"Returning the same way to the other body, how can it be considered vicious?" Su Yi smiled and looked at the crooked old man, "Old man, I advise you to quickly take back those rotten long insects under your ground. When they crawl under my feet, I promise this is the last time you call someone vicious."

The hunchbacked old man, who was full of sadness and resentment, suddenly changed his face when he heard the words, and stared at Su Yi for a few seconds with slightly terrified eyes. The next moment, he suddenly rolled his tongue, revealing a bamboo whistle that was originally in his mouth. .

The bamboo whistle made a sharp and rapid sound, and soon seven or eight small colorful snakes that were as thick as little fingers and seven inches long suddenly emerged from the ground not far in front of Su Yi.

The little snake made a hissing sound, quickly turned around and swam back towards the crooked old man.

The rickety old man rolled his tongue, and the bamboo whistle in his mouth disappeared immediately.

Seeing him coughing a few times, he cupped his hands at Su Yi with fear on his face, and said indifferently: "Your Excellency will laugh at the old man's tricks."

While speaking, five little snakes had crawled to his feet and got into his trousers without hesitation.

His back became rickety again, coughing hard, he walked to the base of the wall and squatted down again.As for the body of the short young man on one side, he didn't even bother to look at it again.Obviously, his previous anger, resentment, and grief were all feigned, and the purpose was to cover up the sneak attack.

He was also straightforward, after being found out by Su Yi, he was a bachelor and confessed.But people still stay here and don't leave, obviously they still have plans.

"Old Snake of the Tang Sect? It really is you!" The head of the guard who called Su Yi before yelled angrily. Can you bear being beaten to death?"

Su Yi took a look at him, brother, are you very unwilling?
The old snake man said calmly without looking up: "A dead apprentice, is he still an apprentice?"

The leader was so choked up by these words that he couldn't say a word, he turned his head and met Su Yi's half-smile eyes, the leader hastily smiled and stretched out his hand: "Young hero, please!"

"I still like your majestic look just now." Su Yi said with a smile, "How about you recover?"

The leader was stunned, and in the next second his face flushed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it became a liver color.

At the same time, laughter came from all over the ruined temple.

Under the contemptuous and sarcastic eyes of the crowd, the leader glared resentfully at Su Yi's back as he turned and left, quickly took a deep breath to adjust, and hurriedly chased after him.

When they arrived in front of the young lady surrounded by the guards, the guards who had already received the order immediately gave way to a passage and invited Su Yi to go in.After Su Yi passed, they immediately formed a circle again, staring warily at the Wild Wolf Gang on the opposite side.

After such a "little episode" just now, the eyes of everyone looking at Su Yi have become more fearful and complicated.

Ning Caichen, who was chatting and laughing with Su Yi just now, saw that Su Yi killed a person without blinking, now his face was pale and his eyes were cloudy.

"Young Master Lao condescended to move, the little girl is very grateful." Here, the clear voice of Miss Han came from under the bamboo hat, "Please forgive the little girl for her inconvenient legs and feet, so she cannot salute."

"It's okay, I'm not aiming at Lilly." Su Yi smiled and looked at her, "Miss Han, thank you very much for inviting me, what do you want me to do?"

"The young man must have seen that my Han family has a feud with the local gang on the opposite side. Such a situation made the little girl panic, so she rushed to the doctor for her illness. Please come and help the young man." Miss Han said calmly, "As long as the young hero is willing to lend a helping hand, I am willing to offer 200 taels of gold, and the second-floor classics of my Han family's hidden martial arts pavilion can be selected by the young hero."

"Han family?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Jianzhou Hanjiabao, the owner of the castle is my father." Miss Han said, she seemed to be very confident in her family's reputation, she only mentioned the name, and didn't introduce it in detail, as if she was sure that Su Yi must have heard of it.

It's a pity that Su Yi really doesn't know.

031 told him that part of this world was cut off, and the gap was filled with other worlds, but what kind of worlds are there, Su Yi can only confirm one "A Chinese Ghost Story" now.

Which world's power is Hanjiabao?
Su Yi couldn't remember at all.

"You want me to kill them?" Su Yi smiled and looked around.

He didn't deliberately suppress his voice, so the people in the ruined temple could hear it clearly.

Some people turned pale, some sneered, and some disdainful.

"Little girl naturally doesn't dare to expect too much." Miss Han said, "I have sent a signal for help to my tribe. The masters of the clan are nearby, and they will arrive soon. The little girl just asks the young hero to protect me until the reinforcements arrive. Can."

These words changed the faces of the people around. The Scarface of the wolf gang on the opposite side sneered and said: "Reinforcement? Don't dream, your Han family soldiers are fleeing in five ways, and there are chasing soldiers in every way. Who will help you? ?”

Miss Han calmly said: "You and other country bandits are just watching the sky from a well, how do you know the background of my Han family castle?"

After a pause, she looked at Su Yi and continued: "At dawn, regardless of whether the reinforcements arrive, the young hero can leave on his own. As for the promised reward, I will trouble the young hero to come to Han's Fort in person. My Han Family Fort will welcome you with the honor of a distinguished guest!"

Su Yi smiled and looked at this woman, feeling that this matter is getting more and more interesting.

"Miss Han, you and I have always been plain, are you not afraid that I will come to your Han family like them?" Su Yi asked.

"The young man has a great appearance and an elegant demeanor, and he doesn't look like a villain at all." Miss Han explained, "The young man has unique skills, but he can sit and laugh with an ordinary scholar on an equal footing, which shows his gentle temperament."

Speaking of this, Miss Han paused, subconsciously glanced at the three-inch poisonous man lying in a pool of blood, and fell silent...

A person who kills with a wave of his hands doesn't seem to be very gentle.

"The most important thing is that the new clothes worn by the young hero are from my Han's shop. The little girl personally handled this transaction half a month ago, and she will not admit it wrong." Miss Han looked at Su Yi, "Han's castle is far away. Jianzhou, this new type of clothes is now mostly sold in the Lanzhou area, and it will never reach Jingzhou, so the little girl deduces that the young man may have just rushed here from the Lanzhou area. It will."

Unexpectedly, this eldest lady is also the owner of a clothing chain store, and she is still wearing other people's clothes, isn't it a coincidence?

Su Yi laughed and said: "Your reasons are a bit forced, I'm afraid they can't prove that I'm not an enemy, right?"

"A strong enemy is ready to move, just in case, even if there is a slight probability, the little girl has no choice but to gamble." Miss Han sighed slightly.

"Then your bet is a bit high." Su Yi narrowed his eyes on purpose, and pointed forward with the sword in his hand, "You and I are very close now, Miss Han, if I make a move, you may resist it." ?”

clang clang...

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of drawing knives all around.

There was a commotion among the servants, but the guards outside did not move. They still put one hand on the crossbow at their waist, looking around vigilantly.

"Back off!" Miss Han scolded softly, unexpectedly quite dignified.

"Miss!" The former leader shouted anxiously.

"Back off!" Miss Han's voice was unquestionable.

The leader stared at Su Yi, his face twitched, and he slowly put the knife back into its sheath, and the rest of the servants did the same, and the atmosphere that was just about to explode suddenly eased.

"Could it be that the young man doesn't even know about the most famous rainstorm meteor needle in my Han family's castle?" Miss Han smiled proudly, "No one has ever escaped from the rainstorm meteor needle in my Han family's fort within three feet!"

"Really? I don't believe it." Su Yi said with a smile.

Although Miss Han covered her face, Su Yi could clearly feel that her expression seemed to freeze on her face.

"Just kidding, don't be so serious!" Seeing that Miss Han said that she couldn't speak anymore, Su Yi smiled and retracted his sword, and suddenly changed the subject, "I don't care about gold, and I don't need martial arts cheats. Miss Han, if you really It’s okay if you want me to help. Why don’t you tell me first, what is worth your gold and martial arts secrets to protect?”

Once Su Yi asked this question, it was tantamount to confirming Miss Han's conjecture about whether he "just happened to meet".

Miss Han was obviously relieved, but she didn't let go: "If the young hero is willing to give me the face of the Han family and trust the reputation of my Han family, why bother to ask? Today, as long as the young hero is willing to help, except for the little girl's previous promise , the Han family still owes you a favor, how about it?"

"Not really." Su Yi raised his eyebrows, "You asked me to help you, I have to know why to help you."

"I have to ask?" Miss Han frowned.

Su Yi shook the sword in his hand: "Don't you hear that it's easy to ask the gods to send the gods away? If you don't say it, I'll give them a head start and help them break the situation. I won't let them all have evil intentions, and instead give you a chance to delay time." .”

As soon as the words fell, I heard the scarred face of the wild wolf gang on the opposite side laughing: "This brother has a bright eye and a clear heart, admiration! This bitch wants to use you to block the knife and also wants you to be a fool. It's too unreasonable." , it’s better for you and me to cooperate internally and externally to kill him! Don’t worry, I’ll count you a share of the benefits you get! Our Wild Wolf Gang keeps our word!”

"Shut up! You want to use this young hero to block the rainstorm meteor needle of the eldest lady, and make a profit for yourself? Do you think everyone else is a fool?" B, the meaning is obvious.

Su Yi smiled lightly, and didn't take it seriously: "You have to show a little sincerity to ask someone for help. Are you right, Miss Han?"

"Okay, since the young man is curious, it's okay for the little girl to tell. It's not a secret anyway." Miss Han took a deep breath. "This time five factions and eight great masters have jointly explored the secret realm of Montenegro, and the momentum is huge. Don't young heroes know about this?"

Montenegro mystery?

Su Yi looked at Ning Caichen with strange eyes.

Montenegro... Could it be related to the old Montenegro demon?
"Go on." Su Yi couldn't deny it.

"Actually, there is nothing to talk about. After leaving the secret realm, some people thought that our Han family had gained something, and secretly encouraged the Jingzhou martial arts gang to come to trouble us." Miss Han glanced around lightly, "As the saying goes, the profit makes the mind faint, These people don't even think about it, if our Han family really benefits from the secret realm, we must do our best to protect it and withdraw back to the Han family castle as soon as possible, so why would we put important things on the little girl?"

"Besides, if you think that capturing the little girl will make our Han family jealous, you are completely wrong. Although my father is the owner of the castle, he has many children. Will you give up the treasure because I am a cripple? At that time, if you steal chickens and lose a handful of rice, just wait to bear the wrath of Hanjiapu!"

What she said was quite reasonable, but it's a pity that the people present were all determined people, and it was impossible for her to change their minds because of one or two words. Some sneered, some disdainful, and some were indifferent.

Miss Han obviously didn't expect to be able to get rid of these people, her words were equivalent to simply telling Su Yi about her situation.She asked Su Yi to help, in fact, as she said, it was a helpless emergency.

The people present basically came for her, but firstly, they were afraid of the rainstorm in Han's family, and secondly, there were several forces here, and no one wanted to act rashly to make thunder for others, so this strange confrontation was caused.

But this balance is fragile. After Ms. Han resolved several vicious plots, the forces of all parties were almost unable to hold back, so Su Yi arrived at this time.

Su Yi, who came out of the heavy rain but was spotless all over, did not hide his extraordinaryness, which also made everyone present doubt and fear.

Ms. Han quickly judged Su Yi's identity, and after coming to the conclusion that Su Yi was not an enemy with a certain probability, she immediately decided to take a risk to win him over.

Surrounded by enemies, she had to seek change. To stay the same was to wait for death. In fact, she had no choice.

In this way, the situation has developed to the present point.Ms. Han deliberately downplayed the matter, and her words were unclear. In fact, she was afraid that she would be self-defeating. She would arouse the greed of Su Yi, a passer-by, and create another powerful enemy.

"Brother, I advise you to stay out of your own business." Before Su Yi could speak, the scarred face of the Wild Wolf Gang over there spoke sinisterly again, "The Han family suffered heavy losses in the secret realm this time, and they left the secret realm They broke up and ran away scattered, what does that mean, don’t I need to say more? I’m still the same sentence, either we go our separate ways and don’t interfere with each other, or we cooperate, and we will definitely share your share of the pie when things are done, how? ?”

"You Wild Wolf Gang have always been back-and-forth, and your reputation isn't very good." Miss Han said coldly, "What's more, even if things are done, what can you get? Share the anger of my Han family?"

Scarface smiled: "Miss Han, the more you are like this, the more it seems that you have nothing here. Don't keep emphasizing that you have nothing here. Even if it is true, at worst I will consider myself unlucky."

After a pause, he looked deeply at Su Yi: "Brother, I'm trying to persuade you, and that's all I have to say. If you are still obsessed with it, then you will be an enemy and not a friend later. Once you make a move, don't blame me for being ruthless." Spicy and ruthless!"

"Thank you for reminding me." Su Yi chuckled, then turned his head to look at Miss Han again.

He looked up and down, and suddenly said lightly: "I can help you, but I want something in your arms."

Miss Han's face suddenly changed.

Today is just this chapter, the new volume has to be outlined, everyone forgive me

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