Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1557 Destruction

Chapter 1557 Destruction
The sky and the earth are big, not as big as production.

In the countryside, everything can be delayed, but not farm work.The old party secretary used watering as an excuse, and insinuated that Wenhui maliciously framed and wanted to sabotage the production work of the brigade. Once this charge was confirmed, Wenhui would definitely be finished.

This is also the reason why Wen Hui was so cautious when she got up this morning. She knew very well that the situation she was facing today was that if she didn't succeed, she would succeed.

The team leader is called Ou Guangming, a distant relative of the old branch secretary Ou Shuanzi, and the production team leader who was single-handedly promoted by him.

This person is quite decent, and he doesn't like Ou Dabao's misdeeds in the village. He had a fight with the old party secretary because of Ou Dabao's affairs, but because of the "promotion" of the old party secretary, he has been patient and backed down.

The reason why Wenhui wanted to take advantage of Ou Dabao's evil deeds last night to stand up and launch a resistance, the first confidence she relied on was the hidden conflict between the captain and the old party secretary.

What she has to do is to stimulate this contradiction.

Now the conflict is aroused, but the team leader is about to give in patiently and give in to the authority of the village party secretary. Wen Hui is not disappointed about this. .

Her greatest confidence is actually herself.

"Old party secretary, you are right and not loud." Facing the old party secretary's malicious accusations, Wenhui remained unhurried, neither humble nor overbearing, "I have heard about your son Ou Dabao's evil deeds since I entered this village, saying that he is innumerable. It’s not an exaggeration! Such a villain has been rampant in the village for so many years, causing complaints from the villagers, but because of you, he can only smash his teeth and swallow his blood when he is wronged, dare not speak out!”

Do you really not know how many bad things your son has done?Judging from your attitude of covering the lid when something goes wrong just now, I'm afraid you know too much!but what did you doDid you stop him from sinning?Have you led him back to the right path?Have you made the decision for the victimized folks?Have you fulfilled your responsibilities as a father? "

"you you……"

"You didn't do anything you should do, and you didn't do anything you shouldn't do," Wenhui said here with a stern voice. "Just now Ou Dabao said that you are highly respected. Maybe you were in the past, but are you still the same now? You ask yourself at night Have you ever lived your conscience?"

"it is good!"



The villagers were all angry.

Wenhui's impassioned speech caused the grievance and humiliation of Oujiacun being oppressed by Ou Dabao and his son for a long time.

There was the bitter master who had really gritted his teeth and swallowed his blood. He couldn't help but shouted loudly.

"Who called it? Let's see who dares to call it!" Ou Dabao was furious, looking around fiercely.

All the villagers stared at by him lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

Wenhui was not afraid at all, instead she took a step forward and yelled loudly, "Ou Dabao, I, Wenhui, will be smashed to pieces today, and I want to report the illegal behavior of you father and son! Your current arrogance is just the last madness, just like a paper tiger. break!"

"It's wrong, it's wrong!" The old branch's writing was livid, and he growled angrily, "A bastard is talking nonsense, what are you listening to? Ergou, Dacheng, tied her up for me! You have no hair Long Qi Huang-haired girl, let me let you know how many eyes Prince Ma has!"

After his words fell, the crowd was in a commotion, and two people came out more and more.

Ou Jinxiu's face was so frightened that she pulled Wenhui back and was about to retreat, but Wenhui threw her away.

Wen Hui sneered and said loudly: "Old party secretary, then you'd better shoot me Wen Hui today! Otherwise, it will be useless even if you break my leg! As long as I have breath, I will climb to the county and sacrifice myself." I, Wen Hui, eradicate you father and son bully, I think it is worth it!"

"Tie it up! Tie it up!" the old branch secretary yelled at her angrily.

Seeing that the two were about to rush forward, Wen Hui shook the pole and looked at the team leader Ou Guangming.

He had been staring at Wen Hui with a complex expression and flickering eyes. At this time, the two looked at each other. He was shocked and shouted: "Stop!"

"Don't stop! I said tie her up!" The old branch secretary was strangely angry, "Do you want me to do it myself, huh? Oujia Village, do I say nothing? Do it! Do it for me!"

"Damn it! I'll kill you, bastard!" Ou Dabao, who had hated Wenhui for a long time, suddenly roared and rushed towards Wenhui.

Wen Hui had been on guard against this person all along, and at this moment, without even thinking about it, she struck him on the head with a pole.

This time it sounded like a horn of counterattack. A woman dared to stand up and make a move. Why did a group of old men dare not raise their heads like a group of quails?
The scene was completely chaotic, no matter how the captain roared, he couldn't stop it.

Wen Hui was pushed outside by the crowd instead.

She watched this scene with cold eyes, trying to calm herself down as much as possible.

Compared with this scene, she actually hoped that the team leader Ou Guangming would control the situation, but this person was too mellow, which led to the current situation.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more chaotic, Wen Hui dragged Jin Xiu, whose legs were limp from fright, to the side, picked up an enamel basin from the ground, lifted it high, and hit it vigorously with a pole.

The loud sound quickly attracted everyone's attention, and when the scene calmed down, Wenhui said loudly: "Folks! Women and children are here, we must be careful not to accidentally injure them! Don't worry! Ou Dabao, the pair who have bullied the villagers for many years The bully will definitely fall! I promise everyone! Even if you don’t believe me, you should believe our captain!”

"Ou Guangming is a softie. He and Ou Shuanzi wear the same pair of pants!" a villager with red eyes shouted angrily.

"That's right!"


The villagers responded one after another.

Ou Guangming's face turned blue and red.

"The captain has always been fair, you misunderstood him!" Wen Hui knocked on the basin, and said loudly again, "To tell you the truth, today, I first reported the matter to the captain. It is the captain who is determined to replace the folks. You are the masters, so let me expose the true colors of Ou Dabao and his son in public! The team leader is the real hero behind the destruction of Ou Dabao and his son's pair of bullies!"

The villagers were in an uproar and looked at Ou Guangming suspiciously.

Ou Guangming's heart is like a mirror, he knows nothing and has never done anything.

But at this moment, does he dare to say no?

There was nothing but relief in his heart, only gratitude.

Glancing at Wenhui gratefully, he accepted Wenhui's kindness logically.

"Folks and comrades, what Wen Hui said is right, I have endured Ou Shuanzi for a long time! Seeing their father and son oppressing the villagers in the fish and meat village, I feel very uncomfortable..."

With the team leader's cooperative statement, Wen Hui finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew it was done!

Ou Dabao and his son are finished, and because of today's incident, Ou Guangming wants to take her a favor. Although this person is indecisive, he has no evil intentions. The situation in Oujia Village will be much better.

And after this incident, those people who are eager to move and have malicious intentions also understand that they are not easy to mess with, and they will most likely stay away from themselves, and they have no hidden worries in this regard for the time being.

The famous saying is right, blindly retreating will only make the enemy gain an inch, and only struggle can fight for a way out.

"Sister Wenhui, you succeeded, you really succeeded!" Ou Jinxiu hugged Wenhui's arm and wept with joy, "It's great! It's great! Everything is over!"

"It hasn't passed yet." Wen Hui said lightly, "How can killing an enemy be harmless? Next, we still have to endure for a while."

Today, Wen Hui has shown her sharpness. If she is too sharp, there will inevitably be sequelae.Wenhui decided to keep a low profile and endure for a while longer, and wait until the negative effects are almost eliminated before thinking about the next step.

The farce finally stopped. Under Ou Guangming's command, Ou Dabao and the old secretary who were seriously injured were taken to the town hospital for treatment by the village guards. At the same time, Ou Guangming had to go to the town in person to report to his superiors this matter.

When the two blood men passed in front of Wen Hui, Ou Jinxiu let out a cry of surprise, and put her head behind Wen Hui, not daring to look.

"Sister Wenhui, aren't they a bit too miserable?" Ou Jinxiu felt a little bit unbearable.

"Treat your comrades as warm as spring, but treat your enemies as cold as winter." Wen Hui said plainly.

Ou Guangming walked up to Wenhui with a complicated expression on his face.

"I have to go to town. If you don't worry, give me the evidence. If you don't worry, you can go with me." Ou Guangming said.

"There is no evidence." Wen Hui shook her head.

"No?" Ou Guangming was taken aback.

"The black light is blind, and he made up his mind on the spur of the moment. He didn't succeed because of me. How could there be evidence?" Wen Hui said.

"Then you still..."

"Do you still need evidence now?" Wen Hui asked.

"...No need." Ou Guangming's expression became more complicated, with awe hidden in his eyes.

"You don't have to pick shit anymore..." he said.

But halfway through the conversation, Wenhui interrupted.

"I'll continue to pick shit." Wen Hui said, "If I don't do it, someone else has to do it. There is no distinction between high and low labor, so why can't I do what others can do?"

Ou Guangming was silent.

"Captain, you were the one who did Ou Dabao's work. If you don't want to cause trouble, it's best not to mention me when you go to the town, and talk to the villagers." Wen Hui said, "It's nothing to be honest, but my identity It will make it very complicated and troublesome.”

Ou Guangming nodded silently, he could also think of this.

It is not difficult to do this, and now the folks in a village are very united.

"I'm going to the town, and it will be noon when I come back." Ou Guangming said, "After I finish allocating work, I will settle the big and small affairs in the village with the deputy captain first."

He didn't need to tell Wen Hui about this, but he subconsciously said it, like a report.

Wen Hui smiled and didn't speak.

Wen Hui's choice was right. After a drastic change, everyone's perception of Wen Hui is actually a bit complicated. After all, this is a "problem".But now Wenhui is still picking up dung, still taciturn and picks up dung buckets without saying a word, neither too dirty nor too tired, nothing seems to have changed.

But in fact, everyone's attitude towards her has changed.

As Wenhui carried loads of dung into the field, the villagers felt less awkward and disobedient toward her.

Everyone also gradually believed Wen Hui's previous rhetoric, and felt that the main credit for this incident was still the captain.

Some people even resumed their previous attitude towards Wenhui.

Wen Hui had been psychologically prepared for this, and was even happy to see it succeed.She has long been prepared for a long and fierce battle in her situation.

When it was almost noon, there was news that the tractor overturned while escorting Ou Dabao and his group to the town, and the car overturned into a ravine.The three members of Ou Dabao's family and his loyal dog legs died on the spot.But the few people who were not deeply involved, the driver in charge of the escort, Ou Guangming and others all miraculously survived!
The news shook the mountain village like an earthquake, and filled everyone's hearts with shock and disbelief.

Is this a coincidence?

(End of this chapter)

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