Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1572 Persecution

Chapter 1572 Persecution
"Mom, how about...I'll call my dad back, and you can tell him face to face."

"If mom can tell, why do you still want to look for you?" Qin Huairu sighed, "Xiao Dang, in fact, your godfather doesn't look down on our family at all. After all these years, his official position has become bigger and bigger. Have you given our family any benefits? All these years, your mother has been pulling you from dawn to dusk, and taking care of your grandma. He has never been a leader, right? Usually, I give you and Huaihua some small favors, and that is just icing on the cake..."

"Mom, is it too heartless for you to say that?" Xiao Dang looked at Qin Huairu in disbelief, "Have you ever thought about what would happen to our family if it weren't for my dad these years?"

"How is it? You two can't eat delicious food, that's all." Qin Huairu said.

"Mom, I'm young, but I'm not stupid!" Xiao Dang stared at Qin Huairu, "Why do you treat me like a fool?"

"You, what do you mean?" Qin Huairu asked.

"You understand what I mean! You said my father never helped our family... Then why did you let me and Huaihua recognize my father?" Xiao Dang asked in a trembling voice.

"You two little girls go to his bachelor's house every day. Mom thinks it's not good to be so vague, and I'm afraid that others will gossip." Qin Huairu explained.

Xiao Dang laughed, smiled and cried again: "Mom, is it because of this? Is it just because of this?"

"Otherwise?" Qin Huairu frowned and looked at Xiaodang.

"You're talking nonsense!" Xiao Dang exclaimed excitedly, tears fell instantly, "Mom, why did you lie to me! Why didn't you tell the truth! I am your daughter, why did you even lie to me? Why!"

"I, how did I lie to you?" Xiao Dang's words made Qin Huairu a little confused, she didn't know where she was wrong.

"That year you went to my dad's house and begged him to take me and Huaihua as daughters, and I was right outside the window!" Xiao Dang burst into tears, staring at Qin Huairu and said word by word, "Including how did you kneel down for my dad?" , What did my dad say, how did you and my dad promise not to do bad things in his name... I heard all this! Mom, you are telling me now that you are afraid of others gossiping... You, why did you lie Come on without blinking an eye?"

"Xiao Dang, can Mom tell your dad the truth? You really don't understand anything!" Qin Huairu became anxious, "If Mom tells the truth to your dad, he will stop dating us at worst. Maybe even accept the two of you as daughters?"

"Then you just want my dad to adopt us as daughters?" Xiao Dang asked tearfully, "If you're just afraid of other people's gossip, then stop dating if you don't do it!"

Qin Huairu was stunned, she opened her mouth and suddenly sighed.

"Yes, I begged your father to accept you back then, and it was true that my mother had no other way out." She said, tears fell again, "Mom was too difficult at that time, my brother just went to jail, and your milk was also sent away. I went to the farm, and I dragged you two helpless, Mom really panicked..."

"In this case, why did you just say that you let us recognize your father just because you are afraid of people gossiping?" Xiao Dang continued to ask, "Why are you lying?"

"Yes, Mom didn't tell the truth about this, but..." Qin Huairu wanted to defend himself, but Xiao Dang's emotions had completely collapsed.

"Then what is true? What you say is true!" she cried, tearfully.


"Don't call me!" Xiao Dang cried, "I'm really worried about you, I'm afraid you will go to jail, but you lied to me from the beginning..."

"I do not have……"

"You have! When you came here, you said that you would adopt me and Huaihua to my father, making me think that you must go to jail! But you actually want me to ask my father to help you keep your official position. How dare you say that you are not ?" Xiaodang burst into tears, his chest heaved violently, and he couldn't breathe.

"Xiaodang, I'm really not..."

Xiao Dang reached out to stop her, tears like broken beads: "You said that my father did not give our family any favors. Huaihua and I were bullied since we were young. Later, I told them that my father was Su Yuanchao, and my father It’s Su Yuanchao, who has acted bravely and beat up a dozen bad guys, and no one dares to bully me anymore! Is this a good thing?”

"Since I recognized my father, Huaihua and I have never been hungry again. Is this a good thing?"

"Later, when you became an official, those who came to the house to give gifts have always been inseparable from my father. If there is no my father, why would they give you those things?"

"You have admitted it yourself, you rely on my father for your job, and you also rely on my father for being an official. Now you say that my father has never helped our family?"

Qin Huairu opened his mouth and argued, "Mom means that he didn't give us anything other than these."

"Why do you want to get rid of these?" Xiao Dang cried, "Does it mean that other people's kindness and kindness will be eliminated by you? What do you want, mother!"

"Xiao Dang! Can you listen to your mother?" Qin Huairu became angry, "Why are you like this? You don't listen to adults? Are you hurting me? Who is this for?"

"You are for yourself!" Xiao Dang stared at her.

"Try to talk to me again!" Qin Huairu's face turned ashen, "I am your own mother, not your enemy! Is it so difficult for you to do something for your mother? Mom has raised you so much, you Just repay me like this? Jia Dang, if you continue like this, I don’t think you will recognize me as a mother anymore, and I will not treat you as a daughter!”

Xiao Dang covered his face and smiled bitterly: "Don't worry, I will ask Dad, your goal has been achieved. If it is true as you said, you have to go to jail, I will ask Dad to let you go..."

Qin Huairu looked at Xiaodang, and said, "Tell your father that everyone is here to live, why do you have to make things difficult for others? Isn't it good to be kind? It's not that he has no handle in the hands of others all these years, and in the end It's not good for anyone..."

"If you threaten, tell him yourself." Xiao Dang sniffed his nose hard, wiped away his tears, and interrupted her coldly, "It's outrageous for a mother to threaten her daughter, how can a daughter run to threaten her father? "

After saying that, Xiao Dang turned his head and left.

Qin Huairu looked at Xiao Dang's back with an uncertain expression, and suddenly shouted: "That's not your father! Your father's name is Jia Dongxu! He's dead!"

Xiao Dang covered his ears and ran wildly without looking back.

Qin Huairu stood there silently for a long time, then turned and left.

Li Xinmin didn't wait until it was dark for Qin Huairu and Xu Damao to reply, so he knew that these two people were unreliable.

He is like an ant on a hot pan, desperately trying to grab everything he can.

He wanted to see Su Yi, he wanted to talk to Su Yi in person, but unfortunately no one told him where Su Yi was, but he got another bad news that made things worse——

The investigation team will enter the factory tomorrow!
The end is coming!

Under the stars and the moon, a car slowly drove into the gate and parked beside the small building.

The light in the living room in the building was always on, and Wen Mu, who was wearing pajamas and a coat, turned on the light in the yard and walked out.

"Mom, why aren't you asleep yet?" Wen Hui got off the passenger seat and walked into the courtyard, while Su Yi carried the big and small bags from the back seat.

"Isn't this waiting for you?" Mother Wen said, "Why is it so late? Isn't it the last one at eight o'clock?"

"Auntie." Su Yi also entered the courtyard with his things.

"Yanchao, Auntie has stewed chicken soup for you, and it's still hot in the pot." Mother Wen smiled, "What are you carrying in these big and small bags? Aren't you going to visit people? Why? Didn't the things go out? "

Wen Hui helped her mother and walked into the house, while being angry and funny, Su Yi rolled her eyes and said, "You, you still don't know much. Who said that you need to give gifts when you visit people? Have you ever seen people who visit people take things back from their homes?" ? Or even take the initiative to ask others for it?”

"Ah?" Wen's mother was dumbfounded, looked at Wenhui, then at the big and small bags in Su Yi's hand, and said suspiciously, "This is... a joke with Mom, right? Doesn't this offend all the leaders? This That's not the case... Yuanchao, if you lack something, you can tell auntie, and auntie will buy it for you."

"Auntie, I don't need anything. It's because the leaders are too enthusiastic. I can't refuse people's wishes." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Really?" Mother Wen subconsciously looked at Wen Hui as if she was listening to a foreign language, wanting to seek an interpreter.

"Don't worry about him, he's smart." Wen Hui looked at Su Yi with a smile and pride in his eyes, "He has his own way of dealing with leaders. Most of the leaders I met today had a good impression of him and praised him. What about him?"

"Yes, yes, your father also told me not to worry about it." Mother Wen laughed, "Yanchao, Xiaodang has been waiting for you before you go to sleep. Go and see what's up with her. I'll go to the kitchen Get some more food, remember to bring her down after you finish talking with Xiaodang later. Huihui, come and help me."

"Mom, I'm going to the bathroom!" Wen Hui rolled her eyes and was about to run away.

But Wen's mother had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and grabbed Wenhui's ear, and Wenhui grinned and gasped: "Mom, mom, I'm dear, dear!"

Mother Wen smiled awkwardly at Su Yi: "Go, go, go and do your work, there's nothing wrong here!"

Su Yi smiled and blinked at Wen Hui, then turned and left.

"Mom, I'm a lady in Yuanchao's eyes, you're ruining my image like this." Wen Hui complained, rubbing her ears.

"Ladies are not lazy." Mother Wen snorted, "A girl who is about to pass the door, you will sneak away as soon as you go into the kitchen, and now you can't even cook noodles. After you marry, how will you live?"

"Yuanchao said, I don't have to worry about cooking. I'll wash the dishes in the future." Wenhui followed her mother to the kitchen, washed a cucumber, broke it in half, and chewed it.

"Then you can still let others cook for you?" Mother Wen said, "You are a woman, what do you mean by not being able to cook? I don't know how you survived outside all these years!"

"I eat a big pot of rice, or someone else will do it for me." Wen Hui said with a smile, "Besides, Yuanchao doesn't have to cook all the time, there is still a small job."

"Don't be ashamed! Pointing at the child to take care of you, I will be ashamed for you!" Mother Wen scolded angrily.

After a pause, she quietly glanced upstairs, leaned in front of Wen Hui and said in a low voice, "Xiao Dang saw her mother who obviously cried and came back with swollen eyes. I asked her and she didn't say anything. The child is also well-behaved, talking and laughing with me, just like a normal person. Huihui, what's going on?"

"Don't worry, Yuanchao will take care of it by himself." Wenhui lifted the lid of the pot and sniffed, "Mom, when you serve soup later, don't serve Xiao Dang meat with skin on, she told me last time that she Afraid of eating chicken skin."

"Okay, got it."


Su Yi knocked on the door of Wen Hui's room, and the door opened after a while. Xiao Dang stood behind the door, apparently a little bit of a sluggish smile, and smiled at Su Yi: "Dad, are you back?"

Su Yi nodded and walked in, looked around and said, "I heard from your grandma Wen that you have something to do with me?"

"Well, let me pour you some water first." Xiao Dang went to get the cup, "Dad, have you eaten yet?"

"Your grandma Wen has stewed chicken soup below, let's go down and eat together later." Su Yi sat down at the desk by himself, "Sit down, don't be too busy."

Xiao Dang still poured water for Su Yi, then came over and sat on Su Yi's lap, hugged Su Yi's neck, and leaned his head on Su Yi's shoulder.

Su Yi smiled and patted her on the back: "Your mother looked for you?"

"En." Xiao Dang hummed through his nose, and said again: "Dad, can I ask you something?"

"Tell me." Su Yi said.

"Did Kong Ermin do anything for you before?" Xiao Dang asked, "Is what he did not known by others?"

"Back then, I dug up the water pipe on purpose to install a toilet and bathtub at home, and then used this as an excuse to install our toilet, and remodeled the waterway in the whole courtyard by the way." Su Yi said, "This happened back then. Can’t be known, now it’s nothing.”

"Then if someone sues your leader about this, your leader won't scold you?" Xiao Dang asked again.

Su Yi smiled and shook his head.

"That's good." Xiao Dang hugged Su Yi and stopped talking.

Su Yi said: "Aren't you begging your mother for mercy?"

"Dad, did you know that my mother would look for me?" Xiao Dang asked.

"Yes." Su Yi nodded.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" Xiao Dang raised his head to look at Su Yi, "If I really plead with my mother now, what will you do?"

"That means I didn't teach you well." Su Yi said, "I've always taught you how to think independently. If you lose this ability when it comes to your own relatives, it proves that Dad didn't educate you well."

Xiao Dang hugged Su Yi again, buried his head in front of Su Yi's shoulder, and said in a muffled voice: "You let me see how my mother lied to me, and saw her take advantage of our feelings, Dad, don't you think it's right? Am I too cruel?"

"I'm sure I won't be lenient with your mother." Su Yi smiled, "So your mother and I must be at odds on this matter. Either I will tell you about this matter, or you will learn from you. There are only two possibilities for mom to discover the truth here. I am your father, and I know you will definitely choose the second way."

Xiao Dang was dazed, and said, "Dad, is my mother a bad person?"

"Many of the books you've read have female characters who have been poisoned and oppressed by feudal ideology. Do you think your mother is a bad person?" Su Yi asked rhetorically.

Xiao Dang sighed, and said: "Now I finally understand what it means to be angry and not to fight, and to mourn for his misfortune."

(End of this chapter)

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