Chapter 1579
In January 1974, there was one more day until New Year's Eve.

It snowed all night last night, the snow was a foot thick, and it was difficult to open the door in the morning.When it was still daylight, Shazhu got up and mobilized the neighbors to sweep the snow.His loud voice floated from the front yard to the back yard, and the sound was louder than drums and gongs.

"Uncle Liu, I don't care about the backyard. Just watch and clean up your three-acre land with Uncle Xu."

"Silly Zhu, how old are we? Xu Wood is still paralyzed, what should we do? You have to send us a young man!" grizzled Liu Haizhong complained.

In Xu Damao's house, another thin old man came out staggeringly, his mouth was still twisted, and he was talking in his mouth, as if he was also protesting with Shazhu.

This is Xu Damao's father. After Xu Damao and his daughter-in-law were miraculously imprisoned and shot, the old couple of Xu Wood moved back to the compound.Xu Damao also has a younger sister, who doesn't care about the two of them at all. The old couple depend on each other for life, relying on Xu Wood's meager pension to live, life is very difficult.

Compared with him, although neither of Liu Haizhong's two sons came home to see him, he resumed his work anyway. Although he was downgraded, his salary of 50 yuan a month was not at all low. Liu Guangtian, who can't be moved by thunder, asked Yi Zhonghai to send ten yuan a month. Apart from loneliness, the living standard of the old couple is not low.

The deaf old lady's house is kept by Shazhu himself. He intends to keep this house and sister He Yushui's house for his two sons, one for each.

Speaking of He Yushui, she divorced Ding Shangdong.

In the first few years, He Yushui loved Ding Shangdong to death. When he was in prison, he had to chase him to his home to serve his parents, and waited wholeheartedly for Ding Shangdong to come out.He broke up with Shazhu because of this matter, and they haven't seen each other for two years.

Later, after Ding Shangdong came out, even a reform-through-labour prisoner couldn’t find a decent job, and his life was oppressive and poor, so he developed the habit of drinking and beating his wife every day when he was drunk. Changed the way to use He Yushui and used her as a slave.

Later, Sha Zhu found out about this, and he was so angry that he beat Ding Shangdong half to death without saying a word, and almost bought his house.If Ran Qiuye hadn't called Su Yi in advance, and Su Yi had rushed over in time, there would have been a catastrophe.

But even so, He Yushui was unwilling to divorce Ding Shangdong, and was so angry that Shazhu scolded her that she deserved to be beaten to death.

But no matter what, she was her own sister, and Shazhu was soft-hearted, so she tried to warn Ding Shangdong with some tricks, and the family finally reined in, and dared not do anything to He Yushui.

Last year, when Qin Huairu and the Kong family had a quarrel, He Yushui didn't know whether he was moved by Kong Ermin's "infatuation" for Qin Huairu or what, but he finally came to his senses and divorced Ding Shangdong.

The two-year-old child of the two was awarded to He Yushui. He Yushui had no face to take the child back to live in the compound. He applied for a dormitory in their unit and lived with the child. Recently, the relationship with her brother has become more and more relaxed.

"This backyard is just yours, and no one else wants to come, so what should I do?" Silly Zhu frowned and looked at Liu Haizhong, "Well, let Aunt Liu and Aunt Xu come together, this place is bigger than your palm, you The four old people also exercise their bodies, just sweep the snow to the bottom of the wall, and I will shovel it away later when I have time."

The reason why it is said that others are unwilling to come to the backyard is because the backyard is very unlucky and unlucky.

People died in the three suites, not to mention the deaf old lady. They were happy and mourning, but Xu Damao and his wife were shot in the front and back, plus the tragedy of Liu Guangfu's brother-in-law...

After all, Liu Guangfu died because he couldn't hold on, and he didn't wake up until he died.With his death, the old Liu family was completely relieved.

Sleeping at home with such a vegetative person who can't do without people's care is actually a double torture for relatives from life to psychology. Liu Haizhong and his wife have been numb for these years. After Liu Guangfu died, they were relieved. .

"That's the only way to go." Liu Haizhong sighed, "Your Aunt Liu is fine, she twisted her back last time and she still hasn't recovered."

"Where is Guangqi?" Silly Zhu frowned, "I didn't say that the boss of your family is too heartless, right? When you were young, you held him as a treasure in your hands, and the second and third were beaten like grandchildren by you. Yes, when Guangqi grows up, marrying him a wife and arranging a job for him is good. Once he gets married, he completely forgets about his parents. I can count the number of times I have come back over the years. ?”

Liu Haizhong was a little embarrassed, and said: "He is busy, mainly because he is too busy."

Silly Zhu sneered: "If you are busy, you can't come back, and you can't get the money back? Look at Guangtianer, they give you money every month, and there are a lot of rice noodles and meat oil during the festivals. If it weren't for the two of you The mouth broke my heart, I think, Guang Tian is a filial child..."

"Ahem, silly Zhu, which pot of yours can't be opened, right?" A skinny old lady came out of Xu's family, "You are filial, you have become a big boss now, and I have never seen you take your Bring back the father who ran away with the widow?"

Silly Zhu said "Hey" and said: "Yes, you also can't open which pot you can't lift which pot, Aunt Xu, crows don't laugh at Zhu Hei. Okay, then you all go to work first, I will go to the middle courtyard to mobilize!"

Silly Zhu walked away stepping on the snow "creaking and creaking".Aunt Xu sneered and spat at his back: "It's quite a big man, he will be taken to death by his daughter-in-law every day, and he has no future at all!"

Liu Haizhong snorted with his stomach shy and his hands behind his back: "If his wife wasn't in charge, how could he be able to open such a big business with his idiot? But it's his fate, and he will be handed over to a nobleman."

When Liu Haizhong mentioned the "noble man", the faces of the Xu family and the old couple became ugly.

"He, Su Yuanchao, is such a noble man!" Aunt Xu looked at him contemptuously, "If you wear a pair of dentures, you forgot who gave you the bones of your mouth? You are also worthless."

"Hey, why are you scolding people?" Liu Haizhong said unwillingly.

"I can't see the soft bones!" Aunt Xu muttered and went back to the house.

"Why go back? Come out to sweep the snow!" Liu Haizhong yelled, "I tell you, I only sweep the half of our house! What kind of virtue?"

In the middle courtyard, Sha Zhu yelled and knocked on the door of Qin Huairu's house.

"Here we come! It's so early in the morning that the soul is screaming!" Qin Huairu opened the door angrily, and while buttoning up his cotton coat, he said angrily, "It's just such a big yard, you are a big man with two brooms , do you have to toss everyone up?"

"Hehe, my daughter-in-law said it, it's called collective consciousness." Sha Zhu chuckled, "I used to be an old sweeper, who missed me? Sister Qin, you are going to marry to another courtyard soon, You don’t want to do the work here, do you?”

"Don't talk nonsense, who said I'm getting married?" Qin Huairu gave him a blank look.

"Meng, you continue to be fooled, can you fool me?" Silly Zhu said with a smile, "I went to Yuanchao's family last Sunday and told me that you and the Kong family have a wedding date. Isn’t it? What? You’re going to get married, and you don’t even notify the old neighbors of the good times? The neighbors here for decades are no longer human?”

"No, how is it possible?" Qin Huairu sighed, "It's because the conditions haven't been agreed yet."

"Ermin is about to draw a line with his Kong family, can't we agree?" Silly Zhu didn't believe it, "I heard that Ermin went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to sue his father, saying that his father interfered with his freedom of marriage Sister Qin, is this your idea?"

"Go, this is Er Min's own idea." Qin Huairu said, "If you say so, it is impossible for Er Min to really deny his parents. They are now fighting with me, but they will not let go."

"Then what should we do?" Silly Zhu frowned, "You don't really want Huaihua and Xiaodang, do you? Xiaodang is easy to say, Huaihua broke up with Yuanchao and Xiaodang because of your half-year imprisonment, I haven't had any contact until now... By the way, I forgot to ask you here, and you still haven't talked to Xiao Dang?"

Qin Huairu's complexion was not good, and he said, "I've said it, this little heartless bastard recently clamored to change his surname to Su, he really has no conscience."

Sha Zhu smacked his lips and said: "That's childish, you insist on looking for Kong Ermin..."

In the middle of the conversation, Jia Zhang came out of the door suddenly, stared at Sha Zhu for a while, then turned and went to the front yard.

"Mom, be careful!" Qin Huairu shouted.

"Is your mother-in-law okay?" Sha Zhu rubbed his chest with a startled look, "Every time she looks at me, she stares straight in the eyes, which is quite scary."

"Sometimes are good and sometimes bad." Qin Huairu replied absently, and asked in a low voice: "Silly Zhu, I told you about that last time, look... I don't sell here in Dongcheng, I go to Jishuitan in Xizhimen Sell ​​it, just use your signboard..."

"I asked my wife about this, and she said no." Sha Zhu waved his hand and said, "Sister Qin, don't even think about it, it must be useless."

"No, are you so afraid of your wife? What does she say? Are you her son?" Qin Huairu was anxious.

"She is our Lafayette." Silly Zhu chuckled, "You are right, my life is hers! That's enough, let's not talk about it, you call someone to clean up the middle yard, I'm going to the front yard!"

Seeing Silly Zhu shrinking his neck and heading towards the front yard, Qin Huairu silently cursed at his back, his eyes full of depression.

She is now a prisoner who has been released from prison. She has no job, no income, nothing.Last year, even Kong Ermin once left her.

Later, she finally won back Kong Ermin's heart, but his father, Kong Damin, firmly opposed it. Even if Kong Ermin resisted to death, he would just promise you Qin Huairu to come, but your mother-in-law and daughter are not allowed to bring, otherwise the old couple will have to Suicide by drinking medicine.

The matter has come to a standstill here, Qin Huairu's heart is actually a little loose, but how to arrange the retreat of Sophora Huaihua and Jiazhang's family gave her a headache.

Under the guidance of Su Yi, Shazhu made his fortune selling large bowls of tea in Qianmenlouzi in the past six months. A bowl of tea cost two cents, which made him a big business that is making money every day. It is said that he is still offering After a big opening, we are going to open a Tanjiacai restaurant.

Shazhu, who used to sweep the street, became the big boss, which made many people in the yard jealous and envious. Shazhu did not forget his roots, and hired many unemployed youths in the yard to help him, which made him look around for odd jobs all the time. Qin Huairu, who was a son, was also moved.

She was optimistic about a location, and planned to ask Kong Ermin to invest some money, and then she would use Shazhu's sign to open a tea stall at Xizhimen.

But Sha Zhu had already planned to expand there, and he didn't plan to let her use the signboard.

She had said softly and stubbornly before, so that Silly Zhu was relieved, but now this Silly Zhu is notoriously henpecked in the courtyard, he was scolded by Ran Qiuye when he went back, and now he changed his words, which made Qin Huairu extremely depressed.

"Mom, do you want to sweep the snow?" Huaihua walked out of the door sleepily wearing a cotton jacket.

"Yes, go, get dressed, Mom will greet people." Qin Huairu said.

Huaihua didn't move, she looked at her mother and said, "Mom, you promised me that no matter what, you would never leave me..."

Qin Huairu said: "What are you talking about, silly boy?"

"You promised me, right?" Huai Hua still stared at her mother, "For you, I broke up with my sister, and I haven't spoken to Yuan Chao's father for so long. No matter what happens, I will stand On your side, you can't leave me behind."

Qin Huairu stroked Huaihua's hair, forced a smile and said, "Why did Mom leave you behind? You've grown up too, really, what's wrong with your godfather? Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, tomorrow Mom will buy some gifts , let's go to their house to see your godfather. Your godmother probably should give birth too."

"I won't go." Huai Hua said, "I'm embarrassed to see him now! Mom, I really got into trouble with Yuan Chao's father because of you. You have to see my dedication, so you must never leave me behind." , okay mom? Please mom!"

"It's early in the morning, why are you talking about this? Go back and get dressed, let's go to work!" Qin Huairu couldn't help but push Huai Hua in, then turned and walked towards the old man's house opposite.

When she turned around, worry flashed in her eyes, and she let out a long sigh.

Front yard.

"Uncle Yan, I know you will pass, now, this is my broom, you use mine, use it as you like! You are an uncle, no matter what happens in your family, you have to work alone, right? You have to take the lead! "Silly Zhu couldn't help but stuff a broom into Yan Fugui's hand.

"Who still recognizes my uncle now? Everyone recognizes you, Boss He." Yan Fugui laughed at himself, "I'm a fool, yesterday I was listening to the radio, and you told the reporter that you have earned money in the past few months." I paid 4 yuan? Is it real or not? You’re not bragging? How can you sell this much for a big bowl of tea for two cents?”

"Blow it, don't believe it!" Silly Zhu waved his hand, "Those people who lined up hundreds of meters in front of the front door and waited to drink my big bowl of tea were all hired by me, so don't believe it! And I came back with big bags Bamao hired so many people to wash the bowls for me in one day, this is all fake, you must not believe it! Alright, tell everyone to sweep, I will borrow some shovels at the entrance of the alley.”

Silly Zhu said, waved his hands and walked out the door.

(End of this chapter)

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