eight members of the team will complete the personnel handover with the original unit within a week, and then go to complete the period. After three days of pre-employment training, I quickly invested in the preliminary preparation work of the group.

This day, because of preparing his personnel documents, Su Yi was so busy that he didn't go home until very late.

When I got home, I found that a piece of glass had been replaced on the window of my house, and there was a note left by Xiao Dang on the table——

"Dad Yuanchao, I have been waiting for a long time for you to come back. My mother told me to go home and go to bed. There are steamed yams in the pot. I steamed them. They are delicious. Your daughter, Xiaodang."

Su Yi went to lift the lid of the pot, and he saw two steamed and peeled potatoes, and couldn't help smiling.

Hearing footsteps coming from the door, Su Yi ignored him, poured himself a glass of water, and sat at the table to eat.

I don't know if it's because I haven't eaten all day or what, but Su Yi thinks the potatoes are extra delicious.

What happened to that new glass, he thought as he ate it?

It was Shazhu who came, he didn't knock on the door, he just opened the door and came in.

"Seeing that the lights in your house are on, I know you're back." Silly Zhu looked at him worriedly, "I heard that you took the police to the factory to look for Li Xinmin during the day. You should be fine, right?"

Su Yi shook his head, swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "I've been busy all day today, and I've delayed your work."

"There are priorities, so you can sort out your place first." Silly Zhu said, "If you haven't come back, you don't know what's going on in the yard today."

"Trouble?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Several things." Silly Zhu sat down, "First, the second uncle's house... Brother Guangtian is lying in the hospital, hasn't he himself been dealt with? The second aunt didn't know about it until the afternoon, At that time, her legs were weak, and Dao'er couldn't walk anymore. In the end, Xie Cheng and Jiefang brothers from the family of the third uncle found a tricycle and took her to the hospital. The second uncle also went to the hospital after work. Not home yet."

Su Yi nodded.

"Lou Xiao'e ran away." Silly Zhu said again, "It is said that the whole family has disappeared, so it should have run away last night. Several waves of people came to search her house today, and I don't know which unit it is from. Dare to ask. A few young people ran into the old lady in the backyard. The aunt argued with them and pushed the aunt down. The aunt went to the community to report this matter after work. After eight o’clock, a few The officials came here to apologize to the old lady, carrying a lot of things, but the old lady was still stubborn, and the door didn't let them in, and the things they brought were divided among the neighbors."

"By the way, your family divided two potatoes and asked your goddaughter to keep them for you. You should just eat these."

Su Yi took a sip of water and asked, "What else is there?"

Silly Silly, showing a gloomy look, said: "Also... that is, I broke up with Yushui."

"Because of Ding Shangdong?" Su Yi asked.

"The glass in your house was ceiped by the rain." Shazhu smiled awkwardly, "It was a little late at that time, and the glass maker was off work, so I went to his house to look for it, but they wouldn't do it, so tomorrow... I will do it Install my house for you first."

He pointed to the piece of glass in the lower right corner of one window and said, "That's it, I wiped it clean before installing it."

Su Yi nodded and said, "Will the rain still have to wait for Ding Shangdong to come out of prison?"

Silly Zhu frowned: "Anyway, I've broken up with my brother again. Alas, if you don't listen to me, I can't control it..."

Su Yi couldn't help shaking his head, and didn't bother to ask any more.

The girl He Yushui has always been fascinated by the three views, and it is difficult to understand what is going on in her mind.

"Tomorrow morning, I will go to school first, and then I will go to Li Xinmin and take care of your affairs." Su Yi said.

Sha Zhu nodded and said: "Oh, things have caught up with a bunch, and it's enough for you to have a headache..."

The two chatted for a while, and Sha Zhu got up to say goodbye.

Having nothing to say all night, Su Yi went to the street office early the next day to find Liu Guifen, and then went to the school where Ran Qiuye was.

Things here are easier to handle. The headmaster here knows Su Yi's name, and Ran Qiuye himself is a bad side. As long as the headmaster doesn't deliberately make things difficult, the resistance is not too great.

After a lot of hard and soft persuasion, Su Yi finally got the marriage consent signed by the principal and the leader of the student organization.And under Su Yi's hint and manipulation, the date of this marriage consent was brought forward to February.

In fact, this is often the case. Whether a thing can be done or not often does not depend on the rules and principles. What is more important is who will do it.

Su Yi can be regarded as "one of his own", or even "above", so it will be easy to handle.

But no matter how easy it is, it can't go against the general trend. Like Sha Zhu, marrying an innocent man with a problem is a very serious problem, and he will never agree to it. Even Li Xinmin dare not open the door easily.

On such a sensitive issue, he can't do whatever he wants, otherwise, if there is a thunderstorm, he will 100% blow himself up.

Therefore, Su Yi persuaded Li Xinmin to agree to Sha Zhu and Ran Qiuye's marriage, which can be regarded as embarrassing Fat Tiger.Li Xinmin had already made some sacrifices in the previous transaction, and the two parties could be regarded as "money and goods" and did not owe each other. If he did something casually, Li Xinmin might just help with the idea of ​​forming a good relationship, but at this time Li Xinmin has no reason to risk being outspoken to help this favor.

Fortunately, Su Yi had thought of this a long time ago. The reason why he asked the school to advance the date of the marriage consent to February was to dispel Li Xinmin's concerns.

When Su Yi took out the school's consent form, Li Xinmin saw the date on it, and immediately understood what Su Yi meant.

"You want me to sign the consent form in February?" Li Xinmin asked, "In this way, He Yuzhu and Ran Qiuye are already husband and wife, but they didn't take this consent form to the street and the civil affairs department. The application for a marriage certificate has not gone through the last step. In this way, there will be no problem of He Yuzhu's self-sacrifice, and their marriage problem is a problem left over from history?"

"There are also preserved files reported in February on the other side of the street." Su Yi said, "In this case, the Civil Affairs Bureau is actually the last step to get the certificate."

Stuffing a filing document into the sub-district office's files for February, this matter is on Liu Guifen's side, which is a matter of Su Yi's words.When Su Yi went to talk about it in the morning, Liu Guifen agreed without stumbling, and the matter was settled at that time.

"The sub-district office has files... all three units have supporting materials, so this matter is absolutely safe." Li Xinmin looked at Su Yi with a complicated expression and said, "Aid North Korea, aid North Korea, you are really capable of doing things, and you will In this regard, I am really not mistaken about you."

"Brother Li, I have always regarded you as my bole. I can't have today without your attention. This cannot be changed in any way." Su Yi said, "Even if I am not in the factory anymore, you are still me. The old leader, the relationship between us cannot be faked."

Li Xinmin felt a little emotional: "This is right, G friendship is the most precious, and aiding North Korea, we all have to look back."

"I think so too." Su Yi said with a smile, "Brother Li, the days are still long, don't be discouraged, as long as we take care of each other, there will be infinite possibilities in the future."

Li Xinmin patted Su Yi on the shoulder excitedly: "Okay! Aid Korea, just say that, you are my forever brother!"

What the hell... I'm a tender dad!
Su Yi said: "Brother Li has to point out the matter of He Yuzhu. He personally expressed his willingness to be wronged and is ready to lose his job."

Now that the "fact" that Shazhu and Ran Qiuye had registered their marriage long ago was created, then Li Xinmin suddenly "remembered" that Shazhu's family background was not good, so he pointed it out.

Silly Zhu would naturally pay a big price for this, but the more he paid, the more he could prove the truth that he and Ran Qiuye were married.

Afterwards, once someone with a heart uses this matter to talk about it, the three units can also issue supporting documents.

With Li Xinmin signing Shazhu's marriage consent, the matter was settled for Su Yi.

The relationship between Li Xinmin and Su Yi eased, he laughed and joked: "Speaking of this He Yuzhu, in fact, the food he cooks is quite delicious. I really miss his craftsmanship."

"It's easy to handle." Su Yi said, "He's out of work anyway, so let him cook a meal for Brother Li every day. If you do such a big job for him, he has to express it, right? You give it to the kitchen Just say it, let him come when the meal is ready, let him go when the meal is ready, and that's it."

Li Xinmin was delighted: "Forget it, can I still ask someone to come and do it for me every day? Will he be willing?"

"I'm quite right with him, and I told him that it will be done." Su Yi said, "Brother Li, you helped me a lot. I'm going to leave the factory now, and I care about you, Brother Li, for your future meals." The problem, it can be regarded as a trivial thought of mine."

Li Xinmin was very comforted: "Yanchao, if you have such a heart, my brother will be very happy. Okay, I will take care of this. You tell Shazhu that I won't let him do it for nothing. He used to be a cook for the little benefit. He will continue to take it, and I will not treat him badly at the end of every month and during the New Year and holidays."

"It's not appropriate, Brother Li?" Su Yi frowned, "I've got my heart, you want to give him something?"

"Hehe, you call me brother, and I can still make you lose face in front of your friends?" Li Xinmin said with a smile, "It's not a big deal. By the way, when you leave, do the people below you have anything to do?" idea?"

This is Li Xinmin's kindness again on his own initiative, and it can be regarded as a return to Su Yi's "kindness" just now.

Su Yi said: "It's nothing else. It's a pity for Liu Guangtian, this guy has a real heart. Brother Li, if you like him, you can use him."

Su Yi arranged three people in the rolling mill, Liu Guangtian, Kong Ermin and Yan Xiecheng.

The latter two, Su Yi, have nothing to arrange, there is only one Liu Guangtian, and Su Yi feels that paving the way for him is not in vain for him to fight with himself.

Li Xinmin nodded and said, "Okay, I know about this."

The two chatted for a while, then he picked up the phone in front of Su Yi, and first pretended to claim that he had checked the file and found Shazhu's legacy, and "checked" the situation with the school.

After getting confirmation from the principal, Li Xinmin immediately gave instructions to tie Sha Zhu up.

"Today, the factory is going to deal with Yang Shutan's problem, and it just happened to deal with Shazhu's matter." Li Xinmin looked at his watch, "Yanchao, do you want to go and have a look together?"

Su Yi shook his head and refused: "I won't join in the fun. I have to hand over some work to Director Shen and Director Zhai, and I have to sort out the materials."

(End of this chapter)

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