Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1582 Daughter

Chapter 1582 Daughter
As the old saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors.

This statement is no longer in line with the reality now, but at that time, it was the most real truth.

No matter how intriguing the courtyard is, when it comes to life, old age, sickness and death, no one will lose the chain, and every household will send someone to help. This is a customary rule, and it is also the bottom line between neighbors.

Su Yi didn't understand much before, because he thought black and white was the most straightforward.But the more he gets used to ordinary life, the more he understands that the greatest wisdom in life is actually four words—rarely confused.

Of course, these four words are only suitable for ordinary life. This is the true meaning of life and the only way to calm people down.

With Yan Fugui and Shazhu making a fuss, Aunt Yi's funeral was held in a beautiful and lively manner.Now that the policy is liberalized, there are no taboos in this regard.

Su Yi doesn't specialize either, he builds sheds, carries coffins, kidnaps children with the big guys...

Yi Zhonghai specially came to thank Su Yi. Although this "moral model" is hard to change, he has indeed kept a low profile over the years. Coupled with the accident of the child, the focus of his life has been shifted. A little more sincere and peaceful, Su Yi's impression of him is much better than before.

Yi Zhonghai is both confused and determined about his future life.He didn't know if he was capable of raising and educating a child who was less than three years old, but he decided to do it no matter what difficulties came his way.

"Uncle Yi, my condolences, please speak up if you have something to do." Su Yi left a promise that was not a promise.

On the other side, Qin Huairu really planned to have a showdown with Xiaodang and the others.

She was stimulated by Aunt Yi's death, Aunt Yi died, and Yi Zhonghai buried her and died for her, but what about Qin Huairu?
"Xiao Dang, Huaihua, it's not that mom doesn't want you, mom really can't help it! Mom has to have a son, mom has to rely on, and mom has to have a son before she can look forward...Since your brother's accident, mom has I've been feeling down and down in my heart, I'm afraid..."

Qin Huairu cried with snot and tears.

"Aren't my sister and I your queen? Why do you have to be a man? If I don't get married in this life, I will accompany you to provide for you in the old age. Isn't that okay, Mom? Why? Why do you have to do this? Mom, you promised Mine, you promised me..." Huaihua cried more sadly than Qin Huairu.

"Shuaihua, don't be silly, you are still young, you don't understand, when you grow up, you will definitely marry someone, and you can still bring your mother to marry? This is impossible... Huaihua You are obedient, it's not that Mom doesn't recognize you, we just don't live together for the time being..."

"I don't care! I don't care! You lied to me, you big liar, I'll never trust you again!"

Huaihua ran out crying.

Qin Huairu wiped his tears and sobbed, and said to Xiaodang: "Xiaodang, little Huaihua, you should be considerate of mom, mom really can't help it..."

Xiao Dang said calmly: "Mom, if Huaihua and I were replaced by my elder brother, would you still insist on marrying Kong Ermin today?"

"If your brother is still here, our family will still have the backbone. Mom will never leave you alone, Xiaodang!" Qin Huairu said excitedly.

"That is to say, the most important reason for you to marry Kong Ermin is to give birth to a son to continue your backbone, right?" Xiao Dang asked.

"Your Uncle Kong is indeed a person worthy of entrustment, Xiao Dang, don't look at it with prejudice, your Uncle Kong really has nothing to say to Mom..." Qin Huairu said.

"Then what if you give birth to a daughter again?" Xiao Dang interrupted her and asked.

After a slight silence, Qin Huairu firmly said: "Then mother will be born again!"

Xiao Dang laughed at himself and said: "I understand. In the final analysis, Huaihua and I are both burdens to you. Before you had my brother, you could still drag us along. Now, you have to get rid of the two of us. It's a burden."

"Xiao Dang, that's not what Mom meant. Do you have to make it so ugly?" Qin Huairu frowned, "Is it wrong for Mom to pursue her own happiness? Could it be that you have the right to pursue happiness and freedom, and Mom doesn't?" ?"

"You have, you have too much." Xiao Dang sighed, "Mom, don't worry, I will persuade Huaihua, and my father will agree to adopt us. But you just said that you want my grandma to adopt me too." Come with us, you should give up your heart as soon as possible. Huaihua and I will no longer be your burden, but my grandma can't help it, you have to take her with you."

"Xiao Dang, you heard from my mother that your father's family conditions are good, and he is kind-hearted, it's just a matter of having more chopsticks..."

"Mom, there's no such possibility!" Xiao Dang cut her off firmly, "My father and Wenhui's mother are not bad people. I went with Huaihua because we are their goddaughters. But what is my grandma? Grandma? ? You can find another way, this matter is not negotiable."

Qin Huairu sighed: "Then we can only send your grandma to the nursing home, but if the nursing home can't take care of your grandma..."

Xiao Dang said: "That's your problem."

She stood up and said, "I'll go find Sophora, don't worry, I'll persuade her. But I'm going to ask you to figure it out yourself."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked out, Qin Huairu stopped her when she was approaching the door.

"Xiao Dang!"


"Mom, I'm sorry for you, and I'm sorry for Huai Hua..."

"I'm sorry, Mom." Xiao Dang smiled, "You have a hard life, you just need to be worthy of yourself, this is what I mean."

Qin Huairu couldn't help crying again covering her face.

Xiao Dang didn't look back, and didn't let his mother see his tearful eyes.

No matter how much I understand my mother, no matter how much I think about it from my mother's point of view, it's my mother who doesn't want her anymore...

Qin Huairu cried for a while, wiped away her tears and washed her face, before going out, she went to Jia Zhang, who was sitting blankly by the kang, and said with a complicated expression: "Mom, don't blame me, you are also a woman, you should be the most considerate My difficulty, I really have nothing to do... Don't worry, I will find you a nursing home, and I will let them take good care of you..."

Jia Zhang stared blankly at Qin Huairu, and suddenly said with a smirk, "Look at the stick!"

"Next time, next time I'll take you to see the stick." Qin Huairu forced a smile, "Mom, I'm going out first, you stay indoors, don't run around."

Not long after Qin Huairu left, Huaihua, who was in a very depressed mood, came back. She silently packed her clothes, and after a moment of daze, she walked up to Mrs. Jia Zhang, straightened her clothes for her, wiped her face, and said : "Grandma, my sister asked me to stay with my Yuanchao dad for a few days. When I'm not around, take care of yourself, remember to eat on time, don't run around..."

As she was talking, she was suddenly stunned, because Mrs. Jia stretched out her hand to touch her face, her eyes were full of kindness.

"Go, don't come back after you go." Jia Zhang said.

"Grandma?" Huaihua was surprised and suspicious, "You, are you awake?"

Jiazhang's face suddenly changed, and he pushed Sophora japonica out of the way: "Go! You go! Go!"

"Grandma... no, why are you pushing me? Grandma?"

Amid the exclamation of Sophora japonica, Mrs. Jia Zhang forced Sophora japonica out of the door.Sophora japonica knocked on the door for a while, and vaguely heard sobbing inside, but she calmed down and listened carefully, but there was nothing.

She curled her lips, thinking it was grandma's hysteria attack, so she took the package she had packed and went to Su Yi's former home in the front yard to find her sister.

That night, Qin Huairu was sent back by Kong Ermin very late, and both of them were full of excitement.

Qin Huairu soaked a steamed bun in boiling water for Jia Zhang and let her eat it in the inner room, while talking to Kong Ermin in the outer room.

The two were talking about their marriage. After Qin Huairu compromised, the Kong family had no reason to set up obstacles for them. Kong Damin meant that no one should bother. move over.

For the time being, there is no solution to the issue of Jia Zhang’s pension. Kong Damin means to let Jia Zhang stay in this room by himself, and then slowly figure out a solution.

The two of them were very excited in the outhouse, cuddling together and looking forward to what would happen after their marriage. It was not until after eleven o'clock that the two said goodbye.

After Kong Ermin left, Qin Huairu sealed the stove, went into the back room, covered Jia Zhang with a quilt, and then got into bed.

With longing and anticipation for a better future, she soon fell asleep.

In the dead of night, at a certain moment, Jia Zhang suddenly opened his eyes and sat up straight.

She didn't turn on the light, she turned her head to look at Qin Huairu in the dark, listening to the even snoring of her daughter-in-law.

After a long time, she quietly got up and walked to the outer room.

She took out a dusty photo of Jia Dongxu from the gap between the closet and the wall, and wiped the dust off with her sleeve.

She groped to the edge of the briquette stove, pushed in the clip of the chimney to seal it, then lifted the teapot sitting on the stove, and poked a hole in the sealed stove with a fire hook.

Then she hugged Jia Dongxu's portrait and sat by the stove, staring blankly in the dark.

At a certain moment, two lines of clear tears slipped quietly from her eyes.

The bodies of the two were discovered by Kong Ermin who came to Qin Huairu when it was almost ten o'clock the next morning.

He waited and waited at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, but he couldn't wait for Qin Huairu to register with him to get a marriage certificate, so he simply came to the courtyard to look for Qin Huairu, but when he got there, no one opened the door, and instead, there was a strong smell coming from the crack of the door. Soot.

Kong Ermin, who realized something was wrong, turned pale with fright, and rushed in through the door, but at this time, the corpses of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law inside were stiff and cold.

New Year's Eve in 1974 must be an unforgettable day for many people.

The news of Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang's death was soon notified to Su Yi. Su Yi didn't hide Xiaodang and Huaihua. He felt that the two girls should say goodbye to their mother and grandma.

This year's Spring Festival, Su Yi had a very boring time.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, Wenhui finally gave birth.

It was a little girl who was born, and Su Yi was very happy, and she liked it very much, and she was very happy.

He and Wen Hui had already discussed it, regardless of whether it was a boy or a girl, this was the only one.

It took some brains to choose a name for the child, and finally named it after a line from Wen Hui's favorite poem—Sparse shadows, horizontal slanting waters, clear and shallow, called Su Qingqian.

The nickname is Qianqian.

He hopes that his daughter will always be a clear and pure little angel.

"Dad, aren't you disappointed?" One day Xiao Dang couldn't help but secretly asked Su Yi, "Mum didn't give birth to a younger brother, so why are you so happy?"

"Why do you want a boy? Our family has no throne to inherit." Su Yi said with a smile, "Our Su family now has three golden flowers, how nice? Dad has three small cotton jackets. On this day, even the gods will not change them!"

The two little girls have not yet come out of the pain of losing their mothers. Compared with Huaihua, Xiaodang is much better, and takes the initiative to take care of Wenhui and the children.

Wen's mother specially invited a confinement nanny to take care of her daughter. After the nanny came in, she respected Su Yi and Wenhui very much, but after learning that Xiao Dang was not Su Yi's biological child, she also saw Xiao Dang running around doing work. , then he had the same idea, and his attitude towards Xiaodang became a little lukewarm, and he even wanted to order Xiaodang to work.

Naturally, everything at home could not be hidden from Su Yi's ears. When he found out about this situation, he frowned, and went downstairs to educate the nanny.

Xiao Dang himself is not a submissive character, seeing the nanny's attitude towards him, he immediately frowned and questioned her.

"Aunt Mei, you were fine when you first came here, why have you changed your attitude towards me now?"

"What has my attitude towards you changed?" The nanny rolled her eyes. "Stop talking nonsense here, the little girl is not very old and has a lot of things to do."

"You know your own attitude," Xiaodang said, "You are the nanny hired by my father. It stands to reason that you should do all these tasks. Why did I make a mistake when I helped with the work?"

"Oh, what should I do for you? Isn't it because you can't do it well, so you let me do it?" The nanny sneered, "In this family, you and I are the same, we are all outsiders, and we are all doing it for the leader. Worker, don’t act like a big head in front of me! Still a daughter? Hehe, I really treat you as a daughter, why do you run around washing diapers and cleaning up?”

The word "outsider" was so harsh that Xiao Dang's face turned pale instantly.

Her mother passed away, and Su Yi had her own daughter again. The combination of these two things made Xiao Dang extremely fragile and sensitive. At this time, a nanny said that she was an outsider in this family, which made her feel unspeakable. uncomfortable.

But before Xiao Dang could speak, Su Yi's stern voice came from outside the kitchen door.

"Aunt Mei, take off your apron and leave my house now!"

Su Yi walked up to Xiao Dang with a pale face, and said sternly to the nanny whose expression changed drastically: "Who gave you the courage to talk nonsense with my daughter here?"

"Lead me..."

"Bullying my family? Our family dare not use you! Go, go now!"

"Leader, I'm sorry, I was wrong..." The nanny was frightened and begged for mercy.

She is a waitress transferred by Wen's mother from the old cadre office, and she has a formal staff. If Su Yi returns the goods here, the consequences will be quite serious for her.

"Are you going or not? Do you want me to notify the guards to ask you to go?" Su Yi didn't show affection at all, his face sinking like water.

"Dad, forget it, she was invited by grandma." Xiao Dang hurriedly pleaded.

"Whoever invites me can't make my daughter wronged!" Su Yi shook Xiao Dang's hand.

 If there is no accident, there should be one more chapter and this volume will end

(End of this chapter)

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