Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1571 See Through

Chapter 1571 See Through
Qin Huairu finally saw Xiaodang.

After being blocked from the gate by the sentry box, she ran to call Li Xinmin and asked for Wen's phone number.

Wen's mother answered the phone, and Qin Huairu asked Xiao Dang out on the pretext of sending clothes to Xiao Dang.

As soon as Xiao left, Wenmu called Su Yi on the back.

"Mom? Why are you here?" Xiao Dang was very happy about her mother's arrival. No matter what she thought of her mother, she was happy to see her mother and godfather interact more closely. "Mom, Grandma Wen asked me to take you in. Mom, come with me. Their house is so beautiful."

Xiao Dang happily took Qin Huairu's hand and was about to walk in, but Qin Huairu didn't move.

"Xiao Dang, come out with mom, mom has something to tell you." Qin Huairu said.

Seeing his mother's unnatural smile, Xiao Dang realized something was wrong, his smile restrained a bit and said, "What's wrong, Mom?"

"Come out, come out and say it." She pulled Xiao Dang and walked together to a remote place opposite the compound.

When they reached the base of the courtyard wall, Qin Huairu saw no one around, so he sighed and spoke.

"Xiao Dang, I have an idea that I want to discuss with you." With just one sentence, her eyes turned red, and her expression looked extremely sad.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Is something wrong?" Xiao Dang panicked suddenly.

Qin Huairu bit her lips and shook her head vigorously, and said: "Xiao Dang, Mom wants to discuss with your godfather and adopt you and Huaihua to him. From now on, you two will be his surnames, and you will be his own daughters. ...It has nothing to do with Mom, so as not to be implicated by Mom."

As she spoke, she began to choke up: "As for your grandma, Mom can see if I can send her to a nursing home. If it really doesn't work, then I can only blame her for her bad life..."

Qin Huairu's tears couldn't stop flowing, and she couldn't wipe them away.

"Mom, what's the matter? Don't cry—don't cry, Mom!" Xiao Dang was about to cry, "It's fine, how do you say that? What happened?"

"It's my fault, it's all my fault that I was obsessed with ghosts back then, and didn't listen to your godfather or you, so I got to where I am today..." Qin Huairu cried out of breath, "Mom was criticized Whether it’s good or not, it’s all mother’s fault, she’s just worried about you and Huaihua’er, and about your grandma, it’s mother who caused you..."

"Oh, mom, you want to kill me, right? What are you talking about!" Xiao Dang stomped his feet in a crying voice.

"It's about mom's work." Qin Huairu cried, "Didn't mom become the workshop director because of director Li of our factory? Let you and Huaihua eat and drink well, buy more things for your brother in prison, and help your grandma take care of her madness... Xiao Dang, my mother just wanted to earn more money, so she became the director in a moment of confusion , but now, people want to liquidate me!"

"It's not mom, if this official doesn't let us be, then we shouldn't be, if it's a big deal, we'll admit our mistakes and write a self-criticism, what else can we do?" Xiao Dang asked doubtfully. "You didn't break the law, and you didn't harm anyone. The most you can do is throw some rice noodles, oily meat snacks or something at home. My godfather and silly uncle both throw at home, isn't that the same?"

"Xiao Dang, you're still young, you don't understand." Qin Huairu wiped away tears, "The director of our street music office is the Uncle Qu you know. Didn't you also see it with your own eyes that year? What do you think is wrong with him? You know what happened to him. And Uncle Wang in the courtyard next door, didn’t he also go to jail for the first two years? Xiao Dang, now they want to liquidate Mom, and don’t care if Mom is wrong or not.”

"It's too late to say anything now, Xiao Dang, when your godfather comes back, you can ask him to see if he is willing to accept you as his own daughters. As for the mother... you should be the mother who is already dead, woo woo ..."

Qin Huairu cried very sadly.

"Mom, how did this happen?" Xiao Dang also cried anxiously, "Then what should I do? I don't want you to go to jail! Mom!"

The two mothers hugged each other and cried.

After crying for a while, Qin Huairu said with tears: "Okay, Xiao Dang, from now on, you will live a good life with your godfather. He is a capable person. I heard that he is still allowed to be an official. You will grow up with a father who is an official, and you will definitely have great prospects when you grow up. Mom asked you and Huaihua to change their surnames from your godfather, so that if others ask, you will say that you don’t have a mother who is in prison, and neither Will laugh at you..."

"Mom, don't cry, my dad—yes, my dad must have a way!" Xiao Dang hurriedly said, wiping away tears, "I'll ask my dad, you haven't done anything bad, why did you go to jail? Mom, I Dad is the most upright, he knows a lot of grandparents who are high officials, he can definitely help you."

"Forget it Xiao Dang, haven't you always been unwilling to bother your father about family affairs? Don't bother him, so that he won't have thoughts about you in the future?" Qin Huairu shook his head.

"Oh, what time are you still talking about this!" Xiao Dang said anxiously, "I didn't say it before because you were looking for something different from my dad, but this time it's to save your life! I'm not selfish A cold-blooded animal, even my own mother doesn't care if I'm still human? Mom, wait for me here for a while, I'll go back and call my dad!"

Xiaodang was in a hurry, turned around and was about to run back, but was grabbed by Qin Huairu.

"Xiao Dang!"


"What if your dad doesn't care about Mom?" Qin Huairu was full of worry, "He has always had a prejudice against Mom, and thinks that Mom is an unruly director. Do you think he is unwilling to help Mom even though he can?"

"Mom, you don't know my dad very well. Even if he really has any opinion on you, he won't die. Just rest assured." Xiao Dang said hastily.

"But he is very principled," Qin Huairu said, "Mom's problem now is that as long as the director's position cannot be kept, he will be punished and taken to jail; if he wants to stay in prison, the director's position cannot be lost. I've always felt that Mom shouldn't be the director, and I'm afraid your dad won't help Mom because of this."

Xiao Dang said: "Mom, as long as you don't deserve to go to jail, my dad will definitely help you."

"What if mom should?" Qin Huairu asked.

Xiao Dang was stunned.

She looked at Qin Huairu for a while before asking: "Mom, did you really do something bad?"

"No, mom doesn't even know how to swear, so what bad things do you think mom can do?" Qin Huairu shook his head and said, "You are still young, you don't understand, mom is actually following the wrong person and standing in the wrong team. Xiao Dang, You tell your dad that Li Xinmin and Xu Damao have nothing to do with mom, mom is determined to draw a line with them, and if necessary, mom can tell him."

"No, mom...why can't I understand what you're talking about?" Xiao Dang said blankly.

"Mom means that if your father wants to punish them this time, he can punish them. Can you not implicate Mom?" Qin Huairu said, "Mom really has nothing to do with them, Xiao Dang, you know, does Mom have a relationship with Xu Damao? That Director Li, Mom doesn't have much contact with each other, Mom and them are not in the same group."

"Who does my dad want to punish?" Xiao Dang became more and more confused as he listened.

"It's the Uncle Li who made mom the director, the one your mom told you to call when you went to the factory." Qin Huairu said, "Xiao Dang, tell your dad that mom doesn't want anything but just wants to live a good life. I have grown up with Huaihua, the things above them have nothing to do with mom, mom doesn't know and doesn't want to be involved. If your dad really removes mom's director this time and sends mom to jail, mom is really wronged Already!"

"My dad dismissed your director?" Xiao Dang seemed to understand something.

"I heard people say that your father is going back to the factory to deal with the liquidation." Qin Huairu said, "Whether Mom will go to jail this time, and whether she can still be the director, is actually a matter of his words. As long as he is willing Raise your hand, your mother is fine."

Xiao Dang looked at Qin Huairu, and the anxiety in his eyes was gradually replaced by suspicion.

"Mom, what do you mean, my dad wants to kill you?" Xiao Dang asked.

"Mom didn't mean that." Qin Huairu explained, "Didn't you just say that? Your father fought with your Uncle Li and the others. Your Uncle Li mentioned Mom as the director. Your father never looked at it." Pleasant to the eye, this time he wants to punish you, Uncle Li, and the others, and he will definitely remove the director Ma by the way. But if he withdraws, Mom will definitely be classified as a bad person, and she will be arrested and sent to jail. "

"No! Mom, what you said is wrong!" Xiao Dang shook his head, "Mom, my dad will never let you go to jail just because he doesn't like being an official! He is not such a person!"

"He will definitely give me a crime..."

"Impossible! Dad is not such a person!" Xiao Dang became excited, "You are lying to me! You must be lying to me!"

"I didn't lie to you Xiaodang! You are still young and you don't understand!" Qin Huairu hurriedly explained, "If your father really doesn't want your mother to be the workshop director, he must find an excuse. What excuse do you think he made? ?Mom has been working hard all these years, working from dawn to dusk, and you can see it, Xiao Dang! Mom is a very good and competent director, and she is also qualified in terms of qualifications. You said that if your dad dismisses me as a director, he can use it What reason?"

"He'll either beat me up as a bad guy like Xu Damao and the others, or charge me with some crime. Xiao Dang, you're old enough, and you should know that if you are charged with a crime, what will happen to your mother? Really. Well, whether mom will go to jail or not depends on whether your dad wants me to be the director, it all depends on his idea."

Xiao Dang stood there in a daze.

She couldn't tell the truth from what her mother said, so she was a little at a loss.

Is it really?

"Xiao Dang, don't think too much about it. It's not that Mom is reluctant to bear this position. In fact, this director is also what Mom deserves." Qin Huairu said in a slow tone, "Xiao Dang, you also know how hard your mother works, don't you? Tell your dad that mom is willing to draw a line with Li Xinmin and the others, and you tell your dad not to make things difficult for mom, mom is really not a bad person, and mom doesn't want to go to jail either."

Xiao Dang looked at Qin Huairu in a daze.

Qin Huairu sighed and said: "Xiao Dang, it's okay if you don't want to talk about it, Mom is actually ready, just follow what Mom told you before, you and Huaihua will take your father's surname, Mom Go to jail by yourself and draw a line with you all."

Xiao Dang suddenly said: "Mom, have you really never done anything bad?"

"Really." Qin Huairu said.

"Okay." Xiao Dang nodded, "Then I'll call my dad right now, and I'll ask him. If he says the same thing, then I have to ask him for anything for you. You are my own mother. I can't watch you being wronged. If my dad hates me because of this, I will admit it too. "

She paused when she said this, and said to Qin Huairu: "Mom, don't move here, I'll be there soon, I'll check it out and I'll come back to you."

After saying that, Xiao Dang turned his head and left.

"Hey hey!" Qin Huairu hurriedly called Xiao Dang to stop.

"Mom, do you have anything else to do?" Xiao asked blankly.

"Xiao Dang, Mom knows that I haven't done anything bad, but if someone falsely accuses me, I can't tell." Qin Huairu sighed and said, "Xiao Dang, can you do it this way? Just beg your father, let mom go no matter what this time, just tell him it's for you, and you don't want to lose mom, right Xiaodang?"

Xiao Dang stared at Qin Huairu in a daze, and said, "Mom, if my father says that you will lose your job this time, but you don't have to go to jail?"

Qin Huairu said: "Xiao Dang, unless it is absolutely necessary, Mom definitely doesn't want to lose her job. Mom works so hard, so she loses her job for no reason. Mom definitely won't be reconciled."

Qin Huairu took Xiao Dang's hand and said, "Your father loves you the most. Normally, as long as you cry and make a fuss, he will obey you in everything. Xiao Dang, please help your mother and beg your father. No matter what, this time it will be all right." To help mother."

"Mom, you told me that you wanted to sever ties with me and Huai Hua when you came here. You said that you want me and Huai Hua to be my father's own daughters. Is this what you mean?" Xiao Dang asked again.

"Yes, it's from my heart." Qin Huairu nodded, "But this is the last time Mom really has no other way out, so I can only do this. But if there is any way, Mom won't let go of you and Huaihua... Mom grew up Pulling you and Huaihua so big with feces and urine, you and Huaihua are a piece of meat that fell from Mom, and you said that Mom really doesn't recognize you, how can Mom be willing?"

Speaking of which, Qin Huairu began to wipe away tears again.

Xiao Dang smiled miserably: "Mom, I believe that you will be reluctant to part with me and Huaihua, just like I believe that my father will not lie to me. Don't worry, I will definitely ask my father about everything of."

"Xiao Dang, in fact, you said that I don't know your father, and you don't know him either," Qin Huairu sighed, "He is a person who doesn't recognize his relatives at work. I'm afraid he really wants to prevent you from talking to your mother. I just lied to you on purpose, saying that I would let mom go, and tell you that it’s okay, but in fact, I can do whatever I want. When mom really goes to jail, it will be too late. "

"Then what do you think?" Xiao Dang asked.

"Mom has a saying here. Once you tell your father, he may listen to you more." Qin Huairu's eyes flashed, and he said slowly, "You first beg your father. If he refuses to agree, or agree It's too fast, so you tell him, beg him to see that your Uncle Kong has done things for him back then, no matter what, don't make things difficult for your mother this time."

(End of this chapter)

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