Chapter 1553
When going to the office, Su Yi happened to see a group of people escorting Yang Shutan and Silly Zhu, who were tied up, to the South Square.The former is like a mourning concubine, the latter...

He blinked quietly at Su Yi.

This guy has a really big heart.

Yang Shutan was pushed to the end, and he had to perform on stage every three days.

This ending was doomed from the day he betrayed Li Xinmin.

Unlike Yang Baorui, Su Yi didn't intend to talk to him at all and let him go up and down.

Shen Hongyan was very moved by Su Yi's departure.

"His grandma has a leg, I've spent my whole life in this position, how can you, boy, how long have you been working, and you have caught up with my life's struggle?"

"Director Shen, calm down..."

"Take your grandma's legs! I'm just jealous of you. Seeing you makes me want to kill people." Shen Hongyan stared at Su Yi, "Especially when I think that you still owe me a drink. It's even more uncomfortable."

"Please please, I will definitely please!" Su Yi said with a smile.

"Hehe, wait for you to take the initiative? The day lily is cold!" Shen Hongyan waved his hand, "Just wait, when I retire, one day I want to drink and I will come to your house. If you dare to drive me away, I will Lie down at the gate of your house."

"It's not impossible." Su Yi laughed, "Director Shen, we are friends of gentlemen. If you come to the door, I will certainly welcome you."

Shen Hongyan sighed and said: "If you don't think I'm relying on the old and selling the old, I'll give you a word."

"Tell me." Su Yi said.

"Start a family, set up a business, rule the country and bring peace to the world." Shen Hongyan said, "One of these four things is essential. Only when a man has a family can he understand what responsibility is."

Su Yi gave a thumbs up: "I've been taught, you are always speaking from the heart, I listen to it."

Shen Hongyan smiled: "You speak so nicely, no wonder you are promoted so fast. Come on, go ahead and do whatever you want, there is nothing to hand over this work, just put the list here and I will sign it. When the superiors come to inspect, Don't worry, I'm sure it's all your good words."

"Then I will thank you." Su Yi ignored the harsh sarcasm in his words, and thanked him with a smile.

Shen Hongyan didn't have any bad intentions, he was just unbalanced, but this old comrade knew what to do and what not to do, and Su Yi didn't care about venting his emotions for a while.

Here, Su Yi got on his bicycle to buy some fruit and snacks and went straight to the hospital.On the other side, Qin Huairu, who had finished attending the square meeting, frowned and walked back like sleepwalking.

Silly Zhu had arguing with Teacher Ran in February?
This thing is pure nonsense!
If that's the case, can Shazhu lose his job for BangGong?

If that's the case, why didn't Teacher Ran move in and live with Sha Zhu?

If this is the case, why does Shazhu keep inquiring about Teacher Ran's situation, and pester the third master to urge him to introduce Teacher Ran to himself?

So this matter is definitely nonsense, and there is definitely something tricky about it.

Qin Huairu is very smart, she quickly thought of the difference between self-depravity and historical legacy, and understood why there was such a thing.

She felt very uncomfortable, except for her, this was the first time that Shazhu was willing to be so open-minded for a woman...

Qin Huairu is sure that Sha Zhu has absolutely no ability to make Li Xinmin forge a marriage consent document.Who helped him?The name is ready to come out--

Su Yuanchao!
Qin Huairu was shocked.

She knew that Su Yi was very capable, but she didn't expect him to be capable enough to let Li Xinmin do this kind of thing.

After the shock, there is deep depression and loss.

She is very clear that Su Yi is not interested in her, and now she has completely lost Shazhu...

If it was said that she still had some hope for her own life, now she is in a state of confusion.

She didn't know how to live the day.

"No way? Director Su really wants to leave?"

"It's time to go!"

"Oh, this is really going to be a big success..."

Beside, the content of chatting between Sister Hua and several other female workers caught Qin Huairu's attention.

Hearing what they said about Liu Guangfu kept getting more and more outrageous, Qin Huairu suddenly coughed and said calmly: "Stop talking nonsense about this in the future! It's not what you said at all!"

"You know?" A female worker sneered, "I don't think you know it! If you really know everything, why didn't you go to the study class?"

As soon as the words fell, the female workers all laughed.

In the matter of entering the study class, Qin Huairu lost a lot of face.It would be fine if she didn't have the chance from the beginning to the end. The key is that she was given the chance, but she missed it.

"Okay, don't leave any pot unopened and carry which pot." Sister Hua said awkwardly, "Huairu, we're just chatting nonsense, and this matter has nothing to do with you, so just pretend you didn't hear it?"

Qin Huairu was a little ashamed, and said coldly: "Why has nothing to do with me? Su Yuanchao is the godfather of our two girls, why do you think he has nothing to do with me?"

All the female workers were stunned.

"Blow it?" Someone didn't believe it at all.

"Can I play with you?" Qin Huairu suddenly felt a little refreshed, "We all know about this matter, our two daughters kowtowed to Su Yuanchao in front of the neighbors in the whole courtyard, he can't I like our girls."

"Really?" The female worker who had taunted her before was stunned for a long time, and suddenly she came to Qin Huairu with a big smile on her face and said, "Huairu, you see, we have been in a relationship for so many years, can you give your child her godfather?" Said, help my family arrange a job? Don't worry, we will definitely have a job. "

"Yes, yes, you have this relationship, didn't you tell me earlier?" Another female worker immediately warmed up to Qin Huairu, "Who in the factory doesn't know that Su Yuanchao can arrange whoever he wants to enter the factory? He speaks louder than anyone else." It’s easy to use. I heard that Director Li listens to him in everything. Huairu, why don’t you use it if you have this relationship? You can go to Director Li, isn’t your matter of rating resolved sooner?”

These words flashed across Qin Huairu's mind like a flash of lightning, and she was stunned for an instant.


After brewing for a whole noon, Qin Huairu finally got his words ready at noon, and knocked on the door of Li Xinmin's office.

"Qin Huairu?" Li Xinmin was a little surprised, "What do you want from me?"

Li Xinmin had some thoughts about Qin Huairu before, but later because of Su Yi's relationship, this kind of thoughts faded a bit.

Later, a series of things that happened to Qin Huairu made him feel that this woman was very unlucky, and his thoughts disappeared completely.

"Director Li, I'm here to ask about my regularization." Qin Huairu smiled apologetically, "You see, I've been in my men's class for more than three years. Logically speaking, I should also be transferred to a first-level worker, but in the factory I have not been allowed to participate in the assessment, this..."

"Qin Huairu, I told you about your matter. The factory has been studying it. After all, your situation is special. You have received special allowances for three years. There is no precedent for this situation." Li Xinmin practiced Tai Chi skillfully, and Don't forget to threaten Qin Huairu, "Of course, if you are really anxious, there is nothing you can do. As long as you are willing to return all the special allowances you have received in the past three years, the factory can arrange for you to take the first-level worker exam."

If it was before, Qin Huairu would talk about her difficulties and reasons with Li Xinmin at this moment, but every time she was speechless by Li Xinmin, and then left with nothing.

But today she didn't plan to break it up, she apologized and said with a smile: "Director Li, can you accommodate me for the sake of my child's godfather?"

"Your child's godfather?" Li Xinmin was taken aback, "Who is it?"

"Yanchao is Su Yuanchao from our courtyard." Qin Huairu said hastily, "He really likes my daughter, so he took both of our daughters as goddaughters. Everyone in our courtyard knows about this, don't believe me Ask Yi Zhonghai or Liu Haizhong, silly Zhu is also fine."

"Aid Korea?" Li Xinmin raised his eyebrows, "Is what you said true?"

"Really Director Li, I dare not lie to you!" Qin Huairu said.

"Su Yuanchao asked you to come to me?" Li Xinmin asked.

"No, I didn't tell him about it, and I didn't want to trouble him. I heard that he was promoted, and I was afraid that I would delay him..." Qin Huairu said.

Li Xinmin laughed: "You can't delay him."

He pondered for a moment, and said with a pleasant face: "The relationship between me and Yuanchao is no different from that of a brother. If Yuanchao really accepted your child as a daughter-in-law, then I can be regarded as the child's uncle."

"Ouch, then our family can highly value you, Director Li!" Qin Huairu hurriedly apologized.

Li Xinmin smiled and said: "Since they are all relatives, then if you ask me here, I will be unreasonable if I don't do it. Hehe, how about it, I will say hello to the finance. From this month, you will receive the second-level You are also a skilled worker, and you have a technical level, so the assessment is exempted. From now on, you will be assessed and promoted normally according to the procedures."

After Qin Huairu was stunned for a moment, she was ecstatic and hurriedly thanked: "Thank you, Director Li! Thank you so much!"

Li Xinmin smiled and waved his hands: "I met Yuanchao when I went home. Congratulate me. I forgot to tell him this morning."

"Yes yes yes..." Qin Huairu was ecstatic but also a little puzzled, what's the point of saying congratulations?

After all, she has low vision and doesn't understand the twists and turns of officialdom.Li Xinmin asked her to bring the words, in fact, he meant to leave a name for his good deeds.

As a second-level worker, Qin Huairu gets ten yuan more every month than before.This was a good thing she had dreamed of before. She begged her grandpa to sue her grandma everywhere, but she never got it done.

But now, just because she mentioned that her daughter's godfather is Su Yuanchao, it's done.

Qin Huairu is both apprehensive and excited now, she doesn't know if doing this in Su Yi's name will make Su Yi dissatisfied with her.

Chaowai Hospital.

When Su Yi arrived, Liu Haizhong's family was arguing in the ward.

In addition to Liu Haizhong and the second aunt, there is also Liu Guangqi, the boss of the Liu family who came from other places.

This is Liu Haizhong's most beloved eldest son. He is already married. Because of the woman's relationship, he has gone to work in other places.This time because of an accident at home, he was called back by a telegram from Liu Haizhong.

"Guangtian, what do you mean now? You have caused the third child to be like this, you have reason?" Liu Guangqi stood in front of Liu Guangtian's bed and asked, "You want to draw a line with this family now? You don't plan to You recognize your parents and my elder brother, don't you?"

"Yes." Liu Guangtian stared blankly at the ceiling, mechanically speaking.

"Well, in this case, Dad, you don't have to be polite to him." Liu Guangqi sneered, "If he doesn't recognize you, he is not your son! But Guangfu is still your son! Let's call the police, and he stabbed you with a knife Son, can this matter be settled like this? If he is rebellious, let's not show affection!"

"Guangtian, you really don't recognize me and your father?" The second aunt asked tremblingly, "Why are you so cruel? You made Guangfu like that, that's your own brother!"

Liu Guangtian's eyes didn't change at all, he just stared blankly at the ceiling.

"For the sake of a woman, you have ruined our family like this, and I can't be my leader. The third child has not woken up yet! Guangtian, do you still have the heart, ah?" Liu Haizhong looked haggard and old A lot, asked with staring red eyes.

If it wasn't for the fact that Liu Guangtian just had stitches on his chest, he would have liked to step forward and give him a few slaps.

No matter how the family scolded, Liu Guangtian didn't say a word.The nurse couldn't stand it anymore and drove the whole family out.

Su Yi didn't want to meet this family, so he dodged and went directly into the ward. Liu Guangtian on the hospital bed saw Su Yi, his eyes became angry after being startled, and he struggled to sit up, but was held down by Su Yi.

At this moment outside the door, Liu Guangqi complained: "Dad, you are really, a telegram can clearly explain the matter, why do you have to let me go? My father-in-law moved today, and I left them and ran back. I don't know how to look at me!"

"Your brother is dying! I can't be the leader of your father, and I haven't been paid for half a year. The family is like this, and you still worry about your father-in-law moving?" Liu Haizhong was very angry, "Which one is important?"

"Then what if I come?" Liu Guangqi frowned, "Okay, I'm too lazy to tell you, I have to leave now, and I can still catch the last bus back."

"You want to go?" The second aunt was stunned. "Then what should we do? Both of your younger brothers are in the hospital, and your father has to go to work. Who will take care of them?"

"Didn't the second child not recognize you? Why bother with him? Doesn't the third child have you?" Liu Guangqi took it for granted.

It makes sense...

Both Liu Haizhong and his wife were stunned, not knowing how to refute for a while.

"Boss, your mother is so old..." Liu Haizhong couldn't believe it.

He was interrupted by Liu Guangqi before he finished speaking, and said impatiently: "Can't this be able to walk, dance, talk and laugh? Don't be surprised if you have nothing to do in the future, just write a quick return in a telegram, I thought You... all right, I'm leaving."

"Guangqi, Guangqi!" The second aunt hurriedly shouted a few times, but Liu Guangqi waved his hands without looking back, and disappeared into the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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