Chapter 1556

Later generations of migrant workers often mock themselves by saying "wake up earlier than chickens, sleep later than dogs, eat worse than pigs, and work more than cows", but this exaggerated statement is the most true portrayal of farmers in the 60s.

These days, agricultural labor is purely manual work, no matter how heavy or tiring it is, it has to be carried by human hands, which is very hard.

Not long after the second bell rang, two other women who were making breakfast arrived.

They happened to be pinching Wen Hui and Ou Jinxiu to finish their work, but the big guys came before the time.The two of them went into the kitchen, put on their aprons and started to work. Anyone who saw it would think that the four of them did the work in the kitchen together.

They scolded Wen Hui and Ou Jinxiu for doing this and that without blushing, which made people feel that they were seniors and that they were the main force in the work.

By this time, people had already arrived one after another, and the two women stood by the stove and started cooking.

Cooking is also a kind of right. It all depends on their mood to give more or less to whom.Because everyone told them nice things and flattered them, and the left word was hard work and the right word was troublesome, the two women accepted everything without feeling guilty at all.

Ou Jinxiu was so angry that she couldn't even hold the lunch box firmly, and she didn't dare to make a loud noise. She leaned close to Wenhui's ear and whispered, "So thick-skinned! Did they do the work? Obviously we did it! They're fine, and in the end we The two of you have become lazy. We have to wait until the end of cooking, how can there be such a reason in this world?"

"Okay, don't say a few words." Wen Hui comforted with a smile, "It's not good to be heard."

"I just want to tell others!" Ou Jinxiu said angrily, "Next time people come from the commune, I'll sue them!"

"Don't be stupid." Wen Hui said, "I accompanied you to report this situation to the captain last time. Was it useful? They scolded us instead."

"It's a big deal and I won't do it!" Ou Jinxiu was so wronged that she wiped her tears. "When the time comes, you won't be able to eat, so you will know who is working and who is not."

"That was a major mistake, and we are still the ones who are unlucky." Wenhui said calmly, "Jin Xiu, listen to me, this situation will improve soon, we are not swallowing our anger, but we have to use a smart way to get rid of it." Reverse the status quo."

Ou Jinxiu said: "But when will you be tall..."

"Soon." Wen Hui looked up and looked not far away.

There was a bunch of kids running up there.

There were more than a dozen men and women, the older one was six or seven years old, and the younger one was two or three years old. They were all naked and barefoot, laughing and playing in twos and threes.

This is also very common in rural areas. Generally, children who are nine or ten years old and can start working for the family don't start to wear clothes.

Of course, it is still worn in winter, and the reason why it is not worn in summer is to save fabric.

At this time, the folk customs are simple, and the children are childhood sweethearts, and they don't feel ashamed, let alone mess around.

"You son of a bitch, thick braid..."

When the children saw Wenhui and Ou Jinxiu, they laughed and clapped their hands and sang jingles around them.

These are insulting words, upon hearing this, Ou Jinxiu's face turned red, her eyes were spitting fire, and her face was full of humiliation.

And the adults who lined up for dinner not only didn't stop them, but laughed and pointed at them while watching the fun.

Wen Hui's face remained normal, and after they finished reading this paragraph, they also clapped their hands and said loudly: "...Bing, take the long tassel, and wipe out all the ghosts and gods..."

The children hadn't heard this passage, but they felt that it would be very powerful if they pronounced it by themselves, so they all opened their eyes wide and listened to it.

Wen Hui stopped after reading it once.

A child couldn't help but said: "You son of a bitch, read it again!"

Wen Hui said: "You come to scold me every day, call me a bastard, and want me to teach you? There is no way! Let me tell you, I know more than 100 such jingles. If you want to learn, you have to promise me Swearing at people is not allowed, even using rhetoric.”

"But you're a son of a bitch," the boy argued, "that's what my parents say."

"Did your parents scold me in front of me?" Wen Hui asked with a smile.

The children shook their heads.

"So you can't scold us face to face, no matter how you say it, it's wrong to scold people." Wen Hui said, "Go ahead, discuss it carefully, if you really want to imitate my jingles, you are not allowed to scold me in face again."

The children dispersed in a rush.

Ou Jinxiu said in a complicated tone: "Sister Wenhui, why are you so tempered? You still reason with them? These bastards won't listen."

"If you can't listen to it, just say it a few more times and use several methods." Wen Hui smiled, "Even if it's useless, we don't need to spend anything."

In fact, it’s not useless to do so. Some parents of children are also in front of them. When Wen Hui said, “Your parents didn’t scold me in person”, they were a little embarrassed. Now some parents have called their children over to admonish them. , Tell your children to stop swearing at others...

After queuing for a long time, we finally arrived at Wenhui and the others, but the two rice cookers purposely served them too few dishes, and looked at them triumphantly with provocative eyes, waiting for them to explode.

Wen Hui pulled Ou Jinxiu aside, not wanting to have a conflict with these two.

She is not good at verbal disputes, especially not good at quarreling with shrews.These shrews can't stop swearing and swearing, even big men can't scold or beat them, let alone her?

So no matter how provocative these two women were, she avoided confrontation with them.

After eating, we will go to the threshing ground to gather. Wen Hui and the others are at the end of the queue, so the time left for them is very tight.The two wolfed down their breakfast, and immediately ran to the gathering place.

After arriving at the place, the team leader started to go through a series of procedures after taking roll call.

After the procedure is completed, the distribution of labor begins.

At this time, you can go to the ground when you read whoever you want.

There is a lot of work during the spring plowing period, especially today, just like yesterday, we have to continue to divert water to irrigate the fields. The time is tight and the tasks are heavy, so the team leader is very vigorous and decisive, and has to start assigning in a hurry.

But at this moment, Wenhui called the report and stood up.

"Wenhui, what's the matter?" The captain frowned at her.

Since Wenhui came to the village, she has been working in a low-key manner and rarely speaks in public.Taking the initiative to stand up this time made everyone curious.

"Report to the captain, I want to report the situation and report a case of hooliganism!" Wen Hui's words stirred up waves and caused an uproar at the scene.

Hooliganism is a serious charge, especially for ordinary people.

In the din, Wenhui said in a loud voice, "At about 10:30 last night, Ou Jinxiu and I went back to the No. [-] guard shed to rest. When passing by the woods, Ou Dabao suddenly rushed out and wanted to rape Comrade Ou Jinxiu..."

Wen Hui spoke concisely and clearly explained what happened last night.

The story is very simple. The bully in the village sees the sex, and intercepts him halfway with the intention of plotting evil.This Ou Dabao was sure of Ou Jinxiu's timid nature and thought that Wenhui was the kind of person who didn't want to meddle in other people's affairs, so he arrogantly wanted to drag Ou Jinxiu away in front of Wenhui.

And this Ou Dabao also had Wenhui's idea at the same time, he planned to ruin Ou Jinxiu, and then use Ou Jinxiu to drag Wenhui into the water, and he even dreamed of hugging left and right.

Before Wenhui finished speaking, Ou Dabao's expression changed. He jumped out excitedly with fierce eyes, pointed at Wenhui and yelled, "Bloody mouth! You bastard dare to slander me, I'll beat you to death!"

As he said that, he was about to rush up and slap Wenhui across the face.

But Wen Hui had been on guard against his move for a long time, she raised the pole she had already held in her hand, and stared at him without any fear, her firm expression seemed to be telling Ou Dabao, as long as you dare to move forward, my pole will be worthless will fall.

Ou Dabao rushed out with bare hands, looked at the pole that Wenhui was holding high, and dared not rush forward again, but pointed at Wenhui viciously and cursed: "You bastard is talking nonsense, you have bad intentions, you provoke..."

This Ou Dabao puts a series of big hats on Wenhui, as if Wenhui is heinous.

But Wenhui was not frightened, she looked at him coldly without changing her face, and said after he finished speaking: "Ou Dabao, have you played a hooligan, have I slandered, it doesn't matter what you say, the police have the final say Even if I am really a criminal, our party has no precedent of insulting criminals and playing hooligans to criminals. You are discrediting...! Who is F and who is a rat shit mixed in the organization, I believe the eyes of the organization and the masses are If you are sharp, you will definitely identify the black sheep and prevent him from continuing to do evil!"

After finishing speaking, she looked at the captain seriously and said: "Captain, I have the right to report and report to the county police station. I believe the police will find out the truth about this matter and bring the bad guys to justice!"

Ou Dabao was frightened and angry, pointing at Wen Hui and shouting: "Vicious heart, she is slandering, once she calls the police, the whole county will know that something happened to our village, she wants to tarnish the reputation of our village, make our village famous in the whole county Disgraceful, causing us to lose the title of honor collective! She is destroying... Folks, don't be fooled by her, she is trying to harm everyone in our village..."

"Being upright is not afraid of crooked shadows." Wenhui said loudly, "If the police really find out that I have slandered, they will only fine me one, and it will not affect any problems in our village, because I am not yet a member of our collective. I just came to the village to be reformed through labor! Ou Dabao, you secretly changed the concept to confuse the public, do you dare to say that you are not fooling around and denying it with a guilty conscience?"

Ou Dabao was furious, as if he had been wronged by the sky, and wanted to rush up to beat Wenhui again, but this farce was finally stopped by the captain.

"Enough!" The team leader looked at Ou Jinxiu with a sullen face, "Jin Xiu, is what Wenhui said true?"

"What Sister Wenhui said is the truth!" Ou Jinxiu wiped her tears and said, "If Sister Wenhui hadn't saved me, Ou Dabao would have ruined me for a long time! He is simply a beast!"

"Ou Dabao, what do you say?" The captain looked at Ou Dabao.

"I'm wronged, captain, it's the two of them who are slandering me!" Ou Dabao called Qu, "I'm a poor peasant, and they're bastards. How can you believe what the bastards say? They're enemies, captain! I got off work last night." Then I went back to sleep, if you don’t believe me ask my parents, I’m always at home!”

"Ahem!" The old branch secretary of the village stood up and said in a deep voice, "It's true, Dabao has been at home all the time, and his mother and I can testify."

"Did you hear that?" Ou Dabao proudly said, "My father is highly respected, he won't lie, will he?"

The old party secretary is indeed highly respected, but Ou Dabao has always had a bad reputation. It is no secret that the old party secretary favors his son, so his appearance did not make the people's hearts turn one-sided.

The villagers talked a lot, but they still believed in Wenhui a lot.After all, Wen Hui has always given people the impression of being "honest and willing to work". It is naturally easier for people to believe that an honest person who has not spoken much suddenly speaks up.

"You say that Dabao is playing a hooligan, what evidence do you have?" The old branch secretary looked at Wenhui, "Speaking with empty teeth, could it be that you have wronged a good person?"

"Yes! You said I was playing a hooligan, what's the evidence?" Ou Dabao shouted, "Who would believe what you two bastards say?"

"It's late at night, and no one is going in the woods. Where can we find evidence!" Ou Jinxiu cried.

"If you don't have evidence, you're slandering me!" Ou Dabao was even more proud.

"Call the police, let the police investigate!" Ou Jinxiu shouted.

"It's useless if the police come." The old branch secretary said slowly, "At that time, the public will say the public is right, and the mother-in-law will say that the woman is right. It's a waste of time if you can't make it clear. Girl, isn't that the idea you hit? When the time comes, just talking about this matter will delay the production of our village... You people in the city have sinister intentions..."

What he said caused many people to look suspiciously at Wen Hui.

Wen Hui said calmly: "Who says I have no evidence? I have evidence. When the police come, I will naturally hand over the evidence to the police. At that time, there is no need to waste the time of the villagers. As soon as the police see my evidence , you can just grab someone and leave without wasting any time."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the old branch secretary and Ou Dabao changed drastically, and the villagers were once again in an uproar.

"Nonsense, what evidence do you have, show it!" Ou Dabao shouted with panic in his eyes.

Wen Hui smiled contemptuously, ignored him at all, looked at the team leader and said, "Captain, I can give this evidence to you, and you can hand it over to the police. Or I can hand it over to the police myself."

The team leader looked deeply at Wen Hui: "Is there any evidence?"

"Really." Wen Hui nodded.

"Guangming, this matter is going on and on now, and it is everyone's time wasted." The old branch secretary said suddenly, "If this is not the case, you take the big guys to do the work first, and I will Stay and deal with this."

The team leader said: "Uncle Shuanzi, this is inappropriate, Dabao is your son, you should avoid this matter."

"What are you talking about!" the old branch secretary said angrily, "Am I going to be selfish? You are doubting my character and nature! Don't forget, I promoted you as the team leader!"

The captain's complexion was cloudy and hesitant.

"Go, hurry! You've been delaying everyone for so long with this stupid thing!" The old branch secretary was impatient, and turned his head and scolded Wenhui, "You too, can't we talk about this at night? Do you have to talk about it before going to work in the morning? What are you doing? Intentionally, do you really think that everyone can't see through it? The important thing of watering is delayed, and our village's harvest this year will be ruined, you girl is too vicious!"

(End of this chapter)

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