Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1583 The end of this volume

Chapter 1583 The end of this volume

Many years later, Xiaodang talked about the feelings and profound impact of this incident in an interview.

"The patriarchal feudal thought fundamentally denies the value of women's existence. The sensitivity, suspicion, inferiority, selfishness, panic, and fear in my childhood character... these are actually born from these four words. .They converged into a stream, forming a disgusting and twisted monster, entrenched in my heart. I know it has always existed, absorbing my flesh and blood, and growing with me."

"Because of this monster, I have always been full of insecurity. I always feel that I am useless, and I always feel that one day I will be bored and abandoned by others. In fact, thinking about it now, when I was a child, I wanted to stick to my father so much. , asking for his love almost greedily, and taking the trouble to prove whether he loves me over and over again is all caused by this monster."

"I'm afraid of losing, and I pessimistically think that I will lose everything sooner or later, so when my mother chose to leave me in pursuit of her happiness and future, I was not surprised at all. Instead, I felt a sense of steadfastness in my heart."

"But my mother's death still turned my sensitive and fragile heart into glass. No matter who touches it, it will smash to pieces. I tried my best to show my value and show my role. He thinks I'm useless and will throw me away like his mother."

"I was very hostile to the nanny I hired at that time. I felt that she came to replace me. The more capable she was, the more useless I felt. I was full of fear at that time. I tried my best to learn from that nanny Taking care of the child and taking care of the confinement, I want to use this method to tell my father that I can do everything, I even want to cry and beg him to let the nanny go..."

"In retrospect, what I thought at the time was actually ridiculous. Others can't understand or guess those girls' sensitive emotions. If my father didn't come when the nanny accused me, I dare For sure, that monster will completely rush out of my heart, I dare not imagine what will happen, that monster will control me, hurt me and my loved ones in all vicious ways..."

"In anyone's eyes, being snarled by a nanny is definitely not a big deal, but once the out-of-control monster rushed out, I would become a little lunatic, my hysterical sharpness, regardless of enemy or friend All attacks will make people think that I am unreasonable, that I am ridiculous and hateful, and then everyone will think that it is me who is wrong, and that I should be severely punished for this."

"But it didn't happen because Dad came forward. It was really amazing, and I still find it incredible when I think about his presence and his reaction."

"Based on the father I know, I thought he would criticize the nanny a few words at most, and asked her to apologize to me, so he dealt with this little conflict lightly. But he didn't do this. The father who has always been tolerant went uncharacteristically and made a He reacted very violently, and he directly drove away the nanny. You must know that the nanny was transferred from the old cadre office through careful selection by Grandma Wen, and my father has always respected Grandma Wen and never treated her. Said half a word..."

"I can still clearly remember the scene at that time. At the beginning, I tried to persuade my father to forget it. I thought I was causing trouble for my father. I was afraid that Grandma Wen would hate me because of this incident, but my father said... he That’s what it said—no one can let my daughter be wronged!”

"Wow, all my grievances, pain and depression at that time came out because of this sentence! This sentence was like a spell, and it sealed the monster's throat with a sword. Maybe even my father didn't know it , It was these words that healed me for the rest of my life, all my anxieties and fears, all my insecurities were shattered by his words."

"I remember that I was crying and crying uncontrollably. I called my father over and over again. I hugged him and couldn't stop crying."

"Everyone was startled by me. Huaihua helped Wenhui's mother and came down from the upstairs. Later, Grandpa Wen and Grandma Wen also came from the next door. I still couldn't stop crying. Later, Huaihua also cried with me. The two of us hugged Dad and cried all the time..."

"Every time I think about it, I am very grateful to my parents and grandparents. How lucky I am to meet such a tolerant family? They didn't feel any dissatisfaction because of my inexplicable emotions with Huaihua and complaints, everyone is very tolerant of us, Grandma Wen even wanted to apologize to me..."

"It was because of this incident that Huaihua and I completely integrated into this family. Later, Huaihua and I changed our surnames. It was actually proposed by Huaihua, because that incident shocked her very much. I can feel that How much she envied me at the time, how desperately she wanted to be like me."

"Nowadays, when many reporters interview Huaihua and me, they always ask us what is the greatest thing about our parents? I know the answer they want is the great achievements of my father and my mother's lifelong contribution to rural reform. Contribute great wisdom, but as their daughters, when it comes to greatness, this is the first thing Huaihua and I think of. For us, the greatest thing about them has never been how many great things they have done. It's that they let the two humble and insignificant lives glow with incomparably beautiful brilliance."

"Ms. Su Xiaodang, so in your mind, your adoptive parents are extremely noble and perfect?" the host asked with a smile.

Xiao Dang shook his head and said helplessly: "Of course not, they are actually lazy."

"Lazy?" The host was very surprised, "No one has ever commented on them like that! Can you tell us why you say they are lazy?"

Xiaodang couldn't help showing a warm smile on the corner of her mouth, falling into reminiscence...

One afternoon in the summer of 1976, when Su Qingqian was over two years old, his father was not the "Father of Huaguo Internet" at that time, he had just become the "Steel King".

At the dinner table, Dad and Wen Hui's mother had another heated debate about work.

Of course, it was because of Wenhui's mother's difficulties at work. Everyone knew that his father seemed to be omnipotent in his work.

Xiao Dang remembers very clearly that Wenhui's mother wanted to implement a more radical peasant policy, which has benefited farmers all over the country to this day, but it is unimaginable that his father was against it.

"Wen Hui, it's not that I don't support you in doing this, but you're too radical. Normally, your idea will come true in 30 years. You're in a hurry!"

"30 years? That's too long! Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the first generation of farmers has suffered for most of their lives. They are all old and suffering from illnesses. Who can wait 30 years? The policy that was implemented 30 years later is not good for them now. What's the point of saying it? I just want them to enjoy such a good policy while they are alive, to let them know that the country is sympathetic to them, and never forgets their risks and sacrifices."

"I know your starting point is good, but it's not realistic."

"What is unrealistic? Economically unrealistic? Or is the national condition unrealistic?"

"It's unrealistic!" Su Yi said calmly, "Economically speaking, we are waiting for prosperity, which is our main source of income; in terms of national conditions, everyone is now calling for economic priority, where does the money come from?"

"But time doesn't wait for me, Aid Korea. I have always trusted your strategic vision. I am so anxious because you made some predictions about the current situation." Wen Hui sighed, "You said , Our generation has experienced going to the countryside and is educated and thoughtful. It is the most pragmatic generation of leaders in the last century. We have all suffered from the grassroots and know what the people lack, what they think, and what they want.”

"You commented that our generation of leaders is 'the most down-to-earth'. I think this word is very appropriate. Our fathers are great, but their eyes are looking up and out, unlike us, who look down. But the society is changing, the times are developing, and people are also changing. Some people have changed, and they have begun to forget the hard times in the past and the poor folks in the past.”

"The roads in the city are getting wider, there are more and more buildings, and the food and drink are getting better and better. Everyone thinks that everything is fine. But what about the folks in the village? We can pretend not to see it." Are you there?"

"At present, everyone has affection for the folks. I think the resistance is the least now. If the city gets better and better in the future, many people who enjoy dividends will come to our position and represent Will farmers come to speak? At that time, if you want to promote this matter, it will be even more impossible.”

"Wenhui, I think you underestimate the strength and structure of our organization." Su Yi said, "You have to believe that each generation has its own mission..."

Thirty years later, this matter has really come true, and the history of more than 30 years has been rewritten, which shows courage and courage.

"But Aid Korea, we can't leave the hard nuts to the younger generation, that's irresponsible!" Wen Hui said, "And I don't think it should be something that will happen in 30 years, I want to try."

Su Yi sighed and said, "The resistance will be really great!"

"Dad, Wen Hui's mother, why don't you eat first?" Xiao Dang sat opposite and listened for a long time, "The food is getting cold."

"Eat and eat." Su Yi smiled, "Let's discuss this matter after eating."

Wen Hui rubbed her forehead and sighed, "There are too many headaches, and some of them can't be eaten."

"Recently, the Ministry of Culture introduced the first Hong Kong film, do you want to..."

"Ahem, where do you have time? I have to go to work overtime after dinner." Wenhui blinked at Su Yi, "I don't have time to wash the dishes, Yuanchao, why don't you come?"

"Me? I can't do it either. I have another meeting." Su Yi also blinked.

After many years of husband and wife, the two have a perfect understanding now. When Wen Hui blinked, Su Yi immediately understood what she meant.

"Then what should we do?" Wen Hui frowned deliberately, looking at Xiao Dang.

Su Yi also looked at Xiaodang.

Xiao Dang was picking up vegetables, and his movements suddenly froze. He looked at this and that with innocent eyes, and couldn't help sighing: "OK, OK, I can wash the bowl, but what about Qianqian? She wakes up to eat Grandma and grandpa went to Uncle Shengli’s house, isn’t Aunt Anping pregnant? She’s too naughty, I can’t feed her alone.”

"Why did Sophorae go?" Su Yi asked Wen Hui.

"I said I went to play with my classmates, but Director Li's girl from the east of our courtyard..." Wen Hui said.

"Oh." Su Yi suddenly realized, "That's not far away."

Xiao Dang said quietly: "One of you doesn't want to do the dishes, and the other doesn't want to nurse the baby. You are both parents and mothers, and you still want to play and go to the movies every day. Do you think it is suitable?"

"Look at Su Yuanchao, I said that Xiaodang is smart, you can't hide it from her, right?" Wen Hui immediately said to Su Yi seriously, "You shouldn't have done this."

"I'm just cooperating with you..." Su Yi's face was full of absurdity and his eyes widened, but when Wen Hui stared, he immediately raised his hand, "All right, all right, you're right and I'm wrong."

No matter how reasonable a woman is, she also likes to be unreasonable to her lover.

"You always use the excuse of a two-person world to be lazy, and you always don't take me to play together." Xiao Dang pouted.

"Xiao Dang, you can't say that. Just say, when Qianqian was one year old, did your Wenhui mother and I take you to the south for a week before returning? It can be seen that as long as conditions permit, we will still take you together Yes." Su Yi said with a smile, "Be good, when grandma and grandpa come back in the afternoon, you find an excuse to sneak out, today your Uncle Zhu gave his third son a hundred days, let's go to his new restaurant to have a good rub pause."

"Really?" Xiao Dang immediately became excited, "Then it's settled, don't go back on your word?"

"A word is settled!"

Xiao Dang, Wen Hui, and Su Yi clapped hands one after another to make an oath.

Xiao Dang remembers that what Wenhui's mother mentioned that day was finally achieved with the help of his father in 1982. With the joy and encouragement of the whole country, Wenhui's mother hugged her father and cried heartily.

Qianqian combines the genes of her father and Wenhui's mother. She looks very cute and smart.

Like Xiao Dang, she is very attached to her father, running around behind her father's ass every day, happy and carefree, which is really enviable...

When Qianqian was five years old, Wen Hui's mother gave birth to another little brother, this time his name was given by Grandpa Wen, Su Xuanyan.

Xiao Xuanyan likes Sophora japonica very much, and the two sisters have had a good relationship since childhood.The three elder sisters regard him as a treasure and love him very much, but his father is very strict with him. Sometimes Xiao Dang feels that his father is a bit harsh on the noise.

In the year of the Olympics, my father also put down all his work, handed over the "land" he had worked so hard to build, and handed over the "land" he taught himself, and then went to the mountains and rivers with Wenhui's mother.

As children, everyone was very worried about the safety and health of the two elderly people, but soon everyone found that there was no need to worry too much.

The old couple's bodies were very strong, and they had a great time going up the mountain and down to the sea.


Later, everyone was old, but Mom and Dad were still alive and well.

Many people ask their parents for the secret of longevity. Whenever this time, my father will tell them seriously: "Attitude, attitude is the most important..."

At this time, Xiaodang couldn't help but look at Wenhui's mother.

Wen Hui's mother smiled and watched her father chatting endlessly, and every time she gave birth to infinite strength and emotion in Xiao Dang's heart.

She would love to write a book for Mom and Dad, but the story of their life is too long and too exciting.

And their story has not yet come to the end...

(End of this chapter)

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