Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1584 Questions

Chapter 1584 Questions
"In life, dreams are like a long road, let the wind and frost stay on your face, in the world of mortals, how many directions are there for beautiful dreams, to find a love that is infatuated with dreams, the road is boundless with others..."

In the wilderness and mountains, Su Yi strode forward with his sword in hand.

He was wearing brand new clothes, brand new shoes, a brand new bun, a brand new hairpin, and even a new sword.

This is a new world, so he wants to use a new look to start his new life journey.The memory of a hundred years of life has been sealed deep in his heart.

Of course it is impossible to forget, someone once said, if you can no longer have, the only thing you can do is not to forget.

Su Yi can't be so free and easy to treat the world of mortals as a game, and he doesn't want to believe that such a real life is just a game.

After coming to this world, he slept on the streets of Jiayuan City dozens of miles away for half a year. Unfortunately, time did not dilute everything, nor did it make him numb. On the contrary, loneliness and longing made him more sober. During the sleepless nights of looking up at the starry sky again and again, I finally figured out a truth——

If everything cannot be repeated, if he finally wants to let go of everything and leave, the only thing he can do is to try his best to live up to it, and try his best not to leave any regrets.

"The road in the world, happy young man, look at the sunshine in the rough and rough, in the world of mortals, how many directions does happiness have, the wind and rain like a dream, the road is boundless with people..."

Everything in the world of mortals suffers, but you and I are just having fun in the midst of suffering.

In a lifetime, he healed Su Yi's body, but failed to save his soul.

The seven emotions and six desires collected throughout his life pulled his body back from the brink of corpse, exuding vitality again.

His body has become a human again. During the six months since he came to this world, he re-rehearsed the I Ching Washing Marrow Sutra, completely transforming his body into a pure Yang body.

In fact, this is a kind of weakening for Su Yi. Compared with his indestructible corpse before, his flesh and blood body is too fragile now.

Coupled with the rule that no items can be taken away from the mission world, the only soul-hunting sickle that was originally fused with Su Yi is gone. Now Su Yi's strength is actually much weaker than that at the peak of the world of immortality.

But this kind of weakening is something that Su Yi is happy to see. He wants to be a human being, not to turn himself into an inhuman existence for the sake of strength. Seeing his ghostly appearance, Su Yi was afraid that he would feel more and more inhuman, and eventually lose his humanity.

It's a pity that Su Yi's soul is still completely melted.

Moreover, he has two ghost cores, one from Chu Renmei, and the other from Huhun Guichai. These two ghost cores are also integrated with his soul and are indistinguishable from each other.

A Sheqing soul with "dual cores" paired with a pure Yang body, logically speaking, even if it's just a Sheqing that hasn't really formed, the majestic and pervasive Qi of Sheqing will corrode Su Yi's body all the time, and eventually It will gradually re-contaminate Su Yi's body into a corpse.

However, in Su Yi's heart, the original seed of extreme yin thunder formed by the combination of Pu'an Leifa and the mourning stick subtly maintained the balance of Su Yi's body and soul.

Just like the curve in the middle of Taiji Bagua, it makes Su Yi's body and soul harmonious and unified.

This state also shows that Su Yi's trip to the world of mortals in the courtyard has achieved satisfactory results. After coming out of the world of immortality, Su Yi faced the embarrassment of "either returning to the original state and getting nothing, or becoming a monster that is neither human nor ghost". The situation has also been temporarily resolved.

Now he has not only retained the strength of Sheqing to a great extent, but also retained his own body. It can be said that 031's plan has achieved great success.

But it is said to be temporary because the balance of body and soul is not indestructible.

Whether it is the extreme yin thunder in Su Yi's heart is depleted, or the pure yang energy of Su Yi's body is consumed to a certain critical point, the green energy will invade the body.

And once such an opening is made, it will be difficult to reverse the deterioration. The majestic Sheqing Qi will soon completely capture Su Yi's physical body, and Su Yi will become a Sheqing Corpse Demon again.

In addition, the soul of Sheqing must not grow stronger any more, try not to use it as much as possible, otherwise once she comes out, she will instinctively absorb Yin Qi and flesh and blood, strengthen her body, and finally break Su Yi's body balance.

The pure yang energy cannot be consumed too much, and the green soul and extreme yin thunder must be used cautiously, so what else can Su Yi use?
He seemed to be bound hands and feet, what's the use of having more energy?

When he came to this world, Su Yi untied himself.

According to 031, this is a "section" world.

It is to intercept a part of a complete world, and then use other worlds to patch the section.

Because the rules of different worlds are different, for example, some worlds have extraordinary spirits, while others are purely technological reality, so the fusion of different worlds will inevitably cause a certain degree of distortion.

"It's not a big problem." That's what No. 031 said. "At most, there will be some changes in some of the plots you are familiar with, but it won't affect anything."

"Then why do you have to intercept the fusion? Isn't it good to keep the original world?" Su Yi's casual question made No. 031's expression extremely serious.

He pondered for a long time before answering after deliberation: "This involves the original intention of the company's establishment, and it is also related to the core secret. The reason why I prepare such a world for you is not only to let you seek solutions to your own problems in it. Dao, in fact, it is also for you to explore this secret by yourself.”

"Explore by yourself?" Su Yi frowned.

"You are not an actor, so you are not qualified to know this, but if you become an actor, you will discover this secret yourself." 031 said, "You are in a special situation. Although your level and strength are not high, the company and we are very optimistic about it." Your potential, if you can really discover it in advance, then you will understand everything, and you will also understand why I must let you take risks in the world of narrow escapes. This will also be beneficial to our future cooperation and getting along .”

Su Yi looked dignified and thoughtful.

031 said again: "Before entering this world, I will send you two more words."

"You say."

"First, don't worry about the existence of immortals and gods, because these don't exist! Second, don't rush to take the last step. If you feel danger, then believe in yourself, the danger must exist."

Whether it was inscrutable or mysterious, Su Yi didn't explore the deep meaning of these two sentences.

For him, whether it is the so-called "immortal god" or the "last step", it is still far away.The first problem he faces is to resolve the knot in his life for a hundred years, and the second is to solve his own problems.

Fortunately, there are no performance tasks in this world, so Su Yi can do as he pleases.

After half a year of indulgence and sinking, Su Yi finally got rid of the shackles of his mind and embarked on the journey of this world.

In terms of time, this is also the time when the plot of his first stop in this world started.

He found a wealthy and unkind businessman in Jiayuan City, prepared some funds for himself, bought an outfit, forged a sword with high-quality iron, and set out on the road.

There is no need to deliberately hurry along this journey, he played all the way, ate and slept in the open air, although lonely, but after seeing the customs of this world, he is not too boring, but gradually relaxes his whole body and mind.

This is a country where demons are rampant and the people are in dire straits. The imperial court has shown a look of the last generation, the government is corrupt and dark, gangs and bandits are rampant and evil, and the people are miserable.

In Jiayuan City, Su Yi was just a beggar in ragged clothes waiting to die, and with such an identity, no one else was too lazy to approach him, let alone talk to him.Therefore, except for someone who claimed to be a gang of beggars who came to Su Yi to join the association, but was rejected by Su Yi, he did not communicate with anyone.

Later, Su Yi broke the shackles of his mind, ran out of the city with fresh clothes and angry horses, and immediately ran into bandits.

He showed no mercy and killed him with his sword.

He soon discovered that the martial arts in this world were very strange and awkward.

The martial arts people he has come into contact with are not lacking in martial arts masters. Their internal strength may not be very deep, but their martial arts methods are extremely strange and often extremely powerful.

For example, the first gang organization he encountered was called Iron Fist. A small leader of this gang regarded him as a fat sheep, and surrounded him with his men shortly after he left the city.

The inherited martial art of this gang is called "Iron Fist". How powerful is it?
Ordinary minions can also kill horses with one punch.

Su Yi didn't take it seriously at first, but the horse he just bought was punched to death by a young man, so angry that Su Yi backhanded his sword and beheaded him.

This sword stabbed a hornet's nest, and these people rushed forward, and Su Yi killed them one by one with his sword.

For Su Yi, the moves of these people are extremely crude and crude, and their martial arts concepts seem to be still in the ignorant era of "turn-based". It depends on who has the most powerful martial arts, whose armor is of better quality, and whose body has a higher ability to resist blows.

Basically, once a fight starts, the winner will be decided after a few rounds. For example, in the world where Su Yi used to be, it is basically impossible for everyone to fight with one hundred and eighty moves, because everyone's moves are more offensive and less defensive. The core of the concept is whoever kills the first wins.

But the power of this kind of vulgar martial arts is really great, the power of one punch of an ordinary young man can injure the seven sons of Wudang in Yitian World.

Of course, the premise is that he can hit it.

As for that little boss, in addition to doubling the power of the iron fist, he also learned a sword technique, and with the blessing of his unique internal force, he has the power to split gold and rock.

Su Yi deliberately captured this person alive, studied the two martial arts he had mastered, Su Yi found that the internal energy in this world is so simple that it is simpler than the common goods in the world of martial arts, and the internal energy operation circuit does not pay attention to feeding back to the body at all, but is very powerful , is purely designed for how to erupt with greater power.

For example, in this Iron Fist skill, the internal power running route is from the dantian to the fist of one arm, going straight, so as to ensure that the internal power is unimpeded and can burst out with maximum power in an instant.

In Su Yi's view, this is worthless internal strength, and it has no technical content. Moreover, it is not normal for Su Yi to exert such extraordinary power.

After investigation, Su Yi discovered that the reason why the natives of this world can exert such superpowers with such simple martial arts is because their internal power is not only the power of blood, but also mixed with spiritual energy.

This discovery made Su Yi very excited and shocked.

He knew that this was a world with practitioners. This world was not like the world where Uncle Feng and Chen You lived. They couldn't practice the golden alchemy way, but could only practice talismans, formations and other outside ways, and borrowed the law from heaven and earth, but they were still ordinary people. .

Immediately after he came to this world, he tried to use the inner alchemy method recorded in Taoist classics such as Huang Ting Jing to practice. He wanted to absorb the aura of heaven and earth and condense the golden elixir, but failed without any surprise.

The scriptures handed down in the doomed world have long been changed beyond recognition by generations of practitioners, and they have long been unable to adapt to the world full of spiritual energy. Su Yi understands the reason for this, but he just wanted to try it out of luck.

Su Yi was not discouraged after breaking through by luck. Anyway, after coming to this world, he will definitely meet practitioners, and then learn the law of this world.

He originally thought that only by practicing self-cultivation skills can he absorb spiritual energy, but now these ordinary Jianghu people have spiritual energy in their bodies, which Su Yi never expected.

Doesn't this mean that martial arts internal force can also absorb spiritual energy?
Surprised, Su Yi hurriedly used a talisman to detect his own condition.

The result was both disappointing and somewhat hopeful.

It is true that he has some aura in his body after rebuilding his internal strength, but it is extremely thin and spread all over his body, which is equivalent to the aura being carried by Su Yi's blood to nourish the body.

The reason for this is that Su Yi's internal energy operation circuit is relatively complicated. After running for a week, the spiritual energy is carried by the internal energy to the limbs and bones of the body, and gradually infiltrates into the physical body.However, the internal energy of the natives in this world is superficial and simple, and the aura has no time to nourish their bodies, and it is consumed by them again, and the internal energy mixed with aura is naturally more powerful.

Su Yi was disappointed that the inner strength could not replace the self-cultivation method after all, but what he expected was that as long as he practiced the inner strength diligently, he could let the aura subtly transform his body and physique.

In order to prove his own ideas, Su Yi later met no less than a dozen waves of thieves along the way, and saw all kinds of fierce martial arts. He studied them one by one and found that anyone with a slightly more complicated internal energy operation has a certain physique. The improvement is only based on the shallowness of their internal strength, and this change is almost invisible.

On the contrary, it was Su Yi, whose I Ching Washing Marrow Sutra already had the effect of improving physical fitness and making up for the incomplete. Now with the addition of spiritual energy, it is more than just like a tiger with wings?
If the entire physical body can be transformed by spiritual energy, then the balance of his body will not be easily broken.

When I came to this world, I had already found a way to solve my own problems before I came into contact with practitioners and exercises. This is undoubtedly an exciting and good thing.

Su Yi felt that if he found another practice method to absorb spiritual energy and cooperate with the I Ching Washing Marrow Sutra to transform his body, it would be even more effective.

(End of this chapter)

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