Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1558 Coincidence

Chapter 1558 Coincidence
The most simple concept of right and wrong among Chinese people is that good and evil will be rewarded in the end.

But this retribution came so accurately and so quickly, who wouldn't feel guilty?
The folks discussed this explosive news all morning, and the result was that no matter who looked at Wen Hui, they looked strange.

When eating at noon, the two women who were cooking rice silently restored Wenhui and Ou Jinxiu's normal portions.

Ou Jinxiu was very excited when she knew that she had been honored by Wenhui.

"Sister Wenhui, you are amazing!" She happily ate and said to Wenhui, "It's lucky to have you here, otherwise I would have to be bullied to death."

Wen Hui smiled and didn't answer, but her mind was thinking about the destruction of the Ou Dabao gang.This is very suspicious, but it must not be Ou Guangming's doing, he dare not.

She knew that old local snakes like Ou Shuanzi must have connections in the town and the county, and it would be difficult to kill them all at once this time. Once they came back, this would be a hidden danger.

But she has just arrived to bring down the overlord of a village, and she is already at her limit to be able to do this. She is also ready to deal with the follow-up, no matter how she can only see the tricks in the future.

But now, she doesn't have to worry about anything.

When the death light goes out, no matter how strong Ou Shuanzi's relationship is, it is impossible for someone to make decisions for a dead person who has been charged with crimes.In this matter, Wen Hui has no future troubles.

Just as she was thinking about it, a drunken middle-aged man not far away was sent out of the cafeteria like a star.

This person is a commissioner for maintenance of water pumps, and he is a person whom all village cadres in ten miles and eight townships have to make fun of. He can eat and drink well wherever he goes, and no one dares to offend him.

This kind of situation is normal these days. Some types of work that maintain special equipment, facilities or resources are often very popular, and this kind of people also rely on a little power in their hands to manipulate others, so as to get what they want.

Xu Damao, who is playing a movie, will take big bags home next time, let alone someone who specializes in water pumps?
Farmers generally envy and hate such people, but there is nothing they can do about it.

The middle-aged man was obviously so drunk that he couldn't even walk, his eyes were dull, his tongue was loud, and he was still clamoring for a drink.

Ou Jinxiu couldn't help but said, "Why did you drink like this? Then who will take care of the water pump this afternoon?"

"It's fine to shake the fire, no one needs to care about it." Wen Hui replied casually.

"Then what if it breaks?" Ou Jinxiu said, "Except for him, who would play with that thing? If it breaks, won't it delay us completely?"

"It's okay." Wen Hui smiled, "If it's really broken, I can fix it, it's not complicated."

Ou Jinxiu was very surprised and wanted to speak, but Wen Hui got up and said, "Let's go, it's time to work!"

Even Ou Jinxiu herself didn't expect that her words came true. Not long after the water pump started working in the afternoon, it stopped working.

The man in charge of the water pump was so drunk that he fell asleep and couldn't wake up no matter how much he screamed.Dozens of people stared around the water pump because they couldn't do their work because of the water cut off.The deputy captain was sweating profusely in anxiety, but he was helpless.

"Deputy captain, what should we do? When we were drinking, they said that it was already planned to water the village next door tomorrow. He will definitely leave tomorrow, but our brigade has only watered half of it. What about the rest?"

"What, what can I do? This watering can't be delayed for a day!" The deputy captain waved his hands with a frowning face, "Go, go, call the whole village, and stop the work in hand. The buckets from each family were brought, and everyone could only be mobilized, and buckets were carried into the field."

"When will it be poured?"

"That's right, the efficiency is too slow, it can't be finished in two days and two nights!"

"The key is to delay other work. The spring plowing is one day late, and the autumn harvest is ten days late. How can this be done?"

"Then what else can I do? That's the only way!"

"It's over now, our village will definitely be criticized this year..."

The villagers complained everywhere and sighed one after another.

Ou Jinxiu stared at this scene with wide eyes, feeling that she was really a crow's mouth.

"Sister Wenhui, are you really good at repairing water pumps?" Ou Jinxiu asked.

"Yes." Wen Hui also thought it was a coincidence, she threw down her shoulder pole, and walked into the crowd with her sleeves rolled up.

"Vice-captain, I can repair the water pump." She said bluntly, "If you dare to let me do it, I will try it."

All eyes were on her.

"Can you repair water pumps?" the vice-captain was puzzled.

"The principle of this thing is simple, and the structure is not complicated." Wenhui smiled, and touched the oily machine, "I dismantled it no less than ten times when I was in school, and I am very familiar with it."

"Wen Hui, don't dare to lie to others. If this is broken, it will delay the irrigation work of our county. This is very serious!" the deputy captain said.

Wen Hui fiddled with the machine a few times, and she already knew what she was doing. She straightened up and said, "I can fix it in 10 minutes at most. If you can't fix it, you can arrest me and take me to the county to take the blame! Let the villagers carry water bucket by bucket to irrigate the ground, then When will I get it? It's tiring and wastes time, and delays things."

"Vice-captain, let her try!"

"Yes, he is from the capital and has seen the world."

"If it can be repaired, it can solve a big problem!"

After being persuaded by the villagers, the deputy captain finally gritted his teeth and said, "Then try it! But it doesn't matter even if it can't be repaired, the key is not to damage it!"

"Don't worry!" Wen Hui smiled, took out tools from the tool bag on one side, squatted down and started working without saying a word.

A few minutes later, the water pump motor "chugs" black smoke and starts working again, and the villagers cheer.

If it weren't for Wenhui's identity and daughter's body, the villagers would like to lift her into the air and throw her a few times.

After the water pump was repaired, Wenhui went to pick up the dung. At this time, the attitude of all the villagers towards her was obviously different. Everyone had smiling faces and became a little more friendly.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Wen Hui was cleaning the excrement bucket by the river, when exclamations and cries came from upstream, and Wen Hui saw a child churning in the waves in the rushing river.

She didn't even want to jump into the water, but it was a coincidence that the child who fell into the water rushed up to her and was hugged by her.

When a group of villagers from the upper reaches ran over, they happened to see the wet Wenhui climbing ashore with a crying child in her arms.

Wenhui is at the most downstream position of the river, and a few tens of meters further down is the waterfall. Once the child is washed there, the consequences can be imagined.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat, and the child's mother cried out in fear.The child's father was a very simple and honest villager, and he knelt down to Wenhui without saying a word.

After a thankful scene, the villagers dispersed one after another.Wen Hui looked at the upstream and frowned slightly.

Repair the water pump, save the children who fell into the water...

Things have caught up with him, and the villagers' impression of him may have completely changed.

Your own luck is too good, right?

While queuing up for dinner in the afternoon, Captain Ou Guangming rushed back from the town and announced the town's preliminary results in public.

Ou Dabao and his son have been identified, and the behavior of the villagers is no problem.The matter needs further investigation, but after the spring plowing, the result should not change much.

The villagers cheered and thundered.

After learning from other people that Wenhui had done two major things, Ou Guangming couldn't help but praise Wenhui, and asked Wenhui again if she had any difficulties to raise...

Wenhui shook her head and said that she had no difficulty.

"Aunt Wenhui. Can you teach us the jingle you said at noon?" The child came with a group of friends at noon, and asked timidly.

"Okay." Wen Hui smiled and patted his head, then knelt down and taught him one sentence at a time.

When it was her turn to cook, the woman put a full spoonful of dry rice into Wenhui's rice bowl, and smiled kindly at her.

Everything seems to have changed.

After eating, it was time for the daily routine meeting.

In the past, this time was the most difficult and embarrassing time for Wen Hui and Ou Jinxiu.

But today, the scene was quiet and eerie.

No one swears, no one is filled with righteous indignation, and everyone looks at each other in blank dismay, unwilling to speak.

On the contrary, Wenhui stood on the stage generously, looked around at the embarrassed villagers, smiled and said: "Folks, how about this, let me tell you about some bad phenomena I encountered before. Ping Ping Li, see if these things should be criticized. I remember three years ago, when I went to the countryside to interview a village, I met a very fat village party secretary..."

The content of the meeting became Wenhui's case presentation, then the villagers commented and criticized, and finally the team leader made a summary.

The atmosphere of the meeting was more enthusiastic than ever before.

There was a lecture here, and someone ran in in a panic.

"It's on fire! It's on fire over there!"

The venue was silent, and the nest exploded in the next second.

The meeting was suspended and everyone ran out.

When I went to the place, I found that the burning shed was the guard shed where Wen Hui and Ou Jinxiu lived.

At this time, the fire was burning vigorously, and it was meaningless to put out the fire. The villagers had to stand around and wait for the fire to burn out.

"Our quilts are all inside, who set the fire? Where are we going to live?" Ou Jinxiu couldn't help crying.

"It's impossible for this fire to start for no reason. Who set it on fire? Check!" Ou Guangming's face was as heavy as iron.

The case was quickly solved. Someone saw that Ou Jianjun sneaked out shortly after the conference started, and a box of matches was found on him.

He couldn't bear the pressure, so he quickly recruited in front of everyone.

"Yes, I wanted to secretly throw away her bedding, but I really didn't set fire to it. As soon as I arrived, the fire caught fire. I was shocked and left quickly..."

"Nonsense, can the fire start by itself? You said you didn't set the fire, so what happened to the matches in your pocket?" Ou Guangming shouted sharply.

"I don't know, it's not my match, and I don't know how it got into my pocket..."

"Fart, Yanghuo has grown legs? The evidence is solid and you still dare to quibble? Let me suppress him and send him to the town police station tomorrow!"

"I'm wronged, I'm really wronged! I really didn't set the fire on fire, the match really didn't belong to me!" Ou Jianjun cried and was dragged away.

Ou Guangming sighed, walked up to Wen Hui and apologized, "This Ou Jianjun is Ou Dabao's cousin, he probably did this out of hatred and wanted to take revenge on you... Don't worry, I will talk to Ou Dabao's relatives one by one. Let’s talk, stop this kind of thing from happening, and ensure your personal safety.”

"I believe in the organization." Wen Hui nodded.

"As for your residence..." Ou Guangming pondered, a little embarrassed, "Why don't you live in the village school classroom first?"

"The place is surrounded by wind, how can people live in it?" A villager asked, "Captain, Wenhui is doing it for us, and now her house has been burned, no matter what her personal situation is, but if we just let her be wronged and left alone, Is that still human?"

"Yes, yes, people's hearts are made of flesh!"

"I think Wen Hui is a good girl..."

The villagers were talking.

The mother of the child who was rescued stood up and said loudly: "One of the three houses in my house is empty, captain, if possible, let them live in my house!"

"This way is good!"

"That is, no matter what happens outside, close the door and let the village speak for itself..."

The villagers all agreed.

Ou Guangming waved his hand: "Okay, let's do this! Wen Hui, Ou Jinxiu, don't worry about your bedding, I'll get it for you from my room first, and you use it first!"

"My house also has an extra bedding..."

"I have a bamboo pillow here, I made it when I was not farming..."

The villagers chattered together to gather Wenhui's bedding and belongings.

Seeing this scene, Ou Jinxiu wept with joy.

Wen Hui was also a little moved. She smiled and thanked everyone one by one.

Half an hour later, Wenhui and Ou Jinxiu's new residence was cleaned up. Seeing the clean room, Ou Jinxiu smiled happily, "Sister Wenhui, I really feel like I'm dreaming."

Who is not?

Wen Hui pondered.

Everything today is weird, but the final result of everything is in her favor.

After launching the attack in the morning, Wenhui had a premonition that the nature of her "challenge" and the strength she displayed would inevitably have "sequelae".

But starting in the afternoon, repairing the water pump showed her courage to take responsibility and think for the villagers; saving the children who fell into the water showed her noble qualities of self-sacrifice and saving others; the evening meeting brought her close relationship with the villagers; and then came That fire, that finishing fire, made the villagers share the same hatred with her, sympathize with her, sympathize with her, and completely burned her as one of their own.

A series of events took place, and finally the ideal situation that Wen Hui expected to take half a year or more to achieve took shape overnight.

Are these things—all coincidences?

A figure flashed across Wen Hui's mind like lightning.

She raised her head abruptly and stayed where she was.

The reflection I saw in the water waves in the morning...

Is it...

"Jin Xiu, I'll go out for a while, you go to bed first." Wen Hui suppressed her excitement, stood up calmly and said.

Ou Jinxiu was flipping through the new quilt happily, then raised her head and asked, "Sister Wenhui, are you going to take a bath? Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No, I'm not going to take a shower." Wen Hui waved his hand and walked out the door.

It's already night, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

Wenhui left the village and followed the forest trail to the burnt guard shed. She took a deep breath and looked around, but saw that the night was dark, where was the half figure?

"Aid Korea?" She tried to call out.

"Wenhui." A familiar voice came from behind.

She turned around suddenly, and that familiar figure seemed to be right in front of her, and that familiar smile was exactly the same as in countless dreams.

Wen Hui couldn't hold back anymore, she stepped forward and hugged him tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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