Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1578 Recently

Chapter 1578 Recently

"What do you mean Zhao Li? What do you mean by mentioning Fatty Wang to me?" Xu Damao became excited, his eyes widened and his voice trembled.

"Didn't you guess it? Do you still need me to explain it?" Lili sneered.

"The child is his?" Xu Damao's lips began to tremble.

"That's not true." Lili shook her head.

Xu Damao's heart immediately let go when he mentioned his throat. At this moment, he was moved from hell to heaven.

"But I have had that kind of relationship with him for a long time." Lili looked at Xu Damao with happy eyes, "You didn't think of it, Xu Damao? You worked hard outside to help him find a job, and I stayed with him at our house Happy. On your bed, on your outhouse table, at the window, and on that chaise longue where you've been lying..."

Xu Damao's face quickly turned red into a pig liver color at a speed visible to the naked eye,
"You bitch, you bitch! You #¥%*..." Xu Damao was furious, and cursed a series of unbearable words.

But Lili was not only not angry, but she looked at Xu Damao with a smile and said, "Curse, whatever you want, you can only scold a few words at this moment, and when I leave, you have to Go to eat guns, you can’t scold even if you want to. At that time, I will live in your room, and I will go to your parents from time to time to cry and ask for some money, giggling, Xu Damao, your father loves his grandson , do you think he will even take out the coffin book for me?"

"Bastard! You bastard!" Xu Damao despaired and mourned, "Zhao Li, I don't ask for anything else, I just ask you to raise the child well. You are also the mother of the child. Even if you are a bastard, you won't abuse our children. Bar?"

"I am the child's mother, but you are not the child's father." Lili smiled and stared at Xu Damao's expression, "Xu Damao, what does it feel like to have a son who has been raised by others for so many years?"

As if struck by lightning, Xu Damao's face turned pale.

"Impossible, you are lying to me! This is impossible! The child is like me, and the child's eyes are like mine..." Xu Damao hugged his head in pain, tears welling up in his eyes, "You are lying to me, Lili, right? I know you hate me, but Please don't lie to me, I'm dying, I'm dying, why are you lying to me? Tell me, are you lying to me?"

Lili giggled and trembled with laughter: "Xu Damao, Xu Damao, look at you now. What about your invincibility in the past? Didn't you hit me every time? Aren't you a bully? You are still a bully!" ah!"

"Tell me, the child is mine, tell me, tell me!" Xu Damao's eyes were red, and he grabbed the railing and stared at Lili.

"I'm sorry, Da Mao, the child really doesn't belong to you." Lili teased, "This matter has been kept in my heart for a long time, I have long wanted to see your expression when you know the truth, haha, really no Let me down, it's so much fun."

Xu Damao closed his eyes in pain, took a deep breath to calm himself, and asked in an extremely calm voice: "Is the child stupid?"

"Him?" Lili sneered, "He deserves it too?"

Xu Damao let out a breath and opened his eyes: "As long as it's not his, you can go."

"Aren't you angry?" Lili frowned.

"It's not worth it for a bitch like you." Xu Damao said.

Lili chuckled and said, "You really don't want to know who the child is? Maybe you know it."

"Who?" After all, Xu Damao didn't seem to be as detached as he was.

"Wang Weichao? Liu Xiangyang? Hu Xiaodong? Song Beifang? Or is it a little bastard?" Lili deliberately looked thoughtful, "Cheng Dong'an is also possible, and the director of the garment factory, uncle in his 50s, what's his name?" ? I forgot."

Lili smiled and looked at Xu Damao's gradually widening and unbelievable eyes, and said leisurely: "According to the days, these people are all possible, alas, so I don't know who the child is until now, Damao, why don't you go to the execution ground?" There is a long way to go, help me think about it on the way, huh? Hahaha, hahahaha..."

Lili laughed and got up, turned and walked outside.

"Ugh..." Behind him came Xu Damao's desperate roar like a beast.

After going out the door, Lili finally felt that something was wrong with a bad breath in her heart. She was about to go out, but was stopped by Shen Yanzi with a strange face and a policeman.

"Comrade policeman, what's the matter?" Lili noticed something strange and hurriedly asked.

"Zhao Li, you can't leave yet." Shen Yanzi said, "You have to stay and explain your problem."

"What's the problem?" Lili asked suspiciously.

"You have a rich history of relationships." Shen Yanzi said, "If what you just said is true, I'm sorry, you, a female hooligan who has escaped the law for many years, may go to the execution ground with Xu Damao."

Lili almost fell over when she heard the words.

But she quickly pretended to be calm, and said: "Didn't you say to leave room for me to talk to Xu Damao? Didn't I ask you when I went in, and you told me that you would not eavesdrop."

"Sorry, we don't call it eavesdropping, it's called monitoring." Shen Yanzi said.

"Isn't that the same meaning?" Lili became excited, "You are deceiving me!"

"Even if you cheated, you just say you cheated well?" Shen Yanzi said.

"You..." Li Li's eyes were spitting fire, and she was terrified.

She quickly controlled her emotions and said: "What I said just now was actually mainly to anger Xu Damao. I made up nonsense. I lied to him. You also believe such things? Don't you?"

"Whether you lied to us or not, we will find out." Shen Yanzi smiled and turned around to ask the policeman beside him, "Did you remember the names of those people just now?"

After the latter nodded, Shen Yanzi continued: "Go and invite them all, and ask them one by one."

"What happened a few years ago, do you have any evidence? You are framing! You are wronging people!" Lili couldn't hold back anymore, showing panic.

"Don't worry, what our police are best at is finding evidence and digging out the truth of the matter, and you will definitely not be disappointed." Shen Yanzi said with a smile, "Oh, it was a double-shot if there was no date, but I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected harvest , haha, who can I ask for reasoning?"

"You can't do this... I still have children, and I... Where is Li Lan? I'm looking for Li Lan, Li Lan! Li Lan!" Li Li yelled in horror.

"Stop yelling!" Li Lan came out of one side of the office with a dark face, and stared at Lili with depressed eyes that wished to eat people, "You idiot, have you been kicked by a donkey in the head? Let you ask Jin Zi What the hell are you talking about? What are you talking about? I’m drafting it. Are you a police station on your kang? You’re an idiot and you’re a three-level ****..."

"Ahem! Don't swear! Be civilized!" Shen Yanzi interrupted Li Lan's furious curses.

"Sister Lan, you told me that my conversation with Xu Damao would never be overheard by others. You promised me!" Lili said in horror, "You said you were related, you have great powers, and you can arrange for me to talk to Xu Damao. How much do I trust you when the death row prisoner meets? You told me!"

Li Lan looked at Lili depressed, feeling like dying.

Yes, that's what she told Lili, that's all she can say, she can't say that Su Yi told her clearly that even if there is gold, she doesn't want to worry about it, she can only cooperate with the police investigation, and finally run a "gold" for her Five Good Youth Award".

How could she tell Lili that she, Li Lan, has become a "twenty-five boy"?

But in fact, Li Lan didn't want to do this either, she wanted gold, so she asked Su Yi to mention it.But she couldn't disobey Su Yi's arrangement, and she had to lie to Lili, pretending to be a powerful person with great powers, and it ended up like this?

Well now, Jin Zi has been determined to be a scam, and her luck of more than a year has been completely broken, and her only consolation prize "Five Good Youths" has also been ruined.

That's fine, the key is that Lili revealed the matter of Fengzi's marriage, and she, Li Lan, was involved in this matter, and she took the money!
What a crime!
Li Lan really wanted to dig out Lili's brain to see what kind of breed it was.

Lili also felt wronged, she trusted Li Lan so much, but now...

"Comrade police, you must believe me, I am just talking nonsense, really, I swear that there is no such thing, I just want to anger Xu Damao, I am talking nonsense..." Li Li hugged Shen Yanzi's arm Try to explain.

With a smile, Shen Yanzi took out the handcuffs and put them on for her, her eyes narrowed with joy.

"Take it away, hahaha..." She waved her hand, signaling the police beside her to take Lili away.

Another policeman was called: "Go and inform the street office that Zhao Li's child must be looked after."


After everyone left, Li Lan laughed and said in a low voice, "Director Shen, what, in fact, Yuanchao asked me to help, and I didn't expect this..."

"You got involved in Lili's matter?" Why didn't Shen Yanzi see it?Li Lan's attitude made her immediately realize the problem.


"Tell me the truth." Shen Yanzi said, "I have been good buddies with Yuanchao for many years, and we almost became a couple who slept together under the covers. He told me that you are his friend, don't worry, as long as you are involved It's not deep, it's not a big deal, I can help as much as I can."

"Yes, yes, who doesn't know that you, Shen Ju, are the most righteous? Li Lan laughed along, "Actually, it's nothing, just at the beginning..."

She didn't dare to hide anything, so she told what happened at the beginning. After she finished speaking, she looked at Shen Yanzi eagerly, and her heart was in her throat.

Shen Yanzi's face was serious, which made Li Lan even more frightened, feeling like a catastrophe was imminent.

"Ju Shen, I can refund the money..." she trembled.

"Such a large sum of money, there must be an explanation, right? If you refund it, it's over?" Shen Yanzi waved her hands and sighed, "You, let me tell you what's good about you... Go, call Yuanchao and see him How to say."

Shen Yanzi took Li Lan to her office, called Su Yi in front of Li Lan, and repeated the matter.

Not knowing what was said there, Shen Yanzi frowned tightly: "Impossible, you are embarrassing me, you are going to make a mistake!"

After being silent for a while, Shen Yanzi sighed and said, "Wait a while, I'll let her pick it up."

She handed the receiver to Li Lan, motioning for Li Lan to answer the phone.

Li Lan answered the phone with trepidation, and called "Aid North Korea".

Su Yi's steady voice came from the other end of the phone: "Sister Lan, what happened?"

"Aid Korea, I didn't expect..." Li Lan said bitterly, "Look at this..."

"I told Yanzi that you must return the spoils in this matter." Su Yi said, "But if you take the initiative to report and surrender, if you are not held accountable, what should you do?"

Li Lan was so relieved that she was so excited that she could speak incoherently: "Yan Chao, thank you for your support, I really don't know how to thank you for your support!"

"Sister Lan, we've been dating for so many years, and there's something unpleasant to say, so don't be angry if I tell you," Su Yi said.

"You said, Yuanchao, I know you said it for my own good." Li Lan said excitedly.

"Let's not talk about it before, but in the future, don't take some unclean money if you don't need it. You are now a leader in your unit. You don't have to worry about food and drink, and you have enough money to spend. You can be sure that you have nothing to do. But you have to stretch out your hands indiscriminately. Aren’t you making yourself unhappy? Look, if you are not careful, you can find out the shitty things from a few years ago, and you can guarantee that you have reached out your hands indiscriminately all these years No one is going after the money?"

Li Lan was terrified, and guiltily glanced at Shen Yanzi not far away, who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and hurriedly lowered her voice, "Yianchao, I know, I know."

Su Yi said: "Sister Lan, I really took you as my sister to tell you this. I really don't want to see my old friends go the wrong way. If you believe me, walk in a dignified manner, and our friends get along well, and you will definitely not be in the wrong .”

Li Lan was a little moved by these words, and her eyes were slightly red: "Yanchao, my sister has written it down, don't worry, I will definitely think about what you said."

"Well, you give Yanzi the phone number, you can go, and come back to her when you have the money ready, and this matter will be over," Su Yi said.

"Okay, Yuanchao, then I'll find you later, let's have dinner together." Li Lan replied, and handed the phone to Shen Yanzi.

Shen Yanzi smiled and waved to Li Lan, signaling that she should go away.

Li Lan apologized and said goodbye with a smile, and then Shen Yanzi smiled to Su Yi on the other end of the phone: "How is it? I cooperated with you well, right? Should I say it or not, you still care about your friends, I hope this Li Lan will not disappoint your painstaking efforts."

"It's not a painstaking effort, but I just took this opportunity to persuade her. She has been a little drifting in the past two years, so I have to give her a stick and drag her back." Su Yi sighed, "She didn't help me much at that time. Busy, no matter why, what she does is real, she is a person, but she is actually quite good."

Shen Yanzi said: "I heard that your daughter-in-law is pregnant?"

There was joy in Su Yi's voice: "You are quite well-informed about this news? Yes, yes, haha, you didn't even come to eat wedding candy when I got married, and you have to give me a big red envelope when my child is born!"

"I'll make you a baby! Hang up!" Shen Yanzi hung up the phone, sat there for a long time, and suddenly took out a photo from her breast pocket.

The photo was taken by the reporter when the investigation team was rewarded by the ministries and commissions after they finished handling the steel rolling mill. She was the deputy team leader and she was standing next to Su Yi to receive the award.

Everyone in the photo was smiling happily. Looking at Su Yi in the photo, her eyes were moist.

That was the closest she was to Su Yi...

(End of this chapter)

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