Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1577 Farewell

Chapter 1577 Farewell
"Aid Korea, the microphone!"

Standing on the rostrum, Yu Haitang blushed, looked at Su Yi with excited and adoring eyes, and handed Su Yi the reinserted microphone.

When Su Yi answered the phone, she grasped Su Yi's hand, bit her lip and watched Su Yi unwilling to let go.

Su Yi smiled and patted the back of her hand with the other hand, then picked up the microphone and stepped forward, looking around.

The entire square is now divided into several areas by the police and security guards, and the order has been absolutely controlled.All eyes fell on Su Yi who was standing on the rostrum.

Sister Hua and other students in the study class were naturally not surprised, but most ordinary workers were in an uproar.

Today's sudden situation confuses most people, and many people still don't understand what happened.

Everyone only knew that Li Xinmin's cronies were going to make trouble suddenly, but the security department, the trainee class, and some personnel outside the factory had long been prepared, and they were subdued by these people as soon as they moved.

Li Xinmin has been the top leader for six years. It is a bit exaggerated to say that he has gone against the grain, but it is absolutely unpopular.The rolling mill has long been turned into a mess, the production order has been severely disrupted, the factory is full of intrigue, flattery, and a bad atmosphere.

The most simple moral values ​​of grassroots workers still exist, and their vital interests have indeed been damaged because of this, and there are generally a lot of complaints and dissatisfaction accumulated in their hearts about the situation in the past six years.Today's changes, most employees are full of surprises and expectations.

As an influential figure in the factory back then, and the initiator of the workers' theoretical study and experiment base, few people did not know Su Yi, and Su Yi's reputation in the rolling mill had always been very good.

Now seeing Su Yi standing on the stage, no matter the people involved in the matter or the employees who didn't know the truth, they couldn't help cheering.

The whole square was buzzing loudly, and everyone was very excited.

Su Yi looked around and coughed hard: "Comrades, fellow workers!"

His thick voice instantly spread throughout the square, making the scene immediately quiet.

"I am Su Yuanchao, the leader of the investigation team for the legacy problems of the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant. This time, I am here to deal with the various problems that have existed in the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant in the past six years. On behalf of... I would like to make the following guarantees to everyone. First, The chaos of violations of laws and regulations in the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant in the past six years will definitely be completely eradicated, and no one will be tolerated when it comes to anyone involved! Second, all unjust, false and wrong mistakes in the past six years... will be completely corrected, and we will never let anyone One worker has been wronged again! Third, all wages owed to all workers will be repaid within the next seven days, and everyone will never be owed a penny! Fourth, the Red Star Rolling Mill must completely resume full production within seven days..."

Every time Su Yi made an announcement, the whole square burst into cheers of surprise in an instant!
At the beginning, everyone was hesitant and couldn't believe it, but as Su Yi's sonorous and forceful voice made convincing assurances, everyone's blood and confidence were ignited, and the whole square cheered like thunder. People were so excited that they cried, even wept bitterly.

Only those who have personally experienced it will understand how hard-won this day is, and many people are looking forward to this day in their dreams.

"On behalf of the investigation team, I solemnly promise everyone that we will be stationed in the factory for a long time, and we will stay in the factory for food and lodging, and accept the supervision and reporting of all comrades at any time! Just don't leave until the rolling mill looks like everyone is happy with it!"

Su Yi didn't speak official language, didn't go around the bush, and made the most concise and powerful statement straightforwardly, which instantly made the audience boil.

Everyone was shouting excitedly, expressing their support for Su Yi.

Amid everyone's high emotions, Su Yi hit the iron while the iron was hot and announced the results of the investigation team's first work, instantly bringing the mood of the entire square to its peak!
"According to the investigation of our investigation team, the temporary meeting held today was the last crazy counterattack of some bad elements with ulterior motives. And those who participated in this matter, and the people whose names I read next, will immediately be dismissed from all positions, and will be arrested by the police immediately and subject to further investigation. These people are-"

"Li Xinmin!"


"Xu Damao!"


"Wu Huaimin!"



"Qin Huairu!"


Every time Su Yi read a name, the scene burst into enthusiastic cheers, and everyone was applauding!

These people have long been under the control of the police or the security department. When Su Yi reads his name, he will be escorted out of the crowd immediately and head towards the police car on the sidelines.

These department leaders, who were once glorious before, are now full of ugliness and embarrassment.

Someone's face was ashen, and his whole body was limp.

Some people wept bitterly and begged for mercy in horror.

Someone yelled Su Yi's name, wanting to make Su Yi take a look at her, and make an excuse.

Someone screamed in despair and struggled to resist.

But all to no avail.On the contrary, when they were pushed out of the crowd, they were enthusiastically punched and kicked by the workers.

Xu Damao received the most ruthless care. When he was dragged to the sidelines, his entire face was swollen into a pig's head, and he basically lost his human appearance.

Qin Huairu was not much better, when she came out, her hair was disheveled, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen.

During this period, Kong Ermin rushed out frantically to protect her, but was knocked to the ground by the angry people. Although he was soon taken away by the police, he was also beaten badly.

Su Yi is too familiar with the situation of the rolling mill. After reading a long list and taking away no less than a hundred people, Su Yi thanked the security department, the study class, and the factory that thwarted the incident. Outsiders, finally announced that all employees will leave the site in an orderly manner and return to their jobs to wait for further instructions.

The employees were in high spirits, and stayed for a while before gradually dispersing.

Only then did Shen Yanzi and Xiao Gong gather around Su Yi with surprise on their faces.

"Great, fortunately there was no trouble, and it was taken down smoothly!" Xiao Gong said happily.

"Okay, it's an exhaustive plan!" Shen Yanzi tutted at Su Yi, "I thought it was a fierce battle, but I didn't expect it to end so easily. When did you do so much work in the factory? Are you not afraid of leaking the news in advance?"

"The trend of the times, no one can turn the tide." Su Yi said with a smile, "The next thing is to be busy, you all work hard, and the case is carefully settled, so there should be no omissions."

"Yes!" The two agreed in unison.

"Team leader, Li Xinmin wants to see you." Xiao Gonghui reported.

"Let's meet." Su Yi nodded, "After all, he is the old leader."

"Didn't that Qin Huairu also clamor to see you before?" Shen Yanzi said, "She is still the mother of your daughter, do you want to meet?"

"She disappeared, to avoid suspicion." Su Yi shook his head.

The meeting with Li Xinmin was actually nothing more than reminiscing about the old days and sighing with emotion. Su Yi agreed to meet him, not to listen to what he said, or to tell him what to say, but to say goodbye to this person.

"Brother Li, no matter what, we are still friends." Su Yi said, "You can tell me if you have any unfulfilled wishes, and I will try my best to help if I can."

Li Xinmin was silent for a moment, but he still did not give up and asked: "Aid Korea, is there really no hope?"

He doesn't want to go to jail, even if he loses everything and becomes an ordinary citizen, he can accept it now.

In fact, in the original timeline, Li Xinmin really retreated under Hu's protection. Except for losing his job, he kept everything that should be kept.But now, he has no such life.

"Brother Li, admit defeat." Su Yi said calmly, "I won't talk about big things with you. If you still believe me for your own good, you should plead guilty with dignity and strive for leniency."

Li Xinmin smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, I believe you! Yuanchao, I have nothing else to ask for, but for the sake of our friendship for so many years, you can help me take care of your sister-in-law."

Su Yi was silent for a moment and said quietly: "Based on what I know about my sister-in-law, she will remarry sooner or later, and she shouldn't need me to take care of her."


"Brother Li, what other wishes do you have?"

"No more... No, there's one more, can you slap Sha Zhu for me, and give me a word of shit about him?"

"It's not okay to slap, but it's OK to slap him."

"That's it."

"it is good."

"Yanchao, when you first entered the factory, I really admired you. I was really proud of discovering such a talent as you. If you don't believe me, ask your sister-in-law, she can testify."

"Brother Li, I believe it."

"Oh, I don't know, how did it become like this today..."

After bidding farewell to Li Xinmin, Su Yi never saw this person again.

Su Yi didn't bother with his subsequent interrogation, conviction, sentencing and other procedures.

Almost half a year later, Su Yi learned that Li Xinmin had given himself an indefinite period because of his voluntary confession and other meritorious performances. According to Shen Yanzi, the case was extremely unfulfilling, even after You Xiaoyong surrendered. Neither Li Xinmin's confession nor Liu Lan's report came in handy, because Li Xinmin basically explained everything about himself, and Shen Yanzi even came to check with Su Yi about the IOU.

Xu Damao was convicted even later, almost a year and a half later, because he was involved in the murder case and he himself refused to cooperate, so the case was much more complicated.

Because the "enthusiastic masses" provided Xu Damao's key criminal evidence, the police finally confirmed his charges and he was sentenced to death according to law.

Under Su Yi's arrangement, Xu Damao met Lili before being taken to the execution ground.

Lili cried into tears.

"Da Mao, if you leave, leaving us orphans and widows, how can we live..."

"Lili, I'm sorry, I hurt you, but you must bring up our children..." Xu Damao also cried bitterly, revealing his true feelings, "Where are my parents, why didn't they come? "

"The police only let one person see you. I was afraid that they would be too old to bear the blow, so I didn't let them come. Da Mao, if you have anything you want to tell them, just tell me and I'll tell them." Li Li wiped her tears and said.

"You tell the elders that their son is not filial, and they can only repay them for their upbringing in the next life." Xu Damao looked up to the sky and wept.When a person is about to die, his words are also kind.

"Da Mao, you said that you asked Dad to give me 30 yuan a month for living expenses, but he gave it to me for two months and never gave it again." Lili said with tears, "Da Mao, it's been more than a year. Our mothers are hungry and full, and your son is about to starve to death."

Xu Damao's eyes dodged a little: "Lili, I'm the one who's sorry for you."

Knowing that there is no hope of getting rid of the crime, Xu Damao confessed everything and wanted to get himself a reduced sentence.In order to survive, he took the initiative to explain the whereabouts of his stolen money. The police went to Xu Damao's father and confiscated all the money Xu Damao left with him.

Naturally, he couldn't keep the promise he made to Lili.

"But how do I seem to be getting fat?" Xu Damao observed Lili suspiciously.

"I knew I wanted to see you, but I didn't sleep all night. My face was swollen from sleeping." Lili argued.

She occupies Xu Damao's house, and finds a good friend for herself. She spends her days talking all over the world, eats delicious food, and doesn't go to work. How can she not be fat?

Because of this matter, Xu Damao's father was so angry that he had a cerebral infarction and was hospitalized.

Xu Damao sighed and said, "Lili, I don't expect you not to remarry, I just ask you not to let my son change his surname for the sake of our husband and wife."

Lili was a little anxious, looked around, and said in a low voice: "Da Mao, you are leaving now, where is the box you brought out from home? Anyway, you can't take it away, you have to leave it for us orphans and widows Bar?"

Xu Damao shook his head and said, "I won't hide anything from you until now. There is no gold. At that time, the box I took out was full of stones. I lied just to keep you from remarrying."

As if struck by lightning, Lili looked at Xu Damao in disbelief: "Da Mao, you lied to me, didn't you?"

She firmly believed that there was gold. During these days, she ate and drank a lot of debts. No matter how much Li Lan persuaded her, she couldn't persuade her, but now, the bad news was confirmed.

"I'm about to die, so is there any point in lying to you?" Xu Damao sighed, "If there was real gold, I would have been recruited and my sentence reduced. Lili, I really don't want to die. I'm only in my 30s. My life has just begun, I'm really not reconciled, I'm really not reconciled..."

Xu Damao began to cry as he spoke.

The fear of death made him unable to keep from collapsing.

Lili looked at the crying man in front of her, her whole face was distorted.

She felt that she had been cheated too badly!
"Lili, you, why are you looking at me like this?" Xu Damao's eyes were clouded with tears, and he realized what was wrong with his wife.

Lili suddenly gave a ferocious smile, gritted her teeth and said, "Xu Damao, you don't want to die, do you? Okay, let me tell you a few things. If you still don't want to die, I'll take your surname!"

"What do you mean?" Xu Damao's eyes widened.

"Let's talk about me first." Lili sneered, "Do you still remember the black market trader I brought to my house before, Fatty Wang who asked you to approve several notes for him?"

Xu Damao's heart suddenly trembled, giving birth to an extremely bad premonition.

(End of this chapter)

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