Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1570 Bee Tail

Chapter 1570 Bee Tail
What is the biggest problem with the mob?
It's not that they are incapable, but that they are in a state of disunity and do their own thing.

Li Xinmin, Xu Damao, and Qin Huairu are all three people. None of them is a fool. When Li Xinmin wanted to use the other two in his own way, Xu Damao began to prepare for himself. Qin Huairu thought about how to get himself out .

All three of them have ghosts in their hearts, and all three of them know that other people have ghosts in their hearts. Everyone thinks that the dead friends will not die poor people, and the final result is to see who of the three dies, or die together.

Xu Damao non-stop began to settle down, his wife Lili couldn't sit still at home, walking back and forth like ants on a hot pot, suddenly Shazhu's eldest son Shuanzi pushed open the door and stuck his head in through the crack of the door .

"Shuanzi, I haven't settled the debt with you before, I'm in a bad mood now, don't make trouble here!" Lili didn't fight when she saw him angry, "I warn you, if you dare to mess up Come on, I must let your mother open your ass."

"Apart from suing my mother, you have nothing else to do." Shuanzi curled his lips, before Lili could get angry, he asked first, "Where's Xu Damao?"

"It's impolite, did your mother teach you to call adults by their first names?" Li Li stared.

"Except for Xu Damao! Our two brothers follow my father and fight against Xu Damao!" Shuanzi said.

"Go, go, stay where it's cool!" Lili impatiently started to push people away.

"I have business to do, someone is looking for you." Shuanzi said, "Give me a dime for travel expenses, and I'll tell you where she is."

"Are you going to get out? If you don't, I'll beat you!" Lili touched the broom bump, deliberately frightened him with a straight face.

"It's boring, I don't trust people." Shuanzi curled his lips, "Then you go find it yourself. The person who asked you said her surname is Li, so you have to call her sister."

"Last name is Li?" Lili was stunned. Seeing that Shuanzi was about to retract her head, she hurriedly called out, "Hey, hey, come back! Where is she?"

"Two hairs!"

"Didn't you just say a dime?"

"Who told you that you didn't believe me just now? My dad said, it's called sitting on the ground and raising the price." Shuanzi said with a smile.

"You are as wicked as your wicked father!" Lili angrily took out [-] cents from her pocket and gave him, "Say, where is he?"

"Get out of the hospital and run eastward. Uncle Sun is repairing shoes and they are in their yard." Shuanzi turned around and ran away after speaking.

Lili stayed where she was for a while, looking cloudy and cloudy, then went back to the room to see that the child was still asleep, and then went out quietly.

When she arrived at the big courtyard, she was looking around in the front yard when she saw Li Lan lift the curtain of the west wing and wave to her from inside.


After Lili entered, she closed the door casually, looked at the environment in the house and said, "Whose house is this?"

"Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you." Li Lan said lightly, "I know the kid who told me, it's the kid from the house in your yard who doesn't deal with your man. I'll let him see if your man is there first. , you can see me today. If you are, then we will not see you today. "

Lili looked complicated and did not speak.

Li Lan chuckled: "You are really a newcomer who entered the room, and the matchmaker threw it over the wall. Ever since you married Xu Damao, you have never come to me again. What? Are you afraid that I will blackmail you? Or are you afraid of me?" Tell your man about your shit?"

"Sister Lan, you helped me when I was in the most difficult time, introduced me to Xu Damao, and found a support for me and the child in my stomach. I am grateful to you for the rest of my life." Lili said, "But at that time I put I gave you all the money on my body, and I didn't lose you, did I?"

"Set it up with me?" Li Lan said with a smile.

"I didn't mean that." Lili said, "Once Xu Damao finds out about me, both our mother and I will go to the northwest wind, so I don't dare to deal with you all the time. It's not because I'm ungrateful if you take more care of me. "

"Okay, I believe this reason." Li Lan nodded, "I came this time because of our sisters' sake, to remind you that Xu Damao's boat is sinking soon, you Make plans early."

Lili stayed where she was, dazed.

"You don't really have a real relationship with him, do you? Husband and wife for one day, one hundred days of kindness?" Li Lan's eyes flashed sarcasm.

"The ghost has real feelings for him!" Lili came back to her senses and scolded, "This bastard started messing around with others outside when I was pregnant, and he has changed countless women outside in the past two years! The more he went on, the more blatant he became, and he almost brought the slut back home to sleep with him!"

"Then you don't tickle him?" Li Lan teased, "You used to be the number one big girl in the circle of stubborn masters, can you get used to him?"

"Why should I tickle him? I don't really want to live with him." Lili rolled her eyes, "Anyway, every time I catch him, he has to give me a favor. As long as he gives me money, I will Open one eye and close one eye. In fact, sometimes he is quite pitiful when he thinks about it. He looks beautiful, but he raises children for others..."

"This kid is not like him, so he never doubted it?" Li Lan asked curiously.

"I doubted it, why didn't I doubt it?" Lili said, "The child was born early, and I told him that it was premature. He, and his parents, were more than one thief. At that time, they suspected that the child was not his. Thanks to me I tricked them over by giving the doctor some benefits. But does the child look like this? After watching for a long time, he thinks it does. Anyway, they have two eyes and one mouth. I always tell him that the child has eyes like him, It's been a long time, and now he also talks to everyone..."

"The older the child is, the less he will look like it." Li Lan said, "When I was thinking about this matter for you, didn't you think that you would find an excuse to divorce him when the child was a little older? Now it's all right, he's going to be in trouble , you happen to be... eh? Something's wrong, why aren't you surprised at all?"

"I also read newspapers and news, and I'm neither deaf nor blind." Lili rolled her eyes, but soon sighed helplessly, "What's more, he told me himself today, and told me the way forward ..."

Li Lan was stunned, and then burst out laughing: "I thought he was capable of tossing around a lot. After a long time, it's because the surface of the donkey dung is so smooth, so it's nothing to shout about? No wonder people don't take him seriously..."

"Who is he?" Lili asked curiously.

"It has nothing to do with you." Li Lan waved her hand.

Lili and Li Lan used to be pretty good little sisters, but this Lili's family background is not good, and she is a bit pretty, and when she was a teenager, she followed a group of gangsters to hang out on the street.

Two years ago, she became pregnant suddenly. The key was that she often played sports with many people, and she didn't even know who the father of the child was. It was a sensitive period at that time, and this kind of thing was fatal.

She didn't dare to go to the hospital, so she asked the "supernatural" sister Lan for help.Li Lan came out of righteousness, and Lili gave up all her savings to survive, so she took over this trouble.

She is incapable of handling it, but she knows a "powerful person" who is Su Yi.

So she found Su Yi, told Su Yi about it, and asked for help.

Su Yi had just recovered at that time, and he didn't even have time to pay attention to Xu Damao who was jumping sideways again. How could he have time to pay attention to this crap?
But it's okay to come up with an idea casually, after all, it's fun to help others.

In this way, Li Lan and Lili had a chance encounter with Xu Damao. On the first day they knew each other, they had sex in a daze, and even made some blood to pretend it was the first time...

After 20 days, Lili went to find Xu Damao with the inspection report. Li Lan tried both hard and soft tactics. Xu Damao quickly married Lili and became a father nine months later.

After the child was born, Su Yi gave him a gift of ten yuan. At that time, Xu Damao felt a little emotional. He felt that Su Yi was really particular about whether he should speak or not...

"Sister Lan, in fact, according to our thinking at the time, I should have divorced Xu Damao last year." Lili sighed, a little melancholy, "But he is the captain of the inspection team, with status and status, and I treat him as his wife to save face All of them, I thought that the good days could last one day, so I dragged it on until now.”

Li Lan nodded and said: "Okay, that's what I'm looking for. Since you know it yourself, it's best. Lili, don't be stupid. When Xu Damao is in trouble, you'd better keep your mouth shut about the child." Don't be fooled by people, just go out and talk about everything, and it will be bad to harm others and yourself."

Lili smiled. She knew that people like Li Lan would not be so kind, so she came here to remind herself.

Was it her purpose to warn herself not to talk nonsense?

"Sister Lan, I'm not stupid, why did I dig a hole and bury myself?" Lili's eyes flickered, "The child must belong to Xu Damao, even if it doesn't look like it has to be!"

Whether it's for the living expenses of 30 yuan per month, the house she lives in now, or the box of gold that can't be reached, the child must be named Xu.

"Sister Lan, according to Xu Damao, he will go to jail this time, is it true?" Lili asked.

"It should be, why, is your heart hurt?" Li Lan observed her expression.

"I feel sorry for him? Don't be funny!" Lili chuckled, her eyes flashed, "Sister Lan, you have great powers, can you give me a sure letter, how long will Xu Damao be in prison?"

"Why are you asking this?" Li Lan asked back.

Lili thought for a while, and said, "Sister Lan, if, I mean if, if I have evidence of Xu Damao's death here, if this thing is handed over, will he be shot?"

Li Lan was taken aback: "You want him to die? No, is there such a big hatred?"

Lili said: "Sister Lan, can you help me with this? But there is one thing, he can't let him know that this thing came from me."

"This is something that kills people, I won't do it." Li Lan shook her head.

"Come on, Sister Lan, who of us doesn't know who?" Lili sneered, "Besides, Xu Damao is not a good guy in the first place, and we didn't kill him. Kill him, we are killing harm for the people!"

"Don't take it one by one, I won't get involved in this matter!" Li Lan stood up and said, "Don't mess around, let me tell you that Xu Damao's matter is deep, so it's best not to get involved. That's fine, I am leaving!"

"Xu Damao has a box of gold..." Lili said quietly.

Li Lan who was about to reach the door stopped immediately.

After staying silent for a while, she came back again.

"Walk down the gold," she said.

Lili smiled.

"Yesterday, when he went out, he was carrying a box. The box was heavy. I asked him what was inside and he didn't say anything, but today he told me that it was full of gold!" Lili said.

"Nonsense, right?" Li Lan didn't believe it at all, "He said yes? Did you see it with your own eyes?"

Lili shook her head: "No, but Xu Damao made a lot of money by ransacking his home, blackmailing, blackmailing, and embezzling over the years. Where did the money go? He only gave me 50 yuan a month, but he definitely earned more than that !"

"50 yuan!" Li Lan was a little surprised, and laughed, "No wonder I haven't contacted me these years, so it's Mrs. Cheng Kuo."

Lili smiled apologetically and said, "It's nothing to do with this, I want to support my family with this money... Besides, it's not a good thing, do I still miss you, Sister Lan? As long as I can find Xu Damao's box of gold, Sister Lan, the money We each get half of the money!"

Li Lan's eyes flashed hotly: "Are you willing?"

"Why are you not willing to come here for nothing?" Lili laughed, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even be able to get anything!"

"Yes, you understand quite well." Li Lan frowned slightly, "But you don't even know if you have gold."

"I think it should be true." Lili said, "Xu Damao told me not to remarry and to raise his son for him. He asked his father to give me 30 yuan a month for living expenses. When he came out, the box of gold It's mine."

"Do you believe this lie?" Li Lan sneered.

"I definitely don't believe it, but I believe in gold." Lili said, "And his father really has to give me 30 yuan a month. As long as I don't remarry, this money will be there."

"I understand." Li Lan was stunned, "If Xu Damao knew that he was going to die, he definitely couldn't let the box of gold just be hidden like this. He must say it before he died."

Lili smiled apologetically, "It's best that he can't see his father before he dies, but only me, so he can only tell me."

Li Lan looked at her: "No wonder you are so kind and willing to give me half. It's impossible for you to do this by yourself."

"Sister Lan, when you helped me back then, you saved my life. I recognize this kindness!" Lili said, "If this matter is successful, you will get half a box of gold for nothing, and I will repay you."

Li Lan chuckled: "This gold is not easy to get."

"That's why I'm looking for you, Sister Lan." Lili smiled apologetically, "Sister Lan, this it possible?"

Li Lan's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and she pondered for a long time.

Suddenly she asked, "If there is gold, what are you going to do with it?"

"Being a widow for him." Lili said as a matter of course, "His father still has to give me 30 yuan a month."

"You can eat both!" Li Lan's eyes widened, "Don't you call his father a thief? If the child is older, it won't look like Xu Damao at all..."

"Let's talk about it when the time comes. Anyway, I don't admit it. How long can he give it?" Lili said.

Li Lan gave Lili a thumbs up: "Niube! You are more ruthless than me."

Lili laughed and said, "In front of you, Sister Lan, I'm just a small person. If I want you to look at me high, I have to be willing."

"Yes, you've always been willing to let go." Li Lan nodded in agreement, "I know about this, I'll think about it first, and give you an answer as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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