Chapter 1585
On a stormy night, in an ancient temple on a barren mountain.

This is an abandoned temple that is so dilapidated that it is impossible to see where it has been enshrined. Because it is not far from Chidao, it naturally becomes a temporary resting place for some passers-by who have missed the time.

Due to the torrential rain, there are a lot of people gathered here tonight. There are down-and-out single scholars, horse-riding gangs with sharp knives, skinny ascetic monks, hunchbacked old men, and blood-stained armor. The indifferent big man, and even the masked daughter who is surrounded by servants.

There are dozens of people of all kinds crammed into the small temple.

With the mixed fish and dragons, the atmosphere naturally became very strange.People from all sides seem to be clearly separated and do not interfere with each other, but in fact they are full of vigilance against each other, and there is a tendency to explode.

Among them, the most obvious smell of gunpowder is the group of horse gangs with sharp knives and the young lady who is surrounded by servants.

These two groups had the largest number of people, and they seemed to have known each other for a long time, and they had been on guard against each other since they came in.

Everyone in the gang is vicious, full of energy and blood, and they are all people with good martial arts.

The rich family's daughter is worse here, except for a few strong men who lead the team, most of the servants are ordinary people.

It's just that these servants are equipped with three crossbows on their bodies, and they have deployed simple arrays to change their defenses, so that the gang has not moved rashly.

The two sides occupied the two most spacious places in the temple, the east and the west. After the rest of the people came in, they each found a corner, spread straw or felt cloth, and rested on the spot.

Su Yi was a latecomer. When he arrived, all these people were there, and their eyes immediately fell on him.

Vigilance, scrutiny, fear, malice...

There were also some eyes with unknown meanings, Su Yi looked around, his eyes passed over everyone in the temple, his expression was indifferent.

With his eyesight and wisdom, he can see many clues just by scanning it like this.

I'm in trouble...

He pondered for a while, then smiled and stepped into the door.

As the saying goes, people with high skills are bold. Although they have exercised their muscles and bones along the way, no one can withstand his sword.

It is not uncommon to see thieves and robbers who rob houses and gangsters with no eyesight, but there are no traces of demons and practitioners.

Today, it is rare that in this dilapidated barren mountain ancient temple, there is an existence that even he finds interesting. If he can experience it, it will be worth getting involved in this trouble.

Seeing that Su Yi walked in calmly, people from all walks of life had different expressions.

Su Yi's expression was normal, and he was about to go to the unoccupied corner to the west to take a rest, but the down-and-out scholar who had been huddled in the east suddenly got up with a happy face and waved: "Brother! This way! Come here!"

Everyone looked at him in unison, the scholar's expression changed suddenly, he shrank his neck and sat back, not daring to lift his head.

Su Yi was slightly taken aback, smiled, and simply turned around and walked towards him.

The scholar buried his head and lowered his eyebrows and peeped around, seeing that Su Yi really came, he immediately showed joy again, and hurriedly waved to him, signaling him to come over quickly.

Su Yi walked around the young lady who was surrounded by servants, and he clearly felt that the pair of wonderful eyes under the masked bamboo hat had been staring at him.

The strong man in armor held the long knife in his hand very vigilantly when Su Yi passed by, and he didn't let down his vigilance even though Su Yi walked over.

The crooked old man kept covering his mouth and coughing non-stop, trembling all over.

In addition, the skinny monk on the other side also kept staring at Su Yi's back, as if he was a little surprised.

Apart from the sound of "beep beep beep" flames burning in the ruined temple, there was only the sound of Su Yi's footsteps, which was strangely quiet.

It wasn't until Su Yi walked up to the scholar and was dragged down by the scholar that most of the people looked away as if nothing had happened.

The scholar's face was still full of joy, and he didn't get up, he hurriedly cupped his hands to Su Yi, and said in a low voice: "Ning Caichen, I don't know your brother's name?"

"Su Yi." Su Yi's expression changed, he leaned his long sword against a wall, smiled and bowed his hands in return, and looked at the scholar in front of him.

"Brother Su, the situation is special, please forgive me for not being able to fully salute." Ning Caichen hastily cupped his hands again.

"It's okay." Su Yi smiled.

"Looking at Brother Su's outfit, he must be a scholar, right?" Ning Caichen looked at Su Yi expectantly and asked.

"That's right." Su Yi nodded, probably guessing why Ning Caichen, who had never met him before, wanted to beckon him over.

This is because he is dressed as a scholar, and he regards himself as his own kind.

"That's great!" Ning Caichen was overjoyed when he got a definite answer, "Brother, I laughed, the atmosphere in this dilapidated temple is weird, I think these people are - they are not like me, I am here alone, very uncomfortable I'm at ease, if it's not a storm, I'd rather sleep in the wilderness than stay here. I'm worried about what to do, but I didn't expect you to come, Brother Su. With Brother Su as your companion, my little brother is really much more courageous."

"Brother Ning, this world is not peaceful, why do you go on the road alone? Are you not afraid of encountering robbers and road tyrants?" Su Yi asked.

Ning Caichen smiled coyly and said: "Scared, why not? But no matter how scared you are, you won't be hungry. To tell you the truth, my little brother is very cash-strapped, so I had no choice but to accept this errand job, just to earn a few taels of silver." , so that you can continue to study with peace of mind and obtain fame.”

"The current situation is turbulent, and the officialdom is dark." Su Yi said, "I heard that the imperial court has not taken a scientific examination for eight years. Brother Ning's ambition to be a green cloud may be difficult to stretch."

Ning Caichen sighed and laughed at himself: "I'm a scholar who has no use for anything. I know nothing but reading. What can I do if I don't study? If I really don't have any chance for fame and fame in this life, but I can be listed in the books of sages." If you understand the truth, this life will not be in vain.”

"Brother Ning is free and easy." Su Yi praised him.

"Don't talk about me, brother Su, how about you, do you have a reputation?" Ning Caichen asked.

Su Yi shook his head.

"Then what is Brother Su's plan?" Ning Caichen glanced at the long sword next to him, "Could it be that Brother Su plans to abandon literature and practice martial arts and join the army?"

"It's not necessarily impossible to have both civil and martial arts." Su Yi smiled, "I also read books and practice martial arts, so there is no delay in both."

"Brother Su is a great talent." Ning Caichen couldn't help but praise him.

The two smiled at each other.

"Look at me, I almost forgot about business!" Ning Caichen suddenly slapped his forehead and turned up the fire in front of him, "Brother Su, warm yourself up first, it's raining heavily outside, and you didn't hold an umbrella, you It must be...uh..."

Speaking of this, Ning Caichen was taken aback for a moment, and only then belatedly looked at Su Yi's hair and clothes.

Everyone in the room noticed the unusualness when Su Yi entered the door, and he only discovered it now.

"Brother Su, what, what..." Ning Caichen pointed at Su Yi dumbfounded.

Su Yi's body was dry and clean from top to bottom, not only did he not look wet at all, he wasn't even muddy at all.

Su Yi laughed and said: "Brother Ning, don't be surprised. After learning martial arts, you have developed internal strength, and you have your own internal strength to protect your body. It will naturally not touch your body with mere wind and rain."

"Martial arts are still so magical?" Ning Caichen asked in surprise.

"This is just a small skill." Su Yi said.

In fact, of course it is not as simple as what Su Yi said, unless they are peerless masters with profound skills and exquisite martial arts, they can't do this at all, otherwise these people in the temple would not be so close to the enemy.

But Ning Caichen didn't know anything about martial arts. When Su Yi said this, he thought it was really a trivial skill, and couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect martial arts to have such uses besides fighting and killing. It's not completely useless." .”

"Brother Ning hates martial arts?" Su Yi asked.

Ning Caichen chuckled: "I personally don't like to fight with others, I think I hate my family."

"Martial arts is not about fighting with others, but using martial arts to stop fighting." Su Yi said, "If Brother Ning wants to be alone, it's fine not to practice martial arts; but if you care about the world and yearn for peace, you'd better practice some fighting skills."

Speaking of this, Su Yi smiled and shook his fist: "There are some truths, only when your fist is hard enough can others listen to it."

Ning Caichen stayed for a long time before saying: "Brother Su, this is the first time I've heard your statement, it's quite deafening..."

As he talked, he threw Su Yi aside, frowning and thinking hard.

Su Yi didn't care too much, he already knew that this person was a nerd, would a nerd be called a nerd if he wasn't in a daze?
At this time, the tense atmosphere in the temple caused by Su Yi's arrival gradually dissipated. Seeing that Su Yi was just sitting in a corner chatting with a scholar, all parties gradually relaxed their vigilance. on each other.

The atmosphere in the ruined temple was still very strange. No one spoke loudly, and the parties never talked to each other. They just whispered a few words to their companions from time to time, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

Suddenly, the young lady seemed to be whispering something to a leader under her command. The leader looked at Su Yi in astonishment, then shook his head hastily, as if refusing.But the young lady said a few more words, this time the leader hesitated for a moment, although he looked reluctant, he still turned around and walked towards Su Yi.

The conversation over there couldn't be hidden from Su Yi, Su Yi smiled slightly, and secretly said it was interesting.

"Young hero, do you take the liberty to bother me!" The leader walked up to Su Yi and cupped his fists respectfully, with a dignified expression, "My lady sees the young hero's extraordinary demeanor, and wants to get acquainted with the young hero. I wonder if the young hero can give me a favor?"

These words awakened Ning Caichen, who was in deep thought, and made the rest of the eyes fall on Su Yi again, and the atmosphere suddenly became weird again.

"Miss, what's your surname?" Su Yi asked calmly.

"Miss' surname is Han, from Yunzhou." The leader said while observing Su Yi's face, as if to see how Su Yi would react to this surname.

But Su Yi didn't respond.

"If I don't reward you, what should you do?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

Just say let me go, why don't you talk about the benefits Huang Jun gave me?

When Su Yi asked, the leader lowered his voice and said: "The young man is an extraordinary person, and he must have seen that our Han family has encountered some difficulties. If the young man has the courage to help our Han family, as the lady said, it will be of great importance. Thanks!"

The reward is a peerless martial arts cheat book, or 200 taels of gold.

It's like squeezing sheep manure, it's hard to spread a word...

Su Yi guessed that the leader actually didn't want to cause trouble, and didn't want Su Yi, a person of unknown origin, to go there, but the lady insisted on asking Su Yi to go there. If you are willing to go, then don't blame him...

If you think like an ordinary person, if you don't say anything good, just say that you are grateful, and then look at the weird situation in the ruined temple, you will definitely not agree blindly, so the leader's intention will be achieved.

It's a pity that Su Yi is not an ordinary person.

"Is there a big thank you?" Su Yi picked up the long sword on one side and stood up, smiling, "I like to thank you very much. Let's go and lead the way."

The leader looked at Su Yi in astonishment, with an expression of "you must be sick", but in the end he just nodded depressedly and said, "Please, young man."

"Brother Su!" Ning Caichen called Su Yi in surprise, "You..."

Su Yi smiled and shook his head at him, then turned around and followed the leader towards the masked lady in the bamboo hat.

This time, everyone's eyes followed Su Yi's, especially the gang members on the opposite side, all frightened and angry, glaring at Su Yi.

Seeing that Su Yi was about to walk up to the family member, one of the scarface gang leaders finally couldn't help but stood up and shouted solemnly: "My friend, everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door, and don't care about the frost on others' roofs! Today I am wild Why do you need to go through this muddy water when the wolf gang is doing business?"

"My lady invites me, I have to listen to what she has to say, right?" Su Yi said with a smile, "Maybe the thank you here is not sincere enough, you can also bid again, don't be impatient."

Scarface sneered: "Your Excellency is good at calculating, but if you want to sell it for a price, then you have to see how much you have."

"Do you want to weigh it?" Su Yi asked.

Scar's face was gloomy, and after looking around for a week, scruples appeared in his eyes, he sneered, and sat back again.

Su Yi was about to walk in, when suddenly there was a flash of silver light, and he heard the sound of breaking wind, screaming sharply.

He unhurriedly stretched out his hand to catch it, but saw that Qi Dun was actually holding three sharp blue spear darts in his mid-air hands.

This scene changed the faces of all the people present, especially the wretched little young man who was with the crooked old man not far away, showing an expression of disbelief.

"If you come and don't reciprocate, I'll pay you back!" Su Yi smiled and shook his wrist.

Puff puff!
In the next second, the short young man hit a dart in the shape of "pin" between his eyebrows and chest, and he fell on his back without even humming.

And the rickety old man beside him not only didn't help him, but jumped several meters away in panic like avoiding a snake and scorpion. Compared with his previous weakness like a dying man, at this moment he was as sensitive and quick as a monkey.

chi chi chi...

An extremely foul-smelling blue smoke quickly emitted from the dart's position in the short young man, corroding his flesh and blood, which shows how poisonous the dart was just now.

This scene caused loud buzzing and gasps in the ruined temple, and the way everyone looked at Su Yi became even more different.Especially the thin ascetic monk in front of the window stood up in horror, staring at Su Yi without blinking.

"Your Excellency is so vicious!" The rickety old man stopped coughing at this time, glared at Su Yi with resentment, and said through gritted teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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