Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1554 Girl

Chapter 1554 Girl
"Do you regret it?"

"...Regret, Brother Yuanchao, if you told me that if you were unable to protect Chunmei, you would just die. I regret that I didn't listen to you. It was I who harmed her..."

"Look ahead." Su Yi sighed, "What are your plans for the future?"

"I want to move out." Liu Guangtian's voice was hoarse, "I don't want to have anything to do with that family anymore, even if I sleep on the street to beg for food, I don't want to go back."

"I made a deal with Li Xinmin, he will solve the problem of your establishment. After you heal your injury, go back to him and go to work." Su Yi said, "If you mention the residence to him, he should not get stuck with you. .If you get stuck, come to me again.”

Liu Guangtian wept silently, and suddenly stopped talking.

"I won't be in the factory in the future, so don't have too much contact with Li Xinmin." Su Yi thought for a while and warned, "Don't approach him, and don't think about climbing up under his hands."

Liu Guangtian wiped away his tears and looked at Su Yi: "Brother Yuanchao, what do you mean you are not in the factory? You want to leave? Did I influence you?"

"I'm a normal job transfer, so don't think too much about it." Su Yi waved his hand, "Okay, rest at ease, I'll go first."

"Brother Yuanchao."


"My life is yours."

"Don't say stupid things, live a good life."

"I'm serious, and Brother Zhuzi, I will remember his kindness."

Su Yi held the doorknob in silence for a moment, then sighed and said, "Forget what should be forgotten, otherwise life will be too tiring."

Walking out of the hospital, Su Yi saw a jeep.

In the car, Tao Chunxiao was looking at Su Yi with a complicated expression.

Among Wenhui's group of friends, Tao Chunxiao was the only one who was not affected but made progress.

Su Yi didn't say a word, he walked up to open the car door and sat in.

"I'm going home," he said.

"You take me as a driver?" Tao Chunxiao asked.

"Otherwise, what do you think of you?" Su Yi said, "I don't accept apprentices, and you haven't passed my test."

"Did you really see me that time at the hotel?" Tao Chunxiao asked.

Su Yi nodded: "I see."

"So your test is really real?" Tao Chunxiao asked again.

"If you really pass, then it's true." Su Yi said.

Tao Chunxiao slapped his forehead hard, looking depressed.

"I said you know martial arts! I said you were really testing me, but no one believed me. They all thought you were kidding me! Xiao Gong didn't believe it before, but now he believes it, and it's too late... Master, do you think I still have a chance?"

Su Yi glanced at her: "What era is it now? Everyone uses guns. No matter how good your martial arts are, you will be knocked down with one shot."

"No, I have to practice martial arts!" Tao Chunxiao looked persistent.

Su Yi didn't know where her persistence came from. He knew that Tao Chunxiao must have a story, perhaps very touching and exciting, but he had absolutely no interest in exploring it.

"Do you want to drive?" He asked, "If you don't, I'll go down."

"Go, go!" Tao Chunxiao hurriedly started the car, and said with a smile, "Master, can you teach me how to do it? I don't want to learn in vain, I'll pay for it! 1000 yuan, how about it?"

"Hehe, the investigation is very careful, and I know that I am greedy for money." Su Yi smiled.

"I don't understand what you mean." Tao Chunxiao said innocently, "Master, just teach me one trick, okay? Just one trick! It's when someone sneaks up on you from behind, how can you react instantly and give him a fatal blow? ?”

"Really want to learn?" Su Yi asked.

"I really want to!" Tao Chunxiao instantly lifted his spirits, "Master, as long as you are willing to teach me, I can do anything!"

"Okay, don't say a word from now on, I will teach you before getting off the car." Su Yi said.

"It's so simple?" Tao Chunxiao couldn't believe it, "You don't have any other requirements?"

"Live well." Su Yi said lightly, leaning on the back of the chair.

Tao Chunxiao was silent.

After the car parked at the gate of the compound, Tao Chunxiao parked the car and turned to look at Su Yi expectantly: "Where do you teach? To your house or in the courtyard?"

"No need." Su Yi turned his head to look at Tao Chunxiao, "You ask me how can I react instantly to give him a fatal blow when someone sneaks up from behind, right?"

"Yes." Tao Chunxiao said excitedly.

"Two key points, as long as you can combine theory with practice, you can do it." Su Yi stretched out two fingers, "First, always keep a careful eye on your back; second, decisively use a gun."

After Su Yi finished speaking, he smiled at the stunned Tao Chunxiao, opened the door and got out of the car.

Tao Chunxiao woke up like a dream when he walked around the front of the car and entered the hospital, and shouted angrily: "What is this! What I want to learn is martial arts, I don't want to listen to your reasoning!"

"If you don't listen to the truth, you will never learn martial arts!" Su Yi waved his hands without looking back, "Besides, who told you that shooting a gun can't be a kind of martial arts?"

After the words fell, Su Yi had already entered the courtyard gate.

Yan Fugui was cleaning his bicycle in the yard. He stood up and rubbed his oily hands with a smile, "Hey, who are you talking to? It's shooting and martial arts. It sounds scary."

"A ignorant little girl, she's bluffing, teasing her." Su Yi greeted with a smile, "Does the school say when classes start?"

"Soon." Yan Fugui said, "I can't rest anymore, and the students taught before the class will forget all."

He looked around, walked up to Su Yi suddenly, and said in a low voice: "Yanchao, there is something I want to ask you, you see Jiefang is not too small, I just idle around all day..."

Su Yi waved his hand: "Third Master, do you want to talk about work?"

Yan Fugui smiled and nodded, "Yes, yes, what, I understand the rules..."

"There are no rules." Su Yi said, "My job has been transferred, and I am no longer working in the factory. I will definitely not be able to help you."

Yan Fugui was stunned for a while before he said: "Is it so sudden? Then you are promoted?"

"Not counting." Su Yi smiled.

Yan Fugui sighed and said: "I was also scared by the old Liu's family... In fact, Liberation himself was also scared enough. Only a few of them who didn't go that day escaped this catastrophe. He still has to go to the night school in the street to study for a month, and he has to do self-criticism every day..."

"It's a good thing, it's good to take it easy." Su Yi said.

"Yes, yes, I thought so too, but..." Yan Fugui looked around and said in a low voice, "I don't know if you've heard that a batch of unemployed youths in the capital city are going to be sent to Going to the farm in the country, yesterday the street office was still counting unemployed young people, I was not worried... so what, so I thought about quickly finding a job for the neighbor, wouldn't this just avoid this matter? Yuanchao, you have a long way to go, do you think this is true or not? I asked Liu Guifen and she wouldn't tell me..."

"I don't know, but the truth can't be fake, and the fake can't be true." Su Yi smiled, "If you are really afraid, then you should do things, anyway, there is no harm, right?"

"That's right, that's the reason..." Yan Fugui nodded.

"Go ahead and fix the car, I'll be back." Su Yi waved his hand.

"You girl doesn't know what to do in your house." Yan Fugui said with a smile, "Oh, this little girl is really close to you."

Su Yi smiled knowingly, turned around and entered the room.

"Big!" A small figure jumped out from behind the door and shouted loudly.

"Oh, I was shocked!" Su Yi shook his whole body with a look of shock.

"Hehe..." Xiao Dang smiled triumphantly with his hands on his hips, "Are you startled by me? Dad, why did you come back so early today?"

Su Yi said, "What did you call me?"

"Father!" Xiao Dang said with a smile.

Su Yi said with a smile: "You should put my name in front, those who don't know will think that your mother and I are married."

Xiao Dang stuck out his tongue: "I don't bark outside. Dad, if you come back later, you can eat the rolled noodles I made for you!"

"Are you cooking for me again?" Su Yi had already seen the basin on the chopping board, and when he opened it, there was a ball of reconciled noodles inside.

"Hey, our little one is really good, and he can cook at such a young age." Su Yi said cheerfully, "Did you often cook at home before?"

Xiao Dang shook his head vigorously and said, "I always watch my mother cook and watch the meeting."

"What a talent!" Su Yi gave her a thumbs up.

Xiao Dang was very happy, and pulled Su Yi to sit on the chair: "Dad, sit down, I'll pour you tea, I know how to pour it!"

"Don't burn yourself." Su Yi said.

"Don't worry, I won't burn it." Xiaodang said.

"Where's Sophora japonica?" Su Yi asked.

Xiao Dang said while he was busy: "She wanted to eat the candy in the drawer, but I didn't let her eat it. You didn't tell her to eat it, but she wanted to take it, so I beat her up and she ran away."

"From now on, you will be in charge of what our family eats." Su Yi said with a smile, "Let my younger sister eat some if she wants, but not too much. Too much sugar for children is not good for teeth."

"Okay." Xiao Dang handed the brewed teacup to Su Yi, and asked with a smile, "Dad, am I very good?"

"Yes, very obedient." Su Yi said.

"Then will you always be my father?" Xiao Dang asked.

"That's for sure." Su Yi said, "Even if you are not good, I am still your father. Then let me ask you, will you always be my daughter?"

Xiao Dang nodded hastily: "Keep being a Dang until I die!"

Su Yi patted her head, Xiao Dang smiled and sat on Su Yi's lap clinging to him.

Su Yi has long discovered that Xiao Dang has been carefully and intentionally pleasing herself since she confirmed her relationship with her godfather, showing Su Yi her good side.

Moreover, she especially likes to pester Su Yi, and she has a much more cheerful personality. When she talks to others, she just says, "My Yuanchao dad, what, how, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, how, what, how, what, what, what, how, what, what, how, what, what, what, what is my father."

A child lacks the love of a father, and Su Yi's appearance may perfectly fit her fantasy of her father, so she is a little worried about gain and loss.

Compared with Xiaodang, Sophora japonica is much "heartless".It's time to eat, drink, and play. The biggest change in life is the addition of a close person and a change of name.

"Xiao Dang, I have to work overtime in the last few days, so I won't be able to come home for the time being." Su Yi said to her, "You..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Xiao Dang burst into tears.

"Three days, at most three days!" Su Yi said hurriedly, "I'll be back in three days."

"Dad, do you find me annoying?" Xiao Dang cried, "Then I will..."

Su Yi hugged her and hurriedly coaxed her: "No, Dad really has a job..."

"You're a liar, my mother said it all, you're the leader, and the leader eats without work, and doesn't have to work overtime at all..." Xiao Dang wiped his tears and cried even louder.

"Well, I'm not working overtime, so I'll tell you a secret, but you have to swear that you must never tell anyone else." Su Yi sighed.

Xiao Dang stopped crying and looked at Su Yi with misty eyes: "What secret?"

"As soon as I say this and you hear it, we will know." Su Yi said.

Xiao Dang hastily raised his hand and swore: "I will never tell others, not even to my mother, otherwise I will never have a father in my life!"

Su Yi nodded: "Actually, Dad wants to see an aunt, this should I say it?"

"Dad, do you want to be a couple with this aunt?" Xiao Dang asked.

"I have to go and see." Su Yi said, "It's not certain, but I have to go and see. She is far away from here, and it may take me three days to go back and forth."

Xiao Dang bit his finger and thought for a while, then asked, "Dad, then you don't want me anymore, right?"

"Didn't we just say that I will always be your father, and you will always be my daughter?" Su Yi smiled, "Dad keeps his word."

"I keep my word." Xiao Dang smiled through his tears.

Su Yi scratched her nose: "Don't doubt Dad in the future."

"En!" Xiao Dang nodded vigorously.

After thinking about it, he said worriedly: "Dad, let's pull the hook and hang ourselves."

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, he said, "Okay, hang yourself on the hook."

"If you hang yourself with a hook, you can't change it for 100 years. Whoever lied to you will have a yellow scar on his mouth..."

After pulling the hook, Xiao Dang was relieved all of a sudden, and happily went to cook for Su Yi again.

When it was almost time to get off work, Huaihua came back, and when she saw Su Yi, she yelled for candy.

In fact, Sophora japonica is cuter than Xiaodang, but Su Yi has always preferred Xiaodang.

Qin Huairu came back after get off work, came to Su Yi's house and said a few words to Su Yi with a smile, Su Yi always felt that this woman seemed a little guilty when facing him.

He didn't bother to find out the reason. After Qin Huairu left, he told Xiao Dang to take care of the house and collect the eggs every day when he was away. Xiao Dang seemed to feel the power of the mission, and solemnly agreed.

When it was just getting dark, Su Yi went out, and went straight to the Capital Airport without saying a word.

Wenhui is in Shuchuan, and the journey of more than 1000 kilometers is of course a flight!

What?Not eligible to sit?

Su Yi does not need qualifications.

When he arrived at the airport, Su Yi quickly found out that a military plane bound for Chengdu would take off more than an hour later. He locked the plane early and sneaked into the luggage storage area.

After a short nap, the plane took off.

The journey was safe and sound. After the plane arrived in Rongcheng, Su Yi disappeared into the night like a ghost.

He identified the direction to the mountainous area where Wenhui was located, and now he used his lightness kung fu without any scruples and rushed there like lightning.

It's a pity that although I found the place, it was too late when I arrived. The mountain village was peaceful and I had already fallen asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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